Standard Method Of Measurement For Building Works

The Need for SMM

The various measurement of items of piling and substructure and their respective NRM2 reference codes are as provided in the table below:

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Preliminary site work




Trial pits for locating underground services.

Trial pits or boreholes for determining ground conditions.


Site clearance



72.4/47.1                          3410.04

Clearing of all growth found on site, including vegetation, and disposing off the site


Site preparation



72.4/47.1                          3410.04

Removing topsoil to the specified depth, hard surface paving to the specified thickness and other specific items, and carrying turf for preservation.


Bulk excavation (pile boring)



π/0.2252/6                            0.955

0.955/167                         159.485

In stages of 2 m.


Foundation excavation (pile caps)



2.3/2.3/0.9/21                       99.98

[(2.3/0.85).(0.5/1.27/3.05)]/0.9/15 52.354

0.8/2.1/0.9/6                         9.072

0.95/0.75/0.9/10                 6.4125

0.75/0.75/0.9/16                       8.1


Excavating for pile caps to specified depth.


Foundation excavation (foundation beams)



224.6/0.4/0.6                      53.904

Excavation for foundation beam trenches, not exceeding 2 m deep


Foundation excavation (ground floor slab)


72.4/47.1/0.6                  2046.024

Excavation for ground floor slab, not exceeding 2 m deep.





Disposing excavated materials off site.


Retaining excavated material on site




2046.57.176.159                   2438

Carrying excavated material, including top soil, to temporary spoil heaps.


Filing using materials from excavated material



72.4/47.1/0.225                767.259

Filing thickness exceeding 500 mm deep.


Imported filing



72.4/47.1/0.225                767.259

Binding bed thickness exceeding 500 mm. deep


Damp proof membrane (DPM)



72.4/47.1                          3410.04

Over 500 mm wide, with its thickness specified.


Cutting of the piles’ tops




Size specified.


Pile caps concrete



2.3/2.3/0.9/21                       99.98

[(2.3/0.85).(0.5/1.27/3.05)]/0.9/15 52.354

0.8/2.1/0.9/6                         9.072

0.95/0.75/0.9/10                 6.4125

0.75/0.75/0.9/16                       8.1


Mass concrete of specified thickness.


Concrete pile reinforcement



6/0.00158/167                      1.583

Type and nominal size of bars specified.


Pile concrete



π/0.2252/6                            0.955

0.955/167                         159.485

Mass concrete


Pile testing




Details, including timing, specified.


Foundation beam reinforcement



224.6/6/0.00158                   2.129

High yield steel bars


Foundation beam concrete



224.6/0.4/0.6                      53.904

Mass concrete of specified thickness.


Ground floor slab reinforcement



104.67/72.4/0.00158/2       23.946

High yield steel bars.

Nominal size of bars specified.


Ground floor slab concrete



72.4/47.1/0.15                  511.506

Thickness specified.


Ground floor mesh



72.4/47.1                          3410.04

Minimum laps, fabric ad weight per m2 specified.


Ground floor waterproofing



72.4/47.1                          3410.04

Applied on ground floor surface.


Ground floor joints




Dimensions and total depth specified.


Lift pit reinforcement



1342.6/1/0.00158                 2.121

High yield steel bars

Nominal size of bars specified.


Lift pit concrete



671.3/0.2/1                         134.26

Strength specified.

Task 2: Bill of quantities for measured work in Task 1

Preparation of a BQ involves four main steps: taking off, squaring, abstracting and billing. Taking off involves scaling off or calculating dimensions of the works from the drawings and entering them onto appropriate dimension paper. Squaring involves calculating lengths, numbers, areas or volumes of works and entering them onto the dimension paper. Abstracting is the process where the squared dimensions from the previous step are transferred from the dimension paper to an appropriate abstract sheet and entered in a standard order, set for billing. Billing is where various items and their respective quantities are moved to the standard billing pages. 

The measured quantities for piling and substructure works of the project presented in a BQ format is as follows:





Rate ($)

Total ($)


Preliminary Site Work


Site management costs

Includes accommodation, direct site labour, risk insurance, authorities fees, consultants fees, etc.






Hoardings/site fence

Erect a fence to protect the site, staffs, materials, equipment and public






Site clearance

Clear all growth found on site, including vegetation, and dispose them off site







Install approved scaffolding systems






Temporary services

Includes water, electricity, security, internet, etc.






Total for Preliminary site work



Ground Works


Site preparation

Remove topsoil to a depth of 1 m and carry turf for preservation.






Bulk excavation (pile boring)

Excavate in stages of 2 m up to a depth of 6 m.






