Strategic Recommendations For Solving Employee Issues In GMFC
Main analysis of the paper
You have been tasked to recommend specific strategic actions to the senior management team in this impasse. Considering the evidence, what actions should the company take?
The overall paper is showcasing the organizational functionalities and activities of GMFC. The organization has been facing trouble due to their employee issue. Employees are the prime strength of any organization. GMFC also have been running their services in the filed by the support of their efficient manpower. After studying the case study it could be said that current respective organization faces trouble due to the demand and requirements of staffs (Bascetta, 2008). Staffs have claimed that salary or wage must have to be increased by ten cents. Management didn’t focus on this demand initially, but now this has been a serious problem for the business process. Organizational activities have been interrupted due to this issue. After a long discussion among the managerial bodies, they have decided to enhance 5 cent on the basis of working hour, but this thing couldn’t able to reduce the problems. For this reason management must have to find out some fruitful strategies for demolishing these types of inconveniences. Four strategies have been provided in this paper which needs to be maintained by the management of the respective organization. Every organisation is depending on their fruitful productivity in the business process. To maintain the effective productivity and the profitability in the organisation the organisation like GMFC needs to provide effective policy and offer sufficient care for their workers. To satisfy the employees in the business process, the Union leaders are demanding for more wages and they want employee copayments for the health and medical care. Apart from the other recommendation in their strategic implementation plan Competitive pay and benefits is one of the important factors to reduce the hazards within the manufacturing business.
By the help of this paper different types of union related problems could be understood. Four strategic implications have been observed for understanding the overall matter. Each and every matter has the strength and potential to reduce the problems in the organizational premises. It can be expected that if management of the GMFC could follow these principles then overall employee related problems in the organization could be mitigated. US government has implemented different polices for managing overall organizational relationship. Some of the problems have been discussed in this section,
Fair and consistent policies and practices: Workplace structure has provided by the HR policies and procedures. Lacking certain policies, such as disciplinary action, duty hours, performance review, rules concerning working safety, payment for medical care, labour cost increase, the work environment could be chaotic. Many organization and companies don’t have the equal stage of formation, as well as vast employers commonly are identified to have far more government than small companies. Departmental policies of HR, regarding budget usually are matters addressed by HR leadership. Company owners should make sure that they deal with the following basis human resource issues when putting together the personnel policies (Bascetta, C. ,2008).:
- Employee classifications
- Equal Employment Opportunity policies
- Paydays, workdays and pay advances
- Overtime compensation
- Performance evaluation as well as salary increase up to 10 cent
- Payment for medical care
- Termination policies
Fair and consistent policies and practices
Same level of employment opportunity has been supported by the HR policies and practices in giving reasonable action to applicant as well as workers throughout the hiring method and employment experience. For example a company that doesn’t circulate the policies such as the strategy, employees’ rights for its staffing and selection procedure would be imprecise at best. Hiring manager as well as recruiters who are unconscious of non-discrimination regulations as well as reasonable employment practices wouldn’t have cause to consider that partial practices are unreasonable without HR policies that administer fair treatment. Routine analyses have been conducted by the many companies of their business operation. HR procedures as well as policies may assist in the examination of HR practices and on the whole company practices. Of all the HR procedures as well as policies reviewed, those that have the mainly encouraging effects on the company. Finest practices are simulated for use during other sectors or in other organization. HR policies and methods are the useful fundamentals of a company’s tactical plan, significance the policies are the necessary ladder to reach tactical goal. But, the policies of HR provide the essential function of redefining HR intentional improvement and the track of the organization. Through a check of the company’s HR policies and practices, headship team which improve planned record for the organization discover that mechanism as well as what doesn’t effort relating to HR policies and the work surroundings. According to Turban, E. & Sipior, J. (2015), achieving reliable operations is one of the causes that policies of HR as well as practices are highly suggested. HR has a responsibility to deal with employment issues consistently, as well as policies and practices facilitate that consistency. For an example, addressing profit questions from the workers in the sales division added practically than those from workers in the storehouse department may build major trouble for the organisation. Inconsistencies guide to employee dissatisfaction as well as, finally, workplace conflict. The government has said that HR policies and practices can stop bureau clash through implementing a path for service matters to be tackle in fair and consistent approach.
Open Door Management principle: It has been found that employees of GMFC have raised an issue of raising the salary. Union leaders are trying announces a strike. These types of activities can hamper the overall flow of the process. According to the US trade report and government principle, Open door policy would be beneficial for managing this type of activities. This policy was established in the middle of 19th century and it was mainly designed for making business with Chinese organizations (Kirton and Healy, 2013). According to the business analytics open door policy could be implemented in the case of corporate premises. By implementing policy an organization could be able to execute a suitable and efficient activity in the business premises. By the help of this policy organizational stakeholders can communicate with each other in an appropriate and effective manner. According to this policy employees have the right to discuss any matter with the management or governing body. This policy implementation can enhance the overall performance of the business process; strength of the staffs could also be increased. A mutual respect will always be there if management will focus on the open door policy.
