Structured Workplace Learning


For any career, work experience through a structured workplace learning can provide one with a fantastic opportunity to get first hand job experience. During workplace learning, the student is able to learn through observation and also implement theory based learning as was taught in school.  According to Yen, et al. (2016), workplace learning is the acquisition of skills and knowledge one gets through a formal and informal means which occur in the workplace. Through this kind of learning, a student or a trainee is able to practice, observer and understand what will be expected of him during his professional practice.  This report discusses workplace learning by exploring theories, skills audit and being employed.

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Learning Theories

According to Armson & Whiteley (2010), workplace learning theories tend to focus on formal teaching as they look at how this knowledge is transmitted from the teacher to the learner.  This is characterized by their emphasis on teaching more than that of learning. They will also focus on the teacher and student relationship and how much they know about the subject than way in which what they have learnt can be implemented in the actual setting. These kind of theories only limit the experience that the student will have will at the workplace (Armson & Whiteley, 2010). As can be observed in some cases, a student may suffer the frustration of late running or completing hands on tasks as they mostly observe than implement. One may find himself being a passive professional since they do not know ways to handle tools, complete a report or deal with a customer, depending on the professional field (Deng, et al., 2003).

Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence Theory

The theory was first published in Gardner’s book, Frames of Mind in 1983 (Gardner, 2011); it quickly became one of the theories that enables one to understand and teach various aspects in regard to human intelligence, personality, learning styles and behavior of students during their learning period. Though the theory was developed to explain psychological concepts, it was later adopted to explain learning and teaching.  According to Lloyd, et al. (2014), Howards theory shows that a student is able to know through logical analysis, language, special representation and musical thinking; ways in which the body can be used to solve problems or to make things happen.

The theory thus provides an understanding of oneself and that of others in the workplace. In this regard, the individual will differ from the rest with regard to one’s own strength of the above intelligences and ways that the said intelligences are used to carry out a particular task, solve the present problem and make progress in one’s career.  Also according to Wang & Seddon (2014), the differences between class and workplace learning, poses a challenge in the education system, since most institutions would assume that every student is able to learn the same materials in the same way a universal measure would test a student. With regard to different models of this theory, the current education system is biased when it comes to the linguistic model of assessment and learning instruction. This would be different when one looks at the logical quantitative model.  Another study by Yen, et al., (2016), shows that students are distinctive from one another. It is thus important that different learning disciplines are presented and assessed in different forms.

In the Linguistic category for example, it involves the student be able to use professional words effectively. One must be able to have auditory command during learning and professional live. Such characteristics of a linguistic learner would include reading, making up short stories and poetry and playing word games. For such a learner, the tutor can encourage them by challenging the to say and see words and read books. For example, such tools as multimedia, books, computers, lectures and tape recorders would be useful (Deng, et al., 2003).  The second category is the Visual-Spatial, where the student is thinks and reasons in terms of physical space. This kind of student is very aware of their own environment. Some of their best times would be spend in doing jigsaw puzzles, drawing, daydreaming and reading maps. For such a learner, they can be taught through physical and verbal imagery or drawing and illustration. Such learning tools would include charts, graphics, drawings, photographs, video and videoconferencing, 3-D modelling, multimedia, texts with charts, pictures etc.

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The third category of learning under Gardner’s theory is the interpersonal where ones learns through interacting and understanding one another. This type of student will learn more through interaction that when isolated. According to Armson & Whiteley, (2010), these type of learners will work well in the company of friends, they are street smart and empathize with others. They can at times be taught doing group activities, participated in seminars and very vocal in dialogue meetings. The best learning tools for this group are audio conferencing, telephone, and time and attention instructor. They love writing, emailing and computer conferencing as well.

With reference to the above categories of Gardner’s theory, the best that describes my learning is the interpersonal category.  As a student I have always loved to solve problems as a group. I never miss group discussion, I participate highly in school and organizational activities. I feel this shapes me up to be a productive administrator, since through interpersonal learning I am able to understand human behavior and how to deal with them. Over the years in school I have also been able to understand group dynamics through group work and holding seminars in organizations. My traits include good communication and social skills, I have a good command of language and always seeking leadership position in group work.

Skills Audit

According to the You and Your career workbook (GraduateCareers, 2012), A skill is a developed capacity or aptitude that is expressed as a combination of what someone knows. As a learner, it is important to understand one’s transferrable skills which are acquired during class lectures and other professional activities. It is important for one to see how the acquired skills can be applied at the workplace. For this reason, it is always important that one avoids narrow interpretation of personal skills in area of learning since it only adds to what the employer will think about one (Lloyd, et al., 2014).

