Supporting A Client To Reach Personal Socialization Goals

Simulation activity

  1. Background/overview

During your work placement, you will be undertaking a variety of duties and tasks that relate to your course and the role of a care support worker.

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You will need to successfully demonstrate that you can perform tasks required in the work environment and collect evidence.

Your workplace portfolio is divided into four sections. These need to be submitted in four parts following the training and assessment plan agreed upon with your Workplace Assessor. This is the second section.

Your Supervisor will give you guidance and feedback on your performance, supporting you to complete the tasks in an appropriate and professional manner.

Evidence of your performance must be collected and submitted to your assessor. This document, the Work Placement Portfolio Part 2, outlines activities 1–4 and provides instructions on how to collect evidence.

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  1. Work Placement Portfolio

You will be required to complete each task in this portfolio at your host organisation under the supervision of an approved Workplace Supervisor (See Workplace Assessment Guide).

Your Open Colleges Work Place Assessor (WPA) will conduct workplace assessments for key Portfolio tasks. These are identified by the use of the following text:

This task must be assessed in the workplace by your Open Colleges Work Place Assessor (WPA).

A workplace visit will be arranged through discussions with your WPA, and will take place approximately half way through your work placement. The visit served to enable observation/demonstration of these key tasks. Take every opportunity to practice these tasks with your colleagues or supervisor in advance of your WPA visit. You may also need to prepare some task documentation in readiness for your WPA visit. If so, this will be clearly indicated in the relevant task instructions. Where required, your WPA may also ask a short contingency question based on the task.

Your WPA will deem your assessment performance as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). Where your assessment performance is deemed NYS, you will be required to participate in the relevant assessment again.

Before you move onto the third part of the portfolio, make sure you have completed all the tasks in this, the second section, and that you have uploaded your work to Open Space.


1.Write your student name and ID at the top of this page.

2.Please follow the instructions in each part of your portfolio.

3.Please ensure you complete all templated sections of this document and include any appendices or extra evidence/templates within this one Word file for submission.

4.Save this single Word document using the following naming convention:


5.Upload this completed document in Open Space using the relevant Assessment Upload link in this Module.

Activity 1: Individual care Planning This is Activity 1 of 11

In consultation with your Workplace Supervisor, identify at least three (3) people with complex needs e.g. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), heart disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease. Your selection must include one (1) client with dementia and one (1) client with diverse needs.

Evaluate and prioritise the needs of these three (3) people and then develop an individualised care plan for each person.

Personal goals for community participation

Use information from both your individualised care plans at your workplace and that in Appendix 1. These individualised care plans will be used in activities throughout the portfolio.

Each plan must include (where relevant):

  • communication
  • mobility
  • toileting and continence
  • showering, dressing and grooming
  • pressure area and skin care
  • eating and drinking
  • sleep and settling routines
  • specialised care plans
  • socialisation
  • behaviour support
  • goal setting.

1.Complete this activity as per the instructions, using the three individual care plans templates provided in appendix 1a, 1b and 1c.

2.Save your file.

Activity 2: Communication strategies This is Activity 2 of 11

In consultation with your Workplace Supervisor, identify a client with complex communication needs. These needs must include some form of non-verbal communication (this could be a client from Activity 1).

Provide a written report of the types of strategies that could be used with this client to facilitate their communication with others (approximately 200 words).

Your report should include a separate paragraph on each of the following:

  • type of impairment
  • communication strategies identified to meet the needs of the client
  • potential barriers to the effective use of strategies
  • possible contingencies to manage the above
  • evaluation methods.

John has hearing impaired. It is very hard for him to understand what the next is saying to him due his deafness.  It is very hard to make a communication with him.

Identified communication strategies used to meet the needs of the client.

Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but naturally without shouting or exaggerating mouth movements. Say his name “John” before beginning a conversation. Face expression and body language is helpful to communicate with him.

Potential barriers to the effective use of strategies.

Gender differences, different language, different culture, less eve contact and illness is main barriers to the effective use of strategies

Possible contingencies to manage the above.

Looking at his face while speaking and listening is best idea to manage a good communication. Body language and normal clea

Also progress notes, acer plans, assessments and observations are all ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies

Using the individualised care plans from activity 1, write a reflection for each of the three (3) clients that describes how you were able to support healthy body functioning.

