Summary And Critical Analysis Of Knowledge Management Articles
Purpose of Work
The paper will provide the summary and purpose of the two article that is based on the topic of knowledge management. In addition, the paper will critically analyze one of the articles and demonstrates its deficiencies and a research proposal that should be used for further study of this article in the future.
The purpose of the first article is to determine that decision making can drive more customized and appropriate developments of knowledge management (Kasemsap, 2016). In order to do that, the decision making procedure should be improved by bridging the existing communication gap and information of a firm.
The purpose of this second article is to elaborate business intelligence as a tool of knowledge management, and it can help the financial sector by providing professional services (Dayan, Heisig, & Matos, 2017). With the help of business intelligence, the financial sector can easily improve their competitive advantage. The study reveals the role of this knowledge management tool in the financial sector.
The first article will demonstrate that requirements of decision making help in the development of knowledge management and this can only happen if the decision-making approach should improve by bridging both the communication gap and information of the organization. The study reveals that both decision making and knowledge management supports one another in order to generate high market demands of the corresponding firm (Girard & Girard, 2015). From the past decade, it is known that knowledge management has provided an impact on the decision support system and in this paper, the author demonstrates the impact of decision making over knowledge management. Decision making is considered to be a multi-participant process, but within the management level, it does not act as a multi-participative process due to the lack of workers empowerment. It only takes place at a management level when proper knowledge and information is present for making the correct decision. Various case studies determine the supportive context of decision making and knowledge management procedure, and from this view, it is clear that knowledge management plays a vital role in supporting the decision making the procedure of an organization.
The second article determines business intelligence as a tool of knowledge management that help in improving the financial procedure of an organization. From this article, it is clear that business intelligence helps the financial sector in improving their competitive advantage in comparison to the other similar firm in the market (Muhammad, Ibrahim, Bhatti & Waqas, 2014). The various techniques and tools of business intelligence that should be used for improving the performance of any financial sector are data mining, Extraction Transformation Load, data warehouse, and On-line Analytical processing. The procedures of these technologies and tools help in analyzing the firm’s data such as business processes and structures of the financial institution. With the help of this data, the financial institution can determine the functional efficiencies by which they can easily improve their marketing and sales strategies and also can develop their consumer service program. Overall the article demonstrates the use of business intelligence that provides a huge positive impact on the performance of a financial institution.
Summary of Each Work
The first article demonstrates that knowledge management plays an important role in product and process developments as well as it influences the decision making the procedure of an organization (Dargam, 2008). While taking any decision, it is important to use the knowledge regarding the particular situation, and therefore it is clear that knowledge management and decision making are related to one another.
The article defines that business intelligence being a tool of knowledge management because they provide financial consultancy and thereby enhances the overall performance of the firm. Knowledge management is defined as a collection of the process that governs the dissemination, creation, and utilization of the knowledge properly (Meihami & Meihami, 2014). In other words, business intelligence is the storing, analyzing, making and gathering data in such a manner that the financial manager can easily demonstrate it. Therefore, from this context, it is clear that business intelligence is considered to be a tool for knowledge management.
One of the characteristics of the first article is that the study reveals that knowledge is needed for all level of decision-making approaches and without proper knowledge about the particular situation it becomes difficult to demonstrate the correct decisions (Kasemsap, 2015).
The unique characteristics of this article are that it defines briefly regarding both similarities and dissimilarities between knowledge management and business intelligence procedure. This characteristic is unique because it helps the financial sector to easily determine how they incorporate the business intelligence tool in their working procedure.
One of the strengths of this article is that it demonstrates the impact of knowledge management on the decision-making process of an organization. In other words, the study reveals that sharing of knowledge through knowledge management systems help the organizational management team to provide the best decision to overcome the particular situation. Besides this, the study did not clearly define the supportive context of decision making over knowledge management, and this is one of the weakness of this particular article.
The study clearly defines the impact of business intelligence on improving the organizational performance of the financial sector, and this is considered the main strength of this paper. From this paper information regarding the implementation of business intelligence as a tool of knowledge management is found that clarify the use of this tool (Patil & Kant, 2014). Besides this, the paper demonstrated various limitations of knowledge management and business intelligence but did not provide any solution for avoiding these types of limitations in the future. Hence, this is considered to be a weakness of this paper.
Deficiencies of the work
The article provided the limitation of the knowledge management and business intelligence but failed to define the proper strategies that should be needed by the financial sector in order to overcome the particular limitations (Costa, Soares & de Sousa, 2016). In other words, the use of business intelligence is described by only one financial sector that is the bank. These are considered as the deficiencies of this particular work.
According to me, use of business intelligence in all financial sectors are not similar and therefore it is important to determine all the respective financial sectors on which this business intelligence tool are used. In addition, the proper solution of avoiding the limitations should be explained by the author so that the financial sector can easily avoid such limitations while using the business intelligence tool.
In this paper, the author does not state any sorts of future work that should improve this particular study material in the future.
The researchers agree with the findings of this paper, and they supported the information written on this particular article.
Further research should be needed on the basis of this particular article in order to work on the deficiencies as well as on the weakness of this paper. The researcher must study the use of business intelligence procedure in various financial sectors so that a clear idea about this particular tool should be found in the future. In addition, the study must reveal the proper solutions for the limitations regarding the business intelligence and knowledge management procedure so that when any financial sector should incorporate business intelligence as a financial tool, then they will use these solutions (Donate & de Pablo, 2015).
The paper concluded that knowledge management is related to both decision-making procedures and also with the business intelligence tool. In order to determine this, one article is selected that shows the use of this knowledge management in a particular research study.
Costa, E., Soares, A. L., & de Sousa, J. P. (2016). Information, knowledge and collaboration management in the internationalisation of SMEs: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Information Management, 36(4), 557-569.
Dargam, F. C. (2008, November). Decision Making supporting Knowledge Management. In International Symposium on the Management of Industrial and Corporate Knowledge (Vol. 3, p. 5th).
Dayan, R., Heisig, P., & Matos, F. (2017). Knowledge management as a factor for the formulation and implementation of organizational strategy. Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(2), 308-329.
Donate, M. J., & de Pablo, J. D. S. (2015). The role of knowledge-oriented leadership in knowledge management practices and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 68(2), 360-370.
Girard, J., & Girard, J. (2015). Defining knowledge management: Toward an applied compendium. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 3(1), 1-20.
Kasemsap, K. (2015). The role of data mining for business intelligence in knowledge management. In Integration of data mining in business intelligence systems (pp. 12-33). IGI Global.
Kasemsap, K. (2016). The roles of e-learning, organizational learning, and knowledge management in learning organizations. In Civil and Environmental Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1198-1228). IGI Global.
Meihami, B., & Meihami, H. (2014). Knowledge Management a way to gain a competitive advantage in firms (evidence of manufacturing companies). International letters of social and humanistic sciences, 3, 80-91.
Muhammad, G., Ibrahim, J., Bhatti, Z., & Waqas, A. (2014). Business intelligence as a knowledge management tool in providing financial consultancy services. American Journal of Information Systems, 2(2), 26-32.
Patil, S. K., & Kant, R. (2014). A fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework for ranking the solutions of Knowledge Management adoption in Supply Chain to overcome its barriers. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(2), 679-693.