Software Requirement Specification For Online Magazine Management System
This is a software specification document which is in accordance with IEEE standard. This document contains both functional and non-functional requirements for the Online Magazine Management System. The SRS document describes the architectural design and design decisions.
This SRS document entails a complete software requirement for the Online Magazine Management System (OMMS). The document gives a detailed design which is needed to implement the system. This document also provides a visibility design. It also provides information that is needed for software support. The document contains both functional and non-functional requirements. In addition, the document contains guidelines for website developers.
This SRS document is divided into major sections which are an introduction, specific system requirements, overall description, external interface requirements, other non-functional requirements, other requirements, and reflection. Each of the parts is divided into sub-sections to explain each section. In addition, the documents contain Appendices which contains analysis model, issues lists, glossary, team meeting minutes, and elicitation report (Anderson, 2009).
The audience is intended to system analysts, developers, project sponsors, and project managers of the web application. To the project managers will them in the publication of review outcomes. It will also help in having a clear overview of project requirements. To the project sponsors, the document will give them knowledge of the project cost. To the developers, there will have that knowledge of the required internal workings of the system. The document will also be useful to the users of the system as they will be aware of the system functionality. This means that they would be aware of the characteristics of the system and the required software to run the system.
Online magazine management system (OMMS) is developed to assists magazine publishers in expanding the readership of their magazines content. The system allows integration of reader subscriptions, digital content, and advertisement. This document describes the interface, operations, and quality assurance requirements of the OMMS. The document has been prepared after a number of consultations with the project team and other relevant factors needed to develop the system. Some of the characteristics of the system include a login facility to the system users. The system should also allow searching for magazines according to date. The administrators should be able to insert magazines (Arain & Low, 2010)
OMMS is a web-based application that will be used by magazine publishers and the general public; those people who like reading magazines. The developers of the system will be looking to expand magazine readership across the internet. The system will integrate advertisement, digital content. The system will be accessed by both wired and wireless devices.
The system will support management of various electronic publications. Also, the system will allow easy access to digital files. In addition, will manage the submission of articles which will include videos, pictures, music, and artwork. All this content ought to be uploaded quickly with ease. The system also ought to quickly provide online advertising and ad-manager which should quickly process the submission. Other product functions are placing a discussion board for visitors to discuss magazines topics and public forums.
Design constrain |
Description |
Application Server |
Web sphere application server (WAS) |
J2EE Services |
Java servlets, JAXB, JDBC, and core java |
Scripting |
JavaScript, CSS |
Database |
DB2 |
Document conventions
The system will have a login screen where every user of the system will login. The system administrators who is entitled to maintain the system will use password and username. The system administrator will have various functions. First is to register magazine publishers and add any feature which is relevant to the system. Magazine publishers will be required to upload magazines contents, videos, music, and pictures. The system will also provide inbox to the admin users who will view all discussions and any requests from the customers.
Magazine publishers logins to the system, uploads magazines content to the system if any, view requests by customers if any, view public forums if any, and able to edit magazines details if need arises. The magazine publisher can also search magazines, modify a magazine, approve or reject a request by customers, and add or remove a magazine. Customers will login to the system after registering with the system. There will have to register in the system using a valid email address which will be verified by sending a link into that email. Users will then be prompted for username and password. The user can then proceed to view uploaded magazines, videos, and pictures. In addition, the users can search for a certain digital content. The search will be based on the author of that article, date of publication, and subject. Search results are listed with details of the article.
Reader use case
Brief description
The reader first logins to the system using their username and passwords. There are then prompted to make subscriptions of they have not so. In the system there are monthly subscriptions which are monthly, quarterly, and annual subscription. The reader can then be able to view articles and even search for articles (Reifer, 2014).
