Strategic Information System: Various Internetworking System
The importance of the strategic management of the information system compiles of the various internetworking system that are regularly used in the daily lives. The consequences of the changing of the apps in the considered restaurant provide the fruitful results for this literature review. In this part of the literature review, the description of the restaurant OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE is taken for the appropriate examination of the strategies that are seemed to be useful for the creation of the appropriate app usage in the part of the system (Wong & Ma, 2013). This also helps in the creation of the consideration for the information system with thereby considering the applications used for the restaurant. The usage of the HOT SCHEDULE APP is seemed to a problematic for running the institution and thereby it also helps in the creation of the problems related to the no-option break and no come back options. Instead of this app, DEPTY app is used which is seemed to be simpler and thereby the idea for the comparisons of these two apps helps in the creation of the appropriate system of the information systems in order to have3 the fruitful examination of the system (Keenan, 2013). The DSS is also described in this context with the utilization of the appropriate practices with the consisting system.
The strategic information system is defined as the system that is used by the companies to achieve the goals in a more efficient manner. It also provides the companies a competitive advantage with the creation of the goals or the motives in order to survive in the current market. As per the article of “Strategic Planning for Information Systems” by John Ward and Joe Peppard, provides the view of the management of the systems used in the provided organization i.e. the restaurant OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE (2016). It helps in describing the system of the execution of information systems in the organization of the restaurant OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE. The computer management with the utilization of the appropriate information system management and the execution of data helps in the creation of the competitive advantage for the utilization and control of the management properly. it also helps in the creation of the appropriate value added services to the organization and thereby providing the appropriate execution of the information in order to support the development of the internal system of the management of restaurant OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE (Lee, 2011). Henceforth it helps in redesigning of the business network, processes and the scope of the restaurant OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE.
The strategic information system helps an organization to achieve their goals and objectives. The system is implemented to achieve a competitive advantage in the market on their competitors. The outback steakhouse uses the Hot Schedule as the information system for messages, communication, roster etc. The issues associated with Hot Schedule app is that there is no option for break and the employees has to always logout and when they come back then they have to ask the manager to clock them in again. The application does not provide appropriate facilities and for this the organization want to develop an app having features such as start break, end break, clock in, timeline, working hours etc. Therefore, the implementation of Depty app under decision support system will help to overcome such problems. The application will help to support the decisions of managers and knowledge workers (2016). The schedules and working hours of the employees can be maintained with the help of Deputy app. It will also help to prepare payroll sheet, tracking productivity of the employees, improving flow of communications and assigning tasks to the employees. The main aim of the implementation of deputy application is enhance the information system of Outback Steakhouse by improving the system. The introduction of break option, clock in option, details of working hours and timeline will help to improve the system and satisfying the needs of the workers as well as managers. Decision support system plays a significant role in the management of huge data and helping the managers and knowledge workers to take decisions. The enhancement in the information system will help to increase the productive of the restaurant as well as improving the overall process of the organization. The decisions of the managers and employees are supported by this system that increases the efficiency of the departments. For an example, mathematical modeling helps to draw sketches, computer programs, mathematical formulas and physical models (2016). The implementation of such system will enhance the information system of the restaurant.
The conceptual framework regarding the strategic information system used in the restaurant of OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE helps in providing the evaluations regarding the arrangement of the situational dimensions and the organizational strategies with including the information needs, information seeking and the use of the information. It also helps in represents the managerial traits that are categorized in the view of the consideration of the conceptual framework in considering the views (2016). The tools and the techniques help in representing the values that are seemed to be related to the information system department. With the creation of the specific SISP for the specific organization, the creation of the variations of the arrangement takes place in the organization. The scope of the creation of the analysis helps in the creation of the data process with the establishment of the process matrix and thereby the scope of the restaurant OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE seems to be fulfilled.
