Sources Of Work-Related Stress, Impact And Management
MANG6340 People and Organisations
MANG6340 People and Organisations
Sources of work-related stress detailed in Cary Cooper’s interviews
Some of the man causes of work-related stress comprise of cultures of long working hours, poor line management, and abusive management, lack of work-life balance, unmanageable workloads, job insecurity, and lack of engagement. Other causes of work-related stress evident in this interview consist of heavy load of work, tight deadlines set to employees, boring working conditions, changes within the organization, lack of autonomy, lack of appropriate resources, and lack of equipment (Napora, Andruszkiewicz, Basi?ska, Napora, and Basi?ska 2018, p. 59). Other causes evident in Cary Cooper’s interview include discrimination, harassment, poor relations with bosses or colleagues, together with crisis incidents that consist of the armed hold-up or workplace demise. According to Cary Cooper’s interviews, job-related stress is increasing issue or problem around global society that influences only health together with health of workers. The concern of job-related stress also negatively affects the productivity of an organization. Work-related stress according to the interview always arises where work demands of various kinds together with combinations exceed the capacity of an individual and capacity cope of an individual (Boglut and Robu 2014, p. 64). Besides, work-related stress stays to be the second most common compensated injury or illness among workers in an organization right after musculoskeletal disorders.
Work-related stress according to the interview of Cary Cooper can occur due to several actions. For instance, an individual might undergo under tension or anxiety if demands for their work like hours or tasks are more than they can contentedly manage. However, some causes or foundations of job-liked stress comprise of clash with co-employees or management (Qiao, Li, Zhou, Shen, and Stanton 2018, p. 11). The other causes include costs and changes in operations as well as intimation to job safety such as possible redundancy. Therefore, as per interview of Cary Cooper, no individual within place of work wants to experience the above conditions of stress on the daily foundations. There is a need to ensure that every individual remains aware of the most common aspects that cause work-related stress when they perform duties within a given organization. Hence, according to interview of Cary Cooper, stress within the workplace is normal every individual feel stress that relates to work as they operate on one way or the other (Hege, Lemke, Apostolopoulos, and Sönmez 2018, p. 13). However, smaller, day-to-day actions also cause stress within the place of work. The stress in workplace is not apparent to individual, but the cumulative, as well as constant impacts of small stressors, add up to a big impact. Such impacts have the effects on an individual’s mental along with physical sense of well-being.
Workplace stress in most cases tends to derive from several sources that affect operations of individuals and organizations in various manners. Stress can lead to negative impact on work performance among individuals as it causes anxieties, fears, harassment, discrimination, and long working hours (Kula 2017, p. 148). Some of the impacts that workplace-related stress has on individuals together with an organization include poor management of time, strained relationships, lack of focus, health disorders, and family quarrels among other impacts. According to the interview of Cary Cooper, individuals are affected by the work-related stress as they always feel pressure on the upcoming deadline even after they make they return to their homes. Some of these pressures on individuals are normal, but if it continues for extended duration, it can really wreak havoc on health as well as wellbeing of individuals (Smoktunowicz, Cie?lak, and Cie?lak 2018, p. 203). Workplace related stress can result to increase in mortality rate which is comparable to some of the largest causes of death among individuals. These causes of deaths comprise of heart disease and accidents.
How work-related stress impacts the individual and organization
The constructive part of workplace-linked stress is that it can motivate individual adrenalin together with stimulate individuals to carry out tier assigned task faster in reply to imminent time limits. An irresistible workload, need of peer sustainability together with several demands immediately, however, add to intellect of panic with frustration that there is not adequate time to achieve or finish work (Bowen, Edwards, and Lingard 2013, p. 398). In accordance to Cary Cooper’s interview, if these circumstances regularly result in due course or having to carry work in homesteads, the strain that relates to such cases of being incapable to manage time well always fuel anger of workers towards the organization and negatively impact their loyalty and commitment.
Stress within places of work is chief provider to instances of job burn-out as well as strained connections with supervisors together with peers in most cases. The joint feelings of hopelessness with helplessness generate keen sensitivities to some as well as all forms of disapproval (Hoek et al., 2017, p. 6). Other feelings include depression, shiftiness, jealousy, suspicion concerning security of job, and anger towards co-employees who appear to possess all under management, short-fuse irritations, reduced self-respect, together with removal.
Stress influences ability of an individual to recall different activities of operations. Stress also makes people lack the ability to know or understand process used for operations when there is a deadline to be met. Therefore, for an individual to process advanced data they are discovering and to relate both to logical situations together with physical activities that need attentiveness (Jooyeoun 2016, p. 712). When a person is extremely tired from all of doubts, anxieties, together with strain brought on by stressful surrounding or mode of life. An individual is more easily distracted as well as ready to make expensive, unsafe, or even fatal errors on employment sector.
