Strategies For Effective Nurse-Patient Rapport And Communication
Phases of Therapeutic Communication
1.a) Two therapeutic communication techniques include- Acceptance and giving recognition. Proper training should be given to the nurses about accepting and giving recognition to the patient’s behavior. Sometimes it is necessary to acknowledge the opinion of the patient and affirm that they are being valued of paid heed to.
Recognition to patient involves acknowledging the behavior of the patient without providing any overt compliment.
1. b) One of the non-therapeutic communication techniques is Incongruence that is sending nonverbal or verbal messages that contradict each other, as a nurse telling a patient “I would like to spend some time with you” but simply walks away.
Non therapeutic technique can be converted to therapeutic technique by mindfulness and developing ethical sensitiveness within ourselves. Critical reflection upon self-practice can be appropriate to judge one‘s own actions.
2. a) One of the essential elements of establishing therapeutic relationship with the client is the development of trust between the client and the therapist.
Trust is the most important factor of a nurse- patient rapport. This can be developed by active listening to the mental health patient, using words of empathy and determining the strength of the individual rather than finding the deficits.
2. b) Cultural differences between the nurse and the patient can act as genuine barriers in establish a curative relationship. Patients belonging to different culturally diverse background may feel resentful towards the nursing practice.
In order to mitigate that, it is necessary to develop cultural sensitiveness among the nurses such that they can accept every culture without being judgmental. The interest of the patient should be given the prime priority.
3. a) Active listening is the initial procedure to under the predisposing factor of the anxiety in the patient. Active listening in a peaceful environment reduces the external stimuli of anxiety.
3. b) The therapeutic technique that is used to communicate with a patient suffering from psychosis is giving broad openings or asking open end questions. Closed end questions to such patients may develop delusional thoughts in the patient, which can trigger unrest. Open end question helps to give space to the patient and also helps the therapist to understand the predisposing factors and the protective factors.
4. a) The different phases of a therapeutic relationship are:-
- Pre-interaction phase
- The introductory phase
- The middle or the working phase
- The termination phase
Pre-interaction phase- This phase begins just as the nurse is assigned to develop a therapeutic relationship with the client. It involves preparation for the first encounter with the patient.
The introductory phase- This phase signifies the initial contact between the nurse and the patient. This is the time to establish the rapport between the nurse and the patient.
The working phase- In this phase, both the nurses and the patients are actively working to reach the goals. The nurse encourages the expression of the feelings and tries different approaches of providing care to the patient.
Termination phase- This is the phase when the nurse terminates the therapeutic relationship with the patient, which normally occurs when the goals are reached and during the transfer of the care.
Building Trust and Establishing a Rapport with the Patient
4. b) Pre-interaction phase-In this phase we plan the introductory phase as per the requirement of the client and also plan the objectives for the interaction phase.
The introductory phase-In this phase we try to build trust and establish a rapport with the patient by demonstrating the acceptance and also try to establish a therapeutic ambience ensuring safety and privacy of the patient.
The working phase- In this phase we collect the data from the primary and the secondary sources to identify the needs of the patient. We also assist the patient in understanding or identifying his/her own problems. Assessing the problem and developing an implementation plan of action with realistic goals is one of the important tasks of this phase. Finally the results of the plan of action are evaluated.
Termination phase- At this phase we bring an end to the therapeutic relationship with the client. Review the feelings about the relationships, make sure that the goals are accomplished, evaluate the progress towards the goal, establish the processes for meeting the requirements for any future therapy, summarize the entire communication and follow up the treatment.
5. a) Active listening- It is the process of listening to the speaker and the provision of providing feedback to the patient indicating that the therapist listens and understands what the speaker is saying.
Components of active listening:- Active listening has got five components –
- testing understanding
- questioning
- building
- feedback
- summarizing
5. b) In order to practice active listening, a nurse has to pay attention to the patient and acknowledge what the patient is saying. The body language of the nurses should make the patient to understand that they are being listened and valued. Appropriate feedback should be provided without being judgmental to the patient’s belief.
