Steps In The Research Process And Their Significance
Importance of Research Topic Identification
In a research process the initial task is research topic identification which is necessary for the subsequent steps of the research process. The identification of the research topic also provides the boundaries within which the research is to be conducted and allows the research to become more specific and particular. The next task is review of literature. This is a very crucial step of research process as this helps in attaining the necessary knowledge required for conducting the research (Walliman 2017). The literature review part also helps in segregation and utilisation of research related information. Literature survey helps in providing a directionality of the research.
Specifying research purpose is the next step of the research process. In this step the researchers define the purpose of conducting the research and their rationale behind it (Fraley and Hudson, 2014). It utilises the research limitations highlighted in the research topic and the directionality provided by the literature review for unifying the context and rationale of the research project.After specifying the research purpose, the research needs to be supported factually by means of some data and this data is obtained in the data collection stage of the research process. The data collection technique will vary depending on the type of data that is to be collected (Cope, 2014).
Data collection leads to a large amount of raw data which needs to be segregated, analysed, interpreted and integrated back to research in order to support the research. According to Mai (2016), this is done in the data analysis and interpretation stage of the research process and the results of this step ensures that the research topic can be defended while presenting it.After data analysis and interpretation, the researchers try to summarise and review their data and theory so as to minimise the chances of errors. Once the review is complete, the research moves towards conclusion and is finally submitted for proof reading and error publication (Campbell, Loving and Lebel, 2014). Submission of the work guide one to understand and evaluate the wholesome of the research work conducted on specific topic.
The research has been conducted in a mall because the mall is a hub of various brands and the consumers may find it easier to answer the questions as they are surrounded by various brands and hence their purchase decisions may have been influenced by the personalities of any of the numerous brands. The duration of the survey was from 12 pm to 8 pm. This duration was chosen because the footfall is not very high during the morning hours and increases with day passing.
Role of Literature Review in Research Process
The research is being conducted to associate the parameter of brand personality with consumer buying decision (Bell 2014). The influence of a brand on consumer psyche is well documented. However, research collating brand personality as an influencing variable of consumer psyche and purchase decision has been understudied.
- Do you consider yourself to be a brand loyalist?
_______ Yes _______ No
If yes, How do you Justify yourself to be brand Loyalist?
- Preferring a particular brand of product
- Spreading positive word of mouth
- Showing off of favourite brand
- Setting filter to see only a specific brand
If No, Comment__________________________________________
The very first question determines whether an individual consider themselves to be a brand loyalist. From the evaluation it will be clearly said whether respondents consider themselves to be brand loyalist, or differently do not consider themselves to be influenced by the brand. This will indicates that consumer Purchase Decision is not solely based on brand loyalty Which means there are other parameters to be considered that act as influencers while undertaking Purchase Decision.
- Select the attribute which compels you to undertake a purchase decision
- Name of the Brand
- Pricing
- Transparency
- Hygiene and Cleanliness
- Availability
- Product uniqness
Which one do you think compels you ___________________
Comment __________________________________
The data analysis will be revealing the major attributes that influence a consumer making a purchase. The consumers undertaking the decision is only depending on brand name, a majority 32 % does the same on the basis of the pricing strategy. 6% and 9% of the respondent claimed that the major attribute influencing the decision was transparency of the organization and the hygiene and cleanliness of the products. 18% of the respondents claimed that availability is a primary attribute while another 15% considered product uniqueness before undertaking the purchase decision. Hence, it can be clearly said that product availability and the implemented pricing strategy plays an important role while making purchase decisions.
- What delays your purchase decisions?
- Financial Aspects
- Wait for the innovation
- Acceptability of market
Comment on the aspects and why? ________________________________
When the question pertaining to delay in Purchase Decision was proposed, a majority of the respondents can claim that financial constraints are a major factor responsible for delaying the Purchase Decision. However, there can be respondents claiming that they do not buy a product as they wait for another innovative product in the marketplace. Respondents may claim that the decision to undertake purchase is dependent upon how the product is accepted in the market. Therefore, a consumer will forego purchase decisions if they have financial constraints or they see that the product available on the market has a bad review.
- How were you influenced to undertake the purchase decision?
- TV Advertisement
- Magazine newspaper
- Word of Mouth
- Dealer’s verdict
- Friends and Families
Choose your choice ______________________
Others _________________________
There can be a majority of respondents that may be influenced by watching TV advertisements and commercials. Other may claim that newspapers and magazines as the primary influencers. Respondents may claim friends and families were responsible for influencing them. Respondents can also claim that they were influenced by word of mouth. While there can be people verifying other source impacting upon their purchase decision. It can be clearly seen in the result whether that the use of digital and paper media, as well as word of mouth promotion, influence consumers to undertake purchase decisions or not.
- Does brand name influence purchasing decision?
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
Significance of Research Purpose Specification
Provide your response ___________________________
Reason for choosing the response ____________________
It is necessary to understand whether people considered a name while making purchases. A number of respondents can claim that it is agreed to the fact while much of the respondents may claim that they were indeed influenced by the brand name. Situation can show that respondent strongly agreed to the fact that the brand name is a powerful influence while, few respondent may strongly disagree with the statement. There can be a mixed bag result as the majority or the minority have equal importance in a survey
- Does the product quality influence purchase decision?
