Strategies And Approaches For Training Employees For Overseas Projects

Strategies and Approaches of New Internationalizing Company for Training Employees for Overseas Projects

The report helps in the overall analysis of the different kinds of strategies along with approaches which are beneficial to be adopted by the newly internationalized company in order to train the different employees to work in the overseas projects in an effective manner. The proper analysis of the best approaches is required to be taken into consideration which will benefit them in gaining more competitive advantage in the overall market which is competitive in nature. The different approaches which will work best is required to be identified as this will help them in training employees efficiently.

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Strategies and Approaches of New Internationalizing Company for Training Employees for Overseas Projects

There are various kinds of strategies and approaches which can be used by the internationalizing company for providing training to employees effectively.  There are different techniques which are as follows:

Firstly, Role-Playing is one of the techniques which can be taken into consideration which will help the employees to adjust with the different kinds of situations in various areas. The on-the job training approach is effective in nature to handle the situations in the different overseas projects (Shuck et al. 2014). The systematic approach of training can be adopted by the internationalizing company for providing training to the employees as this assist in dividing the process of training into different stages and sub-stages. In this stage, the identification of the training goals is being done and the strategies are being used to train and equip the different employees with proper knowledge of skills and objectives which will be beneficial for the future aspects of the organization.

Proper technologically oriented training is one of the major aspects which is required to be taken into consideration while handling the employees. The on-the job training procedure helps in providing the superiors who are specialist in handling the different domains in an effective manner. This will be proving to be beneficial for the employees as this will enhance the knowledge of the employees regarding all the topics in an effective manner.

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Secondly, career development training is the other aspect which can be taken into consideration by the employer of the organization and provided the same to the employees working in the organization (Jackson, Schuler and Jiang 2014). This is one kind of in-house service training which will be helpful and beneficial for increasing the skills and ability of the employees in helping them to perform better in the other difficult tasks while they are performing for the overseas projects. The development of the career training plays a major role when the employees are provided with different aspects which are effective in nature in making the employees aware of the employment rules and regulations in the overseas prospects.

With the career and development training, the higher officials of the internationalized company need to provide the employees with different coursework and make them understand the values which are required to be incorporated by them in the overseas culture and gain more competitiveness in the overall market as well. It can be seen that while working in the overseas organizations, this is essential in nature to prepare a proper plan which will be effective in nature for the employees to understand the respective culture. The career and succession planning program are the two major aspects which will play a major role in making the employees more efficient in handling the different operations in the workplace.

Analysis of Best Approaches

Furthermore, the off-the job training is the other approach which can be adopted by the organization for providing training to the employees to make them more efficient in the different approaches of working in overseas countries. The employees should be required to be provided with the coursework which will be effective for their projects in the overseas market. The off-the job training method will be beneficial for the employees to maintain their productivity and this will help in enhancing the productivity of the organizations in overseas in which employees will be working.

These are the major techniques of providing training to the employees for making them work in the overseas organizations. The training approaches will help the employees in analyzing the need for the demand along with making them more effective towards the different approaches of the work which are being performed by them. It can be noticed that in the overseas market, there are different rules and regulations along with policies which vary from the other countries, therefore, this is essential in nature that the employees are aware of the overall effectiveness and they perform in order to provide more than cent percent productivity.

Analysis of Best Approaches

From the above, this can be analyzed that the best approach among them is the on-the job training technique or approach as this will be helpful for them to perform in same manner in overseas as well. This can be seen and noticed that there are different kinds of weaknesses in the workplace skills among employees which can be reduced through the usage of the on-the job training technique (Brewster and Hegewisch2017).

The respective training program will help in allowing to strengthen the respective skills which is required to be improved by the employees. Moreover, with the help of the respective on-the job training approach, this will ensure that the employees are gaining knowledge on the different prospects which will be applicable while working in the overseas company (Reiche, et al. 2016).

Moreover, this has been noticed that the workplace learning in the on-the job training technique is such that this will be helpful for the performance of the jobs in a better manner and the employees will be practically present in the respective scenario in order to gain much knowledge on the different aspects which is effective in nature (Kramar 2014).

Lastly, the on-the job training technique helps in bringing value as this ensures that the right amount of knowledge is being shared to the employees and make him/her work more competently in the different aspects which are different from one another. With the respective training process, this will be providing the employees with proper consistency and knowledge on gaining access to training which is the most essential aspect in making the employees feel that they are capable of performing the tasks in a positive manner (Kramar 2012).

Therefore, this can be concluded that there are different kinds of techniques which can be applied by the HR managers in order to improve and train the employees to help them in becoming more relevant to the different approaches while working in overseas companies. The on-the job training technique has been considered as the most relevant aspects which can be adopted by the organizations in such a manner which will prove successful in all the aspects of becoming more trained to work in the overseas market.

Furthermore, the different challenges which can be faced by the employees is required to be analyzed while working in abroad. The assistance of the HR management is analyzed which will help in coping up with the difficulties along with becoming successful as well.

There are various kinds of challenges which can be faced by the employees in the workplace while working abroad. The major challenges which are being faced by the employees are discussed as follows:

Firstly, there will be barriers of language among the employees who shifted to overseas along with the employees who are already working in the respective organization (Chelladurai and Kerwin 2017). This will be creation of whole new kind of loneliness and there is no proper communication taking place between the different individuals working in the organization. When the employees are not being able to communicate with one another working in the same organization, this creates a gap between the co-workers and the other staff members working in the organization (Sheehan et al. 2014).

