Sociology Of Technology And Work: Developed Theories And Impact On Information Systems

Technological Artifacts

Describe about the Sociology of Technology and Work for Developed Theories.

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In this report studies, I have introduced two developed theories and its importance and relevance to place technology in everyday life. It also discussed the context to the shaping in the sociology of technological work in information system adoption theories.  These theories illustrate how Actor Network Theory and Domestication Theory have their role in enhancing social outline development thus contributing to future research techniques[1]. Here a brief comparison and contrast are shown between them which highlight the critique use and adoption of these theories to offer a helpful hand to manifest the technological characterization. It also uses the technological artifacts scale to find the theory giving a proportional fragmentation to its enrichment in information communication system framework.

As per technological artifacts, it is a clear-cut manifestation of technology that in contribution to materials around us. Since technology affects our society every day, the object that engineer makes for the practical purpose is by using the objects. According to the research statement made by Carl Mitcham in 1994, technological objects apart from the manifestation of technology comes under a separate field of philosophical analysis taken in terms of volition and knowledge[2]. But after analyzing any other aspects of technological artifacts, it gives rise to other fields of Mitcham’s theory. Now there is a fine line to the usability and make of artifacts which come as a result of activities and so many relations to aims and knowledge type that have relation to such activities. The technological artifacts are something that is made up of human agents and are the objects that are used to raise issues either with the intention or having less intention where it shows a clear distinction in view to natural objects. At first, I have discussed their definition and then broadened their tiles and mainframes while giving scope to technological artifacts over social and philosophical analysis[3]. The terms have a general characteristic to material objects which take the narrow perspective made by taking humans as the agent in reaching and developing the approach in a practical sense.

In this report I have given a brief idea of information system which is defined as a social-technical discipline that involves in non-human entity and human entity. The research process that was carried out in the context of information system shows its investigation in change leading to the present system and thus be called to be new formation with innovative seen under the technology perspective[4]. Now, information system comes under the class of hard-core solution and so the developed mechanism is also complex as well. Various accounts are considered when information system research goes through the accountable involving even the complex sides instead of avoiding it. In case of Actor-Network theory, it takes into account and can handle the underlined complexities prevailed under it providing an impartial treatment and laying off preventive and good measures. In this part of supportive addresses thorough demarcation to such apprehending approach has been outline.

Technological Artifacts of Sociology in Information Technology System

Actor-Network theory considers the materials that refer the actors and girdles up agencies, organizations and human borders which can be seen on actors and humans and comprise the tract of elements of the non-human type just like a desk lamp or competence technology. After the referred encompass, elements get the treatment of symmetrical owing to the difference value of network reflection seen after it is formed. Focus of actor-network theory (ANT) is given to the semiotic or relational aspect that is formed out of the interconnection of the actors needed to form networking stream that would further stabilize at last and cause controversies.

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Now, in the case of domestication theory, the focus is given over the theories that predict the regulation and control of Information Communication Technology (ICTs) helping to get a thorough knowledge about technologies used in day-to-day life situations. Asper, these theories discussion, is based upon an umbrella context stressing about the “social shaping of technology.”[5]

According to this study under social research frame technological usage and thought process divergent in ways of technology show their tendency effect over consequences that will follow upon the society because of technology including the implication, impact and more other. Modernistic approach shows a real means to examine the technological way of ‘consructivist’ or ‘social shaping’ which will work something very socially interactive, or a product-related means or even just social. In 2004 a new idea to technology definition was given by Wajcman which stated that technology is a social fabric design which combines the society as a whole and so it cannot be purely a social or technical instead can be a part of social and material product[6]. Now, this design holds as a coherent or smooth behaviour to network or web framework combination.