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
Provide your response ___________________________
Reason for choosing the response ____________________
A strong number of the respondents may agree to the question that product quality influences buying decision. Other may strongly supported the notion. It may be observed observed that some of the respondent agrees to quality as a parameter for undertaking a purchase while few may strongly disagree with the notion. This will highlight the fact that consumers make purchase decisions on the basis of the quality of the product rather than the brand name itself. The quality of the product is hence critical while making Purchase Decision and should be considered as a critical parameter of the consumer psyche.
- Does the product price influence purchase decision?
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
Select your response________________ and why_________________
Similarly, consumers were questioned pertaining to price as an influencer when undertaking a product purchase decision. It should be noted that 45% of the respondents claimed that price was not the priority while only 3% strongly disagreed with the notion. 29% and 23% of respondents claimed that product price was the primary insurance for undertaking a Purchase Decision. The current data set shows that even though pricing strategy is important for influencing, it is not the sole parameter on which the consumer takes purchase decision.
- The last time you purchased from the brand?
- Last week
- Last Month
- Last 6months
- Last year
- More than a year
Select your response _____________________ and why____________________
This above question would lead us to understanding of the time a person has spent since his or her last brand product purchase. The respondents may claim that they had purchased from the brand in the past 6 months or any other year gap. The less the gap the more is the high level if brand awareness and loyalty.
- Is the brand unique?
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
Select you response___________________ and why______________________
The consumers if questioned whether the brand was unique, there can be a healthy number of people who would strongly agree with the statement while some of the respondents may accept that the brand was indeed unique. However, there always a chance for denial and few of the respondent claim that the brand was not unique and another may disagree with the statement. This may be due to the presence of several other brands whose mode of operation as well as products and services are similar to the brand in question.
- Is the product range innovative?
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
Data Collection Techniques for Effective Research
Select you response___________________ and why______________________
The next round of survey questions the innovativeness of the products and services provided by the brand. A vast majority of the respondent may agree that the product range provided by the brand was in the innovative and another may strongly supported the statement. As awareness from the point of view of the brand there can be respondents, who would claim that they did not find the product range innovative
- Do you think the brand is transparent?
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
Choose your response________________
Reason for choosing______________________
The surveyeewere questioned pertaining to the transparency of the brand. 43% of the respondent considered the brand not to be transparent and another 17 % of the respondent did not see the brand as transparent at all. However, 25% of the respondents indicated that the brand was transparent in some aspects while 15% believed that the brand was indeed transparent. A majority of consumers believe that the brand is non-transparent and this may be partly due to the consumer psyche believing that big corporations and brands hide information that can be fatal to its operations.
- Is the brand popular?
- Yes
- No
If Yes why?_______________
- Much advertisement
- Great word of mouth
- Good quality
If No, why?________________
The popularity of the brand can be on basis of the above mentioned reasons. However on providing options for choosing, it can so seem that there is huge amount o depth in the exact scenario present
- Reliability of the brand
- Extremely reliable
- Reliable
- Neutral
- Not reliable
- Not reliable at all
If Extremely reliable, why?_________________
If not reliable at all, why?___________________
When survey is conducted there is always a chance that the operation that is being initiated to understand the specification of the brand, may not be fruitful. The reliability of the product or the brand completely depend upon the perception of the customers and therefore obvious result can be gathered by eventual justification of the comments and the reasons.
- How do you perceive the brand?
- negative
- Neutral
- Positive
Reason behind choosing the option___________________________
The brand perception was the next parameter to be evaluated and a strong evaluation waits. A positively perceived brand means greater consumer satisfaction and the ability of the consumers to relate to the products and services offered by the brand.
- Will you recommend the brand to others?
- Most likely
- Slightly
- Not at all
Justification of the choice____________________
When it comes to the understanding of the fact, whether the customers would recommend the brand to others; we may notice discrepancies. The very reason for the choosing of the option would justify the aspect of brand loyalty
- Which attribute do you recognise in the brand?
- Trustworthiness
- Reliability
- Customer care
- Respect
- Safety and security
Choose your response__________________
- Why trustworthiness?____________________
- Why reliability?__________________________
- Why Customer care?____________________
- Why safety and security?______________________
- Why respect?______________________
The brand in question needs to rank highly in reliability, customer satisfaction and safety and security. Since, the aspect of attributes highly determine the point of view of the customers
- Will you choose the brand in the future?
- Yes
- No
- Most likely
- Neutral
Reason for choosing___________________
The concept of choosing the brand again would depend on how the customers or the candidate have provided their response to the previous
Bell, J., 2014. Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
Bolin, J.H., 2014. Hayes, Andrew F.(2013). Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression?Based Approach. New York, NY: The Guilford Press. Journal of Educational Measurement, 51(3), pp.335-337.
Campbell, L., Loving, T.J. and Lebel, E.P., 2014. Enhancing transparency of the research process to increase accuracy of findings: A guide for relationship researchers. Personal Relationships, 21(4), pp.531-545.
Cope, D.G., 2014, January. Methods and meanings: credibility and trustworthiness of qualitative research. In Oncology nursing forum (Vol. 41, No. 1).
Fraley, R.C. and Hudson, N.W., 2014. Review of intensive longitudinal methods: an introduction to diary and experience sampling research.
Mai, J.E., 2016. Looking for information: A survey of research on information seeking, needs, and behavior. Emerald Group Publishing.
Walliman, N., 2017. Research methods: The basics. Routledge.