Strategic Management Of Innovation: Industry Collaboration And Innovative Technologies

The Importance of Integrating Technical Policy and Investment Policy

Discuss About The Technological Collaboration Industry Strategy.

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The innovation strategy involves the integration of the objectives of technical policy and investment policy and is aimed at the introduction of new technologies and types of products. It provides for the selection of certain research objects with which the company seeks to promote, first of all, the systematic search for new technological opportunities (Pisano, 2015). In this sense, strategic management of innovations is guided by the achievement of future results directly through the innovation process (the stage of research, the introduction of innovations in production use, the introduction of a new product into the market environment).

In the strategic management of innovation, the foreground is the real facts and potential opportunities that an enterprise must consider in order to ensure its successful development in the future. Strategic innovative goals are formed in the form of declarations of intent, on the basis of which an entrepreneurial concept, basic and functional strategies implementing this concept are defined, and a system of operational plans for implementing strategies is developed. A single model of innovation strategy, like a single strategic management for all enterprises, does not exist for one simple reason – each firm is unique in its characteristics. It follows that the content of strategic management of the innovation process is also unique and for each firm there is a specific form (Nylén & Holmström, 2015). The choice of an innovative strategy depends on many factors: the firm’s market position and the dynamics of its change, the production and technological potential of the enterprise, the type of product produced in the firm, and external factors. Or you can do an innovation plan for a specific new project (product or process innovation).

But there are some basic approaches or principles for developing innovative strategies and implementing strategic management of innovation. The development of own production and the competitiveness of goods are possible only in the case when innovations are introduced at the enterprise (Camisón & Villar-López, 2014).

They allow you to maximize profit, maintain and strengthen your image. Winning course: what type of strategy suits your business. How often does a leader need to deal with a company’s strategy or change it? Most of the directors who created successful businesses, and management consultants converge in one: in current times – constantly. The change of strategy is not an indicator of weakness, but, on the contrary, an indicator of the company’s vitality (Scarborough, 2016). In this article, we collected four types of strategic approaches, their examples, as well as templates and tables for determining the company’s strategy. Companies strive to increase the competitiveness of goods and strengthen their image in the market by: introducing innovative technologies for searching and applying new marketing solutions, methods and technologies for producing goods and providing services to change customer demand; the emergence of new forms of production; the emergence of new structures and units in the production chain, changes in pricing policy on the market, etc (Dees, 2017).

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Comprehensive Innovative Strategy

The innovation process is an extensive sphere of activity and interaction of various factors, methods and technologies, structures and management bodies that deal with: research in the field of creating new types of products, an innovative approach to the organization of labor, the improvement of instruments of production and equipment; development, coordination and phased financing of all developments and implementation of innovative solutions in production; improvement of tools to stimulate professional staff; development of communications for the speedy introduction of the results of scientific and technical activities and increasing its effectiveness (Dodgson, 2018).

  1. The need to ensure non-stop flow of innovation processes. Non-stop process of the system functioning is an uninterrupted control of the serviceability of communications at various stages of the innovation cycle.
  2. The structure of the new policy is clearly defined, where all the functions and communications among the participants in the process are distributed.
  3. Reflect the nature of internal and external communication processes of the company on the formation and introduction of new technologies.
  4. The relationship between authority functions and the resulting characteristics of liability measures.
  5. Achieving optimal production results and competitiveness in the market with minimal outlays of resources and funds by improving current processes. This is made possible by actions that help reduce the cycle of innovation transformation (Dodgson, 2018).
  6. Structural interactions for the organization of innovation at all levels of subordination, both vertically and horizontally, of the company’s functional divisions. In addition, there are specific principles for the organization of innovative technologies: Creation of favorable conditions and incentive methods for the search and implementation of innovative ideas. Activities aimed at satisfying consumer demand (Gassmann, Frankenberger & Csik, 2016).. The tasks and objectives that are facing the enterprise, form the direction of work on the introduction and development of new technologies. This activity is carried out in parallel in several directions. Innovation processes are generated and controlled at the company management level. Here, their strategic planning is carried out and the direction of further development is determined.

An innovative strategy is the leading functional strategy of a high-tech enterprise that is the basis of an overall strategy and, at the same time, the main condition for the competitive development of an enterprise. The innovative strategy presupposes the formation of an integrated balanced complex of measures for the product and technological modernization of production, changing its organizational structure, applying the latest management technologies and purposefully integrating innovations into the existing culture of the organization (Drucker, 2014). In other words, the strategy is a detailed comprehensive plan to achieve the set goals.

  • An action program that identifies the priorities of problems and resources to achieve the organization’s general innovation goal;
  • The concept of business, supplemented by real actions that lead this concept to achieve a competitive advantage (this requires understanding the market, assessing the organization’s position in the market, understanding its competitive advantages);

The development of a strategy should answer the following question s: how to achieve goals, how to eliminate competitors, how to provide advantages in competition, how to strengthen long-term positions of the firm, how to make a strategic vision a reality. Innovative strategies create especially difficult conditions for project, corporate and corporate governance (Hakansson, 2015).

The most significant specific risks faced by the enterprise in the independent development and implementation of innovations are: innovative, technological, commercial and financial risks. These rules govern the organization in its activities. He distinguishes four groups of rules: used in the evaluation of the performance of the firm; regulating and directing relations with the external environment, establishing relationships within the organization, following which the firm carries out its daily activities. Other authors view the strategy as a detailed comprehensive plan designed to implement the mission of the organization and achieve its goals (Johnstone, Haš?i? & Popp, 2017).

 Distinguishing the concepts of strategy and tactics, they see the features of the second in that it is developed in the process of strategy development, often formed at the level of the middle level, is designed for a shorter period of time and has rapidly manifested results.. In his opinion, the strategy “essentially represents a set of actions carried out on the elements of the planned system with a view to changing their functional characteristics or elements of its external environment with a view to changing the external conditions of functioning”. Innovative strategy sets the goals of innovation, the choice of means to achieve them and the sources of attracting these funds. In strategic management, they operate with complex goals that are designed to solve the following tasks: – familiarize themselves with the problem by comparing the existing state with the desired one – the function of the initiative; setting the criteria for evaluating information and choosing alternatives – making decisions – ensuring conflict-free coexistence of decision-makers – a tool for coordinating – creating prerequisites for follow-up control – a control tool. There are different types of objectives: in the covered sphere (general, private); by value (main, secondary); by monetary expression (monetary, non-monetary); by the number of variables in the goal (single and multi-variable); on the subject of the goal (on the overall result and on the production result); by place in the hierarchy of goals (higher, intermediate and lower); by the mutual correlation of goals (complementary, indifferent and competing goals according to the level of strategic objectives of the firm). The strategic objectives of the firm characterize the quantitative or qualitative side of the expected result (Kirzner, 2015).


By the nature of planners and implementers, technological innovation strategies can be divided into institutional (at the enterprise level) and central (at the state level). The central innovation strategy means the implementation of specific innovative activities planned at the state level (for example, a research and development program aimed at development some industrial branch), the formation of external infrastructure conditions that increase the innovative dynamism of enterprises and contribute to their development, also modernization of the internal mechanism of the enterprise and the system of links. In terms of substantive content at the level of enterprises, there are different strategies in the field of research and development, product structure, market, finance, organizations and others that are integral parts of long-term innovation strategy.


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Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K., & Csik, M. (2016). Innovation Strategy: From new Products to Business Model Innovation. In Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell (pp. 81-104). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

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