Strategic Marketing And Audience Development Plan For Marrine Theatre

Business Objective

The Marrine theatre is the theatre located in Melbourne that has become identified regionally as crucial arts center and differentiated from others via electric programming. The Marrine groups provides wide range of theatre shows, packages and tickets. This theatre group has attained reputation  for its award wining catering, events, conference, launch of product, providing entertainment to the people. It is the destination for the performers with both national as well as international reputation. The comedy theatre of this group mainly offers different types of theatre as well as live entertainment.

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The vision of this comedy theatre organization is to build good reputation across the globe for the comedy festivals. The mission of this company is to bring continuously different kinds of art of comedy by the local as well as international comedians who do their performances in festivals without any kind of barriers. Moreover, they also prioritize in meeting their performance requirements and for taking advantage of opportunity to enhance their skills by offering workshops as well as seminars and also creating meeting place in which members around the world can come here for interaction ( 2018).

The main purpose of this comedy theatre is to discover, develop and also showcase wide range of talent for entertainment as well as inspiration of the wide based audience. Their main business objective is to create more amount of revenues by attracting large number of domestic as well as international tourists from around the world. However, the company have been looking to commission an enterprise to carry out researches to develop strategic marketing and audience development plan.

The Marriners group business plan will aim –

  • To provide diverse as well as challenging program, which attracts individuals across the region.
  • Increase their total number of attendees
  • Develop new audiences for its company
  • To provide entertaining as well as educational work for the children
  • To be the part of programming networks that facilitate the audience to develop, enrich program and offer new opportunities for the funding purposes

As this company focuses on the carrying out strategic marketing, they must try to produce audience in theatre through Brand marketing as well as direct marketing (Baumgarth 2014).

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As per Boerner and Jobst (2013), this kind of marketing is mainly designed to engage audience emotionally and create awareness within them for its brand name. This type of marketing will help to provide messages to the community or audience regarding their work. The marketers of this Marriners group must try to focus on brand marketing in order to build as well as create emotional connection between the audience and their brand. The objectives of their brand marketing should also involve enhancing community awareness, promoting critically acclaimed awards and changing the perceptions of its business.

According to Amirkhanpour, Vrontis and Thrassou (2014), direct marketing mainly entices different prospects for taking action from its marketing communications. This type of strategic marketing techniques will be most effective for the Marriners Group as they can establish its brand and creates awareness as well as perceptions to the people about its theatre and programs. This will facilitate the people from understanding about overreaching premise of their reason behind going and seeing the comedy theatre. The objectives of its direct marketing will also revolve majorly around enhancing ticket sales, increasing memberships to its theatre, calls to Box Office and achieving different digital objectives such as- purchase conversion rate and visits to the websites (Baker 2014). One of the crucial principles of direct marketing that they should focus on is to have call of action that is – defined journey for any kind of prospects for taking once they finishes their communications. Apart from this, the other objectives that the Marriners group marketer’s must focus on are- to sell tickets based on the preference of its customers and giving thought around certain ways that people can buy tickets for its products. They must also focuses on calling to actions for guiding the prospective audience members to online website in which they could purchase tickets. However, setting marketing objectives for its theatre will mainly depend on kind of audience and communications with them (Gerritsen and van Olderen 2014).

Brand Marketing

For carrying out audience development plan, the Marriners group must develop their service in order to meet the requirements of audience (Zarantonello and Schmitt 2013). While making their audience development plan, the Marriners group should concentrate on few objectives that include-

  • Becoming better informed regarding their users
  • To have stable future in its business
  • To be more likely for developing services that people want and prefers

The major principles that the marketers of this comedy theatre must concentrate on are-

  • To involve people such as- staffs, trustees, governors, volunteers and users as well as non- users
  • To understand the requirements and interests of people
  • To address the people’s reasons for aiming to enhance their usage of service
  • To review as well as update the plan regularly as the audience development plan progresses

They must also concentrate on holistic approach for developing its audience plan. They must focus on three elements that includes- educational, programming and marketing for achieving effectual objectives of the audience development plan.

The  main objectives of the research study is to –

  • To conduct research about the attitudes and behavior of people residing in Melbourne
  • To investigate the expectations and perceptions of audience regarding their comedy theatre program
  • To explore existing measures for attracting audience at its theatre towards strengthening innovative measures for effectual audience development
  • To investigate effective strategic marketing measures that the Marriners group must adopt for improving their business performance

One of the qualitative objectives of this research will be to measure effectiveness of brand marketing (Quinlan et al. 2018).. This objective has been taken into account as qualitative in nature since it is dependent upon certain changes in the audience as well as community perceptions. The objective of this research is to measure effectiveness of brand marketing in their business through interview processes. The interview process will provide more qualitative insight into its brand and show how the audience are visibly identifying its brand.

One of the quantitative objectives of this research will be to explore, attitudes, behavior, expectations and perceptions of audience regarding the comedy theatre. This objective has been taken into account as quantitative in nature as this will help to increase profitability in business. This research will focus on how this objective can be measured using survey processes. Moreover, this research will focus on how this theatre group can detect different ways of attracting audiences to build relationship that might sustain them in theatre (Nardi 2018).






Sales of tickets

 $   650,000.00

Membership subscription

 $   120,000.00

Other revenues

 $   340,000.00

Total revenues

 $ 1,110,000.00

Less: Expenses

Employees expenses

 $   220,000.00

Affiliation fees

 $     35,000.00

Administration expenses

 $   190,000.00

Marketing and advertising expenses

 $   145,000.00

Grant for educational work

 $     72,000.00

Legal fees

 $     27,000.00


 $     44,000.00

Miscelleneous expenses

 $     32,000.00

Total operating expenses

 $    765,000.00

Earning before interest and tax

 $    345,000.00

Less: Interest expense

 $      52,000.00

Earning before tax

 $    293,000.00

Less: Income tax (Note)

 $                  –   

Profit after tax

 $    293,000.00

Profit margin



From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the Marriners group must focus on integrating effective strategies in order to develop strategic marketing plan and audience development plan. The marketers of this theatre group should adopt both brand marketing and direct marketing in order to make effective strategic marketing plan. Furthermore, for structuring audience development plan, the marketers of this company must communicate with the audience in order to build good relationship with them. Moreover, it has been projected from financial budget that the Marriners group can profit in its business if they achieve the above business objectives. Thus, it is predicted that the company will expand their business across the globe in future.  


Amirkhanpour, M., Vrontis, D. and Thrassou, A., 2014. Mobile marketing: a contemporary strategic perspective. International Journal of Technology Marketing 5, 9(3), pp.252-269.

Baker, M.J., 2014. Marketing strategy and management. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Baumgarth, C., 2014. “This theatre is a part of me” contrasting brand attitude and brand attachment as drivers of audience behaviour. Arts Marketing: An International Journal, 4(1/2), pp.87-100.

Boerner, S. and Jobst, J., 2013. Enjoying theater: The role of visitor’s response to the performance. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 7(4), p.391.

Gerritsen, D. and van Olderen, R., 2014. Events as a strategic marketing tool. CABI. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Dec. 2018].

Nardi, P.M., 2018. Doing survey research: A guide to quantitative methods. Routledge.

Quinlan, C., Babin, B., Carr, J. and Griffin, M., 2018. Business research methods. South Western Cengage.

Zarantonello, L. and Schmitt, B.H., 2013. The impact of event marketing on brand equity: The mediating roles of brand experience and brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 32(2), pp.255-280.

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