On top of headaches, sleep disorders, vision trouble, loss of weight, gain as well as pressure of blood, workplace-related stress influences cardiovascular of individuals, gastrointestinal, together with systems of musculoskeletal. Therefore, according to the interview by of Carp Cooper, when an individual is not operating well, they tend not to perform their finest work in place of employment (Giorgi, Leon-Perez, Pignata, Demiral, and Arcangeli 2018, p. 2). Further, numbers of workers that seek ill leave to rest with recuperate from workplace-linked stress often indicates that they operate only build up during absence an individual. Therefore, stress that leads to workplace leave causes even additional stress concerning how an individual can draw near with operations when they come back to resume their duties in workplace after leaving.
Structural changes during recession can always result in low morale and in turn a rise in absence that is caused by health-related concerns. In such period, it is vital to understand how to support organizations worker and offer an environment of conforming for operations. There is standard framework that can be used to assist employers to identify as well as reduce instances of work-related stress (Howard and Navega 2018, p. 39). While these frameworks are not compulsory, they offer the ideal practice approach that has proven effective for several organizations. The standards comprise of identification of major risks aspects for stress that relate to work, surveys to understand the current work situation and benchmarking guidance to allow organizations to gauge their performance along with address stress concerns. Some of roles that managers have to manage stress at work include supporting workers by making them have the ability to assess and identify workplace stressors (Rose et al., 2017, p. 4). Moreover, manager’s posses the function of identifying and managing stress at work. The managers have the function of addressing areas of poor design of work such as workload, worker control, and provision of adequate support and resources. Such ideas are vital in assisting to reduce stress and then increasing productivity of employees within an organization.
Poor management of time
Manager in organizations plays a fundamental role in managing stress within the workplace that they are responsible for managing. The managers are often the first port of call for worker at moments of distress. It is therefore vital that managers create the required competencies to allow them to effectively support their direct reports (Cancio, Larsen, Mathur, Estes, Mei and Johns 2018, p. 468). The skills needed include awareness of signs and symptoms of stress and ability to develop an appropriate rapport. Managers have role of promoting an open as well as honest business surrounding so that workers feel able to voice their concerns such as issues of conflicts at work or personal issues at home. The managers have the role of showing empathy by actively listening and showing the understanding of challenges faced by individual workers both at work together with at home (Hashemi, Savadkouhi, Naami, and Beshlideh 2018, p. 109). Finally, manager encourages workers to work in partnership with the employees o develop appropriate adjustments to design of work and implement appropriate stress management strategies. Therefore, through involvement of managers, workers are ready to understand how they can learn how to cope with stress and learn how to reduce stress in place of work. A great organization manager is one who not only remains aware of the issue of stress in workplace, but they also attain appropriate ways and techniques of fixing the problem in operations.
It is necessary for manager to situate clear goals for their members of team within an organization. By situating clearer operational targets, management team need not to think for extended as well as hard concerning what their original function was thought to be in work. It finds them leaving as well as focuses on the essential task at place, rather than doing it the way that could lead them to wrong track (Qiao, Li, Zhou, Shen, and Stanton 2018, p. 14). The focus on clear goals as set by the managers can be valuable time lost and they having to redo it again or managers have to do it for the workers. The idea of having workers to set goals for their team members help in creating a peace of mind because they understand what they need to focus on at any given time as well as the manner to perform every task.
Managers have the role of making every team member to understand their major duties so as to avoid instances of harassment and discriminations that can lead to workplace-related stress. The plan of mediation or mindfulness in office is tending to be more and more ordinary thus managers have to encourage workers to focus on achieving the goals of an organization. Manager has the function of seeking that elasticity at workplace (Howard and Navega 2018, p. 37). Managers allow their members of team during their operations to be flexible by not observing them regularly, so long as their duties are done by particular set time limits. The managers allow team members that have kids by allowing them get to office before time as well as return home before time for the major purpose of picking their children. The managers have the role of allowing some workers that are important to operations of the company to work from home once a fortnight. The idea of allowing workers to work from home allows the workers to posses adjustment of surrounding on some occasions (Hashemi, Savadkouhi, Naami, and Beshlideh 2018, p. 110). Therefore, as experiencedmanager, they will constantly focus on appropriate techniques to decrease stress in place of work.
Strained relationships
The intelligence of an individual requires that essential break once a while as they perform their functions to improve their commitments to operations. Therefore, in order to decrease workplace-related stress, managers have the responsibilities of encouraging the team members of an organization to take time from their daily operations to perform exercise or take a walk as a way to break monotony of working on a single place and having a single routine of life (Bowen, Edwards, and Lingard 2013, p. 395). The minds as well as body well have greater focus together with clarity of thought. Therefore, role of manager of encouraging workers to perform physical exercise can help in reducing cases of health concern that are always brought about by stress.
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