Each reflection must include:

  • a description of the body system selected (e.g. respiratory system)
  • strategies identified in the individualised care plan used to promote healthy functioning (e.g. smoking elimination/reduction)
  • your role in providing support
  • your reflection on the outcome of your support.

Complete the three reflective journals on the following page.

1.Complete the three (3) reflective journals according to the instructions using the templates provided on the next page.

Make sure you include:

  • a description of the body system selected (e.g. respiratory system)
  • strategies identified in the individualised care plan used to promote healthy functioning (e.g. smoking elimination/reduction)
  • your role in providing support
  • your reflection on the outcome of your support.

The primary organs of the respiratory system are lungs. The main function of the lungs is exchange of the gases as we breathe. While inhaling air, the red blood cells collect the oxygen from lungs and while exhaling the lungs collect the carbon dioxide from red blood cell. The reduction in oxygen called hypoxia and the complete lack of oxygen called anoxia. The diseases of respiratory system can be divided into two categories virus(Influenza) and chronic disease(Asthma).

To promote healthy respiratory system several things can be included

But before that we need to consider the age and disability of the person-

Walking and running for half an hour, if client smokes encourage him/her to stop smoking, exercise, and yoga and including more healthy food in diet.

Support worker role and responsibilities to provide healthier service to client.

Support work is responsible to encourage client to follow up the care plan. Support worker should do the activities include in care plan. Further, Support worker can is responsible to:

Options for socialization support

-Reduce or eliminate smoking.

-Keep him away from cold or wear him proper/ warm cloths.

-Do not take him in dusty and smoky environment.  

-Limited or recommended exercises only.

After including these activities in the care plan, the client will have more healthy body function. As a person is getting old, they are more prone to disease but we can reduce the chances of diseases by promoting client. This care plan will not only focus on the respiratory system but will improve the overall functioning of the body.

The outcome of this includes the betterment of the client by improving respiratory system and be healthy. According to my reflection to the support has a good outcome as clients have started to take proper diet and trying to quit smoking by reducing one cigarette per day. They have started to exercise on daily basis. Hence, the outcome is positive.

Make sure you include:

  • a description of the body system selected (e.g. respiratory system)
  • strategies identified in the individualised care plan used to promote healthy functioning (e.g. smoking elimination/reduction)
  • your role in providing support
  • your reflection on the outcome of your support.
  • The next body system is the Digestive system. The main part of the Digestive system is mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The main function of the digestive system is to break down the food, extracting nutrients and removing the waste from body. The common problem related to digestive system is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Gallstones, Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

To promote healthy digestive system, the support worker can encourage eating healthy food, less carbs, more fibre and exercise. These foods can include in the care plans as well. Oats can be included in the morning for better bowel movement.

Support worker can encourage client to eat healthy food including veggies and fruit. Support worker can encourage client to stop drinking soft drinks but plenty of water. If a client cannot prepare food for himself then support worker should cook food very simple with very less spices according to client choices. Support worker should do exercise with client so he/she can feel motivated.

Some client have very common problem regarding digestive system. In the diet-containing omega and fibre, it will improve the bowel movement and client will be satisfied due to his healthy life.

My role in providing support to the client is by helping him get anything when in need and giving him food and all the basic needs of his day.

My reflection of outcome to this is successful as the client eats healthy diet now and by the help of the support workers and me, he is feeling happy now. He is trying to manage his diet and be healthy.

Make sure you include:

  • a description of the body system selected (e.g. respiratory system)
  • strategies identified in the individualised care plan used to promote healthy functioning (e.g. smoking elimination/reduction)
  • your role in providing support
  • your reflection on the outcome of your support.

Here I will be describing about the Circulatory system, which is also known as cardiovascular system. This system is related to the blood flow. The Circulatory system composes of three different heart, lungs, arteries, veins, coronary and portal vessels. The blood contains the red cell, white cells and plasma. The other important part of circulatory system is lymph, which work as cleaner of the fluid to get rid of unwanted material.

Care plan:

-In his care plan, one of the important tasks is to take him in renal unit according to his appointment.

-He is on fluid restrictions, limited fluid intake per day. Therefore, support workers have a responsibility to take care of his fluid intake according to his fluid chart.

-Alcohol and smoke are restricted and is eliminated around him.