Steps for this process
- The reader logins
- The reader then chooses to search an article by author, keyword and even category
- The reader then selects the desired article
- The system presents the article to the reader
- The reader can then discuss about the article
User interface requirements
The user of this system is expected to be always on the internet. The user is also expected to be internet literature. The main system will have an online Magazine Management System main HTML page and a link to a certain author. The authors are also expected to have knowledge on the internet and also be also be able to have email attachments. The editors of the system need to be windows literate and at the same be able to use similar tools. There also expected to be computer literate and be able to design articles using software such as Adobe, and publishers (Schmidt, 2015).
There is only two link to the external system which is the historical link; this is a database used to verify membership of reviewers. Second is a link to PayPal; in here clients of the system are required to pay their subscriptions through the online platform.
This system requires to run over the internet. This means that all the hardware ought to connect over the wide area network. Some of the hardware required for WAN-LAN, Modem, and Ethernet Cross-Cable. Users require devices such as a computer, and mobile devices (Hentzen, 2018).
The system will communicate to the editor for a new author. The system shall communicate to a customer of a new article. The system shall communicate to an author after a review of a certain article. The system shall alert the system administrators after subscription payment. The user gadget is required to have VLC software to support videos, pdf reader to support pdf files, and picture manager to read picture files (Hass, 2016).
The system will communicate using the HTTP Protocol for communication over the wide area network. The communication within the organization will be via TCP/IP protocol suite (Stephens, 2014).
There will be no licensing requirements which will be used
OMMS will display copyrights, product warranties, and trademark
Anderson, T., 2009. Software : requirements, specification and testing by Tom Anderson. 2nd ed. Chicago: John & Wiley.
Arain, F. M. & Low, S. P., 2010. IT-based project change management system by Faisal Manzoor Arain. 1st ed. New York: John & Wiley.
Behforooz, A. & Hudson, F. J., 2017. Software engineering fundamentals. 3rd ed. London: London Press.
Black, R., 2018. Advanced software testing. 3rd ed. London: Rocky Nook Press.
Fairclough, J., 2016. Software engineering. 1st ed. New York: London Prentice Hall.
Hass, A. M. J., 2016. Guide to advanced software testing by Anne Mette Jonassen Hass. 2nd ed. Chicago: John & Wiley .
Hentzen, W., 2018. The software developer’s guide. 1st ed. New York: New York Press.
Reifer, D. J., 2014. Software management. 1st ed. London: London Press.
Schmidt, R. F., 2015. Software engineering : architecture-driven software development. 1st ed. Chicago: Elsevier Press.
Smith, D. D., 2013. Designing maintainable software. 1st ed. New York: Springer.
Stephens, R., 2014. Beginning software engineering. 2nd ed. New York: John & Wiley Press.
Thayer, R. H. & Dorfman, M., 2017. Software engineering. 1st ed. Chicago: John and Wiley.
Anderson, T., 2009. Software : requirements, specification and testing by Tom Anderson. 2nd ed. Chicago: John & Wiley.
Arain, F. M. & Low, S. P., 2010. IT-based project change management system by Faisal Manzoor Arain. 1st ed. New York: John & Wiley.
Behforooz, A. & Hudson, F. J., 2017. Software engineering fundamentals. 3rd ed. London: London Press.
Black, R., 2018. Advanced software testing. 3rd ed. London: Rocky Nook Press.
Fairclough, J., 2016. Software engineering. 1st ed. New York: London Prentice Hall.
Hass, A. M. J., 2016. Guide to advanced software testing by Anne Mette Jonassen Hass. 2nd ed. Chicago: John & Wiley .
Hentzen, W., 2018. The software developer’s guide. 1st ed. New York: New York Press.
Reifer, D. J., 2014. Software management. 1st ed. London: London Press.
Schmidt, R. F., 2015. Software engineering : architecture-driven software development. 1st ed. Chicago: Elsevier Press.
Smith, D. D., 2013. Designing maintainable software. 1st ed. New York: Springer.
Stephens, R., 2014. Beginning software engineering. 2nd ed. New York: John & Wiley Press.
Thayer, R. H. & Dorfman, M., 2017. Software engineering. 1st ed. Chicago: John and Wiley.