Studying Human Resource Management: Strength Analysis And Career Aspirations

Strength analysis through models

When making a dream come true, it’s always at an easy pace, no pressure. The only secret is to believe in my dreams; in my potential that I can certainly be the best. For a scholar in the human resource management department, all it takes is an exploration of in the business world (Deck, 2017). I often consider the best imitations of an individual’s philosophy to be what he does over what he says. This leaves me anticipating to be the most proficient human resource manager in the near future. I am an industrious proactive team player who can work under minimal supervision.

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For a human resource manager, I am a responsible individual who is accountable for all the actions. The human resource department is a critical department in every organization that holds the management team together and has the responsibility to change the managerial department. As required I have the discerning skills in the field to ensure a smooth environment in the organization (Dubreuil, 2016)

Restoration is a word that can be used to express my own skills as a leader. I am practically capable of restoring the working environment within an organization. Sometimes in an organization, things do fall apart, and it is the responsibility of the human resource manager to restore everything back to normal at the managerial level in order to enhance an effective workforce. This is basically what I am capable of (Northouse, 2017).

Adaptability is a word that should reflect a competent human resource manager. The technological involvement in the world of business has changed very many things, and there are different trends day in day out. As a human resource manager, I am highly adaptive to this environment, and the changes never surprise me. I just learn how to adjust to the modified working environment (Lopez, 2018).

Deliberative is a strength that keeps the workforce together in an organization. I often indent for consideration of the opinions of the other staff in the organization in order to enhance a powerful workforce and unity in the organization which is useful in the establishment of sustainable development (Rigoni, 2017).

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Consistency is a strength that helps keep together the management team in an organization. In most case, especially when it comes to some technical changes in an organization, the results are never short run but a long run. This requires the human resource manager to be consistent in the actions being put in place for the relevant changes, and this is my best strength (Harms, 2017).

Relating the above strengths to the Johari’s window model, we can only make changes if we are aware of the implications alongside the changes in the human resource department and the people being affected by the change are aware of the same. The same can be applied if either one of us is aware but in the case where none of us is aware, then it becomes a problem to make any changes whatsoever. This technique helps to understand the relationship between people (Luft, 2009).

Company analysis

Looking at two different companies in the department of human resource management I would consider the Accenture Company and the Aon Hewitt Company. The Accenture Company is a global management and professional consulting services company which has been incorporated Dublin, Ireland. The company was established in the year 2009. The company is dedicated to client value creation, enhancing a sole global network, respect to all individuals, stewardship, and integrity. Through this values and ethics, the Accenture Company has enabled clients to become high performers in their business activities. The company has also facilitated leveraging the collaboration power, value diversity and unique contributions in the working environment. The company has also been able to establish a stronger foundation for the future of the company by improving the community status and the global environment (Gregory, 2015).

In the human resource department, performance is enhanced by incorporating different values and ethics. Human resource is a department that takes pride in the performance of the organization based on its objectives through diversity and corporate citizenship. The department requires high transparency in order to enhance the confidence of the employees and their performance in the organization. Commitment is also another element in this field that is very effective for human resource managers. The human resource department requires making decisions not only for the betterment of the organization based on today but also for future days. This requires the stewardship, respect to all individuals, integrity, client value creation, and as for the diversity for the workforce, enhancing one global network (Bratton, 2017).

Aon Hewitt was formerly known as Hewitt associates. This company provides capital and management consulting services in the united states. The company was established in the year 1940. The company later merged with AON to become a brand group “Aon Hewitt.” The company is responsible for providing strategic human resource services to different companies in order to optimize their performance in the industry (Sievert, 2017). The company so far is the global leader in the human resource consulting service. The company has been established its brand by mitigating the risks in a workforce of different organizations and help the managers to realize the untapped potential in the organization. In this company, integrity and professionalism remain to be the main pillars of its operations. The company is committed to providing high standards consulting services and innovation which gives their clients the confidence they require to trust in their consulting services. The company is also based on an open learning culture (Taneja, 2015).

Human resource management deals with advancement related exercises in an organization. Seemingly it is that part of management where morals extremely matter since it concerns human issues particularly those of pay, advancement, mechanical relations, and wellbeing and security issues (Hewitt, 2016). Drawing my models from AON Hewitt, building differentiated capabilities to the clients and adding distinct value to the clients is as well something that requires integrity of the highest degree. In order to be the leading global company in terms of consultancy, there need to be differentiated techniques used in advisory services (Hewitt, 2016)  


According to the theories of human resource, behavioral and motivational, different values and ethics are applicable in order to enhance management in the human resource department in an organization. Being competent in the management level is one very basic requirement in the human resource department. Adaptability in this department becomes vital dues to the various changes that are experienced on a daily basis of operations and need to be worked out without disrupting the normal operations of the company (Gatewood, 2015).


Networking in the field of business refers to the activity of different business people coming together to socialize, recognize and act upon business opportunities. In the field of human resource management, networking can be referred to as the activity of different human resource managers coming together to share information and seek potential ventures in the department (Wakhlu, 2014)

Networking involves the interaction between different professionals, in this case, the human resource managers. Different sectors may have different activities running through, and the activities may vary in the same sectors but in different locations. Networking will enhance and create awareness of all the activities of the human resource department after meeting different professionals in the same sector who have faced different market situations in the industry. It involves sharing of ideas between different personnel in the same field of business. Every individual in this networking circle have their main objective, their different field of view, different analysis over different case scenarios, in the process of sharing the information that an individual has to the other individuals in the business circle, I will be exposed to highly synthesized information that may be helpful in decision making in the human resource department (Chiesi, 2014).

Having been involved in different business networking events, I have learned that in order to gain the specific required information during the event, one needs to lay down a personal strategy and make use of some specific tools in the process. In some cases, teamwork may be effective when the invent involves more than one representative from the same organization. The representatives may focus on different ideas and strategies but collaboration, in order to acquire high profile information, would be useful. This has worked previously for me.   Networking events are very resourceful to organizations in the same sector. They show the loopholes in the market and for the managers who are best in making analysis; they can acquire information that would help them realize the uncontested market spaces in the industry (Hall, 2015). At the end of the event, every individual in the event, having participated will have gained knowledge in the respective industry. In the human resource department, the technology is taken over, and the emerging trends are tirelessly challenging the organizations. This calls for the analysis of different situations in the sector through business networking.

Time and again the most useful skill in the business networking event is the problem-solving. These skills involve managers in a way that attempts to find a solution for a certain issue in the industry which in turn requires a contribution from the rest of the team thus creating awareness of the commercial situation within the sector. Delegation and planning are also useful skills when it comes to networking. The skills allow different managers to be in charge of analyzing the different market situation and providing solutions relevant to the case (Chiesi, 2014).

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