Strategic Human Resource Management : Gamifying Recruitment

Describe about the Report for Strategic Human Resource Management of Gamifying Recruitment.

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1. Introduction

While considering the functions of the human resource management, the recruitment is one among its primary role. Recruitment involves attracting the potential candidates from the market or population appropriate to the specific job description, making them apply for the job vacancies and selecting the best out of them through a series of selection techniques or interviews. The selection process is a part of recruitment through which candidates who is eligible for the prescribe job is identified and appointed. The induction program comes after the recruitment and selection process which can also be considered as the final stage of the recruitment process. The primary purpose of this program is to make the new joined to get introduced with the procedure, organizational structure, operations, culture, etc of the organization (Cook, 2016).

A policy can be considered as a principle of action which are proposed and adopted by the organizations so as to perform its operations and to reach its goals. The procedures can be considered as the formal ways through which the operations are performed by an organization. The procedures taken by an organization adhere to the policies proposed by it.

The implement of specific policies and procedures in recruitment, selection and induction activities can induce professionalism in it and the HRM can perform these activities in more organized manner. Through formulating policies and procedures, the HRM can take these as the guidelines while formulating strategies for recruitment and selection. The recruitment and selection policies will make it clear which path and how should it be taken so as to identify appropriate candidates for the organization (Nabi, Wei and Ghous, 2016).

Being the HRM of the transportation organization with more than 700 employees I take this opportunity to prepare a manual which covers the policies and procedures of the recruitment, selection and induction programs.

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Policies, procedures and time scale to be covered to the following activities:

Identification of a vacancy

The managers of each department are responsible for identifying and highlighting the need of the employees. The managers should complete a recruitment requisition form and should get the approval of the Director and forward it to the HR so as to initiate the recruitment process formally.

Preparing position statement and advertisement

Here the HR officials can start preparing the position statement to highlight the recruitment goal and proceed with advertisements. Initially the advertisements should be circulated internally to make the employees aware about the vacancies and then go for external advertisements.

Determine recruitment strategy

The recruitment strategy adopted should provide equity and fairness to all candidates. The interview panel should contain minimum 3 interviewers. The CV selection should be performed without the interference of any racial, sexual discrimination (Rahim, 2016).

Establish selection procedures

Ensuring the availability of the interview panel during the scheduled date, time and venue is important. Single sex panel should be avoided for the selection process. A formal document has to be prepared for communicating the interview details to the shortlisted candidates.

Short Listing

Person specification has to be considered while short listing the candidates. Line manager verification is essential for short listing. Any sort of discrimination has not to be practiced.

Selection methodology

Technical and non-technical tests have to be arranged as per the job description. Psychometric tests and reference checks has to be performed for the credibility. The selection should be made as per the fair recruitment laws of the authority (Armstrong, Landers and Collmus, 2016).

Reference check

The reference check has to be strictly performed so as to identify the credibility of the applicant.

Selection decision

The section decision has to be performed based on the interview and psychometric outcomes. The panel should not consider any discrimination here. The reason for the selection and the rejection of a candidate should be mentioned clearly.

Make offer

The HRM should formally provide the offer letter to the candidates. The candidates should be asked to submit all relevant documents like certificates. The offer and appointment letter should be provided which includes all terms and conditions (Landers and Schmidt, 2016).


All new staff members will undergo induction program or an orientation program which makes them merge with the company rules and regulations.

Time Scale for the recruitment and Selection Activities

Recruitment and Selection Activities

Time Scale

Identification of a vacancy

Week 1

Preparing position statement and advertisement

Week 2

Determine recruitment strategy

Week 2

Establish selection procedures

week 3

Short Listing

week 4

Selection methodology

Week 5

Reference check

Week 6

Selection decision

Week 6

Make offer

Week 7


Week 8-9


The recruitment and selection manual has to be prepared as a written document. The HRM can arrange a meeting on behalf of the same and can announce the policies and procedures. The copies of the manual can be given to the managers of each department so that they could get the awareness about the policies. Then the managers can be allowed to suggest their opinions. Relevant changes can be made if necessary. Through this the policies and procedures can be communicated and implemented effectively.

