State Bank Of India: Overview, Presence And Employee Perception

Overview of State Bank of India

The State Bank of India is an Indian public sector, multinational banking and financial services company. The company is a government-owned corporation and has it is headquarter located in Mumbai.

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SBI has many branches in India, as per the 31st March 2017 there were a total of 18,354 branches which were operating. The company is still operating many foreign affiliates or subsidiaries. It has a total of 191 overseas offices in 36 countries making it to be the bank with the largest presence in the overseas market among the Indian banks.

State Bank of India is one of the largest employers in India with approximately 210,000 employees as per 31st March 2017. 23 percent of the employees in this company are female, and 1.5 percent are people with disabilities. The distribution of employees in this company covers all classes of people in India.

The branch where the research was carried out had a total of 50 employees. The research was to focus on the front line employees who were working in this branch. Frontline employees refer to the employees who are in direct contact with the customers or the employees who are directly involved in the product making process. From research carried out the frontline employees who have a positive perception and interacted positively with the client can give both the customer and the organisation a great satisfaction.

The frontline employees were chosen as the main participants in the research because they play a very vital role in the organisation. Frontline employees most of the time they act as the spokespeople of the company and they are greatly involved in the provision of information, service delivery, offering customer care services, processing claims or complains, apologises to the clients on behalf of the company and generating feedback

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The state bank of India has partners such as the Bank chain and Intel which enable it to work towards a more secure and safer banking system in the Republic of India. Bankchain refers to a community of banks in India which are formed to build, implement and explore Bank chain solutions. The State Bank of India is the founding member of the Bank chain solutions which currently has a total of 27 members within India.

The research was carried out to come up with ways on how to create a positive perception among the frontline employees to help them gain trust in the organisation so that they can think that they are appreciated and valued for their efforts which they put in the day to day activities of the organisation. To enable the organisation to have a favourable outcome.

Employee Perception and Challenges

The objective of this research was to find out the suitable factors that can be used to by the organisation to be able to change the perception of the employees from negative to positive to facilitate the smooth running of the organisation activities.

This report contains the following;

Problem space which tries to explain the problem into details and also contains the research questions which the guide of the research was, some relevant figures to show and explain the nature of the problem. Literature review which was showing all the available knowledge about the problem, the conceptual map and the review of some publications regarding the topic under research.

The research methods sections which explains the research methods which were adopted during the research, the sample size and sample frame, the sampling methods and techniques which were implemented during the research, how the data was collected, how the participants were contacted during the research, the research tools which were used during the study, types and sources of secondary data which were used during the study and how the ethical concerns were dealt with during the study.

Findings ( results) which was containing the findings which were emerging from the analysed data, quantitative and qualitative findings, direct quotes supporting the emerging themes, visuals presentations such as tables, pie charts and graphs and the comparison of the results from the qualitative and quantitative analysis.

The discussion section which contains the implications of the findings for both the qualitative and quantitative, comparison of the findings from the research carried out and the literature reviewed and answers to the research questions.

The limitation and conclusion section contains the summary of the whole structure of the report and also the list of things which the management should be aware of before implementing the recommendations. The references contain the list of books and publications which the research was referring to during the research.

The main problem which was under study was how to change the employee’s perception from the negative to the positive. In that way, it was to be of great significance in helping the employees develop trust in the organisation.

The frontline employees have a negative perception about the company due to the factors such lack of compensation for extra work, low wages, poor communication between the employees and the management, lack of motivation and appreciation, lack of support and trust from the employees and many more (Aaron, 2013, p. 453). 

Factors Influencing Employee Perception

Given that the frontline office employees are in direct contact with the customers deal with money, involved in the product making process and are in charge of customer services. Having employees with negative perception about the organisations creates a lot of challenges to the organisation.

Once the perception of the employees is changed from negative to positive the cost of failure in the organisation is reduced that is mistrust, and inappropriate behaviours in the organisation reduce and also the productivity of the front line employees is increased.

Perception is altered by the information which comes before the perception. For example, if a new employee in an organisation is told that the person he/she is meeting for the first time is a supervisor, then the new employee will change his behaviour to match with that fact (Ashkanasy, 2011, p. 34).