Figure: Conceptual Framework of Strategic Information System
Source: Luo, 2012
The creation of this framework aims in the creation of the framing of the organisational level framework with the creation of the IS planning methodologies and thereby the improvement of the competition level is seemed in the case of the creation of the competitive edge. With the modelling of the conceptual framework, the factors also affect the organisation to great extent. It also helps in representing the means of the communication system with thereby representing the modeling methods for the organization and the project team representation is also seemed to be created (Luo, 2012). Therefore the conceptual framework represents the values that are considered for the creation of focus on the values with the representation of the problems of the organization of the restaurant OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE.
Decision support system is computer based information system designed in such a way that it helps knowledge workers and middle managers to choose one of the alternative solutions to the problems. It helps to analyze huge amount of data in a faster way. With the help of decision support system Outback Steakhouse restaurant will be able to increase its market share, increase profitability, enhance quality and reduce costs. The implementation of deputy application will help the restaurant to cope up with the situation (Chiang S, 2016). It supports complex non routine solutions and helps to process data into information. The managers and technological experts can use this system in order to enhance the technological system within the restaurant. Some of the DSS are mathematical modeling, simulation, queries, what If (OLAP-Cubes) and Data mining. The implementation of deputy application under DSS will help to solve the issues that are faced by the workers of the restaurant. The main objective of DSS is to handle huge of data, processing data from different sources, providing presentation and report flexibility to suit the needs of the decision makers and performing sophisticated, complex and comparisons using software packages (“International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST): 1941-6296, 1941-630X: Library IS&T Journals | IGI Global”, 2016). The implementation of DSS supports problem solving phases which include design, choice, intelligence, monitoring and implementation. According to the research decision support system is considered to be as the most effective system of maintaining information and data as well as helps the managers to take appropriate decision. The DSS application is composed of following subsystems data management system, model management subsystems, knowledge management systems and user interface subsystem (K P, 2016). The system helps the managers in decision making processes and problem solving process.
In the article of “Decision Support Models for Valuing Improvements in Component Reliability and Maintenance” by Kang, Keebom, the usage of the Depty app is mentioned which provides the information of the management of the organisation helps in the creation of the appropriate element for the organisation. The values of this system also help in the creation of the appropriate management system with the consideration of the operational availability with the requirements of the assets (2016). This app also helps in the creation of the appropriate arrangement for the enhancement of the metrics with the consideration of the metrics for the restaurant OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE. It also provides the improvements in the component levels with the creation of the enhancements by myopic analysis with regarding the process of cost saving. It also helps in the enhancements of the measures related to the operational availability by considering the non-cost processes. The critical determinants also help in the creation of the response time in regarding to the measurement of the reliability in accordance to the traced footprints. It also helps in the incorporation of the key performances with the consideration of all the key performance criteria’s. The measures are seemed to be interrelated with the enhancement of the footprints and thereby the relays are repaired by the provision of the good response towards the utilization of the resources. It also helps in the creation of the performance with the implementation of the decision making process with thereby enhancing the views of the reliability and the maintenance of the component (Zinkhan, G., Joachimsthaler, E., & Kinnear, T., 1987). The Depty app also makes the work easier with the creation of simplicity in keeping the records of the restaurant OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE. It also helps in the fastest system that needs to be followed in the organisation of OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE.
Decision supporting system will help the managers and knowledge workers of Outback Steakhouse to take significant decisions and managing huge data of their organization. The restaurant was facing some problems with the implementation of Hot schedule in their organization as there was no option for break, chat and clock in. Therefore, the restaurant will implement Depty application in order to cope with these problems. It will help to improve the system as well as solving the problems faced by the managers and workers. The management of data and overall process of the departments is very much important and will help to estimate the productivity of the employees as well as the organization. The employee’s activities can be easily tracked as well as they do not have to face problems while working. The implementation of application is important for the restaurant in order to improve their processes and maintaining huge data appropriately.
Information system plays a significant role in the development of an organization. The application of advanced system such as decision support system will increase the value of the organization as well as supporting the decisions of the managers and workers. The main aim of implementing Deputy Application is to enhance the information system with features of start break, end break, clock in ad working hour details. The decision support system helps the managers and workers to take appropriate decision. The problem solving process and decision making process is important for the developmet of an organization.
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