Strategic Human Resource Management For Global Organizational Success – Uniqlo Case Study
The Key Element of Organizational Success
What are the platforms that are considered for hiring the best possible potential for the organisation? Explain.
One of the most frequent platforms that have been modified over and over again involves the criteria that are considered for hiring the best possible potential for the organisation. The world has turned into a single economy, which demands commercial entities to recruit select and retain the positive, skilled, talented, most knowledgeable potentials for the organisation (Belcourt, 2010). It is essential for leaders and managers to contributing in the process of scrutinizing the applicants, recruiting, training and then retaining such talents. It is their responsibility to ensure that the professionals that have been selected must possess the qualities that will make them contributable to the achievement of organisational goals and objectives. The following report will involve an in-depth analysis of the roles and responsibilities along with the strategies that a typical HR professional or the department related might employ in order to develop a team of professionals that does have the potential to conquer every challenge they have been put through. The report will also involve Uniqlo, a Japanese clothing retailer that is planning on its global expansion. The brand is also in the process of planning to open its first international flagship store within the South Eastern region of Asia and Singapore mainly. Now, developing a brand image within local market is comparatively low intensifying job, whereas the same in the international market becomes highly intensifying task. The brand with its first international flagship store opening plan would develop 300 job opportunities, which also signifies that the company would receive numerous job applications. This would demand the Hr department of the Uniqlo to put their best efforts in order to ensure that they selected the best possible potentials for the organisation. However, the responsibility of the Hr department does not end with recruitment only, it also is necessary for the organisation to keep motivating their employees for extracting the best out of them (Boselie, 2010).
The key element to organisational success has always been the people or the individual associated with it. It is not physically possible for an organisation to trade/compromise/sacrifice or substitute, its human capital under any sort of circumstance. One universal fact that cannot be denied, which says that organisational success is intrinsically associated with a fact that is, how efficient the hr department or the management is in terms of taking good care of its workforce under adverse and diverse conditions. This urge gradually created to notion of strategic approach for HR management. The strategic approach for HR management will affect in a multifaceted manner as it will channelize different resources, while stabilizing them. It is essential to stabilize and channelize these resources in a balanced manner for every organisational objective and goal needs some part of these resources. There are various organisations from all around the world that refer this approach as the SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management). In other words, this is a process of combining the strategic approach of management and the human resource management.
Strategic Approach for HR Management
As discussed earlier, the world has become a single economy and organisations are free to flock across the international borders for their commercial purposes. Since, the emergence of globalisation the level of competition that organisation previously had to survive in, has been intensified. Thus, the survival and sustenance in such condition demands organisations to recruit the best possible potentials that probably would work in favour of the organisational goals and objectives.
The recruitment strategy that would be followed here will emphasize upon two positions as demanded. The first position would be of the store manager and the second position would be of the marketing manager. Now, as far as the responsibilities of a store manager is concerned it demands great combination of patients and calculations (Dawson and Kim, 2010). However, for the initials a proposal for the recruitment would be developed, including the following-
- An Advertisement
- Brief intro about the organisation
STORE MANAGER- Uniqlo, Singapore Flagship store v Singapore and South Eastern Asia at Orchard Central v Salary- Negotiable + Bonuses + Clothing discounts and other perks v Work within a dynamic, fun and professional work culture along with assistive management personnel UNIQLO The Uniqlo is a Japan origin fashion apparel company that produce fashion clothing line for people from every age group. The company has been successful in their strive to put up smile on the faces of their consumers as they have always been effective with their promises to provide cloths and apparels that do satisfy every fashion and comfort norm. The brand Uniqlo emphasizes upon regular casual and comfortable cloths that people can wear on a regular basis. The organisation also emphasizes especially on the youth segment of the customers, as they are one of the three trend setting customer segments. Currently, the company is planning on its global expansion and will shortly open its first international flagship store in Singapore and South Eastern Asia. For this purpose, the Uniqlo is seeking for Store Manager for Singapore and various other locations at the South Eastern part of the Asia. The organisation does have some basic criterion that they would consider for selecting the most effective potential for the organisation. The list of skills that applicants must posses are- v Strong selling and interpersonal skills. v Superior skills of people management. v Efficient leadership skills. v Passion and willingness for the industry. v Communication skills. v Team player Applications to be sent at- (Email Address/Website) |