2. The recruitment and selection strategy

The future HR needs of the transportation organization can be identified for each department through developing a strategic HR staffing plan based on the strategic business plans of the organization. For example if the organization is focusing on enhancing its transportation service to new location then additional staff members will be required in the operations department.

The job description should be developed which includes the roles and responsibilities that the candidate should perform while at work. This should be developed through a thorough job analysis. This should highlight what the organization expects from an individual while at work.
External and internal advertisement should be done so as to gather the attention of the potential candidates. The advertisement should include the job specification, job description, personal specification, salary details and some other benefits, interview date, time, venue etc (Rivas, 2016).
While advertising for the vacant position the HRM should consider the policies like equal opportunity, making use of the common language, etc.
The advertisement should also be confined with the legal requirements like the prohibition of sexual, racial discriminations, employment rights, etc.
The selection of the candidates from the list of the application can be performed through following a series of selection procedures which includes: Preliminary CV screening, sending interview call letter, written test, psychometric test, Personal interview, technical test, final round, offering the offer letter.
Some of the recruitment specialists which can enhance the efficiency of recruitment are the professionals to whom the recruitment can be outsourced and the job portals. Through the recruitment professionals the CV’s which are appropriate to the job vacancy can be obtained easily. Job portals can provide a large pool of candidates which makes the recruitment process easier.
Finally comes the provision of the contract letter to the selected candidates which includes the job position or designation, nature of job (permanent or temporary), job description, salary and other compensation details, benefits, details regarding leave and holidays, terms and conditions, policies and procedures etc.

3. Induction Program

An induction program is the orientation program or a training program. Here an accounting assistant has been recruited and an induction program is given to him. The primary objective of this program is to make the accounting assistant introduced with the transport organization and his roles and responsibilities. Through this he can better understand what the organization expects from him and the management can understand what type of training shall be given to him so as to shape his skills.

The induction program for the accounting assistant can be scheduled for two weeks so that he can get a clear understanding about the operations of the organization. Some of the contents which can be enclosed in the induction program can be the exposure to the organizational goals and objective, mission, vision, policies and procedures, organizational structure, organizational culture, etc. This can be done within a week time. The remaining one week can be scheduled for his department oriented training program (Gabel, 2016).

The method which can be adopted for training can be coaching through which the contents can be described easily. The senior management can be allowed to take part in the induction program so as to provide lecture. He can also be taken to the organizational visit for understanding the organizational structure better. The resources which can be utilized for training can be the annual reports, policy and procedure guidelines, PowerPoint presentations highlighting the history and development of the organization etc. Finally the induction program can be evaluated through allowing the trainee to fill the feedback form. This will enable the management to identify the effectiveness of the program (Liang and Shaw, 2016). 


Armstrong, M.B., Landers, R.N. and Collmus, A.B., 2016. Gamifying Recruitment, Selection, Training, and Performance Management

Cook, M., 2016. Personnel Selection: Adding Value Through People-A Changing Picture. John Wiley & Sons.

Gabel, J.A., 2016. Induction program design as it relates to school setting (Doctoral dissertation, UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA).

Landers, R.N. and Schmidt, G.B., 2016. Social media in employee selection and recruitment: An overview. In Social Media in Employee Selection and Recruitment (pp. 3-11). Springer International Publishing

Liang, J. and Augustine-Shaw, D., 2016. Mentoring and induction for new assistant principals: The Kansas Educational Leadership Institute. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 5(3).

Nabi, G., Wei, S. and Ghous, G., 2016. Do we have proportionate gender in policy making? a study based on key government institutions of saarc region. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 14(1), pp.39-51.

Rahim, S.A., 2016. Measurement of levels of satisfaction of staff about the recruitment and selection process of Mutual Trust Bank Limited: an exploratory study. The Business & Management Review, 7(3), p.282.

Rivas, R., 2016. International Recruitment and Selection–More than a Simple Extension of Policies and Practices Across National Borders. Available at SSRN 2795580.

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