Superconducting Quantum Computing Road Map
Quantum Computing Technology
Question 1 :
Give a brief introduction and explanation (approximately 500 words) of the technology that you have chosen and then produce a technology road map that sets out the following:
- Key milestones and activities that have already occurred during the development of the technology.
- Milestones in technical development required in the future.
- Milestones in the technology’s market required in the future.
- Key activities that will support the future technical and commercial development of the project.
- Other factors, in the past or future, that you see are relevant, e.g. capability development.
The road map should clearly show the development up to the present time. It should also show the anticipated future development of the innovation. You should choose a format for your road map that matches the needs of the technology. The paper by Phaal et al. (2004) provides a detailed discussion of various formats. You need to develop a format that will be helpful when making decisions about the innovation’s pathway.
Based on your road map, write a report of approximately 1500 words that sets out the following:
- The rationale for the format (of the road map) you have chosen to use. This should include not just the structure of your map but also the level of detail that you have decided to show.
- With reference to your road map, explain what you think the key issues are that will need to be addressed in the future development of the technology.
The particular project has been carried so that the emerging technology road map can be discussed. The report will be highlighting on the various aspects of product development from the introduction to its release. The technology that has been chosen for this study is a revised quantum computing. The product underwent some development phase before it can be released into the market. Quantum Computing has been developed so that quantum computers can do certain calculations. The quantum computing studies the system of computation that uses entanglement and superposition so that operation on data can be performed. The quantum system or computers are not same like digital computers as it is based on transistors (, 2015).
The quantum computation employs quantum bits that can be in states superposition. The computing can be helpful in doing fast computation of data and it can be effective in providing more memory. On the other hand, the complex problem can be solved which were earlier not possible via classical computer. The person can make quick decision as quantum computers consider all the crunch number which can be impossible for the person to solve it (, 2015). Moreover, the large number of variables can be understood along with test models and patterns.
Single and coupled qubit’s Characteristics
Main decoherence sources
Eletromagnetic Environment
Phenomenological theories
Entangled Physical quota from three to five
Simple algorithms and two qubit gates
On-chip Superconducting electronics exhibited
Plan for scaling to 10 Physical Qubits
Plan for scaling to 100 Physical Qubits
Assessing alternative types of quota
Types of qubits characterization
Types of Qubits fabrication feasibility
Selection of best types of qubits
Encode Logical Qubits
Encoding of one logical qubit
Encoding of 3 or more logical qubits
Preform error Correction on logical qubit
Measurement scheme and fast control
Decrease of noise from fluctuations
Table 1: Superconducting Quantum Computing Road Map
(Refer to Appendix 1)
In order to develop and update the quantum computing, the company has followed and adopted simple development process so that quantum computing can be updated in much acceptable manner. The technology was effective in providing new world to the users and is capable in providing smart option, better customization, better calculation, etc (Abramovici and Stark, 2013). Therefore, in order to develop quantum computing, the following step has been followed:
Product Planning: In the initial phase of technology roadmap, strategy has been planned in order to upgrade the technology system so that it can enhance the feature of quantum computing. Moreover, it was planned that computing technology has to be accepted by the next generation (, 2015).
Service/capability planning: In this phase, it has been taken in account that developing technology should positively impact the business. Therefore, the company focused on their capabilities so that better quantum technology can be developed that can have long term impact over the business or individual (Foley and Foley, 2011).
Superconducting Quantum Computing Road Map
Strategic Planning: The Company strategically planned to introduce quantum computing for the betterment of the future business so that complex situation can be resolved. Therefore, the gap has been identified by comparing the current position and future vision (, 2015).
Long Range planning: In order provide quick solution to problem and provide better operating system, it was decided to improve the quantum computing for long term benefit. The use of quantum computing can help in enhancing the knowledge and solving the complex issues with ease (, 2015).
Knowledge asset planning: The planning regarding visualizing critical knowledge assets and connected their experience and skills, technologies in order to fulfill the demands of future market (Simonse, Hultink and Buijs, 2014).
