Statistics And Business Research Methods For Demand Of Workforce In Australian Tourism Sector

Research aims and objectives

Discuss about the Statistics and Business Research Methods for Demand of Workforce.

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The assignment aims to study the increased employment in the Australian Tourism sector. The tourism sector of the country is one of the major sectors where business is growing rapidly. The country is attracting tourists from all over the World, particularly the countries like India, China and other countries. The sector has contributed about $47.5 billion to the country’s national economy in the year 2014/2015. The industry contributes to 3.0 percent to the GDP of the country and employs more than 580000 people of the country. The total number of tourists has been estimated to be 7.4 million. The major places of visit in the country that attracts national as well as International tourists are The Great Barrier Reef, Sydney, Brisbane, Queensland and the Gold Coast (Lyons et al. 2012).

The increased number of tourists has caused an increase in the demand of workforce. As a result the employment and job opportunity in the sector is gradually increasing. Tourism is rapidly growing in the states like Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia and other regions in the country from the year 2005 -2006. The forecast figures explain that Tourism industry will attain its maximum value by the year 2029-2030. The maximum growth is in the Australian Capital Territory region. The employment opportunity in the Tourism sector grows at a rate of 1.4% per year from the year 2011-2012 (Rice 2014).

The assignment aims to study growth rate of employment in the Tourism Industry and the factors responsible for the growth. The assignment gives an outline idea about the data collection method and the analysis of the data. The possible interpretation of the data is also given in the assignment. The assignment will help the people of the country to have a deeper look into the growing employment rate in the tourism industry.

The aims and objectives in carrying out the research work is to study the growth of employment in the Australian tourism sector and the factor behind such growth.

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The problems in this research work are to determine the employment growth of the Tourism industry and the factors causing such growth.

The research hypotheses are as follows:

H0: The Australian tourism sector has not shown any change in the employment.

H1: The Australian Tourism sector has shown a rapid change in the employment.

Tourism industry is one of the most growing industries nowadays for every country of the world. The tourism industry makes huge profit and contributes to the GDP of the country. The industry also contributes the economic growth of the country and solves the problems of unemployment.          

Research problems

Australia is a country with serene natural beauty. The country is surrounded all sides with seas. This attracts tourists from all over the World. The country also has various special attraction and monuments like Sydney Opera House which attracts people. The country gets a large number of both national tourists as well as International tourists. The growth of the tourism industry has contributed to the employment and business growth of the country. The main sectors of the tourism industry are Hotel business, Restaurant business, airline business and others. The country also has provided with many cheap facilities to its travelers (Dwyer et al. 2013).

The country was not much visited during the early years of the 21st century. But the tourism industry has attained its peak starting from the year 2005. The growth has resulted in an increase in the capital earning of the industry. It has been estimated that the country earns about 2.6% of the capital from the state and the remaining capital earning is from the tourism sector. The average employment rate is increasing from the year 2005 onwards. The full time jobs in the industry grow at a rate of 1.4% per year. The figure was 342800 in the year 2011-12 which would reach 424300 by the year 2029-30. The state wise growth rate indicates that the rate is highest in the case of Australian Capital Territory and Victoria. The employment rate is poor in the case of Tasmania.

There is another form of tourism in Australia apart from international and domestic tourism. This is known as educational tourism. The educational tourism refers to number of students who visits the country from abroad for educational purposes. The tourism industry of the country has shown a major growth in this sector. The Universities of the country attracts overseas students. The Universities provides the student with various facilities to attract students.

The tourism sector comprises of different industries. The food, drink, retail trade, road transport, water transport, air transport, accommodation, gambling are a few sectors of the tourism industry. All these sectors has seen a rapid growth from the year 2004-2005. The growth rate is highest for the states ACT and Victoria and is lowest for the states like South Australia and Tasmania (Goodall and Ashworth 2013).

The tourism sector has different kinds of jobs. The managers, trade persons, clerical staffs, transport workers, salespersons, laborers are some of the categories. The states like ACT, Victoria and NSW shows high demand for the professional staffs. The transport workers are in the second position as concerned to the demand of the staffs.

Research hypothesis

The tourism sector grows strongly in the states of New South Wales, Victoria, ACT and others. In all these states, the tourism puts high pressure on the demand of the laborers. In other states the sector has showed a slow rate of employment. The slowest rate is being observed in the case of Tasmania. In these state the employment rate is remaining more or less stagnant. The sector has showed a growth rate all over the country. The projected value suggests that the employment will reach its maximum level in the year 2029-30.