The making of new friends in the workplace is one of the major challenges when there is language barrier and this affects the morale of the employees in performing the different kinds of activities in the workplace. The expatriate employees in the workplace do not understand the language of the other colleagues and this creates barriers in the working environment as well (Knies et al. 2015).

Secondly, the other issue is relating to the health and safety services along with discrimination of the employees while they are travelling from one country to the other (Albrecht et al. 2015). There can be different differences in the weather of the countries which can create huge negative effect on the health of the individuals and this will be a huge issue for the employees. In the overseas economy, this can be seen that while travelling so much, there can be mental and physical tiredness among the employees which will be difficult for them to handle the overall situation in a negative manner (Howes et al. 2015).

This can be noticed that the discrimination among the employees plays a vital role in demotivating the employees which can affect their morale and this will affect their performance as well. In such cases, this can be seen that the HR department officials needs to take into consideration the various kinds of strategies such as fair work act 2009 and the equal opportunities act which will be assisting in managing the work environment in a positive manner as well (Duarte, Gomes and Neves 2015).

Lastly, the change in the culture is one of the major issues which is being faced by the employees in the organization which will be affecting their overall performance in the new organization in the overseas market. In the overseas market, this has been noticed that there are various kinds of effects on the performance of the employees which will be negatively due to the cultural change in the work environment (Glendon and Clarke 2015).

Moreover, the employees are considered to be the vital and integral part in the workplace which can be affected due to the change in the culture. There can be mental stress and loss of loyalty among the employees while working in the organization which will be affecting the productivity of the organization along with the morale of the employees working in the organization as well (Marchington 2015).

From the above, this can be identified that these are the three major aspects which are required to be taken into consideration by the HR manager of the organization which will be beneficial for the overall success of the firm. The HR managers needs to play a vital role in managing the overall effectiveness of the different kinds of challenges which are being faced by them and gain more competitiveness in the entire market as well (Shen and Benson 2016).

Evaluation of HR practices and Management in Coping with Difficulties

There are different kinds of HR strategies and practices which are required to be taken into consideration for reducing the difficulties which are faced by the employees in the overseas market. The main issue which is related to the cultural change is required to be resolved by them with the implementation of the proper training and orientation program which will be effective in nature in managing the overall effectiveness in the workplace.

With the help of the orientation and training program, the human resource manager and the associates will be providing a detailed information on the culture of the organization. In the orientation program, the employees will be gaining knowledge and they will be able to know all the employees which will be improving their morale and this will work as the motivation aspects in the organization as well (Bratton and Gold 2017).

Secondly, the language barriers can be removed and improved by the HR manager of the organization which will be beneficial for the overall success of the firm and this will increase the overall productivity of the organization as well. The HR department needs to take into consideration the different translation and the other activities which will be beneficial for the overall productivity of the firm and the employees will be performing more effectively as well.

Furthermore, this is the duty of the HR department to take into consideration the various kinds of health and safety rules and regulations in the work environment which will be beneficial for the increasing the morale of the employees who have come to overseas for the job opportunities. Due to the loss of loyalty among the employees, this has been noticed that the employees will be facing different kinds of cultural change issues and this can impact the overall working abilities as well.

Due to such reason, the human resource department needs to motivate the employees by removing the language and cultural barriers in the organization in an appropriate manner. The motivation is the main aspect which is necessary and plays a major role in managing the working environment which will improve the loyalty of the employees towards the organization and this will be beneficial for the success of the organization as well.

Additionally, there are different norms and policies related to the human resource management which are required to be followed by the overseas organization in order to treat all the employees in an effective manner and gain more competitiveness in the work environment as well. With the equal opportunity act and the health and safety act, this will be beneficial for the firm to prove that the employees are the valuable assets of the organization and they will be beneficial for the overall satisfaction of the employees which will improve the overall productivity in a positive manner (Albrecht et al. 2014).

Moreover, there is change in the culture which can be taken into positive aspect by managing the overall work environment through proper training program wherein the HR will be providing training to employees in which the cultural change can create a positive impact on the work environment and gain more knowledge on the respective overseas work culture that can prove to be beneficial for their success in the future (Armstrong and Taylor 2014).

Therefore, from the above this can be seen and analyzed that the HR management strategies will be essential in nature which will be beneficial for the overall success of the organization. From the above case, this can be found that there are different cultural and the discrimination issues faced by employees while they shift their work place as there is difference in the culture of both the countries which can impact both in positive and negative manner. In this respective scenario, the entire situation is being affected in a negative manner and the HR played a major role in managing the different aspects effectually.


Therefore, this can be concluded that there are different kinds of issues which are being faced by the employees working in the overseas market. The language barrier, the transportation issues and the change in the culture are the three major changes which have been taken into consideration and there are different HR related practices such as by learning their cultural differences and gaining knowledge on the overall aspects in an appropriate manner as well. Furthermore, from the above this can be analyzed that the HR plays a major role in managing the overall effectiveness in an appropriate manner and gain competitive advantage in the market as well.


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