Program planning: The system has been implemented and employed build up strategy so that better system can be developed and can be better than digital computers. The plan regarding the various technology developments so that quantum computing system can be developed (, 2015).
Process Planning: In order to develop new quantum computing, major focus was on the knowledge so that product can be developed within the expected time slot. The company considered both the perspective of commercial and technical (Ricard, 2013).
Integration Planning: Lastly, the quantum computer technology has been integrated with the digital computer so that error free solution can be gained and can be easy for the users to use it (Siontorou and Batzias, 2014).
Roadmap alive: It can be difficult to keep the road map alive if the road map is changed intentionally. On the other hand, the road map may not function properly if necessary changes are not made as per the arising situations. The whole plan of the company may fail if the work is not done in right time (Yoon and Phaal, 2013). Apart from that, the technology roadmap may lead to delay in reaching to destination if roadmap is not communicated effectively. Therefore, roadmap may require to be updated periodically or once in a year (Arman et al., 2014).
Engage Right people: The right people may need to be engaged that posse’s right amount of knowledge and skills about the technology so that implementation of the technology can be done in effective way. If the people do not hold knowledge then it can lead to complete failure in implementation (High, 2014).
Senior Management Support: If there is lack of support from the senior management in terms of budget, time and resources then the work may not be carried in fruitful way. Therefore, it can lead to conflict or delay in completing the work. Thus, it can be great issue for having future development in context to technology. Therefore, the senior management has to engage them in the technology development (Huang et al., 2014). On the other hand, the management may need to provide continuous support and make the resources available all the time so that system can be updated. Therefore, it can help in removing the barrier in using the roadmap.
Software Issues: If the company has deficiency to acquire better and effective software then it can affect the development of technology roadmap for future. Thus, it can be tough for the company to update or upgrade the quantum computing system on time and whole planning process of the company may result in disappointment. Therefore, the company may require engaging the people that can help in providing software for developing the technology system and better roadmap (Li et al., 2014). On the other hand, for developing roadmap initially, the company can focus on simple graphics, spreadsheet and word processing. Moreover, the company may require to regularly updating the software so that it can comply with the users (, 2015).
Product Planning and Service/Capability Planning
Inducing right employees: The Company may face difficultly in future if there is lack of skilful employees. The experienced employees may retire or change the company then the company may not be able to develop technology and effective system. Therefore, the company has to induce the people that are capable of performing the task (Moehrle et al. 2013). On the other hand, the company has to include the people that posse’s higher knowledge in different phase of technology development. Therefore, it can help the company to develop better road map in order to gain higher benefit in future and meeting the demand of future market (Simonse et al. 2014).
Coordination: If there is lack of coordination and collaboration either with the government or any business funding cycles then it can lead to problem in designing roadmap for the technology development. The company may not be able to perform their task on right time if there is lack of mutual understanding with the government (Siontorou and Batzias, 2014). Change in the government or policy of the government can be difficult in coordinating their activities and reaching to a desired point. Therefore, the company has to coordinate and collaborate with other business so that support can be gained on right time (Zhang et al., 2014).
Market Complexity: The rise in the level of fragmented market can be difficult to understand the requirements of market. If the management fails in assessing the condition of future market then it can directly affect the technology development and it can affect the long term prospective of the company (Abramovici and Stark, 2013). Therefore, it in order to excel in the technology development process, the management has to study the market carefully and know the possible constraint that can affect the development process. Moreover, company may be able to design right road map that can lead to success and having better technology (Foley and Foley, 2011).
The technology road mapping is effective technique that provides great support in building strategic and long range planning. Moreover, the road mapping can be effective in surviving the work environment conditions by helping the company in scanning the environment. The company can be able to assess the performance of individual. The technology road map of quantum computing has been discussed through the single layer table format so that development phase can be understood. Apart from that, the rationale of the format has been mentioned to have a clear idea about the technology roadmap. Further, the key issues have been outlined so that better technology can be developed for the future.
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