Strategic Planning In Public Universities
Team Dynamics
Describe about the Strategic Planning in Public Universities?
The Organizations in the world are built not with bricks but with People as they are the concrete blocks which build the Organizations and provide strength to them. Workforce planning is a critical attribute which has to be possessed by the Organizational Management in order to plan and schedule all the activities of the Business perspectives. All the Organizations have employees who are the integral parts of the Organization. Team Dynamics are important part of working life. Which enforce an effective work force planning. They can have a huge impact on the profitability of the Organization, Organizational strategical planning, whether the people can work, employee satisfaction rates, company reputation and other Organizational planning processes.
Team dynamics is a concept which is neglected or ignored. This can have a significant impact on the way in which the team works. Team Dynamics are the psychological forces which influences the method in which the team’s behavior is impacted and their performance is evaluated. Team dynamics is an effective way of improving team’s performance and the best way of getting the maximum output of the individual team member’s performance.
Team Dynamics are very similar to Group Dynamics where the teams have common shared objectives which create dynamics between the team members because they are dependent on each other. This would ensure it leads to the overall Organizational growth.
BELBIN Team Roles are used to achieve positive outcomes in terms of business in any Organization. There are different models which are adapted and implemented in this role as the team members are required to complete a Self – Perception Inventory.
Self – Perception Inventory is a method which is used to analyze various aspects using different sets of questionnaires which might include questions which would take about 20 minutes to complete, with all the responses prepared and analyzed through their experts using the BELBN program with the generated report which is completely normed and which consists of personalized advice.
Team roles are those individual roles which have been assigned to the individual employees depending on their designation and their job responsibility which is assigned to them.
Strengths · There are a lot of positive contributions which are made in this process and this provides a lot of opportunities · People get an opportunity to enhance their skills as team players · They would be able to identify the other team members · People will be able to speak out their interests in terms of improving things |
Weaknesses · People encounter issues in terms of influencing others or being reluctant to change · They tend to be inclined to underestimate the importance of their own contributions · They also tend to be skeptical which can dampen their enthusiasm in the team |
Opportunities · They tend to look out for any issues which exist in the team with respect to the issues which might even rise · The employees examine all the ideas which come up in order to help solve them for better working conditions |
Threats · People might not cooperate with all the other employees for the fear of not straining their relations with them |
In order to solve these issues and in order to motivate the employees who are opposite to me in nature I would promote the feeling of cultivating these positive traits in order to work towards the Organizational growth.
SWOT Analysis
The Organizational Management should have a vision of cascading the strategical information and the policies which they would implement to all their employees where they should be informed of their professional objectives which they should achieve and thereby this cascading would be done by the corresponding managers where they should communicate to the employees of their accountabilities and the employees should know how to achieve their accountabilities. All these performance standards should be well determined. In the last stage the managers and the employees should write down a development plan and they should work towards achieving their objectives. This would further drill down to committing to conduct a performance evaluation through which the employees seek their feedback and further have a scope for future development (Nicolae, I. 2008).
Performance Management is a process which is an integral part of the Management process which is responsible for controlling and maintaining the performance standards of the employees who in turn keep up the standards of the Organization. This process is a critical component of all the Organizations as motivation and employee satisfaction are the important aspects of the Organizational Management and this is a continual process which involves various stages of performance development plan, performance review, performance execution, performance analysis, performance renewal and reconstructing. It has a lot of implications in terms of employee’s performance, their feedback, their development plans, their accountabilities and the action plans for further development (Devaux, S., A., 1999).
1. As a College Student who attends classes I am packed with various activities like with wide range of activities related to attending classes, completing assignments, doing a part-time job and socializing. In order to organize my day and better align my activities throughout the day II would adopt various methods like
Brain storming with my groups of friends or colleagues which is a powerful method of solving any issue as it is flexible to generate a lot of creative ideas. This method can also be used to enhance critical thinking and decision making ability to solve majority of the issues
Maintaining Balance Sheets – This is a powerful method which helps sort out my daily finances which can help me ensure that I better utilize my funds and also I can maintain an informal method of balance sheet which can help me track my daily activities so that I can keep a track of the pending activities which are to be completed. This is another way to ensure that I can make wise decisions using this process (Mantel, S. J., Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M. & Sutton, M. M., 2001).
Alternative ways to achieve goals
Root Cause – This is a powerful analysis which is required in all the departments in order to analyze the issue which has risen and the main reason behind that specific issue to occur. By doing this there would be a lot of issues which would come up to the surface which can help us ensure that all the symptoms be traced and rectified completely (Lewis, J. P. , 2001).
Train of Thought – This I feel is the most concrete idea for a College Student or any person who has just started the process of their Career. This is a systematic process to think through the issues. There are various facts which are collected in the process. There could be assumptions and risks which could be involved in this process. There could be informal decisions which could be taken in this process and the appropriate actions are to be taken
2. The Education Maintenance Allowance Schemes exist in countries to provide education to all the under privileged Students. There could be one critical aspect which all the Governments should consider while implementing these schemes because they should also help the Students realize the importance of work and they should be given some provisions to get into work as they have already realized that their education comes attached with some type of strings.
3. They are a well – established technological company with a huge network and a strong base
They have a proper project plan including the fixed inflows of the allocated budget to monitor the cash flow and plan the future project activities. Business was started with proper project investment being their prime focus. There should be a dedicated research team working on all the business sectors which could turn out to be a weakness in some zone which can be looked at as an opportunity for the management to focus and resolve majority of their business concerns if any (Stretton, A. A. ‘A, 1997).
Any development or any customization which takes place should be shown to the customer and get their consent to proceed further.
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