The human mind cannot effectively deal with chaos. The mind is designed and programmed to automatically create order when faced with many challenges. The effects of this are that the human beings in most cases they do not see challenges, but they see classes of challenges. People can see categories of things and the challenges which they are confronted with are in most cases seen as instances of a specific category. Seeing categories rather than things is called the perception (Bryant, 2017, p. 329). 

The research questions which were used are;

Introducing questions such; what is your current perception of the organisation.

The introducing questions were used to conclude the introduction to the respondent about the project under investigation (Bryant, 2017, p. 343).

Probing questions, they were used as follow-up questions to give a better understanding to the researcher such as; ‘why do you have such perception of the organisation?’

Specifying questions such; ‘As an employee, did you see any action taken by the management to address the issue?’

Direct questions which were used to research the participants about their behaviours such as; ‘what can your organization do to change your perception of the company?’

Indirect questions were used to research about the behaviour of other people in the organisation. For example, some authors have identified that fairness, support and trust can greatly help in creating the positive perception in the employees. To what extent do you agree/disagree with them and why?

Structuring questions such as; “I would now like to introduce a new topic…” 

The employee perception is a very important factor to determine the performance of the organisation. Mostly the employee perception depends on the styles of leadership and styles of communication at the places of work. Therefore it is very significant that the organisation changes the perception which the employees have towards the organisation (Garfinkle, 2014, p. 343). The factors discussed below greatly influences the perception the employees have toward the organisation;

Research Questions

Proper and effective supervision of the employees leads to employees developing a positive perception of the organisation. This is due to the close relation which is created between the employees and the management. Proper supervision leads to the employees developing a sense of belonging to the organisation, and in most cases, they develop a feeling of appreciation from the management.

Effective supervision creates an environment which enables the employees to present their ideas to the management with a lot of ease and in that way the employees who may require support from the management finds it easy to access the management.

When the employees have a perception that the human resource manager of the organisation practises commitment to quality. Once the employees are empowered by the Human resource manager of the organisation they develop a positive perception towards the organisation because in most cases they have a feeling of belonging to the organisation (Freedman, 2014, p. 32). 

For anything to be a success effective communication is required. One very important step towards reaching out the employees is by developing the culture of transparency in the organisation (Halkias, 2013, p. 315).

Once the employee is aware what exactly the organisation is doing, it is much easier for them to understand their roles and how they can greatly contribute to the success of the organisation. However where there is no transparency in the organisation fear and rumours usually arise among the employees making them develop a negative perception of the organisation thus leading to low productivity.

A company’s culture refers to the way the company runs and the values which the company shares. The culture of a company is defined by some factors such as the language, beliefs, norms, habits and systems which are followed by the organisation. All of these are integral components which determine the way the employees view the organisation. In most cases, the culture of the organisation has a big impact on the well-being of the employees in the company. That is what helps them to connect and identify them to the organisation.

 A company with bad or undefined culture will result in distrust and chaos in the company in the minds of the employees which will result to a negative perception of the employees towards the organisations (Härtel, 2014, p. 122).

The employees in any company should be given chances to showcase their skills and abilities in their areas of interest. Once the employees have that chance of using their skills and abilities, they will keep improving and perfect on them thus developing a positive perception of the company.


4.6 Compensation and motivating pay.

Employees in most cases are motivated to work when they receive good pay which will enable them to meet their daily upkeep without a struggle. Compensation in case of accidents or any other occurrence at the work place can make the employees develop a positive perception in the organisation (Härtel, 2014, p. 42).

Employees in any organisation can change their perception of the organisation by being awarded benefits such as health care benefits, merit pay increase and paying the employees appropriately according to their positions. This benefits can make the employees work to attain certain positions in that way they will be enjoying working in the organisations thus developing a positive perception (Halkias, 2013, p. 453).

4.8 Developing trust between the employees and the senior management.

To develop a positive perception of the employees towards the organisation, there is need to ensure that very high levels of trust are developed between the employees and the senior management. Most employees prefer to work in environments where there is trust from there seniors in that they can be able to perform their duties without any doubt.

The organisations need to ensure that it is financially stable. Once that is achieved the employees can develop a positive perception of the organisation because they can be able to work without fear of their wages. The employees will also be comfortable due to the stability of the organisation which they are working for (Härtel, 2014, p. 220).