Foundation excavation (pile caps)

Excavate pile caps to a depth of 0.9 m






Foundation excavation (foundation beams)

Excavate foundation beam trenches, 0.6 m deep.






Foundation excavation (ground floor slab)

Excavate ground floor slab, 0.6 m deep.







Carry away surplus to disposal sites





Retaining excavated material on site

To be stored properly for later use.






Filing using materials from excavated material

It includes compaction






Imported filing

This includes testing and compacting the materials






Total for Ground Works



Reinforced Concrete Works


Concrete pile reinforcement






Pile concrete

Reinforced concrete mix C35/40, minimum cement content 360mg/m3






Cutting of the piles’ tops

To be done by recommended equipment and under engineer’s supervision.






Pile caps concrete

Reinforced concrete mix C35/40, minimum cement content 360mg/m3, 0.9 m deep.






Pile testing

To include field and laboratory tests






Foundation beam reinforcement

High yield steel bars of diameter 16mm






Foundation beam concrete

Reinforced concrete mix C35/40, minimum cement content 360mg/m3, 0.6 m deep.






Damp proof membrane (DPM)

Install recommended and approved DPM, >300mm wide.






Ground floor slab reinforcement

High yield steel bars of diameter 16mm






Ground floor slab concrete

Reinforced concrete mix C35/40, minimum cement content 360mg/m3, 0.15 m thick.






Floor slab waterproofing

Waterproofing to the ground floor slab






Lift pit reinforcement

High yield steel bars of diameter 16mm






Lift pit concrete

Reinforced concrete mix C35/40, minimum cement content 360mg/m3






Ground floor joints

Install as specified in the drawings






Total for Reinforced Concrete Works









Preliminary Site Work



Ground Works



Reinforced Concrete Works





Task 3: Comparison between NRM2 and CESMM4 and why NRM2 s More suitable for the task

New Rules of Measurement (NRM2) and Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement, fourth edition (CESMM4) are two rules of measurement in the construction industry. NRM2 is a detailed method of measuring quantities particularly for building works (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), 2012), while CESMM4 can be used with any type of conditions contract for measuring quantities of any kind of civil engineering works (Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 2012). Each of these methods of measurement has pros and cons. Some of them include the following:

Pros of NRM2

Some pros of NRM2 include the following:

  • It provides a standardized measurement approach for project cost estimation and planning.
  • It provides a clear and structured framework of estimating costs of building works.
  • It is a more detailed method of measuring building works, which ensures that all items are captured.
  • It clearly defines the information needed by quantity surveyors and cost managers for accurate cost estimation.
  • It uses a general protocol that can be used by any surveyor for estimating building works in any part of the world(Davidson, 2012).
  • It provides supporting details for preparing bill of quantities, making it easier to reference and countercheck(Perera, et al., 2011).
  • It considers the wide range of costs that are related to a building construction project, including works cost, inflation cost, risk allowance cost, design and project team cost, and other development costs(Benge, 2011).
  • It provides guidance on how non-construction-related costs should be dealt with.
  • It fosters a learning culture for continuous improvement of estimating building costs.
  • It provides a consistent approach of estimating building works(Earl, 2011).
  • It is easy to understand and follow.

Cons of NRM2

  • It is time-consuming to follow the guidance provided by NRM2 when estimating building works.
  • It requires that contractors and subcontractors be involved in the cost estimation and planning processes.
  • It involves a lot of work because it is very detailed.

Pros of CESMM4

Advantages of CESMM4 include:

  • It can be used to estimate costs of all types of civil engineering works.
  • It is easy to follow and use.
  • It takes less time than NRM2.
  • It enables accurate and efficient cost estimation of civil engineering works(Carroll, 2016).
  • It is less detailed than NRM2.

Cons of CESMM4

  • It does not provide a comprehensive guidance on how costs are estimated.
  • It does not include non-construction-related costs in the total estimated cost.
  • It requires professionals from different sectors to develop accurate estimates.
  • It is a general method for estimating civil engineering works hence less accurate for building works when compared with NRM2.

NRM2 is a more suitable measurement method than CESMM4 for this task because the task is a building project and NRM2 is specially developed for building projects while CESMM4 is developed for civil engineering projects in general. Therefore NRM2 is more suitable for this task because it will give more detailed and accurate measurement quantities for billing the project than CESMM4.

Using NRM2 will make it easier to identify items that should be measured and how they should be measured. In general, NRM2 will provide a more comprehensive guidance on how to take measurements for preparing the building’s bill of quantities than CESMM4.