The growth of tourism industry also influences the growth of other industries. The retail stores selling different authentic products get benefitted from the tourism industry. The visit of International tourists in the country helps in the advertisement of the products all over the world. This is somewhat similar to “word of mouth marketing”. The educational tourism in the country has helped in the employment of teachers and scholars. The Universities and Institutes require many teachers for teaching overseas students. The demand is extremely high in the case of ACT and Victoria. The demand for transport workers and laborers are also high for all these states.

The tourism industry has also faced many problems. The years 2010-2011 has faced many natural disasters and economic crisis like the changes in AUD dollar ratio. This has lowered the number of domestic tourists. The earnings from this sector have also been decreased in these years. The International tourism has been gradually increasing in these years although. The government has projected that the tourism sector will show a rapid growth rate by the year 2020.

The most tourists in the country Australia, is from China. This country forms the biggest tourist market for Australia. The other countries are India and South Asian countries. The tourists in the country can be classified into different categories like domestic tourists, backpackers, international tourists. The backpackers mostly visit from America, Canada and Western European countries like Great Britain. They are mostly students and stay in the country for long. The International tourists are the tourists from other countries. The country has obtained maximum profit from this group of tourists (Chon 2013.).

The country also has domestic tourists. The domestic tourism sector has earned an amount of $63 billion. The domestic traveler mostly travels by caravans or goes for camping trips. They visit the National Parks, rivers, wine growing places, fishing regions, seaside towns and others. The country requires VISA for tourists from all countries except the country New Zealand.

Literature review

The tourism of Australia has also used many ways to advertise their country’s tourism. The advertisement has featured International Stars. The tourism board has also used many campaigns to attract the tourists. The campaigns like “No leave no life” has been started by the tourism board to make people understand the importance of holidays.

The decrease of the money value of Australian Dollar in the year 2014 has a positive impact on the Australian tourism industry. The decrease in money value has caused the charges of transport fare, hotel fare to be much lower. This had attracted many International tourists. The hotel and restaurant business has seen a growth due to these changes. This has improved the employment status a lot. The domestic tourists have also been increased as the cost of International holidays has been increased (Kozak and Martin 2012.).

The research questions in this research work are:

  1. What is the current rate of growth of employment in the Australian Tourism sector?
  2. How the tourism sector is contributing to the employment in the country?
  3. Which of the states has shown maximum growth in the employment rate?
  4. Which factors has mainly caused the growth of employment in the Tourism Industry?
  5. What are the new methods implemented to cause increase in population growth?
  6. In which way would the country be benefitted from this growth of employment?

The research methodology includes the methods by which research is being carried out. The research philosophy, research approach and research design and data collection method falls under this section. The details of the above points are discussed as follows:

The researcher will use positivism research philosophy in this research work. The positivism research work will cover collection of data and interpretation of results from such data. The primary and secondary data are used for the research work. The positivism research philosophy adheres to only collection of data and interpretation of results from such data.

The research work is being carried out by deductive research approach. In the case of the research work, the inference is generated only from the results of analysis of the data. The researcher has to stick to the results of the data analysis.

The research design followed for the research work is both qualitative as well as quantitative research design. In the case of qualitative research, the data has to be collected by studying different journals and articles. The study will be based on both previous years employment status as well as current years status. One can obtain the previous years figures with the help of previous year figures.

The qualitative design involves data collection from the primary as well as secondary sources. The data about the current years’ employment status will be obtained from the primary and secondary sources. The detailed description about data collection method is given in the following segment.

Week 6

Week 10

Week 14

Literature review

Data collection and analysis report due

Final business Research(capstone) Thesis due

Table: Gantt chart

Research questions

(Source: Created by author)

The research process involves the identification of problem of research, steps of data collection, analysis of the data and interpretation of results. The detailed description of the research process is given in the assignment. The research has been carried out by primary as well as secondary data. The primary data is collected with the help of questionnaire as well as by interviewing the supervisors of the research industry. This has to be completed within 10 weeks. The data so collected will be analyzed with the help of different statistical method like time series and regression analysis. The results of the analysis will be used for taking business decisions. The final business thesis will be prepared with the help of the results of analysis. This will be completed within 14 week.