The employees at all times what to hear that their jobs are secure and there is no point an employee should be scared of losing their jobs. Job security makes the employees develop a lot of confidence in the organisation, and that makes them have a positive perception of the organisation. Confidence in the organisation is a key factor which makes the employees have trust in the organisation which they are working in.

Most employees want to be assured that their security at the work place is guaranteed and there is no risk of any physical harm. Most employees like working in the areas which are very safe and free from any form of distribution. The safe working places make the employees develop a positive perception of their organisation (Härtel, 2014, p. 32).

The employee who is engaged is characterized as the one who is greatly consumed and excited about the work which they perform at the organisation thus ensuring that they make positive moves in ensuring that they meet the organisation’s expectations

To make the employees happy, the management must practise appreciating the work which is done by their employees. A small appreciating email or thank you can greatly improve the perception which the employees have towards the company. Appreciating the work done by the employees gives them a feeling of belonging and value in the organisation, thus motivating them and encouraging them to work hard to meet the set goals of the organisation. Allowing the employees to present their ideas in front of the management, a one day off, or any other form of appreciation can make the employees develop a positive perception of the organisation. 

Some of the articles and journals which were used are as discussed below.



Author name

year of publication

the context of the study

research method adopted

major findings

Employees’ overall perception of organization

Chang, E


Human relations



The factors which can improve the perception of the employees such as good pay, compensation for extra work and support from the management

Job satisfaction and organizational commitment in hospital nursing staff

Chen, SY, Wu


nursing management



The impacts of the negative perception of employees on the organisation. Negative perception of employees leads to poor productivity of the organisation

Perceived organizational support: Fostering enthusiastic and productive employees

Eisenberger, R & Stinglhamber






Ways through which the organisation can support its employees to ensure that they have a positive perception word the organisation.

A conceptual framework for the qualitative research was developed as shown below.

The qualitative method of research was employed during the study. Different research tools were used during the study such as; Interview, observations and surveys.

The frontline employees of state bank of India were interviewed to find out the main factors which lead to them having a negative perception about the organisation the participants who participated in the research were interviewed by filling the questionnaires which they were provided by the researcher.

The interview was used as a tool of research because;

The interview was considered as the most responsive method which was available because many participants were interviewed at the same time which made it easier to collect data faster and easier.

The interview as a tool of research provided the ability to the researcher to explore additional issues of research if they were to arise during the research.

Interviews provided the ability to gain descriptive and rich data which was ideally suitable to be used in the examining of different topics during the study.

It was also considered that most of the participants were to accept the interview readily. Most of them were likely to accept the researcher because they are very familiar with them.

The interviews also made it possible to follow up the participants after the study to get clarifications regarding different issues or further exploration of the study (Härtel, 2014, p. 326).

Even though the interviews were considered as ideal tool for research it had its setbacks such as;

A lot of biasness and subjectivity which in turn affected the reliability and validity of data collected.

Interviews led to the generalisation of the problem which was under research.

The process of interviewing was time-consuming in that the process of data collection, analysis and transcribing from the participants required a lot of time.

After the interview reporting of the results, the researcher focused on the quotes which are very dramatic or interesting rather than concentrating on the typical points.

The interview was made very reliable by using very simple and understandable questions which the participants were able to respond to without any challenge.

The questions which were in the questionnaires were very valid in that there was no question which was out of the research area.

Before the actual research, the tutor checked the questionnaires before they were presented to the respondents to determine the reliability of the questions in the research (Jackson, 2012, p. 311). 

Surveys were used during the research because it had many benefits which were to make the research to be very successful such as;

The survey is cost-effective tool for research. The survey can be used to get a response from many respondents at the same time. Online surveys do not require the researcher to travel to the field to get a response from the respondents.

The survey had the capability of covering very large areas of study without necessarily travelling from point to point.

There are many models on how the surveys were administered thus making it to be very flexible.

The observation was an essential tool of collecting data as the researcher was able to collect data directly by observing how the employees were carrying out their day to day activities in the organization (Härtel, 2014, p. 66).

There were non-random participants who took part in the research. Seventeen front-line employees were considered for the research. Although the seventeen were chosen, the number was likely to change as the research progressed.

The participants were contacted via phone calls or emails which they filled in the questionnaires they were provided with. Once they were contacted a day was booked for their interview depending on the individual availability.