Task 4: Feasible approaches to incorporate the reinforcement works in the tender

Variations or changes in construction projects are inevitable, and they come in different forms (Bottari, 2014); (Enshassi, et al., 2010). Some may be predicted while others unpredicted. The variations in this task was predicted because the client knew that the reinforcement design for the substructure works would not be made available before tendering. However, this work can still be incorporated in the contract. The two approaches that the client can use to incorporate the reinforcement works in the tender for the piling and substructure work after tendering are discussed below.

  1. Preparing a variation order or change order

Challenges Faced by Quantity Surveyors in Measuring Building Works for Estimates and Cost Plans

Variation is basically any kind of deviation from the scope of work that was agreed upon between the client and contractor in the original tender or contract (Sun & Meng, 2008). The variation can be in the form of omission, substitution or addition of work from the original scope of works (Tunde, et al., 2015). A variation order is also referred to as a change order (O’Brien, 2010).

There are several causes of variations including: change of scope, inadequate project objectives, client’s financial problems, replacement of construction procedures or materials, change in specifications by the client, change in weather conditions, statutory changes, technological advancement, safety considerations, client’s adamant nature, obstruction to quick decision-making process, unforeseen problems, and socio-cultural factors, among others (Keane, et al., 2010); (Kumaraswamy, et al., 2010). The variation in this task is addition of work to the original scope of works and it is because of continued design development after tendering. The variations will include alterations to the substructure design, quantities and sequence of work.

In this approach, the client would involve his design team to make design changes to the original design of the substructure by incorporating the reinforcement works. After the design changes have been made to include the reinforcement work, the variations have to be valued so as to determine the price change. In this case, since the variation is addition of work, the variation will cause an increased in total price of the contract.

The valuation should be done on the basis of reasonable prices, fair rates or fair valuation (LawTeacher, 2013). Thereafter, the design team prepares a variations order describing the reinforcement work that has to be added to the original scope of works and the estimated price for the added work. Once the variations order has been prepared, the client sends it to the contractor for a response, discussion and implementation.

Some of the information or details that should be included in a variations order include: sender, recipient, the person or entity whom the variation is required for, the change to the original scope of work, reasons why the change is required and price change due to the variation. The variations order also has to be dated and signed by both the client and the contractor.

  1. Preparing a new order

Since the client had not mentioned the missing reinforcement work in the original tender, he can also incorporate it by preparing a new order. A new order is usually prepared for addition of work that was not mentioned in the original contract. The process of preparing a new order is similar to that of a variations order only that it is prepared independently but with reference to the original tender. In other words, a new order is like a “mini-tender” that is prepared to include work that was omitted in the original scope of works.

Measuring and Describing Building Works for Estimates and Cost Plans

This “mini-tender” is identical but similar with the original or main tender. The mini-tender will only comprise of the new work that is being added to the original scope of works. It is important to note that a new order can be prepared for addition, omission or substitution of work to the original scope of works.

As afore-mentioned, the process of preparing a new order is similar to that of a variations order. It starts with the design team incorporating the reinforcement work in the original design of the substructure. Once the design has been completed, the design team takes appropriate measurements and prepares a bill of quantities for the reinforcement work. This is done so as to determine the price of the reinforcement works in the mini-tender. Thereafter, the client sends a copy of the added reinforcement work to the contractor to prepare bill of quantities.

The client together with his design team then compares the price given by the contractor and invites the contractor for a discussion so as to agree on price. Once the price agreement is made, the design team prepares the new order and attaches the reinforcement work design, bill of quantities and instructions on how the order should be executed. The new order contains the following: reinforcement work design, its bill of quantities and instructions on how the order should be executed.

After preparing the new order, the client sends it to the contractor for a response, discussion and implementation. Other details that should be included in the new order include the following: sender, recipient, the person or entity whom the new order is required for, the change to the original scope of work, reasons why the change is required, price change due to the variation and estimated time and other impacts of the change. The new order also has to be dated and signed by both the client and the contractor.

Comparing the two approaches above, the one that is more beneficial to the client is variations order. This is because it is easy and quick to prepare, meaning that the client will use less resources to prepare. Preparation of a variation order is largely on the basis of the original tender and therefore it has minimal documentation. It does not involve sending the mini-tender to the contractor for pricing. In other words, using a variation order approach will save the client two most essential resources for any building project: time and money, than a new order approach.

The BQ Format

BIM Data Required at Various Stages of Construction

The need to use intelligent systems in implementing construction projects in modern era cannot be overemphasized. Building information modelling is one such systems (Abanda, et al., 2018). BIM model is a 3D virtual representation of different aspects of design, construction and operation of a building  (Wilkinson & Jupp, 2016). The BIM model comprises of several elements of the building, grouped in “families” that are made up of objects or building blocks. The model also has a database containing detailed data and information about the objects and how they are related to each other (State of Queensland, 2017).

