Specialist Ophthalmic Nurse Responsibilities In Managing Diabetic Cataract Patients
The Impact of Diabetes on Healthcare
Explain the responsibilities of the specialist ophthalmic Nurse in the management of the Diabetic cataract patient?
Since the beginning of civilization, among the various significant factors which greatly influence the essential activity of the human being as well as regulate the quality of life process, health is most important. As per the given instruction this academic assessment will going to emphasis on the some essential responsibilities of a specialist ophthalmic nurse in the perspective of the patient who are associated with the diabetic cataract. In the context of the diabetes, it has a great impact in the health care system as well as modern human life, which characterized by the metabolic disorder caused by the impaired production of insulin from the pancreas. Here in the given case study of Mrs. B, who is admitted to the hospital with the complain of diabetic cataract, the role of concerning nurse is very important. The role of concerning nurse is also included the various pre-determined as well as systematic management therapy. In the perspective of concerning nurses’ responsibility and research based therapy a scientific research therapy is very much essential. In order to choose a specific research design, clarification of the about the proper concept of the research design is very much essential. Then the various aspects and the specific field of the research should be taken into the consideration and also need to know in what format the research format fits forms the development of a relevant research topic or question to moderate stage of the research process like the collecting of the data, evaluation of the collected data in order to synthesizing the evidence based practices as well as reporting the data (Bao, 2012). In order to systematically evaluate the various aspects of the research design as well as its various classification, philosophical as well as theoretical assumption, always play a significant role. Before the detailed interpretation of the philosophical assumption in the context of the qualitative research, it is essentially suggested by various researchers after the numerous clinical study, that there is no such confirm or predetermined way or systematic process for the successful development of the qualitative research (Baratta, 2010). In spite of some conventional way of processing or developing, the systematic structure or progressing of the qualitative research, depending upon some significant factors like epistemological factor or ontological factor or research goal oriented factor. In the perspective of the Research design, qualitative research may be explained as the naturalistic as well as interpretative approach, which should be carried out with the responsibility of exploring various potential phenomena from the internal context. It also includes the perspective of the research oriented subjects and relevant information (DÃez, 2015).
The concept of the research design also focusing on the perspective of the interpretive as well as materialistic practice which may resolve explain various unresolved issue of the modern world. It also emphasize on the various significant factors, which can greatly influence the structure of the research design like some fundamental search strategy, identify the main idea of a research project, relevant literature search as well as comprehensive understanding of the rationale, recognition of the significant unknown along with the research question. After that main part of the research design is came into the scenario like aim as well as objectives of the research.
Importance of Research-Based Therapy
The next step is the, develop the hypothesis as well as testing of the hypothesis related to the diagnosis as well as treatment of the diabetes and its potential adverse effect like diabetic cataract and determined the main deliverables, identify the main resources (Ding, 2012). Another significant criterion, which greatly regulating the total research design of the main hypothesis, is the proper timeframe for the specific research. So, determine the proper time-frame of the research design is the fundamental consideration, in order to develop a systematic research process. After the development of the timeframe, the next significant step of the research design is the, development of a appropriate workflow model, depend upon which the whole research strategy will be on progress. Another associated significant issue of the research design, is the various risk factor and the potential adverse effect of the risk, which may occur during numerous application of the hypothesis (Dong, 2011).