The participants who took part in the research were a representation of a larger population of the employees of the State Bank of India. The participants comprised different age groups, different gender and different income classes.

Secondary sources such as the journal and articles were used to articles such as the Chang (2009), and the Scholes (2010) were used to provide how different scholars define Employees positive perception.

During the research the ethics of the participants were considered greatly as discussed below;

All the participants who participated in the research were respected, and all their rights were respected to ensure that there was no participant whose rights were violated.

The researcher obtained consent.

The confidentiality of the participants was observed. All the personal information of the participants was kept as a secret, and there was no point the information was provided to the public.

The researcher took the National statement on the Ethical Conduct in Human Research. 

After the research was concluded it was found out that;

From the responses which were provided by the participants, it can see that there are many factors which contribute to the employees having a negative perception of the company. Factors which were mentioned by almost all the participant included;

Lack of trust and support from the management which in turn makes the employees lose morale on working in the organisation thus developing a negative perception of the company.

Working for a long period at the same station contributed to some employees becoming bored and developing little interest in working to attain the set goals of the organisation.

The attitude which the employees have towards the management can result in some of them developing a negative perception of their work places.

Lack of motivation from the management was found out to be one of the factors which contribute to the employees developing a negative attitude towards the organisation.

It was found out that working for a long time at the same place of work greatly contributed to the employees developing a negative perception of the company. Spending a lot of time in the same working environment leads to the boredom of the employee resulting to them developing a negative perception about the company.

‘‘By working at the same bank for a long time, it becomes very boring, and I don’t like  

Working in this organisation’’ (employee).

From the research, it was found out that the organisation is taking action to improve the perception which the employees are having toward the organisation. The management of the State Bank of India is aware that once the employees have a positive perception of the company, it will be much easier for the company to improve its productivity.

‘‘the company is trying to improve the perception which the employees have toward the company  by maintaining close relation with us and the people who are working under us(employee)’’

From the responses of the front line employees, it was found out that the company was uplifting the working environment of women with the main objectives of ensuring gender equality at the company.

‘It is a good organisation for employees to work .it has specifically contributed in the upliftment of the working environment for women (employee)’’.

It was found out that the company has been very supportive and considerate of its employees. The company is trying to achieve high levels of productivity by improving the perception of the employees from negative to positive.

‘The management has been very supportive and considerate in its operations ’’ (employee).

The employees who participated in the research stated that the organisation is taking care of its employees efficiently. To ensure that the employees felt to be part of the organisation and motivated to work hard to achieve the set goals of the company.

‘My perception of the organisation is very simple. It is a good organisation t6hat  thinks of its employees and takes care of them, and that is what the organisation am working with is doing efficiently’’(employee).

It was found out that to create a positive perception it varies from one individual to another and from one organisation to another depending on many factors such as the culture of the individual or the culture of the organisation which the employee is working in.

‘To develop a positive perception it depends on person to person and varies from one organisation to another organisation’’ (Employee). 

From the responses which the frontline employees provided during the interviews, it was very clear that the employees are not utilising the resources well within the organisation making them develop a negative perception of the company.

‘‘My current perception about the organisation is to learn the basics of organisational behaviour which plenty of resources on where to go next in the journey of becoming an organisational behaviour expert’’ (employee)

Some of the frontline employees who are working with the State Bank of India are proud to be working with the bank and are having a positive perception of the bank.

‘‘It is a matter of great pride to work with the largest bank in India’’ (employee) 

It was found out that some of the employees like the company in which they are working and are happy working on it.

‘It is a good organisation where I work and I greatly appetite it due to the great care which we receive from the management’’ (employee).

From the research carried out it was found out that lack trust, fairness and support from the management greatly contributes to the employees developing a negative perception of the company. That is due to the lack of appreciation and acceptance of the employees into the company.

 ‘I agree with what the authors are saying about the support, fairness and trust in the organisation are working with there is no support, fairness and trust from the management resulting in most of the employees developing a negative perception about the company’’ (employee).

