Stakeholder Expectations And Monitoring Performance Of A Proposed Day Care Center At University Memorial Hospitals
Stakeholder Expectations
As stated in the functioning of University Memorial Hospitals, the purpose and foundation principle of every hospital lies in the provision of optimum and quality treatment facilities to its concerned patients. For the fulfillment of the same, it of utmost importance for hospitals to provide occupational environments, adequate for the performance of various medical and nursing staff associated with the hospital (Boamah, Read & Spence Laschinger, 2017). However, as observed in the complaints cited by the workers of University Memorial Hospitals, much of the time and distress of employees are focused upon caring for their children, instead of emphasizing on treatment duties.
Hence the need of the hour is to initiate novel changes in University Memorial Hospitals, in the form of establishment of a day care center. The following report highlights the key stakeholder expectations required to be met for adequate functioning of the proposed child care center along with optimum performance monitoring and evaluation strategies.
For the successful implementation of a day care center established in University Memorial Hospitals, there is need to meet the expectations of the following five stakeholders. This can be done though the creation of an early childhood advisory council which will involve the following stakeholders (McCoy et al., 2017):
Parents (Hospital Employees)
One of the most important stakeholders concerning the day care center development will be the parents or the respective workforce members of University Memorial Hospitals. For the successful functioning of any day care center, there is a need for ‘parent leaders’, who will be required to consult and engage in active communication strategies along with additional professionals, for the provision of optimum child care procedures (Topitzes, Merksy & McNeil, 2015). The differential and unique needs of every child are known only to his or her respective parents and hence, there is a need for the staff of University Memorial Hospitals to undertake the role of key stakeholders in the development of the proposed day care center. Hence the workforce must undertake key parent leadership roles which can only be achieved through their adequate involvement in the development of early childhood care policies and principles along with collaboration with other professionals for the successful functioning of the day care center (Lee et al., 2015).
Pedagogy Experts
An additional key stakeholder required for the development of a proposed day care center in University Memorial Hospitals, are professionals possessing adequate knowledge concerning the age appropriate learning and teaching principles required for child management, through the usage of adequate pedagogy principles. Such professionals will engage in the development of active teaching programs for the child along with organization of interactive sessions in accordance to the various psychological and physiological developmental stages acquired by the children of the concerned hospital staff (Venninen et al., 2014). Considering the expectations of this stakeholder is of utmost requirement for the optimum functioning of the day care center, since conductance of appropriate pedagogical activities will not only engage the child in adequate learning and development but will also result in decreased distress and tension amongst their parents due to increased ability to involve themselves in work instead of their children (Helmerhorst et al., 2014).
Policy formulators
Monitoring Performance
The thirds most essential stakeholder expectation required to be fulfilled would be the professionals involved in the formulation of policies pertaining to the optimum functioning of University Memorial Hospitals. Policy formulators, who have been associated with the concerned hospital, will have a significant idea concerning the policy framework followed which ultimately ensures successful provision of quality treatment and care procedures to the concerned patients. Hence, such policy makers will ensure successful develop additional policies for the proposed day care center which will be a driving force directing its appropriate functioning. Most importantly, policy makers who are involved in early child care are considered as key early childhood leaders, since they will ensure adequate advocacy of the childcare setting policies, along with ensuring that the adequate benefits, rights and safe occupational working principles are maintained for the concerned hospital staff as well as the workers associated with the proposed day care center (Wright et al., 2015).
Medical Professionals
The next stakeholder expectation required for fulfillment in the development of day care center of University Memorial Hospitals would additional medical workforce. This is due to the fact that children are a sensitive population who are often prone to a number of contagious diseases along with the possibility of acquiring injuries or falls due to accidents occurring during play. Hence for the treatment of possible illnesses and injuries acquired by children, medical professionals will be required as key stakeholders in the concerned day care center (Kyu et al., 2016). The medical professionals will also actively engage in maintenance of a clean, hygienic environment at the care center, through ensuring adequate disinfection and cleaning. Further, children are highly receptive to information due to their increased cognitive abilities and hence, such medical professionals can also be involved in imparting adequate knowledge to the children through teaching of health literacy and health education principles (Vandell, Burchinal & Pierce, 2016).