MARKETING MANAGER- Uniqlo, Singapore Flagship store v Singapore and South Eastern Asia at Orchard Central v Salary- Negotiable + Bonuses + Clothing discounts and other perks v Work within a dynamic, fun and professional work culture along with assistive management personnel UNIQLO The Uniqlo is a Japan origin fashion apparel company that produce fashion clothing line for people from every age group. The company has been successful in their strive to put up smile on the faces of their consumers as they have always been effective with their promises to provide cloths and apparels that do satisfy every fashion and comfort norm. The brand Uniqlo emphasizes upon regular casual and comfortable clothes that people can wear on a regular basis. The organisation also emphasizes especially on the youth segment of the customers, as they are one of the three trend setting customer segments. Currently, the company is planning on its global expansion and will shortly open its first international flagship store in Singapore and South Eastern Asia. For this purpose, the Uniqlo is seeking for Marketing Manager, who will be in charge of conducting marketing activities throughout the region of South Eastern Asia and Singapore. The organisation does have some basic criterion that they would consider for selecting the most effective potential for the organisation. The list of skills that applicants must possess are- v Interpersonal skills. v Conducting marketing activities. v Efficient leadership skills. v Passion and willingness for the industry. v Communication skills. v Team player Applications to be sent at- (Email Address/Website) |
There have been numerous arguments and debates to keep the HRM (Human Resource Management) out of the strategic management. However, with the ever-changing nature of transformation, it has become imperative for the hr professionals to integrate the management strategies. It is significantly essential to ensure that organisations select the most appropriate candidates thus; integrating the strategic approach with the HRM strategies would produce the most constructive results. When combining these two distinct aspects together, it produces effective strategic approaches to the HRM that have various advantages.
Before proceeding any further with the HRM activities, it is essential for the hr professionals to develop a clear understanding regarding what does make an hr strategy good. The answer to this particular question lies within the manner a strategy can make people feel if they are valued or not. The Hr strategy (a good one) must make people aware regarding every aspect of the organisation while ensuring they are clear regarding their position within organisation as individual, a part of the team or a group. The strategy must as well make a clear projection regarding what and how people do their job either individually or as group that fits within the strategy. And most importantly, the strategy must as well designate the specific pattern or nature individuals would be rewarded against their individual or contribution being a part of a group (Fottler, 2010). Additionally, the strategic approach of the HRM must as well make a good projection regarding how individuals might ensure a consistency in their growth and development within the organisational system, while contributing in the group and individual efforts and objectives.
Before the selection of the hr strategy, the hr professionals must ensure that the strategies must fulfil the basic needs they are-
- Must satisfy every business need.
- The strategy must be developed on the basis of detailed study and analysis, instead of wishful thinking.
- Must be turned in an actionable plan whenever needed that would foresee problems and requirements associated with the implementation.
- Must as well be integrated and coherent.
- The strategy must as well consider the needs of employee’s and line manager’s and simultaneously stakeholder’s and organisations as well.
The selection of personnel would be conducted for the position of store manager and marketing manager on the basis of the few qualities, they are mentioned underneath-
Leadership skills- It is necessary for a store manager or a marketing manager to possess leadership skills. The reason behind such requirement is that, individuals working as store or marketing manager do have significant pressure and need to work and lead a team of professionals. Having leadership skills will enable an individual to work with diverse individuals in effective manner. This would also help the organisation to achieve its organisational goals and objectives.
Recruitment Strategy for Uniqlo
Communication skills- Though, the roles and responsibilities of a store manager and a marketing manager is fundamentally different but some of their skills are similar. Communication is one of the necessary skills that can help an individual to be able to communicate with his subordinates and peers. It is essential to convey the marketing messages to the team of professionals, lack of this particular skill would not bring in constructive outcomes.
Team-player- Being a leader it also is necessary to act as a part of the team, as dominating team members is not worthwhile. Developing relationship with the team members and other employees of the organisation would help them in achieving the organisational goals effectively. It also is essential for the manager or the leader to contribute to the organisational goals and objectives. Being a team player would also be constructive from the leader’s point of view, as group efforts and discussions often are knowledgeable, one can easily gain substantial knowledge from teamwork (Huerta Melchor, 2010).
Planning ability- To be appointed at the leadership position, it is one of the fundamental necessities to possess planning skills. The store manager must be able to plan the arrival or dispatch particular number of stock or inventory. The plan might also include precise details like what the products would be that needs to be acquired or ordered on immediate basis. Considering the marketing manager’s perspective, the individual must possess the ability to plan its marketing activities. Planning the right set of marketing activities is as essential as it is to execute those activities on right time. The marketing manager must foresee the conditions and situations and plan executing the marketing activities accordingly.
