Sports Public Relations: Implications For Manchester United Football Club
Critically implications between the sports and the media.
Describe about the Sports Public Relation?
This study is based on a football club whose players is professionally trained and is known as the Manchester United Football club (MUFC). It is based in Old Trafford which is in England and the club was established in the year 1878.This football club have gloriously won plenty of awards like, 11 FA cups League cups which are 4 in number, and a record which was created of 20 Community shields and many more premier as well as champions league.
Public relation plays an important role in presenting various sports organization where they are responsible to broadcast the news about the players as well as the team (Bańdo, 2013). Negative comments leads to losing in the morale of the team players which will have an adverse effect in the sports organization.
Manchester United is a well known football team where players put their efforts in winning the match with other countries so the team should be promoted in an effective manner(Born and Laupacis, 2012). Other strategies are made to increase in the revenue by making sale of their logo and t-shirts possessing the copyrights which help them to sale the sports stuff to the public. Sports lovers will love to buy the sports related clothing and shoes at the most expensive prices and can be termed as niche marketing where the prices are high and every one cannot afford to buy at such a costly price.
Objectives of the study.
- To promote the sporting organization by way of strategic approach that will lead to public interests in the overall media.
- To segregate the various issues that actually have an adverse impact on the sporting organization.
- To evaluate the various public relations techniques that are required to promote the sporting organization.
The main business strategy that is followed by the Manchester United Football is that it aims at increasing revenue which will definitely lead to maximization of profits (Brown, 2012). Media has wide implications which have pros as well as cons in the sports organization. It is true that media gives an overall recognition to the team by way of promoting through media activities which gives awareness to the general public.
As Manchester united is a well known brand which consists of all professional players so boosting more about the players can also make them over confident in the field (Curtin, 2012). It is not necessary that a particular aspect can lead to only the positive impact as far as sports are concerned. The public reaction also is dangerous due to this over broadcasting in the news channels. If the particular team wins for their respective team, then the public becomes happy and start boosting upon the team but at the same time if the team lose , then negative energy are driven in the mass people and they start blaming everyone possible.
These kinds of attitude of the people are due to wide coverage of media which 24/7 broadcast about a single topic and linger it for days without reasons. This actually creates a bad impact on the concerned sports and should be minimized so that the sports are enjoyed as a game and the players should be respected because they give full effort in representing one’s country.
There is a relation between the media as well as the public relations because both are directly connected to one another. Public relations are all about to create relations with the mass people and making them aware about the various services which are required in the functioning of the marketing enterprise.
Media and public relations strategies with relation to Manchester United Football Club
Another form of public relations is direct marketing, online marketing, sales and purchase by way of media release so that the sports organization’s coverage is broadcasted in the television. People are interested in viewing the match and commentary on the television and also the news that are displayed on the channels (Editorial Board, 2012).
Manchester United Football Club is a well known team where all the professional players aim at playing together as a team and have the same goals and objectives to win the respective match and represent the country with pride. Media only believes in promoting which can have positive as well negative impact on the entire sports organization. The entire team and its members can suffer if a bad word of mouth is spread all around in the news. This can adversely affect in the performance of the team members and the morale of the members can be down by the media implications about the respective team.
• Goods as well as service marketing- Manchester United Football Club has wide media coverage of all the players that are playing for the team. The services here will be the players who play for the country and earn money for the same (Editorial Board 2012, 2012). They actually represent the country and are consider as the brand ambassador of the respected country which are famous worldwide.
• Marketing mix- The four P’s of marketing mix are product, price, place and promotion and these are inter connected and are needed for the purpose of media release (Roper, 2012). The product here will be the services which the players provide by way of playing for the country. Price will be given to the players in order to suffice the services they give in way of playing for the country. Place can be anywhere where the matches are conducted (Rožukalne, 2012).
• Promotional mix- Promotion is required in the way of media release because this team is promoted in a wide range with full coverage in the television as well as you tube. News channels keep promoting this team as well as the players so that everyone can enjoy the match in a peaceful manner (Fans win Manchester United football club order, 2012).
• Communications mix- Communication is a vital part which should be enhanced in a proper manner because it is all about interacting with the public in an effective manner so that every person can reach to the press release of the media section.
• PR strategies- Public relation strategies should be done in an effective manner by way of direct marketing and promoting the news in relevant news channels about the professional football players who work for the country (Senaratna et al., 2012).
• Sports public relations- Public relations can be properly maintained by this team by way of press release so as to effectively work in the sports organization.
• Relationship management- Relation needs to be maintained by way of press release and the news which can be broadcasted by the news channels (Shaw, 2007). A positive relationship will lead to creation of various affairs in the sports organization.
Introduction to sports marketing
• Power and influence- Stakeholders have a power in the football team as because their money are involved in the respective team so they have the power and they can strongly influence the entire sports organization.
