Successful Mobile Application Implementation: A Case Study Of Amazon

Benefits of Amazon’s Mobile Application

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The case study focuses on the fact of doing a research and writing a report on the successful mobile application implementation by an organization. The organization chosen for this case study is Amazon. This particular website has launched an application which provides the various kinds of user to make orders for various products (Barrett, Howley and Duggan, 2013). This particular organization started its business as a book seller which has expanded its sell in wide variety of consumer goods and various kinds of digital media as well as some kind of electronic devices (Ghahremani and Kamwa, 2013).

In the coming pages of the report a research has been provided regarding the successful implementation of various kinds of mobile application. The report mainly addresses the particular application and any kind of benefit associated with it (Gonidis et al., 2013). After that an idea has been provided regarding architectural feature of the application. A list of effects on the various kinds of user and company has been provided. In the upcoming pages any kind of redevelopment in terms of business has been provided.

Amazon shopping application is providing an opportunity to shop for more than ten crore products at affordable prices. It provides latest type of electronic gadgets which is inclusive of mobile phones, television and other devices. Amazon fashion provides all type of clothing like formal clothes, vacation wears and lastly daily wears (Grozev and Buyya, 2014). The free shopping application from this website that is Amazon provides shopping experience which is a lighter application, faster time of loading and consist of wider selection of products. Amazon application is developed by various kinds of developers which are associated with this organization. The drivers leading to developed of this application are the various kinds of people who are associated with it. The ultimate goal of this application that is Amazon is to attract various kinds of users from the different regions of the globe. The targeted user of this organization that this amazon are consumers who buy products from online shops. Amazon is considered to be the world’s largest online retailer in the whole world.

The free online application from the organization that is Amazon ensures to provide better value of products which has a lighter value for application, loading of various pages at a much rate (Gubbi et al., 2013). One can easily browse and look for various kinds of desired products by factors like product name, category and brands. By the help of one can easily look into the rich catalogue of images which helps us in analyzing a product from different angles of view. This particular application is designed in such a way that it can easily provide products based on review and ratings of the product (Hale, 2013). The application is designed in such a way that user can share links of various products with friends and family through email, SMS, Facebook and WhatsApp.

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Architectural Features of Amazon’s Mobile Application

With Amazon, a consumer is ensured about fact that they can get customer service support, delivery at a much faster rate or speed. It also provides easy returns and better method of payment which is inclusive of cash delivery option which comes with cent percent protection of purchase which is offered by Amazon (Huang et al., 2014). The application provides an option of using credit/ debit option, EMI and other option like Net banking which mainly ensures all the transaction are done securely and safely.

The shopping application of Amazon is designed in such a way can easily store more than ten crore products at much affordable price. It provides a platform for shopping very large of electronic products like TV, accessories of Cars, Bike and mobile for its consumers who are located in the different geographical location. It provides safe and secure mode of shopping in various mode of payments like credit, debit card, easy monthly installment or EMI for analyzing that all the transaction has been processed securely in the process (Khatua and Mukherjee, 2013). Amazon checks the fact the user does not worry of the fact of leakage of personal information like banking details while payments of goods at their website. In other words, Amazon ensures to provide 100% protection of purchasers for various kinds of product and services. The application also provides cash on delivery option for large number of its users.

The application provides features of tracking of various kinds of orders placed by various users. Many of the customers have reviewed that shopping at amazon is fun as it provides great deals and discount on the various kinds of products. Amazon prime provides an option like prime membership for its user which provides free one day or two delivery of products (Martínez-Fernández et al., 2013). It provides the prime members thirty minutes’ access to top deals with movies so that they can easily watch movies and various kinds of TV shows on prime videos tools.

The success of mobile application is dependent of large number of parameters or factors but the design of UI (User Interface) or UX (User Experience) is taken on the top of the list. Amazon has a great user interface and provides best quality of experience for its user and this is the reason behind the fact the application that is Amazon is standing on the top of the list (Mota, Ramos and Shiguemori, 2014). The design of user interface is like that it provides same kind of look and feel for the large number of users. Amazon application is design in such a way that it strictly follows the principle of simplicity. The mobile application of Amazon is designed in such a way that it is simple to use and provides a clear method or way of communication.