Humans or individuals within an organisation are of the greatest value or the greatest assets. Things might be tough for any organisation with a lack of able and skilled workforce. The Uniqlo is planning to open a flagship store in the Singapore and South East Asia. The purpose would require the organisation to attract and hire best possible potential for the organisation. The strategy would broadly involve aspects such as reward, retention and motivation, these factors would ensure that employees are being justifying with their roles and responsibilities.
Employees often work too hard and are ignored on continuous basis, which eventually results in employee turnover. The Uniqlo cannot afford such mistakes; the Hr department would be developed and instructed to look after the needs of the employees. Besides from being structured and trained, it is a fundamental duty of hr professionals to continue satisfying the needs of employees and motivating them on a daily basis. “Money has its own way to motivate people”- monetary rewards have always been one of the most effective ways for motivating employees within the organisation. Rewards can as well be non-monetary, it is essential for the management to try different types of motivational methods to encourage its workers and employees. Motivated employees means satisfied employee and a satisfied employee mean a loyal employee. Satisfying employee’s needs and demands would help the organisation to retain employees efficiently (Jackson, 2002).
Uniqlo: The Japan Origin Fashion Apparel Company
Retaining able employees is a crucial task, which must done in an efficient manner. Often organisations overlook the contributions that employees do individually, which is important to notice. Retaining employees can be a tough job but must be accomplished with effectiveness, for it takes several years to develop an individual to an able employee. Loosing even a single employee might bring adverse situations and conditions, which would create negative impact over the organisational growth. There are some fundamental strategies for retaining able employees, they are-
- Offering incentives.
- Offering promotion.
- Offering monetary and positional benefits.
- Clarifying expectations.
These strategies have been popular and common among various organisations from all around the world. These strategies would help in retaining the employees and motivating them simultaneously.
Motivation is intrinsically associated with individual need, Maslow proposed the hierarchy of needs that does have the potential to motivate an employee to the fullest. First of all the physical needs of food, clothing and shelter, once satisfied individual moves to higher level of needs (Kim, 2010). Safety needs symbolizes individual safety needs that can motivate individuals to be more dedicated workers. Love and belongingness is situated at the third position, the feeling of belongingness would serve constructively for enhancing the quality of performance (individual and team). Then comes the esteem needs and finally followed by the self actualisation needs.
The company provides the opportunity for the staff to improve their personal skills by training and development which helps the employees and indirectly helps the company to perform, better (Connell and Teo, 2010). The personal skills development helps the employees to develop their skills and the performance of the employees not only rises but the opportunity for development offered by the company attracts more and more talented individuals to the company and thus the talent of the workforce as a whole increases because of the training opportunities offered by the company.
The reward system of the Uniqlo is performance based and the employees of the company get bonus and pay raises not only based on experience but also the performance of the individual. So the reward system of the company is just and it does not give opportunity of creating any problems for the management to the employees. So the turnover rate is low and the employee satisfaction is higher than ever in the company so the different people of different posts work in harmony and they concentrate on their own duty as the bonus and increments motivate the employees to do more work and they are inclined tow3ards taking more responsibility for their duties as they know if the company is benefitting from their actions they will be rewarded by the management and all of the staff of the company. (Fottler, Khatri and Savage, 2010), regardless of their position are aware of the fact thus the performance of the individuals and the company’s overall performance stays at the top the capabilities of the staff.
The budget for the planned strategies and their implementation needs to be proper in order for the strategy to be successful. The company is one of the leading fashion apparel companies and the market is quite competitive in the sector in Asia. Thus the budget needs to be planned carefully and the company needs to promote the talent of the workforce and utilise their skills to the fullest extent to make sure that the company stays in the competition in the market. Thus the budget needs to orientate not only on the operations but the human resource management as well. There is also the need for the company to reward the employees based on their effort and the motivational factor of the strategy is invaluable to bring out the best in the employees. There should also be provision of the training of the employees and development of the skills. Both of the strategies and budget allocation will allow for better employee satisfaction and performance of the company thus it will give the company competitive advantage as the company will not only be train the employees but also retain the talent within the organization (Connell and Teo, 2010).
It is imperative for hr professionals of the Uniqlo to be well informed and aware of the current performance appraisal, staffing, training, development, safety issues and other aspects. This would help the organisation to be effective with its purpose of opening the flagship store in the Singapore and South East Asia. Often hiring the right people results adversely, which demands training sessions for their individual enhancements, this would help them in attaining the organisational objectives in the most effective manner. Providing training would mean enhancing the ability of the organisation, which would be a constructive move ahead for developing the right set of individuals. Since, the organisation is planning to open a flagship store almost at the centre of Asia, it is imperative for them to develop the right set of professionals.
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