-Food and medications has to be given on time.

Considerations for safety

-We have to encourage and educate john how to manage his health by himself as well.


-Strategies of promoting healthy system is by developing policies for preventing heart diseases by implementing intervention programs at the local or state level.

-Also by environmental changes of the client may be helpful for developing innovative ways to monitor and evaluate the client.

-Inter-professional health care practices can take place after the client leave the hospital and needs special care.

By using and applying the entire care plan, John is healthy and stable. John is living his life happily, and is satisfied by the help of support workers service.

As a support I have learned few important things, how important is to follow the policy and procedure of the organization, care plan, medical chart and doctors’ appointments.

My reflection on the outcome of this reflective journal is successful as John is living his healthy life and due to the support of the works and from me as well. He is better now due to the care plan and strategies.

Please review all 3 answers – ensure you cover the points required for promoting a healthy system. Your answers are not about the actual conditions, but about the body systems themselves.

Activity 4: Facilitating empowerment and choice This is Activity 4 of 11

Complete the following task with one of the three clients from activity 1. This task is a simulated activity and it must be submitted for marking prior to attempting the second task, which will be in portfolio 3, activity 6.

1.Complete this task according to the instructions using the template provided on the next page.

2.Save your file.  

3.Ensure you have completed all activities in this portfolio and save your work as a single Word document. Follow the upload instructions available on page 1 of this documen

Task 1 – Simulation activity

Client 1 – using the information from one of the care plans in Activity 1, review the client’s personal socialisation goals. Write a reflective journal entry (approximately 150 words) on how you would be able to support the client to reach their personal goals and aspirations.

The reflection needs to include:

  • a description of the personal goals
  • an overview of what you would need to discuss with the client
  • options and choices that you are able to identify
  • how you could ensure these choices have some flexibility and adaptability
  • your reflection on how a discussion could empower the client and ensure the development of trust and goodwill
  • your role in coordinating the delivery, monitoring, evaluation and review of the personal goals
  • any risks associated with the above and how you would respond to them.

Task 1 Personal goals for community participation

Make sure you include:

  • a description of what the personal goals are
  • an overview of what you would need to discuss with the client
  • options and choices you are able to identify
  • how you could ensure these choices have some flexibility and adaptability
  • your reflection on how a discussion could empower the client and ensure the development of trust and goodwill
  • your role in coordinating delivery, monitoring, evaluation and review of the personal goals
  • any risks associated with the above and how you would respond to them.         

I have a client Sandeep Sivia aged 68 years old, his religious his Sikhism. Every Sunday he wants to go Temple (Gurudwara ) for pray and meet his community people.

In his personal goal for socialization, it has been written to take him temple every Sunday as he likes.

Before taking him out check his personal hygiene and other important things like: –

-Make sure he has taken shower.

-Wear washed and ironed cloths.

– Take his medication with him.

-Make sure, he has taken his brekkie and lunch.   

-Goggles and suns cream have been taken.

I discuss with the client about his weekly routine as we go out.

In terms of option, I will ask him whether he is feeling to go out or want to prefer stay at home. If he is staying at home, we can do some religious activity according to his wish. I will stay with client and watch every single activity according to his comfort, and assist him if he required.

Delivering services according to the care plan and client’s comfort

My responsibility is, delivered services according to care plan and comfort of client.  

Because of his mobility, his standing is wobbly, so for his safety he has to stay on wheelchair while he is going out for social or religious activities.

Fall risk and heat stroke are considered as risky factors   because of his mobility and Darwin weather.

Support worker always stay with him to eliminate all risks and plan according to weather conditions.

If there is any weather warning by Bureau meteorology so we change his plan and offer him any other alternative according to his wish.

This client has got Parkinson’s diseases so his hearing is quite well to communicate,

Most Challenging part of communication is to understand him because he speaks really slow and stuck sometimes. His communication is poor.

Our goal is work on his speaking because he speaks really slow and unclear so client has got a book there for his speaking practice in small sentences,

By using this book and other gesture language, it helps a lot to understand him.

With the help of book and effective communication it helps to understand his communication We have a better plan for him to make his speaking understandable,

Daily routine speaking exercises from a book, which is provided by speech pathologist.