• Needs- The shareholders needs are to gain profits with the money invested whereas a public need a match which is worth of that money spend (Social media barometer, 2012). Public actually always need a match that the players play it well and they can enjoy it without any interference.
• Requirements- The requirements of shareholders will be to get return on the money invested on such a big brand so that they can make money out of that.
• Expectations- Shareholders are of expectations that all the members of the team should play match and win so that they can money out of it.
• Managing organizational corporate social responsibility- Creation of reputation is a vital issue and it has to be maintained by way of CSR so that the players give their best in the match (Fawkes, 2012).
• Players in the corporate social responsibility- Players too need to focus on their play at the same maintaining a public relations has become important nowadays(Theaker and Theaker, 2012).
• Publicity- Publicity is to be done on large scale to promote this team in which all the professional football players play the game with the aim to win the match.
• Media promotion strategies in sports- Media has started playing a major role in the promotion of various sports so that people are aware of the different types of sports that has been played in various parts of the world.
• Reputation management as well as sports public relations- If both the attributes are combined in an efficient manner, then it can be pointed out that it takes a lot of time to maintain the reputation to create such a huge brand where lots of money is invested on each player and they aim at giving their best.
• Media in the traditional as well as new media- Traditional media were not so effective as compared to the modern media (Jiménez et al., 2012). Modern media does a huge coverage in order to promote the brand as well they are responsible to put a bad impact vice versa. Extra portrayal of news leads to bad affects as well for the brand and ultimately it affects the sports organization.
• Level of engagement with the media- High level of engagement can be noticed by the media where they are interested to telecast each and every detail about the players of this team which can lead to positive as well as negative effects in the sports organization (Wilcox and Cameron, 2012). Media broadcast the positive as well negative sides of a team which affect the running of the sports organization.
• Supporters as well the groups associated with the supporters- There are a huge number of supporters of Manchester United and the players are also popular by virtue of their playing strategy.
• Relations with the community- A healthy relation need to be maintained with the entire community which will be beneficial in order to play in an effective manner.
• Relations with nation-The entire nation is fan of this football club and are investing a lot of sum of money so that they can play well for the respective country.
• Relations with global scenario- This team is famous in the entire global region where all the professional players are playing an effective match.
• Governing bodies by way of sports- Government interference are less in case that they are more encouraging because awareness should be there for the sports which will bring a lot of revenue for the country.
• Sponsors- Sponsors are the person who promotes their brand by way of public relation strategies and they invest a lot of money for the maintenance of the sports organization.
• Branding strategies- Manchester united is a world class football club and their branding strategies are different. People are ready to purchase the t-shirts and shoes and it’s basically related to niche marketing.
• Merchandise management- Management is essentially needed in the merchandise section so as to promote the clothing section where more and more individuals will be interested in purchasing the particular stuff which will help in the promotion strategies.
• Crisis in the public relation management strategies- Public relation has to be maintained in an effective manner because that is a medium of connection between the sports organization and the media (Lee, Neeley and Stewart, 2012). Advertisement as well as promotion is required in each field whether it is famous or not that does not actually matter. Awareness has to be created so that people are aware of the particular products as well as the services that have to be offered by means of marketing (Myers, 2012).
• Players required in the transgressions- Players are always needed for the promotion activities (MELLOR, 2012). It always depended on how the players play in the field and what are the consequences after that. As Manchester United is a huge brand, all the players in the team are professional.
Reputation management by way of Reinvention
• Sponsors- Reinvention actually means the new sponsors which are ready to invest their money in the football club so that to create the promotion strategies in the respective sports organization (Radford, 2012).
• Branding strategy- As Manchester United is a branded football team so the branding strategies are unique and several efforts are made to enhance it for the same.
• Merchandise management- Reinvention will lead to new merchandise strategy that needs to be maintained in order to implement the marketing strategy of the sports organization.
• Rights and revenues which are required in broadcasting- For the purpose of broadcasting a news, it is very much essential to preserve the rights and issues that are related to the marketing of the sports organization by way of virtue.
This study mainly deals with the Manchester United Football club where professional players play together to represent the respective country. Various points have been mentioned in this study which can bring a relation between the media and the sports organization. Media plays an important role which can be stated as positive or negative from the point of view of the sports organization.
Media often broadcast news of the players and the team when they win or lose. Sometimes, it is good to reward the players for the hard work that they do but at the same time if their performance is low, various negative comments are mentioned that reduce the morale of the particular team or team members.
People interested in sports can easily purchase the products or buy online but the products are highly costly as it is for premium customers. Individuals are ready to purchase at any cost just to showcase the logo as well it acts act a status symbol goods which is therefore helpful in the public relations of the sports organization. Media has nowadays of prime concern to broadcast any news relation to any organization to make aware of the public about the fact. But, it also has a negative impact on the players and they can feel bad that can lead to bad performance by them. Family members are blamed by the media if the team member performs badly and various stuff is broadcast which has a negative impact on the entire team as well the sports organization.
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