Various characteristics of the qualitative research therapy related to the Mrs. B’s physical condition which is mainly affected by the diabetic cataract, are to be specifically analyzed, in the perspective of the research design and in order to properly develop a research process. Aims as well as objective of the research design, is the main fundamental factor which has to be in death qualitative value as well as comprehensive understanding of the overall process. Comprehensive understandings of the various significant approaches, which are related to the research design, are playing the fundamental part in the perspective of the philosophical as well as theoretical assumption. The significant characteristics of the research design are the, information providing the depth interpretation of the main theoretical assumption (Dr Fisher’s casebook. 2010). This interpretation helps to comprehensive analyzing the essential issues of the social world related to the research participants. Another characteristic is the various adaptable as well as non-standardized processes relating to the generation of the data, which should be sensible enough in the perspective of the social aspect of the participants. Analysis of the detailed as well as comprehensive information which may be complicated, as it collected, taking into the consideration all the possible, relevant aspect of the research and subjects. Clarification of the emergent category as well as the theoretical assumption, which later develop the opportunities of the concise opportunities as well as the interpretation of the collected relevant data, is very much essential for the proper structure of the research design. Various relevant resultants of a specific research, which may consists of detailed as well as scientific description of the relevant phenomena, are need to be further evaluation, which may came under the research area of the relevant research topic or research question (Fields, 2010). Some writers suggested that various philosophical assumptions as well as theoretical assumption are supported the various methodological approaches in order to maintain the gradual consistency in identifying and developing a systematic philosophical point of view as well as correlate the adapted research design with the philosophical aspect. This consistency of developing the philosophical approaches is proved to be very significant in the proper progress of the research design because it helps to produce comparatively more valid as well as valid findings. Various philosophical approaches also have a broader prospectus, as it offer various new ranges of phenomena as well as develop a more strong evidence based research study.
Various Aspects of Research Design
Identifying as well as developing the philosophical approaches and theoretical approaches plays a significant role in the development of the better-quality research procedure relating to the diabetic cateract.. The various philosophical as well as theoretical approaches which are directly co-related to the research design, are play a significant role in exploring the specific research oriented topic or question. It also include the view of participant, in the perspective of social world which directly arise from this specific research and scientifically collected relevant data, which are treated as the pillar of a research procedure. Here in the perspective of given guideline, this scientific assessment will going through the various classification of research design like methodological approaches and emphasizes in the broader field of the qualitative research (Kayacan 2010). The qualitative research and philosophical assumptions are intensely co-related to each other which is very much significant in the context of in-depth analysis and valuable resultant of the specific research.
The numerous philosophical questions may be developed relating to the Diabetic perspective of the research study as well as relating to the participant and research oriented data. These approaches are very much crucial in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the readers, participant and also regulate the way, how the overall research will be applied. This type of relevant question often related to the “ontology”, what are mainly deals with the various aspect of the social world, specific research oriented characteristic which directly related to the research topic and it also included the wider basis knowledge aspect. It also consists of the term “epistemology”, which meanly deals with the learning process about the depth knowledge relating to the social as well as philosophical perspective of the research design. Ontology plays a significant role in the perspective of the philosophical view. It also included the evaluation as well as judgment context of the reality base aspect and it also determine, how the research design correlated with the social context of the world and the moral view of the subject, relating to the research procedure. In order to systematically evaluate the various aspects of the research design as well as its various classification, philosophical as well as theoretical assumption, always play a significant role. Before the detailed interpretation of the philosophical assumption in the context of the qualitative research, it is essentially suggested by various researchers after the numerous clinical study, that there is no such confirm or predetermined way or systematic process for the successful development of the qualitative research (Vanzetta, 2010).
Various modern approaches are come in to the consideration, in spite of the conventional way of developing the research procedure. The various modern approaches included the epistemological as well as ontological aspect, which are proved to be very much effective in a systematic development of a research design. In the perspective of the Research design, qualitative research may be explained as the naturalistic as well as interpretative approach, which should be carried out with the responsibility of exploring various potential phenomena from the internal context. , determine the proper time-frame of the research design is the fundamental consideration, in order to develop a systematic research process. After the development of the timeframe, the next significant step of the research design is the, development of a appropriate workflow model, depend upon which the whole research strategy will be on progress. Another associated significant issue of the research design, is the various risk factor and the potential adverse effect of the risk, which may occur during numerous application of the hypothesis (Ploner, 2010).