Providing clean glasses and make sure small and clear sentences


Short simple sentences

Use pen and paper to communicate

Transfer mobility

His mobility is not well for transfer because his standing is  stiff, shaking and wobbly on his legs. Need Assist *2- while transferring, 2 times history of falls.

Communication / sensory Mr Frank has little bit hearing problem, he got hearing Impairments on in both ears,

Goal is Make sure hearing aid is cleaning and has enough battery.

Check his hearing aid before speak for effective communication,

Transfer mobility He is independent to walk, he has dementia but he knows his house well,

Sometime has to remind him where is everything,

Keep telling him about all activities, I have to up to date him according to his care plan,

And make his schedule for the day,

Follow his care plan instruction,

Personal hygiene:

  • showering
  • grooming
  • dressing. Goal is to make him ready for activities and encourage him for personal hygiene byself Shower and grooming has been done In the morning if he is agreed, then dressed him up,  Check his hair, nails, and cloth make sure they are cleaned,


  • eating
  • drinking. Support worker has to cook and shop for him,

Goal is make sure he has enough and healthy food and participation in cooking Cook according to plan,

Ask him if he wants to eat anything special,

Follow the diet chart for him,

  • sleep
  • settings. He sleeps early and wake up at 7 am,

On few occasion I have to remind him to go to bed,

Goal is to make his sleep better, Give him comfortable cloth before sleep,

Put his things in his reach which he needs at night

(Braden score 20) He is independent  and comfortable to walk so no issue of pressure sore in day time,

Every morning support worker check his skin if anything happen or any pressure,

Pain management

Potential and actual pain due to He has pain killer in his blister pack in every day tablet,

Does he has any pain or irritation,

Bowel management / continence He goes to toilet by himself, no issue with his Bowel motion. Support workers Ask him,

Activity 1: Individual care Planning

Does he open his bowel today to make sure his bowel motion is working well.

Bladder management / continence Urine passing has no issue at all

Toileting He can walk to toilet and quite independent to do by himself.

Resident need Goal Daily strategies and interventions to achieve goals

Verbal behaviour His verbal behaviour is aggressive some time when he cannot remember things and someone let him to do, plan is ask him nicely all the time, and goal is to make him calm if he is aggressive His behaviour chart is there with his like and dislikes things,

Good thing in his behaviour he calms down quickly

Support worker keep calm to make him down.

Physical behaviour No physical aggression Still we are concerned about throwing things may happen

Keep out things from his reach,

Wandering / intrusive behaviour Yes, if he is more confused, he asks so many times when is his wife coming at home,

Goal is to feel him better either with communication or Give him medication in the end from his blister pack Strategies are, don’t make him more upset,

Communicate with him nicely,

Guide him properly what’s happing if is right time,

Depression management / emotional support Sometimes he is depressed about his family because no one stay with him,

He is really emotional whiling he is talking about his family daughter and son,

– Give him good company

 And support to feel him happy -let him know they are busy in their work,

-they will come soon to see you,

-hopefully on this Christmas,

-Ask him to go outside so he can feels better   

Socialisation Every week he goes out for socialize, to meet other people and he feels good after that,

-Support worker takes him out for shopping

-Lunch and dinner sometime,

 take him out if he really wants to go out,

Communication / sensory Abel cannot speak clearly, because he does not have teeth.  He can hear things properly General talking to support worker.

Transfer mobility He can walk very well but some time unstable because of tiredness. He has 30 mintues walk daily

Personal hygiene:

  • showering
  • grooming
  • dressing. He shower twice a day. Grooming once a week and sometime wet his bed in night , I have to prompt him to go to toilet before go to bed Give him less liquid in the evening, and remind him to shave his beard


  • eating
  • drinking. He does not have teeth, so food must be cut in small pieces, give juice and less coffee because excessive coffee gives him behaviour The veggies and soft meat are given and oats are provided for bowel moment in the morning


  • sleep
  • settings. He go to bed at 9.00. He loves to watch TV. He has to prompt for sleep Ask him in gentle way to go to bed. Turn off all the things. He goes to bed after that

Skin integrity

(Braden score 20) Have dry and sensitive skin and no pressure sore. Keep his skin moisturized Apply sensitive lotion for skin when go outside

Pain management

Potential and actual pain due to Sometime has seizure, He has paracetamol in his blister pack twice a day. Ask him to take medication on time otherwise he might have seizure