1. a) Working with an occupational therapist have increased my knowledge regarding the skills to improve the patients improve their, sensory, physical, cognitive and self-esteem. Collaborating with the psychologists and the psychotherapist has helped me to understand the various types of psychotherapies used in allied range of mental health illness. Social workers have helped to provide an insight to the varieties of the social problems linked with mental health illness.
1. b) Working in a multidisciplinary team enhances satisfaction with in patients and enhances job satisfaction by making a best use of skill mix. By working in an MDT, an individual can learn many health care techniques outside his/her own skills, which can beneficial for the future practice.
2. a) Role of the school psychologist-A school psychologist can counsel the kid and apply cognitive behavioral therapy to improve his behavioral pattern and attention deficiency.
Occupational therapist-The therapist might help out the kid in improving skills like organization, physical coordination, and look after the strengths and the weaknesses of the child try to teach gaming techniques for improving coordination or try the techniques to improve the focus, help the child to work out on time management.
Social care worker- They are the first point of contact to understand the reality of ADHD. They can educate the parents about important referrals related to psychiatry can point the child to the probable treatment options, provision of resources to the patient based on their needs.
Collecting Data and Working to Reach Goals
Registered dietician- A dietician can help the kid by assessing the nutritional content of the food provided. A healthy mind is related to a healthy body. Hence a dietician can suggest a proper diet for the child rich in Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and micronutrients and macronutrients.
2. b) An EIP is usually used to develop patient specific action plans to achieve the therapeutic goals. EIP are free services provided between regular classes for children with ADHD, so that they can cope up with the other children of their age.
- the tactile system
- the proprioceptive system
- the visual system
- the olfactory system
- The gustatory system
Components-The components of sensory integration are typical sensory integration functioning, sensory integrative dysfunction and intervention programs.
Purpose- The purpose of sensory integration is to help out the kids with lower sensitivity, coordination problems, under reactive to sensory stimulation, or delayed speech, language and motor skills.
Dysfunction manifestations- The sensory integration dysfunction consists of 3 diagnostic groups-
Type I- Sensory Modulation Disorder- Over or under response to the stimuli or seeking stimuli attention.
Type II- Sensory Based Motor Disorder -Disorganized motor output, autism spectrum disorder.
Type III- Sensory Discrimination Disorder – Dyspraxia, that can be seen in disorganization, inattentiveness and poor school performance.
1.a) When I am upset and doubt my capabilities as a nurse I talk with my peers and ask for a feedback of my capabilities. Sharing problems or confiding to someone pacifies the sorrow to a considerable level.
If I come across such a patient, I would suggest him to find someone very close to him/her, whom he can trust. If things do not work then I can refer him/her to a registered counselor. Active listening and providing feedback comes under the job role of the counselor.
1. b) Rational emotive behavior therapy helps in transforming the irrational beliefs of people about things such as negative thinking patterns. This works by focusing on the strengths of a person, rather than on their deficits or flaws. The goal of this therapy is to behave rationally against any such behavior.
2. a) Psychotherapy- It is a therapy that is used to treat a broad number of mental illnesses by using verbal and psychological techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy, talk therapy, interpersonal therapy, Dialectical behavior therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Psychoanalysis and supportive therapies like animal assisted therapies, creative art therapy and play therapy.
2. b) client-centered therapy is mainly based on positive regard, empathy and assumes that people are directed towards positive growth and are capable of modifying their behavioral pattern given a correct support. Cognitive behavioral therapy is mainly based on the assumptions that all the problems are mainly due to the negative thoughts and hence the current cognitive pattern should be modified to remove the behavioral issues. On the contrary solution focused therapy believes that patients have got resources to resolve their problems and mainly focuses on the present and the future goals rather than focusing on the past experiences.
2. c) Therapies depend upon the patient and the type of mental health disorder they are experiencing. However, cognitive behavioral therapy can be considered as a better therapy as it is used to reduce specific symptoms and is goal oriented. The goal of this therapy is to challenge the patients confront with the wrong beliefs with contradictory evidences.
