Strategic Analysis, Planning, And Implementation Processes For Business


In every business, there are different strategies that are used to ensure its sustainability in the market. In this case, we are going to view some of the different strategies that may be effective for businesses operations. We are going to base our overview on the strategic analysis, planning and implementation process that is applicable in the business operation.

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As it has been lately, there is stiff competition across all industries. This makes it necessary for companies to develop new strategies in order to overshadow their competitors and show market dominance (Schaltegger 2016).

Business Model Canvas is a key administration and lean startup format for growing new or recording existing business models. It helps firms in adjusting their exercises by showing potential exchange offs. The canvas gives an incorporated and comprehensive perspective of the business model of associations. Since the business model can be viewed as the consequence of strategizing, it gives a decent beginning stage to record, dissect, and create procedures. These tools are utilized to produce vital choices, and the canvas can be utilized to delineate their effect, and relationship  (Dess 2014).

All organizations settle on choices that influence their competitive position and gainfulness. Vital arranging is the hierarchical procedure of settling on these imperative choices. It is embraced with an end goal to help the firm position itself against its rivals in the quest for competitive advantage. Competitive techniques depend on incorporating exercises in the value chain. Firm productivity is an element of industry engaging quality and the company’s relative position inside that industry(Fleisher 2015). A solid relative position infers that the firm has a competitive advantage that can be managed against assaults by contenders and changes in the business. The look for industry allure and an examination of contenders can manage a firm in its decision of competitive procedure. The competitive procedure depends on the commence that the firm has various manners by which competitive advantage can be accomplished  (Mudambi 2016).

An association’s scan for competitive advantage starts with the vital decisions it makes in regards to its situation inside an industry. However, it should likewise see how to make an interpretation of a competitive procedure into a competitive advantage. A firm should decide how to actualize the competitive procedure picked with the end goal to accomplish a competitive advantage. Competitive advantage depends on how value is made or landed at in doing a competitive methodology. Value is controlled by a special blend of characteristics, in an item or administration, which are critical to a client  (Porter 2014).

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As indicated by Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies, A company’s relative position inside its industry decides if an association’s gainfulness is above or underneath the business normal. The key premise of better than expected productivity, over the long haul, is a reasonable upper hand. There are two essential sorts of upper hand a firm can have: minimal effort or separation. The two fundamental kinds of upper hand joined with the extent of exercises for which a firm looks to accomplish them, prompt three nonexclusive procedures for accomplishing better than expected execution in an industry: cost initiative, separation, and core interest. The center methodology has two variations, cost center and separation center  (Porter 2014).

Integration of Blue Ocean, value chain analysis, competitive advantage, and positioning matrix

Blue ocean strategy is the synchronous quest for separation and eases to open up another market space and make new interest. It is tied in with making and catching uncontested market space, in this manner making the opposition immaterial. It depends on the views that advertise limits, and industry structure is not guaranteed and can be recreated by the activities and convictions of industry players  (Kotabe 2014).Embracing a blue ocean viewpoint offers the likelihood of maintaining a strategic distance from the competitive quagmire found in various ventures. Contending in uncluttered market space offers an incredibly favorable position of having the capacity to execute plans without responding protectively to activities of others. Regardless of whether contenders’ moves don’t hinder an organization’s activities totally, they may make hindrances that sap assets and block achievement  (Laursen 2015). Finding competitive market space gives a proportion of feasible competitive preferred standpoint since it gives a field to organizations to execute their new item improvement techniques unhindered by the activities of a contender (Ahammad 2016). Rather than preoccupations caused by responding to competitive measures, organizations can execute their item systems as planned with a higher potential for progress. Likewise, competitive market space offers open doors for first mover favorable circumstances  (Lazzarini 2015).

In the event that more seasoned effective items see their defensive screen free of contenders disintegrate after some time, the nonstop expansion of all around situated items will enable the firm to flourish to the detriment of contenders. Another proviso is the intensity of copying. The writing subtle elements a portion of the issues of first movers, to be specific their potential powerlessness to latecomers who distinguish defects in execution and right them. Discovering blue ocean space is not a viable replacement for expert usage and execution  (Mebert 2017).

In this case, we can use uber as an example.

Uber is a technology that is used for delivery of food, bicycle sharing, and taxi cab. Basically, the company, uber technologies inc, is popularly known to be a transportation network company. Over the past few years, the company has dominated in the market and has proven its worth. Clients have trusted the company on their means of traveling. Uber has been made easy to access through the official website or through mobile applications that users can download and use. This has made the market very popular to all customers and also very accessible to many and different areas in the cities. In terms of the position matrix, uber has dominated since it is available and accessible over the mobile phone. This makes it possible for use by all customers as long as they have a mobile phone with them. The availability of uber has also served an upper hand in the success of the business.

When also considering the integration of blue ocean, value chain analysis, and competitive advantage, we can focus on Heinz which is a company formed after merging two different companies in order to seal the market gap and also enhance competitive advantage in the industry. This enhanced the operation efficiency in the market. Value chain analysis was used to evaluate the performance of Heinz in order to escalate the improvement areas that would keep the company at par with the economic growth surrounding the company.