The data collection method involves the process by which the data has been collected for doing the research work. The secondary data can be collected from different sources like the site of Australian Bureau of Statistics and report of Tourism Australia corporate website. The information about the growth of the tourism industry, the total revenue generated, the employment status of the industry can be obtained. In order to understand the proper growth of the tourism industry, the condition of the employment the primary data has to be obtained from the supervisors of the tourism industry. The 6 supervisors has to be chosen from the tourism agencies. The data that would be obtained from them would be of descriptive nature. The relevant information needs to be extracted from those data.

In order to understand the factors behind the growth of employment in the tourism industry, primary data can be collected from the workers in the tourism industry. The information about their monthly income, job satisfaction, reason behind doing the job will help to understand the forces that drives the people into this type of job. The data could be collected with the help of research questionnaire.

The primary data is to be collected by the method of sampling. The probability sampling is used for this research work. The data has to be collected by covering the whole population in order to get proper idea about the estimates. The sampling methods like cluster sampling has to be used to get information about the primary sectors. The country can be broadly divided into different regions like Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and others. Each of these regions will form a cluster. The data will be collected about the income of the employee, job satisfaction from each of these clusters.

Research methodology

The sample size is a very important factor in case of any sample survey. The size of the sample should be appropriate. A very small sample size gives error in the estimated value. A sample of size 6 is taken for the supervisor. The sample size for the workers in the tourism industry would be 50.

The researcher has to take into account certain ethics while doing the research work. The privacy of the employees should be taken into account while doing this research work. The questionnaire should not contain any column that will ask to mention the names of the employees. The response rate is poor if the questionnaire contains question like these.

The data so collected will be analyzed with the help of different methods of data analysis and various statistical methods. A time series study can be conducted by taking the previous and past year figures about the employment rate. The time series analysis will help to analyse the growth of employment status. The time series has four basic components- trend, seasonal pattern, cyclical fluctuations and irregular movements. The trend is the smooth long term movement in the time series. The seasonal variations are the changing pattern of the dataset from season to season. The cyclical pattern is the cyclical movement along the time series. The cyclical pattern has cycle more than a period of one and a half year. There is some irregular movement along the time series which could not be controlled.

The descriptive statistics measures like mean, median and standard deviation values will help to understand the average of the values. The descriptive statistics measures can be computed separately for each state. The variation in the values will help to understand how the employment pattern varies along the states.

A regression study can be performed by taking the employment rate as the dependent variable and factors like income of the employees, job satisfaction and others as the dependent variable.

The expected outcomes of the research study are:

The significant value of the regression coefficient will explain that the variable has an effect on the employment rate. The employment rate is growing in this particular industry. Therefore, it is expected that the job satisfaction level, income and others will have a significant value of outcome.

The descriptive statistics values are also expected to show a huge change. The qualitative research reveals change in employment rate. Therefore, changes in the values are expected.

The time series analysis is expected to show an increasing trend.


The assignment analyses the current rate of employment pattern in the Australian tourism industry. The research is carried out with the help of primary and secondary data. The primary data is collected with the help of questionnaire and personal interview method. The data has been analyzed with the help of different descriptive statistics techniques and various other techniques like the time series analysis, regression analysis. The report will help to understand the growing patterns of employment in the tourism sector and the factors behind such employment. The report will help the concerned authorities to take a deeper insight into the changing pattern of employment in the Australian tourism sector and take necessary actions for the betterment of the condition.


Chon, K.S., 2013. Tourism in Southeast Asia: A new direction. Routledge.

Dwyer, L., Forsyth, P., Spurr, R. and Hoque, S., 2013. Economic impacts of a carbon tax on the Australian tourism industry. Journal of travel research, 52(2), pp.143-155.

Goodall, B. and Ashworth, G. eds., 2013. Marketing in the Tourism Industry (RLE Tourism): The Promotion of Destination Regions. Routledge.

Kozak, M. and Martin, D., 2012. Tourism life cycle and sustainability analysis: Profit-focused strategies for mature destinations. Tourism Management, 33(1), pp.188-194.

Lyons, K., Hanley, J., Wearing, S. and Neil, J., 2012. Gap year volunteer tourism: Myths of global citizenship?. Annals of tourism research, 39(1), pp.361-378.

Rice, P., 2014. Universal management: a proposal to change the direction of accessibility management in the Australian tourism industry to create benefits for all Australians and visitors to Australia. Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, 2(2).

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