This model is used by building designers and engineers, quantity surveyors, constructors or contractors, project management consultants, facility managers and building owners/developers (Sawhney, 2015). The BIM model contains a wide range of graphical data, documents and non-graphical data, each with varied level of details (LOD). These are five main categories of LOD: LOD 100 – concept, LOD 200 – developed design, LOD 300 – production, LOD 400 – installation, and LOD 500 as-built (Yoders, 2013). This data is needed at different stages of construction. Some of the BIM model data needed at various stages of construction include the following:

  1. Design stage

The data required at the design stage include:

Object configurations: this entails details of the sizes, shapes, volumes, layout and arrangement of different rooms and spaces of the building. The LOD required here is LOD 100 and LOD 200.

Function and expected durability of the building: this entails details of how the building will be used (including type and magnitude of loads). It is useful in determining the type and size of various elements of the building, such as foundation type, beam and column size, type of building materials to be used, etc. (Lau, et al., 2018). The LOD for this data has to be LOD 300.  

Objects’ physical parameters: this includes materials, mass and physical constants of various objects of the building (Kjartansdottir, et al., 2017). The LOD for this data has to be LOD 300.

Objects’ attributive parameters: this includes information such as name, markings and types of sections of building elements (Chupryna, et al., 2013). The level of details for this data has to be LOD 200 and LOD 300.

Pricing: this is basically bills of quantities of the building (AVIXA BIM Taskforce, 2010).

Topological parameters: this includes details on how various elements of the building are integrated. The LOD for this information has to be LOD 300.

Soil conditions: this is data and information about physical and mechanical characteristics of soil on site. The data is used in determine the most suitable type of foundation for the building. The LOD for this data has to be LOD 300.

  1. Construction stage

The data required at the construction stage include:

Drawings: these are 2D and 3D representations of various elements of the building. The LOD for this data has to be LOD 300 and LOD 400.

Schedules: this is information showing the timetable on how construction of the building will be carried out. It is basically the time plan of the project (Kim, et al., 2013). LOD for this information has to be LOD 300.

Method statement: this is information on how every task of the construction will be carried out. The LOD for this information has to be LOD 300.

Specifications: these are details of properties of building materials and specifications of equipment to be installed in the building. The LOD for this data has to be LOD 300 and LOD 400.

Site conditions: this is information about environmental conditions of the site. The information details weather conditions and how they may affect construction activities. This information is useful in creating a construction site information model, which helps in planning construction activities to reduce delay and ensure safety (Trani, et al., 2014); (Trani, et al., 2015).

Technical reports: this is information about planning and design of the project, surveying, impact assessment, environmental assessment, etc. It is useful in resolving any technical issues that may arise during construction stage (Lee, et al., 2018).

Safety plans: this is information about measures to be put in place so as to enhance safety of construction workers (Qi, et al., 2013).

Quality standards: these are details of the minimum quality requirements that the building elements should meet. The information is useful in determining the suitable materials and workmanship during construction. The LOD for this information has to be LOD 300.

Construction methods: this is information about recommended construction methods for the project. The LOD for this information has to be LOD 300.

  • Operations stage

When various components of the building were installed: this information is used by property owners or managers to know when individual elements of the building require maintenance, repair or replacement.

Estimated energy and water performances – this is used to establish if energy and water performance of various elements of the building is as expected, and identify appropriate improvement strategies (if needed) (Sharman, 2016).

Estimated replacement times of building components: this is information about the dates when various components are expected to be replaced. It also includes data about spare parts, suppliers and tools for replacement. It helps property owners or managers to know when to replace various elements of the building so as to maintain its functional and safety requirements.

Contacts: this is data of contact information of people or companies that were involved in the project.

Manuals: this is data and information about how various systems of the building, such as lifts and HVAC system, operate and how they should be cleaned/maintained to ensure efficient operation. LOD for this data has to be LOD 300) and as-built LOD 500.

Certificates this information includes all permits and other relevant documents showing that the project was legally approved and it has complied with all the required building standards. They include test certificates, inspection certificates, commissioning certificate, etc.

Warranties: this is information guaranteeing that the building, together with all its components, will perform as expected. Should any problem be encountered within the specified warranty period, the builder is liable for compensation.

Safety plans: these are strategies incorporated in the building to ensure health and safety of occupants (Montague, 2016).

Inspection plans: this is information showing inspection schedule of the building.