Bowel management / continence Have constipation problem, so light foods are given Laxative are listed in PRN given when required

Bladder management / continence Sometime wet his bed in night and reduce the bed wet number Prompt him to go to toilet before go to bed Less liquid is given to him in evening

Toileting Independent and go daily Daily exercise and light food because he has constipation

Verbal behaviour Sometime swearing at previous worker because he/she might refused him  or someone ignored him and goal is reduce the swearing If it occurs divert his mind from that things and ask about his activities

Activity 2: Communication strategies

Physical behaviour He has physical behaviour when someone said no to him but when demands are not fulfilled. The goal is to reduce physical behaviour. Less coffee are given in the meal, if he has behaviour leave him alone for some time and do not go near to him in that time because it will escalate the behaviour

Depression management / emotional support He leaves alone sometimes he miss his family and sometime cry by overthinking the goal is provide support to him and family meeting He has fortnight dinner with the family member and meet his whole family once in a year

Socialisation Very socialize and happy to meet new people, goes for house shopping He goes for shopping, market to buy drink and do paintings

Your care plans do not indicate that they are the facility care plans. I have given you feedback from last submission regarding the issues and much of this is unchanged.

The information is not clear, is not written in correct terminology, needs, goals and strategies are all mixed up.

Please review this activity and ensure these are accurate and the information is from the facility care plans

NYS – please resubmit

Unfortunately, all 3 activities are all NYS – activities 1, 3 and 4. You need to please ensure that you address the questions being asked. Please see the feedback in each activity. You need to look at each activity clearly and ensure you address the question requirements and use the feedback you have received.

Please message me in open space if you have any further questions

Please amend your answers on THIS feedback form and kindly resubmit your portfolio as resubmission 2 if possible

Assessment rubric

Below is a rubric that determines whether your answers and knowledge are satisfactory.

To pass the portfolio section, you must complete all the requirements for the column that is titled ‘satisfactory’.

To attain the correct submission standard, it is advisable to read the rubric before attempting the tasks.

Activity 1

individual care planning The student has successfully completed three (3) individual care plans for three (3) different clients, including one (1) client with dementia and one (1) client with diverse needs.

The Workplace Supervisor has confirmed that the student:

  • identified three (3) clients with complex needs,
  • evaluated and prioritised the needs of these three people and then developed an individual support plan for each person.

The student has not successfully completed three (3) individual care plans for three (3) different clients and/or has not included one (1) client with dementia and one (1) client with diverse needs,

  • identified three (3) clients with complex needs,
  • evaluated and prioritised the needs of these three people and then developed an individual support plan for each person.

Activity 2

Communication strategies The student has successfully completed the communication strategies report with all five (5) sections of the table adequately completed,  

The Workplace Supervisor has confirmed that the student helped to identify a client with complex communication needs. The student has inadequately or incorrectly completed the communication strategies report,

The student has used the individualised care plans from activity 1,

Has adequately reflected on each of the three (3) clients, describing how they were able to support healthy body functioning. The student has not used the individualised care plans from activity 1,

has not adequately reflected on each of the three (3) clients, describing how they were able to support healthy body functioning.

The student has successfully completed the simulated activity and adequately completed the reflection on how to support one of the clients from activity 1 to reach their personal goals, including:

  • a description of the personal goals
  • an overview of what the student would need to discuss with the client
  • options and choices that the student is able to identify
  • a reflection on how a discussion could empower the client and ensure they develop trust and goodwill
  • the student’s role in how they would coordinate the delivery, monitoring, evaluation and review of the personal goals
  • any risks associated with the above.

The student has not successfully completed the simulated activity and/or has not adequately completed the reflection on how to support one of the clients from activity 1 to reach their personal goals, including:

  • a description of the personal goals
  • an overview of what the student would need to discuss with the client
  • options and choices that the student is able to identify
  • a reflection on how a discussion could empower the client and ensure they develop trust and goodwill
  • the student’s role in how they would coordinate the delivery, monitoring, evaluation and review of the personal goals
  • any risks associated with the above.

All the student’s work is original and sourced where appropriate.

All terms mentioned in this text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalised. Use of a term in this text should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark

All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to Copyright Permissions, Open Colleges, PO Box 1568, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

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