Bringing an End to the Therapeutic Relationship
3. a) The basic level psychiatric mental health nurses generally work with individuals, families, groups, communities for accessing the mental health requirements, developing diagnoses, plan, implement and evaluation of the nursing care. The advanced level nurses on the other hand, are specialized in adults, pediatrics or adolescents. They assess, diagnose and treat the patients with mental health problem following a patient-specific treatment regimen, functions as psychotherapists. They are qualified to practice independently and provide direct care services in homes, hospitals, agencies.
3.b) The basic level psychiatric mental health nurses are responsible for the management of the therapeutic environment, providing health literacy, psyco-education, assisting the client in developing the self care activities and monitoring the treatment regimen.
4. a) The purpose of therapy is to resolve the issues related to behavior, feelings, sensation, beliefs, and relationships. This can be done by approaching a psychotherapist who would support, listen attentively, establish a healthy therapeutic relationship, would provide appropriate feedback and would help the person to cope up with the feelings, would help in changing the behavioral issues by the method of problem solving.
The goals of the therapy are to bring back the person to the normal pace of life by adopting a strength based approach.
1. a) As a nurse I have had the opportunity to serve the patients with Down’s syndrome and those suffering from psychotic disorder.
Caring for the patients with psychotic disorder had been difficult as in many of the cases such as substance abuse I have experienced violence and the traumatic stories were enough for causing stress and the burnout in the caregivers .whereas spending time with kids having Down’s syndrome has been wonderful as their experiences, their stories of coping out with this difficulty, but still living with dignity, their self recovery goals were wonderful.
In the group with psychotic disorder, in most of the cases the individuals suffered from delusional behavior and there were lack of nurse-patient trust. Whereas the other group has self recovery plans and were actively engaged in therapeutic relationship with the caregivers.
1. b) The type of group would absolutely make a difference as in the group receiving psychotherapy, a nurse would engage in more active listening than that of the other group and would share stories of self recovery of patients, whereas in the other group the caregiver would focus more on innovative activities to test their skill.
2.a) Types of leadership styles:-
- Laissez-faire.
It is recommended to use a transactional leadership style for this group, to create a vision to change the old settings and achieve goals of providing a safe care to the cancer patients. This leadership works mainly by motivating the workers for a desired change.
2. b) The health care team providing support to the breast cancer patients would include-
- Medical Oncologist
- Gastroenterologist
- Nurse or Nurse Practitioner
- Pain Specialist
- Pathologist
- Psychologist
- Registered Dietitian
The person who is playing the coordinator role may interfere with the functioning of the team as the team might not be able to work independently under strict supervision.
3.a) Advantages:-
Group therapy promotes social skills, provides active support, cost effective than individual therapy, establish connectedness with people sharing similar problems and help them to recover as well.
- Personality clash might occur while speaking in a group.
- Patients might hesitate to share their problems openly within a group.
- Privacy and confidentiality is not maintained.
- Group sessions taking place in scheduled days may cause scheduling conflicts among the patients.
- Psychotherapy Groups.
- Cognitive Therapy Groups.
- Relapse Prevention Groups.
- Mutual Self-Help Groups.
- Network Therapy.
4. b) Psychotherapy Groups- This group mainly focuses on working cohesively as a group to communicate with each other freely and determining the strengths of the patient.
Cognitive Therapy Groups- They mainly works with the clients to control their thought process and their addictive behavior.
Mutual Self-Help Groups-This consists of people who are suffering from a common condition and assists each other in the recovery process.
Relapse Prevention Groups- This group works in most of the drug rehabilitation centre to prevent the substance relapse and mainly depends on pharmacologic and non pharmacologic interventions
Network Therapy- This type of group collaborates with the families and social network to help the person live a recovery based life.
5. I would follow Tuckman’s five stagesof group development-
Forming: In this stage the team members get to know each other
Storming: In this stage the group members try to compete with each other
Norming: At this stage the group becomes a coherent unit and the group remains focused on its purposes.
Performing: A synergy is created between the group members and they work towards the accomplishment of a common goal.
Adjourning: At this stage the group is terminated and the members are separated from each other.