Case Studies

Basing the strategies on Qantas Airways, this company has been in the aviation industry for almost a century, and its performance has not been outstanding lately. This company used the value chain analysis to evaluate is performance. The company had been experiencing stiff competition from other companies in the industry and wanted to eliminate the competition risk. The company identified its weaknesses in the industry and the improvements that could be made. The company was being faced by challenges such as uncontrolled costs, geographically diversified workforce, capital intensiveness, and unionized workforce. The company based its decision for domestic operation on blue ocean strategy. This strategy requires the company to look for the blue oceans, the uncontested market spaces, and major on their capitalization. As for Qantas, the competition was mostly seen on international flights, and thus the company decided to major on domestic flights in order to enhance its competitive advantage and also create a stable base in the industry and regain its initial position despite the competition. This would allow the company to outperform its competitors, resource constraints and climate change in the industry, and shift customer and workforce preferences.

Well as for AirAsia, the company used the value chain analysis model to evaluate the low-cost model effectiveness in the business. This analysis as explained by Michael Porter in his book of competitive advantage has primary activities in a company and also the supporting activities. This company has 165 destinations spanning 25 countries and makes it a big company in the aviation market that is highly exposed to economic threats and high competition from other related companies in the same industry. The company used the blue ocean strategy to enhance its competitive advantage in the industry. The company established its destinations after finding the blue oceans in the industry and later launched its brand name to AirAsia X from AirAsia. This was achieved by transferring some local routes to Malaysia airlines and using the freed up airline certifications to launch a new long-haul carrier. By doing so, the company avoided expenses of other company certifications for the routes.

Cultural distance is also something that we can look into. This refers to the degree in which working methods between different organizations and consumer preferences differ from countries with different cultures (Sousa 2015). The management of different businesses and customer behavior is subject to change as a result of different cultures in different countries. There are countries where people have certain norms and believe that should be observed in the field of business and in others, the same norms are not applicable (Brouthers 2016). This affects the operations of businesses by far. When considering the main example that we are using, the transportation network company, uber, is located in San Francisco, California. The cultural observance of California may differ from that of Australia or the cultural observance that may be required in African countries (Cuypers 2018). People from different countries are sensitive to different things. When countries in Africa are using uber, the drivers ought to observe the language since African people are very sensitive especially to racist statements. This is one challenge that if not taken into consideration can ruin the business and when put into consideration, the operation of the business can be at its highest peak (Dess 2014).


When we consider other companies like the AirAsia X,the company established that its domestic performance was not profitable as it would be expected as a result of cultural distance. The company decided to transfer some local routes to Malaysia airlines and use the freed up airline certifications to launch a new long-haul carrier in order to deal with the cultural distance.

As a result of cultural distance expansion, Qantas airline experienced unionized workforce, geographical diversification of workforce and competition from other related companies. The company decreased the cultural distance through. The company based its operations on the domestic capacity in order to stabilize on the cultural distance


Managers must choose their association’s wellspring of an upper hand by contending dependent on ease versus more costly highlights that separate their firm from rivals. Moreover, focusing on either a restricted or expansive market enables firms to additionally comprehend their client base (Kotabe 2014). In light of these decisions, firms will pursue cost initiative, separation, centered cost administration or centered separation techniques. Another possibly reasonable business strategy, best cost, exists when firms offer generally low costs while as yet figuring out how to separate their merchandise or administrations on some vital esteem included viewpoints. All organizations can succumb to being “stuck in the center” by not offering one of a kind highlights or focused costs (Dess 2014).

The objective of the integration strategy is to build business dexterity and competitive advantage. This requires a strategy that accomplishes more than just respond. This methodology characterizes an approach to relieve chances and quicken strategic arrangements while building venture deftness (Drogendijk 2015).

Administrators thinking about corporate-level strategy must choose in what industry or businesses their organizations will contend. Huge numbers of the conceivable responses to this inquiry include development. Fixation systems include contending inside existing areas to grow inside those spaces. This can appear as market infiltration, showcase improvement, or item advancement. Integration includes venturing into new phases of the esteem chain (Harzing 2016).  Enhancement includes entering new businesses altogether; this can be an industry that is connected or disconnected to a company’s current exercises. Now and again being shrewd about corporate-level strategy requires contracting the firm through conservation or rebuilding(Jenkins 2015). At last, portfolio arranging can be helpful for investigating firms that take part in a wide assortment of businesses (Robson 2015).

Strategic analysis ought to include detailing and execution of the significant objectives and plans taken by an organization’s best administration in the interest of proprietors, in view of thought of assets and an evaluation of the interior and outside situations in which the association contends, the systematic investigation of the variables related with clients and contenders and the association itself to give the premise to keeping up ideal administration hones is another outstanding definition (Demil 2015). The goal of strategic analysis should be to accomplish better arrangement of corporate approaches and vital needs. The procedure of strategy formulation ought to fulfill the desire from investors, partners and the overall population everywhere, that a deliberately oversaw association will release its obligations effectively (Uhl 2016).

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