Strategic Human Resource Management For Ethics And Employment – Thames Water Case Study

Importance of the SHRM

Describe about the Human Resource Management for Ethics and Employment?

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This report has been prepared on ‘Thames Water’ that is one of the world’s largest service providers of wastewater and water service providers in the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the USA. The company is known to offer the best services to the clients, at a reasonable price. This report has been prepared on the strategic human resource management system that has helped the company in handling issues associated with the HR. human resource management is quite important for the business development, especially when the companies operate in the international market. HRM provides an effective and reliable support to the different operational activities that exists within the company. ‘Thames Water’ operates from various parts of the world, and thus reliable SHRM method has to be adopted and implemented. This report highlights the relevance of the strategies and the benefits associated with its implementation process (Boxall and Purcell, 2008).

With the help of strategic human resource management process, the management of the company work beyond the administrative tasks to handle the issues related to HR. ‘Thames Water’ proposes to open business operational activities in different countries, and thus intend to adopt effective strategies to handle the issues associated with the human management within the company. Employees of the company form an important part of the organization. Handling the issues faced by the staffs from various departments of the company is not an easy task. For this, the managers, team leaders, and the executives of the organization get involved with the task associated with the human force handling. The role of the employees of the company is vital, and thus it is necessary to evaluate the challenges involved with it in the best possible manner. Through effective human force handling process, the company can motivate the staffs to work towards the business development. This would help in the business development and gaining a control over the level of competition that exists in the industry. Through this process, the management of the company value the staffs and encourage the employees to work towards the goal achievement. This would improve the profit earnings ratio for the company (Campbell et al., 2007).

Highly motivated staffs always contribute towards the improvement in the profitability process. The company values and attribute the success to the contribution made by the staffs. At present, ‘Thames Water’ has proposals to increase the business performance through strategic acquisition. This includes hiring efficient and qualified staffs who could handle the complex work atmosphere. Through this process, the management of the company aim to work towards the below mentioned factors –

provide employment security
introduce or engage in the process of selective hiring method
develop teams and provide the members with required resources to handle the issues
introduce decentralised method for improving the performance (Evan, and Freeman, 2004)

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The management of the company has introduced effective training process through which the staffs are encouraged to perform the tasks in the best possible manner. Training programs are developed with an intention of providing the employees with the accurate knowledge through which challenging tasks at the workplace can be easily handled. In order to motivate the staffs, the management also propose to work on the below mentioned factors –

Strategies to motivate

reduce the differences in the status of the staffs
introduce better payment method for the employees
equally treat the employees belonging to different cultural backgrounds (Greenwood, and De Cieri, 2007)
Share accurate and reliable information with the employees of the company.

Motivational factors for the staffs are quite an important factor. ‘Thames Water’ ensures to develop and implement different strategies through which the employees of the company would be motivated to work towards the business development. For the management of the company, implementation of the HRM strategies is an asset. It is necessary to measure the performance of the employees in terms of the strategic implementation. The policies have been drafted as per the requirements of the company. In this process, the management ensures to introduce effective strategies through which the performance system within the company can be improved. For this the standards are upgraded and the corrective measures are introduced by the management to accomplish the set target. In order to achieve the set target, it is necessary to increase the involvement of the staffs within the company. Through this process, the management intends to share responsibilities with the staffs (Guest, 2001).

HR of the company performs the core task. The human resource department of the company work towards planning for the workforce for the organization. Other tasks that are carried out by the company includes –

Deciding the compensation benefits
Handling risk management for the staffs
Developing strategies for maintaining employee relationships
Introducing better human resource development process
Implementing technology for recording and maintaining details regarding the human force requirements (Krogh, Nonaka, and Aben, 2001)

The model also emphasize on the analysis of the talent management system, and introducing the change management system for the global market. This has been done to create favourable and feasible work atmosphere for the employees working with the company from various departments. The knowledge required for execution of the tasks, and handling the issues associated with the human force are analysed. Through this method, an effective strategy is prepared and introduced by the company. The members, along with the managers are encouraged to apply the knowledge through which different situations at the workplace can be handled. Through such method, the company try to increase the level of competency and expertise. Both the factors are required for improving the performance of the company in the national and international market (Macklin, 2007).