Open Door Management principle
The paper is mainly focusing the organizational condition of GMFC. The organization has been facing trouble due to the problems of trade unions and employee issue. Employees have raised their voice regarding the salary increment and management has denied fulfilling their demands. For this reason strikes and different kinds of unlawful activities have been going on in the organizational premises. In this particular case management could implement open door policy for reducing this type of problem. After the implementation of this policy, employees will be compelled to discuss their problems with management. Through discussion and understanding, problems of staffs can be mitigated. This policy will also be beneficial for the employees of the respective organization. Management will also have to focus on the needs and requirements of the staffs. This policy can create a moral value and ethics at organizational premises. Through this process overall benefits and advantages of Open door policy in this case could be observed.
Competitive Pay and Benefits: A workplace environment makes healthier for the superior relationship among the higher management and workers. To make the organisation effective in the competitive market place the senior management team needs to provide proper negotiation plan with their workers and union leaders. According to the US government websites it can be analyse that, by providing competitive pay and several benefits towards the employees can mitigate the problems within the organisation (Hecker, 1993). To avoid the material losses due to strike the senior management of GMFC arranged a meeting to accept the labour cost increase by 5cent per hour but they did not provide any health care plans in their policies. To mitigate the issues related with their organisation the management of the organisation needs to aware about the competitive pay according to the other manufacturing US Company and the senior management needs to provide extra benefits like medical care support for their workers.
Apart from the governmental policy making websites few trade union websites related to the manufacturing firm also highlighted that, to mitigate the union issues from the organisation the higher management needs to provide some effective benefit programme towards the employees for their satisfaction. By satisfying the employees in their personal and professional life the management can easily manage the workplace related problem. Flexible working time proving is one of the most effective policies making for the organisation. In the manufacturing unit often the employees required flexible working hours for their betterment in the performance and work satisfaction. Flexible timing within the organisation is quite effective for the older employees or for the new mothers in the organisation. In the organisation the employees attached with union because of their dissatisfaction with the management about their workplace, salary, promotion or several other issues. To mitigate those programmes the union leaders often hampered the production of the organisation by calling lockout or strike in their production unit. To manage the union leaders and to influence and motivate the employees in the organisation, the employer or the higher management of the organisation needs to communicate well with them (Hanson and Zott, 2013). By the help of proper communication through the formal or informal way, the management can assess the work related issues or some personal issues of the employees and according to the problem base the higher management instruct the human resource team to provide effective competitive package and other benefit providing policies implementation programme for the better outcomes in the workplace.
Competitive Pay and Benefits
Employee trust and recognition: The paper is highlighting the employee issue in the organizational premises. An organization is run by the strength of the management & skills of the staffs (Fernie and Metcalf, 2005). According to the famous researchers; employees are the prime stakeholders of the business. Organizational performance and productivity is highly depended on the efficiency of the employees. By their strong support, an organization could reach to the peak of success. Management of any company always need to focus on this issue. It has been happened in past that an organization has been compelled to close their operation due to the problems associated with employment. Staffs can be termed as the backbone of the business, now the question is about the role of Union leaders and functionalities of trade unions. Tree Union is the collaboration of some members those raise their voice for the rights and duties of employees in an organization. Many conflicts are created when management doesn’t rely with the concept and perceptions of staffs.
Researchers and observers stated that a mutual relationship must be there where employees must have to be shown respect and honour. If employees will get respect then they will get the inspiration of doing hard work. According to the Maslow’s Hierarchy needs trust plays an important role for motivating staffs. Integrity in the work place can be generated through this process. In this respective case study of GMFC, characteristics of employees have been changed due to various reasons. Employees have raised their voice for the increment in the salary. For this reason management needs to focus on the employee recognition and trust. By showing respect and honour management of the respective organization could be able to solve the problems of trade unions (Colgan and Ledwith, 2002). Management needs to appraise the skills and efficiency of the staffs. Through this process employees also could be able to keep faith on the organizational decisions and future prospect. Now, employees of GMFC have lost the faith over the organization. Management must have to regain that faith by making a mutual understanding.
Strategy creation is an on-going method involving activities like defining vision, goals as well as operation, analysing company or organization and atmosphere and matching them to choose suitable actions and objectives, as well as implementing the review system. These four tools may solve the employee’s problems which are highly appreciated by the government: air and consistent policies and practices, Open door management policies, Competitive pay and benefits, Employee trust and recognition (Baldwin, 2003).
Effective communication with employees
Fair and consistent policies and practices are more effective to solve these kind problems in any company. The HR of a company should take responsibility in it and other three tools are also very important to resolve this employee’s problem, the government said. The first motto of a company’s or HR manager of an organization’s should fulfil the employee’s need because the employee is the back bone of any successful company. The overall paper has represented the process of making relationship with the staffs and enhances the performance of the business.
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