From the feedback which was provided by some of the employees who were interviewed it was very clear that they had a very rigid attitude on how to change the perception of the frontline employees. Some of them stated that there nothing that can be done to improve the current situation in the organisation

‘No, it is very difficult to change the perception of the employees who are currently working in the organisation according to me there is nothing that can be done to change my perception’’ (employee)

Low wages which the employees received at the state bank contributed to most of them having a negative perception about the company. The low wages which they received does not allow them to meet their day to day requirements. It is very clear that the employees require being paid the wages which can motivate them to work but that was not the case which was witnessed at the State Bank of India as most of the frontline employees received wages which were not equivalent to the amount of work which they used to do (Komodromos, 2016, p. 102).

The State Bank of India was found to have failed to provide support to its employees. Most of the front line employees who participated in the research mentioned that they get very little support from the organisation. Due to that, the employees don’t have confidence with the State Bank of India in which they are working in. The State Bank of India needs to come up with ways through which it can improve the support which it offers to its employees. Coming up with support initiatives such as health care support can greatly increase the confidence which the employees have towards the organisation. From the research which has been carried out by some scholars, it’s very clear that the employees require a lot of support from their senior management to develop the sense of belonging to the organisation.

Some of the frontline employees who participated in the research are having a negative perception of the company due to lack of opportunities to use their skills and abilities. Some of them apparently mentioned that they don’t fully utilise the resource of the organisation which makes the feel that they are not full engaged in the activities of the organisation and thus they don’t fill to be part of the organisation (Komodromos, 2016, p. 54).

Developing trust between the employees and the senior management in the State Bank of India can make the frontline employees of the company appreciate and enjoy working in the company. Most of them do not enjoy working with this company because most of them are not trusted by their seniors which makes it very difficult for them to work as a team with the seniors. In most cases where there is no teamwork in an organisation, the level of productivity is usually very poor which result in the blame game within the organisation thus bringing about enemity and hatred among the frontline employees which makes some of them to hate their working places.

For the State Bank of India to improve the current situation they need to ensure that the employees and the senior management are working as a team to avoid the unnecessary inconveniences at the company which makes some of the employs to have a negative perception about the company (Moraca, 2014, p. 131).

The employees in The State Bank of India like any other company should be given chances to showcase their skills and abilities in their areas of interest. Once the employees have that chance of using their skills and abilities, they will keep improving and perfect on them thus developing a positive perception about the company. Of which the current situation does not allow them to showcase their skills.

The State Bank of India should assure the frontline employees that their jobs are secure and there is no point an employee should be scared of losing their jobs. Job security makes the employees develop a lot of confidence in the organisation, and that makes them have a positive perception of the organisation. Confidence in the organisation is a key factor which makes the employees have trust in the organisation which they are working in (Oreg, 2015, p. 67).

It is very possible for the State Bank of India to change the perception of the employees from negative to positive about the organisation by being awarded benefits such as health care benefits, merit pay increase and paying the employees appropriately according to their positions. This benefits can make the employees work to attain certain positions in that way they will be enjoying working in the organisations thus developing a positive perception.

The State Bank of India can change the perception of its employees by coming up with a good organisation culture. A company’s culture refers to the way the company runs and the values which the company shares. The culture of a company is defined by some factors such as the language, beliefs, norms, habits and systems which are followed by the organisation. All of these are integral components which determine the way the employees view the organisation. In most cases, the culture of the organisation has a big impact on the well-being of the employees in the company. That is what helps them to connect and identify them to the organisation (Schriesheim, 2016, p. 45).

 A company with bad or undefined culture will result in distrust and chaos in the company in the minds of the employees which will result in a negative perception of the employees towards the organisations.

Some of the frontline employees who participated in the research attributed their negative perception about the company to the infective communication between them and the senior managers.

It is very important for the State Bank of India to come up with ways through which they can achieve effective communication with the frontline employs that can enable the employees to know what the company expects from them exactly. Once the employee is aware what exactly the organisation is doing, it is much easier for them to understand their roles and how they can greatly contribute to the success of the organisation. However where there is no transparency in the organisation fear and rumours usually arise among the employees making them develop a negative perception of the organisation thus leading to low productivity.

The frontline employees need to be empowered by the State Bank of India. Once the employees are empowered by the Human resource manager of the organisation they develop a positive perception towards the organisation because in most cases they have a feeling of belonging to the organisation (Vithessonthi, 2013, p. 321).