Benefits of a Common Data Environment (CDE) for Construction Projects

Technology has greatly transformed the construction over the past years. One of the greatest technological transformations in this industry is how information is shared among project team. Typically, construction projects involves sharing large volumes of information among multi-disciplinary teams. This was a big challenge but has been overcome by CDE solution. CDE is basically a central online space or source of information (data and documents) for a construction project (Mills, 2015). This is where all relevant project documents and data (BIM data) are collected, managed, evaluated and shared with the multi-disciplinary team working on the project (Preidel, et al., 2016). Some of the benefits of a CDE include the following:

  1. Eases sharing of data and documents

CDE promotes sharing of essential project data and documents in a structured manner among all project stakeholders, regardless of their geographical location (Smith, 2015).

  1. Saves time

Instead of project participants conducting each other when they need data or information, they simply obtain it from the CDE directly (McPartland, 2016). CDE also reduces the time taken in project documentation (Mesaros & Mandicak, 2017).

  • Minimizes conflicts

CDE enables stakeholders to be updated about any changes and the progress of the project. This prevents conflicts resulting from misinformation or miscommunication as participants progressively discuss any issues that may arise.

  1. Enhances cooperation and collaboration

Sharing information is a form of communication. After accessing and sharing data/information in a CDE, the participants go ahead to discuss it. This improves collaboration of the participants as they communicate frequently with each other (Chong, et al., 2014). The CDE promotes a collaborative working culture (Mordue, 2015).

  1. Improves project execution efficiency

CDE enables participants to access data, evaluate it and share it seamlessly thus enabling more time for design optimization, performance analyses and overall project execution (Arayici, et al., 2011).

  1. Saves money

CDE improves overall efficiency of the project by facilitate seamless access and sharing of essential data. This helps in preventing errors, delays and conflicts. All these reduces the overall cost of executing the project.

  • Reduces errors

The information shared on CDE is evaluated by different stakeholders making it easier to identify any mistakes made by the originator and correct them early enough to avoid costly corrections later (Wong, et al., 2014). This in turn increases accuracy.

  • Facilitates progress update

It keeps all stakeholders involved in the project updated about any changes or improvements on the design, construction or operation of a building. No participant is left behind or uninformed.

  1. Improves quality of documentation

CDE keeps all data and information in one place. This enables participants to prepare the required project documents more accurately as they can easily access the data and information they need.

  1. Enables reusability of information

Once information is stored in a CDE, it can be reused over time and by any person allowed to access the system. There are no worries of information being lost.

Barriers that the Contractor Should Overcome to Materialize Benefits of a Common Data Environment

Despite the potential benefits of CDE, it has numerous challenges. The contractor has to overcome these challenges before materializing the benefits of CDE. Some of the challenges/barriers and ways of overcoming them are as follows:

  1. Different levels of knowledge

Execution of construction projects involves multi-disciplinary teams with varied knowledge and skills. Some of the project participants may not have the required skills to use CDE, which makes it difficult to realize its full benefits (Gu, et al., 2010). The contractor has to ensure that his staffs learn how to use CDE (Clarke & Braun, 2013).

  1. Ownership

Since information contained in CDE is uploaded by different stakeholders, issues on who owns the data may arise because it is not clearly defined on who owns it (Gerrish, et al., 2017). The contractor has to be aware of this challenge and bear with it.

  • Compatibility

CDE is in form of an online cloud. This means that project participants must have the right devices to access it. Unfortunately, some of the devices may not be able to open files stored in certain formats (Wang & Chong, 2015). The contractor has to ensure that he has compatible CDE devices.

  1. Behavioral challenges

Use of CDE requires some training on how to access the data, evaluate, share and use the data. It is common for some participants to be reluctant to take on the added responsibilities of training, which are beyond contractual obligations (Boxall, 2015). It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that staffs are trained on how to use CDE. 

  1. Payment

There is also the debate on who is responsible for paying for the CDE, whether it is the client, design team, contractor or all of them. This usually results to conflicts and disputes among project participants thus affecting realization of CDE benefits. The contractor has to discuss this with the client from the outset so as to know whether CDE is part of the project and its costs.

  1. Technical hitches and data loss

CDE is a form of technological tool and therefore it is susceptible to technical challenges. Sometimes the system may freeze or hang, making it impossible to access the required data on time (Adamu, et al., 2015). There is also the risk of the system being hacked (cyber-attacks), which can result to data manipulation or total data loss. It is recommended to have a backup system to prevent challenges associated with technical hitches. There should also be strict access policy to ensure security of the data and information stored (Mordue, 2016).


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