Strategic Business Analysis And Social Responsibilities
Corporate Social Responsibilities
Discuss about the Strategic Business Analysis and Social Responsibilities.
Social responsibilities from the business environment are united with the business model. Corporate social responsibilities or CSR policy works with the mechanism of the self-regulatory mechanism of the corporations. A business monitors safeguard their compliances with the law, ethical standards, and national or international averages. CSR strategies reassure the business for making positive effects into the environments and society (Caprotti, 2012). This article focuses on the corporate social responsibilities as well as the exact changes that support in creating the social responsibilities through their communication activities of marketing. According to the Angelidis and Ibrahim (1993), the corporate social responsibilities are the actions which are to the satisfaction of the social requirements. The CSR needed investment and its outcomes towards the society. This is how we all know that the change in the companies from CRM deals to a great prospect on how customers respond positively to the CSR as different to customers with a low level of cynicism.
In the book Business and Society: Ethics and Stakeholder Management, it is described by Carrol and Bucholtz that the corporate social responsibility as the legal, economical, ethical flexible prospects which that society has of business at given point in time. The meaning of corporate social responsibilities is the business of organization has their morality, ethics, and responsibilities towards the society. Carrol and Buchholtz explanation of CSR makes the several faceted environments of social responsibilities. The anticipation of society from the companies or businesses that the business will make goods and services which are needed and anticipated by the customers and also selling those products and services at a reasonable price for all type of customers. Businesses are expected to be profitable, efficient and to keep shareholders’ interests into mind (Michaels and Grüning, 2016).
Wilhelm Autischer who is a CSR project manager for an Austrian business, described the social responsibilities as the social dimension as this does not mean creating a better society through specific initiatives by the organizations. He refers to more internal changes. Every company should integrate CSR practices into a proper structure. The way a company treats their employees will have to be changed. The singular interests should be preserve more admiration from the companies (Giammalvo, 2015).
Many of the people think that every business should do CSR besides their target and achievements. With the charity or donate a little money can bring positive responses to their businesses. The companies can sell local products by the retailers can also gain loyalty. After that, marketing their local products can also gain the trust of their customers. The organizations can implement new human resources, public relations departments through the direct reporting to the CEO or board of directors also will affect the society defiantly. The companies have to generate new jobs for the people which will effect into the society directly. Companies have to offer their products and services and also have to pay taxes properly so that, the government can use those tax amounts into the social activities. Besides this the company can help the society by support their employees, empowering their customers and investors regarding their needs and demand, nationally and internationally (Carrero and Valor, 2012).
Changes Required in CSR Practices
The changes which should be made into the business are many. Any business or organizations should give little money as a charity which can help the society in many ways. The organizations have to look that any of their activity should not be harmful to the social environment (Chauvin, 2013). Companies should stop child labor in their small shops like sweet shops, grocery shops, and factories or any other places. Every company or business should change their strategies and plans which can effect into the society and its environment. The companies have to try how they can achieve business goals with improvement into the society and environment (Mielcarek et al., 2015). Companies can donate little money from their profits to many NGOs and other social places which will be great for the social environments. According to the Harvard Business Review, business strategy is about choosing a unique position and does things inversely from the competitors. This strategy can apply to a social relationship with the company as to its customers and rivals. Thereafter, the social business environment can be more than a cost, a constant, or a charitable deed. The CSR can be a very good source of opportunity, innovation, and competitive advantages for any business or organization. According to the research based in the New York, around 47000 consumers crosswise 15 markets we have found that 42% of person thinks that a organization is based on their observations to the corporate social responsibility (CSR) (Båve, 2014).
In the list of top most companies with best CSR reputations are Microsoft, Google, BMW, Disney etc. we will talk about Microsoft in this paper. The policy of Microsoft and their business practices is a commitment to make the planet a better place. That’s why many of their employees come to work every day and its make and serious effect of the products and services that they develop. The company takes serious responsibilities in the help of the world can achieve more. Microsoft has committed to meet their social responsibilities in this world today. At Microsoft, their mission is to vest every person and every organization in this planet for achieves more. The CEO of Microsoft told that the technology can play a vital role into the social, environmental and economic opportunity around the world. The aim of this company is to empower their own employees to the millions of their users into the whole world. Microsoft believes that technology can authorize all of us in achieving better sustainability towards the future for this planet. This company works by holding their selves in their own operations for help the society, environment and other challenges also (Silnov, 2013). Microsoft has dreamed the world which technology will accelerate in innovate of clean energy for achieving more sustain social and economic growth and this will help in the use of fewer resources. Microsoft has committed to change the business practices for taking responsibility into mitigates our effects on society and to the environment.