The following evaluation is my personal skills audit from the personal skills chart as described in the part five of the You and Your career workbook.  The evaluation includes; Organizing, Social group, communication and linguistics, creative, cognitive, contingency, self-managing and physical skills. From the evaluation, I found that I possess skills in the following categories.

Social Group- I qualify in this group because I am good at creating networks and interacting with people in my class. During teamwork, I am always ready to pick leadership positions and have a strong will to learn from others.

Communication and Linguistic – I am a good giving and receiving feedback. This is one of the reason I have always preferred leadership positions in most of my class work. I believe myself to be very creative, since most of my research work qualify for good grades. By field research work has always been above average and I am always time conscious with assignments. During my learning sessions I have always participated in debates and perform well in argumentative sessions.

Being Employed

This part looks at my skills, obligations and responsibility while approaching a potential employer. With regard to the Australian law, the employer has several legal obligations to ensure that the employee working conditions are protected at all times. For example, under the Disability and discrimination act 1992 (AustraliaLaw, 2010), it is illegal for any employer to discriminate an employee on the grounds of physical disability and mental health conditions. This means that the employer has the responsibility to offer equal chances for all employees. If the employee will deliver to the standards he or she should have equal chances for appraisal.  The law against discrimination will thus guard the employee or potential employee during recruitment, selection of the person getting the job or during the negotiation of working and payment terms.

When it comes to moral obligations of the employer, this will include making reasonable adjustments so as to accommodate a person with mental of physical disability. Such adjustments will include working hours and use of leave entitlements. The use of equipment and facilities will also come in to play and other work related rules.  It is also important for an employee to understand that each employee has different skills and will excel at several tasks differently (Wang & Seddon, 2014).

An employee should be able to learn the potential of each employee and ensure each employee feels special and appreciated. It is also important that the employer provides a safety and healthy workplace at all time. This is protected under the work health and safety act 2011 (Legislation, 2016). At any given time the employer should be able to provide and maintain safe systems of work, monitor the physical and mental health of workers. Employers also need to be consulting with workers and their representatives from time to time so as to know how they can treat them better. It is also the obligation of the employer to provide employees with ongoing training, information, supervision and instructions which will assist them to perform much better (Yen, et al., 2016).  In case of any challenge or compliant, there are several government bodies that an employee can reach out for help; this include the Australian chamber of commerce and industry which protects the employees and employers from government decisions that may deter business and growth (ACCI, 2016). There is the Australian Workers Union, whose work is to protect the interest of workers with regard to salaries and wage negotiations, job security, workplace conditions and career development (AWU, 2016).

With regard to the above, as an employer my roles and responsibility will include; taking reasonable care and health of myself while at work, cooperate with employers and other workmates for a single goal, follow instructions from employer on work matters and report any challenge, hazard or defects at the workplace.


In conclusion, workplace learning will involve three groups, the tutor, the student and the potential employer. However, all of these will depend with the learners personal skills. They are they only determinant of how the learning and implementation process will take place. Through my personal skills audit, I believe I am better placed in the professional field however there are some areas that I would more effort, especially in intrapersonal skills.

Table Below Showing Skills Audit


ACCI, 2016. who we are. [Online]  Available at: [Accessed 11 August 2016].

Armson, G. & Whiteley, A., 2010. Employees’ and managers’ accounts of interactive workplace learning: A grounded theory of “complex integrative learning. Journal of Workplace Learning, 22(7), pp. 409-427.

AustraliaLaw, 2010. Australia: employment law. Commonwealth Law Bulletin, 36(1), pp. 137-163.

AWU, 2016. Have You Joined Yet?. [Online]  Available at: [Accessed 11 August 2016].

Cascio, W. & Wynn, P., 2004. Managing a downsizing process. Human Resource Management, 43(4), pp. 425-436.

Deng, J., Menguc, B. & Benson, J., 2003. The impact of human resource management on export performance of Chinese manufacturing enterprises.. Thunderbird International Business Review, p. 409–429.

Gardner, H., 2011. Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences,. New York: Basic Books.

GraduateCareers, 2012. Part Five: Personal Skills Chat. [Online]  Available at: [Accessed 11 August 2016].

Legislation, 2016. Work health and safety act 2011. [Online]  Available at: [Accessed 11 August 2016].

Lloyd, B. et al., 2014. The New South Wales Allied Health Workplace Learning Study: barriers and enablers to learning in the workplace. BMC health services research, 14(1), pp. 134-141.

Wang, X. & Seddon, T., 2014. Globalization and Academic’s Workplace Learning: A Case Study in China. European Education, 46(4), p. 25.

Yen, M., rede, F. & Patterson, C., 2016. Learning in the workplace: the role of Nurse Managers. Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association, 40(3), p. 286.

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