Qualitative Research Therapy
Various characteristics of the qualitative research are to be specifically analyzed, in the perspective of the research design and in order to properly develop a research process. Aims as well as objective of the research design, is the main fundamental factor which has to be in death qualitative value as well as comprehensive understanding of the overall process. Comprehensive understandings of the various significant approaches, which are related to the research design, are playing the fundamental part in the perspective of the philosophical as well as theoretical assumption It also includes the perspective of the research oriented subjects and relevant information. From the beginning of the civilization, among various fundamental factors, which can influence the basic activity of the human as well as quality of the life, health is treated as most significant factor. In the perspective of health, it can be referred as the physical as well as the mental well-being of an individual. As per the health concern, mental aspect always play significant role for controlling the essential life process of the human being. As per the given information, the essay will be emphasized on the overall health as well as wellbeing of an individual them in the perspective of various spontaneous responses relating to the relevant aspect like physical, mental or behavioral context associated with bad prognosis. In the context of delivering proper health care to the recipients, prognosis is playing a fundamental role which regulates the overall systematic management plan (Bronchiectasis: A Correct Diagnosis Needed for Proper Management. 2014). For proper predicting the resultant of the diseases, is the very much important from the consultant and health care provider’s point of view in order to properly diagnose a diseases of an individual(Severe Side Effects – Proper Diagnosis and Treatment. 2014). Though, this type of clinical prediction is mostly proved adequately accurate, in the case of larger population, but in the perspective of the critical care treatment, physician or health care proved has to done relevant prognosis for the individual patient. It affected not only the management plan for the diseases but also influences the physical as well as psychological condition of the patient as well as their family (Goodman, 2010).
In the context of emotional response content which is a integral part of proper health care system associated with aim of maintain the overall health and well-being, Proper health care, planning of the care as well as decision making are the three fundamental factor which are develop, depending upon the uniqueness of the overall health care unit. It included the patient, health care provider like physician, nurses and patient’s family also. So as per the given scenario, though, various aspect of an individual like physical, emotional as well as behavioral responses, which comes out as result of newly diagnosed physiological condition associated with the poor prognosis, emotional response is the key factor. Identifying the various essential requirements for the particular health care and medium of communication between health care provider and patient in order to express their psychological responses, is very much essential as well as the assessment is also significant. Various on-going evaluations are conducted to recognize the changing of requirements in order take proper research initiatives relating to the emotional responses of the individual as a result of poor prognosis of newly diagnosed diseases (Kidney stones signal poor renal prognosis 2012).
Philosophical and Theoretical Assumptions
Various holistic requirements related to the emotional response of an individual are the significant factors which should be included in the proper management plan as well as systematic evaluation criteria in order to deliver a standard health service to the patient and patient. In the context of emotional behavior, when a patient is identified with some serious diseases, he/she became very much anxious as well as suffering from various negative thought. They are always thought about the death and various extreme probable effects of those diseases. In the perspective of prognosis care, these holistic requirements enhance the tendency of the patient, patient’s family as well as health care provider to contact with the various religious on community based, spiritual personalities or mental support groups (Prognosis still poor for EVB in cirrhosis.2012). Assessment tools also should be analyzed and validated for proper structure designing of the management plan (Mutations signaling poor neuroblastoma prognosis identified. 2012). As Patients are the key factor, depending upon which all the systematic design of the health care planning is regulated so, and all the ongoing as well as comprehensive evaluation should focusing on the patients essential requirement and their family as well as health care provider also (TOPIC 14: Sexuality, Health and Wellbeing. 2010). In order to maintain the gradual consistency in identifying and developing a systematic philosophical point of view as well as correlate the adapted research design with the philosophical aspect. This consistency of developing the philosophical approaches is proved to be very significant in the proper progress of the research design because it helps to produce comparatively more valid as well as valid findings. Various philosophical approaches also have a broader prospectus, as it offer various new ranges of phenomena as well as develop a more strong evidence based research study.
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