The behavioural competency level is associated with different factors like –

Introducing relationship management system
Introducing consultation process
Analysing the relevance of the leadership factor
Including ethical practices through which the business development can be introduced by the company (Margolis, Grant, and Molinsky, 2007)

The developmental plan introduced by the management of the company is meant to benefit the staffs, the management, stakeholders, and others who are associated with the performance of the company. Through such competency level, the behaviour of the employees is analysed. With the help of the SHRM strategies, the management of the company could easily relate to the competency model. Through this process, it is possible for the companies to analyse the performance and introduce better steps for improving the productivity. Effective planning method helps the company to use the resources in the best possible manner. In this method an attempt is made to provide equal and fair opportunities to the members of the company. This would help in the business development and handling the issues faced by the staffs in the best possible manner (Michie, J., & Sheehan, 2005).

SHRM HR competency model

The prime objective of the company and the SHRM is to develop an effective and reliable international workforce in different markets. Through this process, the level of competitor’s services can be analysed. For this, it is essential to introduce effective technology and gather the required information about the task performance. The policy changes have been introduced after analysing the requirements of the company. Rules and regulations followed by the company in the international market is quiet different from the ones that is followed in the domestic market. Thus, the strategies prepared have to be feasible. Through effective human resource management system, it is possible for the companies to handle the challenges faced by the staffs working in various departments of the company (Min et al., 2007).

With the help of the effective and motivated staffs, it is possible for the company to outperform the competitors and increase the profit earning margin. One of the important tasks performed by the HRM of the company is handling the issues associated with the cultural factors. For this, it is essential to develop effective coordination process through which the operational activities can be improved. Policies drafted for implementing the cross cultural factors within the company has to be handled in the right manner. This is done through dynamic method for process model for staffing (Nachum, 2003).

The priority of the human resource management of the company is to introduce positive management practices through which the company would be able to deliver quality services on a timely manner. Through this process, an effort is made to reduce on the labour turnover, which increases the operational expenses. For this, the valuable services rendered by the employees of the company from various departments are analysed. The standards for effective human management system are introduced by the company. The rules are communicated with the members or staffs from various departments. Through this method, the HRM attempts to increase the productivity for the company (Nachum, and Keeble, 2003). Different departments working within the company are made accountable for the tasks that are being performed by the managers. Some of the tasks that are performed by the management include –

Strengthen the practices followed by the human resource management system of the company
Ensure that the workforce of the company has been fairly represented
Introduce effective learning and training process through which the business needs can be handled in an effective manner (Ngo et al., 2003).
Implement strategies through which the workplace health and safety measures can be introduced.

The human resource management system helps in developing clear roles and assigns the responsibilities through which the departments can be made this process, the team efforts and works are motivated, as this will help in handling different tasks in the best possible manner. The staffs working with the company are treated equally, and this is done through minimising the cultural differences. With the help of the strategic planning process the longer term strategic plans are decided and implemented in the right manner. The cultural factors are based on the geographical factors. Planning is done after analysing the challenges involved in the process of implementing the rules for improving the workforce ( Ngo, 2008)

SHRM for global departments

The cost for handling the human resources is always an additional expense for the company. Thus, the management attempt to avoid the expenses involved in the process. In this process, the mangers draft fair and equal policies through which the staffs are provide with equal opportunities to prosper within the company. The strategies prepared by the company include introducing different steps through which the management can introduce effective communication method with the staffs. In this method, the process for communication is improved and the knowledge shared between different members are analysed (Nachum, and Keeble, 2003).

In this method, the managers of the company constantly work towards improving the knowledge of the staffs to perform different tasks. This also includes adopting and implementing innovative methods, through which the challenges can be overpowered. In this method, the management of the company adopt and introduce flexible methods for handling the tasks at the workplace. The staffs of the company are encouraged to maintain positive relations with the management. This forms an important factor of the strategic management for the company. In this method the system and the technology adopted by the company is analysed and corrective steps are introduced for increasing the production activities (Ngo et al., 2008).

Some of the policies or strategies adopted by the company have been mentioned below –

Suitability – In this process, the suitability of the strategies are analysed. This is done to analyse the changes required to be introduced within the company.
Acceptability – the policies framed by the company has to acceptable by the members or the staffs of the company.
Feasibility  – the rules drafted by the company has to be feasible as this will help in introducing the changes that would help in the business development (Pinnington, 2003).


Strategic human resource development is one of the important factors. Through this method, the issues faced by the company in handling the human resource are analysed. This would help in the business development process. The challenges faced by the company in handling the human resource factors have to be analysed. This would help in analysing the issues and drafting the best policies through which the issues can be easily handled by the company. The policies drafted by the company have to be analysed and the corrective measures has to be implemented.


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