Importance of CSR Strategies
There are two types of business ethics which are professional ethics and applied ethics. These describe the ethical problems and ethical principles those have arisen in the business environment. Business ethics identifies all aspects of professional conduct, and it is related to the conduct of individuals and total organizations. Business ethics can be described as the infrastructure of business. The objective is to control the essential purpose of a company (Duska, 2013). If the objective of any company is to make larger the shareholder returns, it has to sacrifice the profit to any other organization. Ethics mean the rule or standards what oversee their decision on a daily basis. On the other hand, the others say that ethics identify the internal code to improve the individual’s conduct, faith, community, tradition, and mores. There is a written code of ethics in the professional organization and especially in licensing boards for governing the standards of professional conduct anticipated in all field. It is fundamental to observe that law and ethics are not same, nor are the legal and ethical sequences of action in a given state automatically same (Baye, 2014).
There are so many ethical approaches in the business such as justice approach, emotional approach, teleological approach, deontologist approach.
The justice observation of ethical behavior depends on the trust and confident. According to established standards and rules, the ethical decision does not distinguish the people by kinds of preferences, but treat every person equitably, fairly and independently (Schwartz, 2015). All human being is made distinct and equal against gender, nationality, gender or any principles will be described unethical.
Ayer has described this approach. He recommends that ethics and moral are the personal perspectives. Right decisions are meaningless expressions of emotions. The idea of ethics is personal in nature, and that reflects a person’s emotion. It means that if the people feel good regarding the act then according to their opinion, this is a moral act (Dewani and Sinha, 2012).
Teleological approach
The teleological approach is also known as consequence approach; it also defines the ethics conduct regarding the base of the consequences of an action. Either an activity is wrong or right, it is totally based on the judgment regarding the consequences of activity. The knowledge and idea are to judge the moral activity if it provides, better than harm to society (Fraedrich, Ferrell, and Ferrell, 2013). For instance with the help of the teleological approach, lying to save everyone’s life will be morally acceptable. The act will be described ethical if it provides much more gratification than dis-gratification for society. That should be considered that this gratification or happiness must be for the society in common people and not for the people obligating the act and everyone who are totally included in the act.
Case Study of Microsoft
When teleologist gives importance to do that will improve social welfare and, a “deontologist” gives importance to do that is right depended on the ethical principles. According to this, few actions will be described wrong even if the significances of those actions were good. This approach is made on the evidence that duty is the moral category and this duty is independent of significances (Brooks, Jr., 2016).
Now, the importance of ethical approach in business is described. In organizations, ethics concern a moral judgment of an individual or an employee. The ethical approach is necessary for business. It is the ethics of the firm to attract the customers to the organization emotionally. Human beings are very emotional in nature, and the companies utilize various methods and techniques to appeal to consumer emotions. Moreover, advertising is also an ethical approach to business, and it is important to make profits for future purpose in business (The Importance of Ethical Marketing Practices, 2015). Advertisers take the time to prudently choose every element which includes color scheme, lighting, tone and mood of the commercial sets. Additionally, business ethics are important for the long-term growth of the organization. Sustainability comes from an ethical long-term vision which takes into interpretation all shareholders. On the other hand, these ethics are significant for cost along with risk reduction. The corporations which identify the significance of business ethics will need to expend less protecting themselves from the external as well as internal behavioral risk. It may be argued that an owner can run a business in whichever way the person wishes. The businesses with high ethical and reliability standards establish long lasting connections with the customers they deal with. The ethical approaches improve the performance of the employees if the organization implements good ethical policies. It also prevents unethical behavior such as bad reputation. Consequently, scandals about a particular organization are avoided. The companies can get legal and financial incentives if the implements proper ethical policies. Aside from, corporate social responsibility can be achieved by following ethics in business.
A company can also get benefits by implementing business ethics. The business leaders make significant ethical decisions every day. They need to develop some ethical theories to accomplish it. An implementation of proper business ethics can lead to competitive improvement. The customers acquire to trust ethical brands and continue to remain loyal to them. The society gets to make profits from the firm ethics because the ethical organization identifies their accountabilities in the community. If the company does not follow business ethics, then they can maximize their profit as much as they want. A business ethics reduces freedom of the company to increase their profit level. The enterprises that are engaged in developing the infrastructure of the country, then their profit level is minimized (Snoeyenbos, Almeder and Humber, 2016). It means that the particular business is following business ethics. Virtue ethics which is an approach in business ethics deals with the attributes of the person and how the person utilize them in making the lives of other people better. Therefore, the company gets benefits from the virtue ethics in the sense that the customers are satisfied. According to Sam Harris, who was once a speaker in TEDX, science can answer the ethical question. The organization increasingly recognize the need to commit to ethics in business. The companies also measure their success by more than just profitability. However, another approach known as a communitarian method to ethics has much to acclaim itself. Aside that, the modern communitarian movement may or may not be conscientiously motivated.
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