Sprint National Small-Cell Deployment By Mobilitie, LLC: Project Overview And Strategies For Controlling Project

Project Purpose/Justification

The following assignment has been based on the project of Sprint National Small-Cell Deployment By Mobilitie, LLC. The controlling of the project would require the inclusion of the effective strategies aligning the improvement of the works. The strategies would be developed considering the various aspects of the project progress (Willems & Vanhoucke, 2015). The involvement of the work would be aligned with the formation of the successful and work development. The alignment had involved the listing of the facilities for taking care requirement for the strategy development. The formation of the effective and smart work alignment had been helpful for forming the successful alignment management and formation of the improved work development.

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Project Overview

The project of Sprint National Small-Cell Deployment By Mobilitie, LLC has been developed for development of the site acquisition strategy and implication of the activities with the formation of the smart work inclusion. The site acquisition strategies must be build and presented to VP of Network Real Estate in the next 30 days. The compilation of the site designs is the most important and crucial work required in the project. The training to the Mobilitie Small team members for ensuring that the Sprint Standards are voiced. The execution of the IT system for supporting the IT system with programs for easing their works.  

Strategies for controlling project

There are various strategies that can help in controlling the project of Sprint National Small-Cell Deployment By Mobilitie, LLC and it depends on the factor to be controlled during the evaluation phase. The completion of the project completion had been helpful for evaluating the concept of embarking the possible development of the work and the formation of the specific evaluation strategies. The strategies that can help in controlling the project are Strategy One: Stott, Strategy Two: Time, Territory, Technology, Strategy Three: Categories of Issues, Strategy Four: Methods, Strategy Five: Resource Management, Strategy Six: Control Plans, Strategy Seven: Scenario Planning, and Strategy Eight: Project Management (Mishakova, Vakhrushkina, Murgul & Sazonova, 2016). These strategies would allow the analysis of the project progress in specific work development and management process. The following section would describe about the strategies.

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Strategy One: Stott

The Stott strategy is helpful for slicing the project in the various planning perspectives for ensuring thorough and complete project preparation. The identification of the all elements of planning process from the strategic, tactical, operational, and tasks/tools process would be helpful for developing the understanding of the project completion (Haz?r, 2015). The Stott strategy would help in listing elements to be planned for each of the level of impact, breaking each item in terms of the impact, and listing issues in terms of impact requiring resolution.

The implication of the Stott strategy would be helpful for aligning the work development and inclusion of the activities aligning the management of the successful work completion for the project of Sprint National Small-Cell Deployment By Mobilitie, LLC. The alignment of the Stott would help in easing the site acquisition for the project. The implication has been integrated with the formation of the specific work acquisition and the listing of the implication management. The work would be developed integrating the listing of the specific work acquisition.

Business Need/Case

Strategy Two: Time, Territory, Technology

This strategy would help in enabling the analysis of the project in terms of the time, territory, and technology. The project can be controlled in terms of time factor, geographical structure, and technology utilization (Colin et al., 2015). The analysis of the project in terms of any of the time, territory, or technology would help in defining any new issue with the project execution.

The project of Sprint National Small-Cell Deployment By Mobilitie, LLC would be effectively deployed for forming the alignment of the successful and effective work development. It is also very crucial for integrating the formation of the operations and the formation of the successful work completion. The integration would be formed for managing the site acquisition and the formation of the specific strategies for the project completion. The information listing for the project would be supported by the use of the specific work alignment.

Strategy Three: Categories of Issues

The categorization of the issues would be supportive for the alignment of the specific and smart work development. According to Haz?r (2015), the starting of the issue logs with assumptions, information, definition, risk, opportunities, decisions, resolutions, and imperatives would be helpful for aligning the successful completion of the work development. The organization of the current issues would be helpful for categorizing of existing issues and making log for each of the issue.

There are various issues for the project of Sprint National Small-Cell Deployment By Mobilitie, LLC as it would involve the management of the works and specific alignment of the issues. The project issues can be integrated with the management of the factors for the inclusion of the innovative and smart alignment of the works. The problems of the site management and bulk information listing can be modified with the information listing. The integration has been formed with the continuation of the operation management. The analysis had been successfully formed with the probability listing.

Strategy Four: Methods

In this strategy, the main concept is for looking for key methods. The simple methods would include integration of the resources, materials, crew, supervision, equipment, and tools. The controlling of the methods of the project operations would be in abundance. The methods for the project development would be effectively managed with the information management processing. The integration of the works would be induced effectively for taking care of the probable work development. The methods of forming the analysis of the works would be implied with the continuation of the work completion.

Strategy Five: Resource Management

The controlling of the project would also include the resource management process. The consolidation of the resources, materials, crew, supervision, equipment, and tools and making plan for managing each of them would be helpful for aligning the work eccentric development. The probable resource alignment would be helpful for aligning the utilization of the factors and integration of the work development requirement in terms of the resource alignment.

Strategy Six: Control Plans

The control plans include the analysis of the project outcomes, scope, reliability, cost, time, performance, learning, risk, and quality and developing the effective plan management. The controlling of the functions of the project would be largely impacted by the consideration of the specific work package and alignment of the successful work completion.

Strategy Seven: Scenario Planning

The scenario planning would involve the development of the time and work division process. The time slice involves the development of the understanding of the project progress and formation of the information management (Sabeghi et al., 2015). The slicing of the time would be helpful for understanding how much work should be done for any specific amount of time (say first quarter of the project). The project’s controlling activity or resource or resource work can be effectively implied with the continuation of the studying and planning.

Strategy Eight: Project Management

According to Wauters and Vanhoucke, (2014), the project management is the most effective method of controlling the project progress and its successful completion. The development of project plan, estimates, control, and procurement would be eased with the involvement of the project management concepts. The project management helps in creation of the strategic plan for the project so that it can be completed successfully.


It can be concluded from the assignment that the implication of the strategies of Stott, Time, Territory, & Technology, Categories of Issues, Methods, Resource Management, Control Plans, Scenario Planning, and Project Management had been helpful for the formation of the specific work development management. The implication of these strategies would help in compiling the work and aligning the development of the improved work development. The project compilation would be supported by the formation of the innovative technology implication. The inclusion of the activities had been largely implied with the utilization of the factors for the development of the controlling strategies for the project activities.


Colin, J., Martens, A., Vanhoucke, M., & Wauters, M. (2015). A multivariate approach for top-down project control using earned value management. Decision support systems, 79, 65-76.

Haz?r, Ö. (2015). A review of analytical models, approaches and decision support tools in project monitoring and control. International Journal of Project Management, 33(4), 808-815.

Mishakova, A., Vakhrushkina, A., Murgul, V., & Sazonova, T. (2016). Project control based on a mutual application of pert and earned value management methods. Procedia engineering, 165, 1812-1817.

Sabeghi, N., Tareghian, H. R., Demeulemeester, E., & Taheri, H. (2015). Determining the timing of project control points using a facility location model and simulation. Computers & Operations Research, 61, 69-80.

Wauters, M., & Vanhoucke, M. (2014). Support vector machine regression for project control forecasting. Automation in Construction, 47, 92-106.

Willems, L. L., & Vanhoucke, M. (2015). Classification of articles and journals on project control and earned value management. International Journal of Project Management, 33(7), 1610-1634.

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