Some of the employees who participated in the research attributed their negative perception to the poor structure of supervision in the State Bank of India Proper. Effective supervision of the employees leads to employees developing a positive perception of the organisation. This is due to the close relation which is created between the employees and the management. Proper supervision leads to the employees developing a sense of belonging to the organisation, and in most cases, they develop a feeling of appreciation from the management.

Effective supervision creates an environment which enables the employees to present their ideas to the management with a lot of ease, and in that way, the employees who may require support from the management finds it easy to access the management (Jackson, 2012, p. 88).

Some of the employees who participated said they are not happy with the organisation in which they are working due to the stay at the same place of work for many years. The State Bank of India can change their Perception about the company by facilitating the transfer of employees from one branch of the company to another to avoid the employs being bored by working at the same place. Once the State Bank of India has facilitated the transfer of employees, it can be possible for them to change the perception the employees are having towards the company.

After the research the researcher came up with the following recommendations which were based on the findings and the research question as discussed below;

The State bank of India should increase the wages which they pay to their frontline employees to motivate them and enable the employee to see that the services which they are offering at the company are appreciated. 

The State bank of India needs to treat it frontline employs with fairness and support in all their day to day activities to ensure that they feel part of the company and work toward achieving the set objectives of the organisation.

The company should create a very close relationship with the employs. Once the State Bank of India has created a close relationship between the employees and the senior management, it can be possible for them to work as a team. That will make the employees change their perception from negative to positive (Torres-Coronas, 2014, p. 214).

The employees should be given of expressing their ideas such as when they need to go for a one day off, the improvements which need to be done at the organisation or any other idea which they might want to reach the management.

The State Bank of India should organise regular meetings with the frontline employees for them to present their regular complains. In that way the frontline employees will develop the feeling of belonging to the company and that they are appreciated.

The state bank of India should consider introducing new employees to the bank to ensure that the employees don’t work for long hours. By introducing the new employees into the company can increase the number of employees working in the bank in that way the productivity of the organisation can increase.

The state bank of the idea should come up with ways to ensure that the security of the employees while at their workplace is maintained to enable the employees to develop confidence in the organisation in which they work.

The State bank of India should be offering the frontline employees with compensation when they have done extra work. In that way, the employees will enjoy working in the organisation.

The company should come up with an initiative which can motivate the employees. The company can come up with events such as awards to the performing frontline employees.

Supporting the less fortune frontline employees can develop their confidence and feel to be part of the organisation thus changing their perception from negative to positive and enable them to appreciate their place of work.

Some methods which were used in the data collection were not very effective. The outcome of the research would have been much better if other methods of data collection were used. If online survey would have been used it would have allowed a large number of participants to take part in the study.

Before the State Bank of India implements the recommendations given above the management should be aware that some of the frontline employees are not happy having stayed in the organisation for a long period, thus they need to be transferred.

The Company should change the way the frontline employees utilise the locally available resources of the company to ensure that all the employees access the resources.

The sample which was used in the research was very small, and it was to be of great importance if the number of participants was to be increased to enable the researcher to collect a wide variety of responses (Schriesheim, 2016, p. 142).


In conclusion, the research which was conducted was to establish factors which can be used to change the perception of the employees from negative to positive. The research was conducted at the State Bank of India which is a public sector organisation. The research was to focus on the frontline employees of the company who are usually in touch with the customers.

From the research, it was found that the employees of the State Bank of India are not supported by the organisation. Most of them are paid low wages which are not equivalent to the work which they do. The low wages demoralises the employees and lowers the confidence which they have in the organisation.

The State Bank of India should grant the frontline employee’s opportunities to showcase their skills and abilities to enable them to identify the areas where they can work best within the organisation.

Proper supervision of the frontline employees was recommended as a way to change the perception which the employees have toward the company.

It was very clear that the perception of the employees can be changed if the management of the company can change on how it runs its operations (Aaron, 2013, p. 232).

It was also found out that the employees are not compensated for the extra work which they do. Most of them work long hours past the recommended working hours without any increase in their pay. By doing that most of the frontline employee’s did not want to be used in the company.

To change the perception of the employees from negative to positive the company need to increase the wages which they pay the frontline employees to motivate them. In that way, it was possible for them to change the perception they have towards the company (Halkias, 2013, p. 126) 


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Vithessonthi, C., 2013. A Perception-based View of the Employee: A Study of Employees’ Reactions to Change. 4th ed. London: Cengage Learning.

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