Economists and Financial Professionals
Lastly the final stakeholder required for the optimum functioning and development of the day care center in University Memorial Hospitals. For the optimum functioning of a day care center using adequate early childhood care policies, there is a need for careful calculation of the estimated costs and investments required for the availability of necessary staff, infrastructure and properties. For this, economists are required to function as essential stakeholders who will be actively involved in formulating the expected budget for day care center development, keeping in mind the assets and financial capabilities already in possession of University Memorial Hospitals. The concerned financial professionals can also actively collaborate with policy makers for the purpose of advocacy and acquisition of required funds for the successful creation and functioning of the day care center (Bassok et al., 2016).
The prime purpose of development of the propose day care center of University Memorial Hospitals, was concerning the difficulties of the workforce associated with increased focus on caring for their child, rather than focusing upon the required hospital and treatment duties. Hence, the development of a day care center will result in increased hospital work hours of the concerned medical staff resulting in improved patient treatment and quality of hospital care. Hence, obtaining data in the form of the work hours exhibited by the staff, along with assessing feedback from patients concerning quality of care, would aid in the monitoring of the parents as stakeholders in the day care center (Anhang Price et al., 2014).
The pedagogy experts will be appointed as key stakeholders in the day care center development for the purpose of adequate learning to the concerned children. Hence, obtaining data concerning the learning outcome of the children will be key strategies aiding in the monitoring and performance evaluation of this stakeholder expectation. This can be performed in the form of conducting examinations or interactive activities amongst the children which will provide useful data concerning their learning and education. Consequently, obtaining feedback from parents or the hospital workforce, in the form of surveys and interviews directed at their child’s improvement or deterioration will further provide useful data concerning performance evaluation (Harris, Brown & Harnett, 2014).
Policy formulators are essential stakeholders concerned in the establishment of the day care center of University Memorial Hospitals due to their involvement in the formulation of key functioning principles and policy frameworks of the concerned hospital and day care center. Hence, for the adequate evaluation of performance, performing necessary auditing procedures by the quality control department of the hospital would yield useful data revealing the adherence of the day care center to the proposed policy frameworks (Silber et al., 2014).
Medical professionals are required to be appointed as key stakeholders in the development of the day care center in University Memorial Hospitals, since they will be involved in ensuring adequate health and safety of the children, along with imparting necessary educational principles to the same, concerning health education and health literacy. Hence, obtaining data pertaining to the levels of absenteeism and prevalent illnesses amongst children part of the day care will yield beneficial in the evaluation of performance of the medical professional stakeholders. Further, assessment of children health literacy in the form of health education examinations will also yield data which can be used to evaluate performance of these stakeholder expectations (Cambell et al., 2014).
Lastly, stakeholder like financial professionals and economists are required for the provision of adequate funding and estimated costs pertaining to the functioning of the day care center. Hence, creation of a budget will act as data which can be used to assess the credibility of the estimated costs predicted by the economists and the potential losses or profits incurred by the day care center (Liu, 2017).
Hence, to conclude, the need of the hour for University Memorial Hospitals to ensure its adequate workforce and staff functioning is the implementation and establishment of day care center within the hospital premises. This will not only encourage the concerned hospital staff to engage in greater organizational work and less distress concerning their children, but will also ensure provision of optimum quality treatment for the concerned patients. However, for the adequate functioning of the proposed day care, there is a need to adopt the expectations of several stakeholders such as parents, policy makers, economist, pedagogy experts as well as policy makers, whose performance will be evaluated through obtaining required data. Hence, to conclude, the above mentioned stakeholders and required data will help in the successful functioning of a day care center in University Memorial Hospitals.
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