Effects on Users and the Company

 Amazon application is designed in such a way that it meets the needs of the user design so that it can provide simple and efficient mode of communication for achieving the various kinds of goals and objectives (Otsuki, 2013). Amazon application is designed in such a way that it has a usability and provides good look in various platforms and devices. Various technologies like CSS and JavaScript are used in various kinds of devices.

Amazon application is designed in such a way that user does not get confused with any kind of information with is not required. The application is designed in such a way that user does not manipulated or confused with any kind of unnecessary information. Amazon application is designed in such a way that it can provide information about various kinds of errors during usage (Mota, Ramos and Shiguemori, 2014). The visual interface of Amazon application is appropriate and up to mark so that it can easily provide design at much suitable level for fast loading which provides best quantity of fast loading and experience for user. Amazon application support pictures with high resolution that is 264 ppi or a value greater than it. This particular value of ppi is chosen so that this application can easily attract customers.

Various kinds of pictures with high value of resolution can easily boast the clarity on various kinds of devices which comes in large screen. Amazon application is designed in such a way that it follows the compliance of 508(Panahi, Woods and Thwaites, 2013). Various developers at amazon take security and issue of 508 into consideration at the later stage of the development. A good kind of user interface design is made in such a way that it can help the designers to focus on the various kinds of learning curves and improvising the productivity.

Business process development can be defined as the method of improving the way in which an organization works. It is mainly achieved by making use of most efficient methods which can easily bring out the best kinds of results (Strauch, Andrikopoulos and Bachmann, 2013). It has generally various kinds of goals like making use of more efficient kinds of resources like time, money, work and other kinds of raw materials. The best kind of firm or organization like Amazon mainly look for continuous improvement of process which generally comes with key users and various kinds of process networks. Some kinds of firm prefer to have conversation regarding the various kinds of capabilities of business processes. Various organization round the globe inclusive of Amazon need to develop their business processes to that they can improve their operation, reducing their cost and can serve their customer in a better way.

Redevelopment of Business

Business Process can be differentiated in various kinds of level namely first, second and lastly third. First and second level mainly focus on creating a framework and capturing the steps which require various kinds of business capabilities (Page, 2014). The last model focus on the formal kinds of models as per different roles of flow of information.

There are certain number of issue in Amazon application like it has long feedback and response time, learnability, usability and Goal driven design. Feedback helps the user in analyzing the fact that whether a task has been finished or not (Varia and Mathew, 2014). It can be simple in the form of beep or can be in the form of modal window. Amazon application is not that much handy so improvisation must be needed in that particular area or field.

Touch devices are generally of two types namely gestures and animation. Amazon mobile application is mainly defined by various kinds of gestures so touch, double tap and zoom are considered to be second option for various kinds of users (Wittig and Wittig, 2015). So the interaction of amazon application must be improvised so that it provides a clear sense so various kinds of users. There is no kind of animation being added to gesture while using this application on mobile. 

Amazon should make a small number of changes in their application so that user does not encounter any kinds of issues while using it. When the customer is looking for a product on the app the image size of the product is very small so it becomes difficult for the user to look for image of the product (Wittig and Wittig, 2015). So Amazon should improvise that area so that customer can look for the product easily and in a much better way. A proper analysis has been done on the impact created by it on the various kinds of users or customers.

Amazon is planning to redesign the application in such a way that it can work with various Fat fingers. Fat fingers create are about a size of 45-47 pixels which is generally larger than various kinds of guidelines provided by various kinds of touch gadgets. In the above pages of the report an analysis has been done on the various kinds of benefits which can be achieved during the usage of this application.


From the above discussion it can be easily stated that this report is all about successful mobile application implementation by a business. A brief idea regarding has been provided regarding the background of this organization that is Amazon. A brief analysis has been done on the architecture feature of this application that is Amazon. Features of application that is tracking of orders, various deals and offers to customer has been described in the above pages of the report. An idea has been provide regarding the user interface of this application. All the possible kinds of pros and cons has been discussed in details in the above pages of the report.. Features of Amazon application like high value of resolution in terms of pip has been discussed above. An idea has been provided regarding its compliance of this application with 508. After that an idea has been provided regarding the process of business development. In the end a list has been provided which contains various kinds of issues encountered during its usage by large number of users or customers. Future plans made by developers regarding this application has been discussed in the report.


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