Now a question might arise as to know the use of domestication theory in case of research in information system dealing with the subject of organization, people, knowledge, cultural meaning, and artifacts. Many studies were revealed that noted much in this discipline emerging in relation to sociological affect with thorough examination of the social context and using the technological agents which occur in day-to-day life. The shaping of social undermining statement took its emergence in the year of 1980 through the influences from Wacjman and Mackenzie in 1985, 1999 respectively, Bijer et al. in 1987 and Bijker in 1995. This perspective of seeing the social technology would pass the research methods among multi-disciplines that included anthropological, cultural studies, media studies and audiences thereby solving the issues of daily life situation. Again, in 1993 Ormrod and Cockburn set an example that discusses about the western culture of technology and stated that technology surrounds the mystique and neglects very other meaning behaviour that are involved around and that imparts practices and knowledge to produce, make and do things. Thus same linking within relative studies led to the elimination of technological case arose that showed an indispensable of the emerging formation over the altered and moulded in technological determinist and society accounts was put on effect[7]. The acceptance of technological suggestion to worldly views led to the assumption stated by Van Dijk in 2005 that fixing of social problem is a sure tactic cite of technology. Well  as per the statement made by Webster in 2002 technology is more like a decisive agent which reflect the core social change of affirmed concern whereas other get aloof out of the social scenario because of alarmed by many effect of this social changes[8]. In other words, technology is taken to be coercing, autonomous that determines economic and social relations. It is seen beforehand that technology being a complex indication embraces the physical artefacts starting from the addition of its configuration process and designed terms. Thus according to the defined quote of Wajcman and Mackenzie in 1985 it forms a part human activity set whereby incorporating knowing to the people’s view point and also their set of work list. Moreover, the recording that the history reveals is the technology can only be emerged when involvement of users is met actively who have shown their interest and are in relevance to use the factor in their day-to-day life as stated by Silverstone in 205[9]. As per him and his sated notion, these terms the way of technology used are evitable. Therefore, a challenge is taken from the domestication point to scaling to point out the necessary assumption meant for the people consuming the technology and the technology development itself.

Whereas as a contrasting point applied over Actor-Network theory, attempts are taken to understand the interaction terms in order to form networks of heterogeneous types. Just take the example where actor-network theory takes over the accounting statement of bank card users as a tool for communication technology for interaction purpose and forming a stable network. This is a successful process and if less effort, time and resources are required to make it accepted and stable, there will be a possibility that the interaction process in this case by pin cards and chips makes the accessible in simple manner through the sending of user’s info in the database. Now as per the network, after its deployment to another country has to go through new procedure for interacting till the time it reaches to stable state. Thus the result will show a different value instead of the accepted one.

Again, for actor network theory, various attempts is explained as to conduct a localised network procedure that should be globalised leading to establish the actor’s stabilising and influencing factors. As per the statement made by Yearly and Collins in the year 1992, after the affirmed argument human need to have their own special class showing up their capability and apprehend the generating standards about the work behaviour. Since argument had already been followed, their concerned led to predict that object does not possess this ability and so including non-human actors would show a negative impact on the ‘actor’ framework[10]. The natural events carried out to choose the actor’s behaviour either led to the exclusion or inclusion of the shared relationship which further became a competitive challenge to establish this complex statement.

Taking into the matter of both the theories various contributions related to neglecting areas were established through approaches and research methodology that led to conceptualize the statement so as to understand the socio-economic changes. Taking into matter the granted oriented position in the calculation over home and household intimate spaces, selective definition urges to practice the era of information technology behaviour. Thus the sphere of development, design and other implication has an involvement to shape the multi-relation and their application. Now, the information technology system provides a meaningful dominion in placing as technology giver in daily life situation which otherwise shapes the sociology of technology[11]. With reference to approaches and uses taken from various disciple studies a clear growth is shown reflecting a critique adoption of technology in a more popular sense. As per the more descriptive sense granted with actor-network theory because of its particular invention, it is hard to depict the major role play between the non-human and human cases. Therefore, social and technical are correlated. It is known that technology does not permit much to the enhancement of social determinism and technical determinism.


In or der to concluded with the above discussion, main depiction is guaranteed with the argument to both the theories that form a distinct apparatus to site their issues and behaviour towards the social technology perspective in relation to information technology system standards. It has emphasised every theories representing the surrounding factors and experiencing the connection with technical activities. According to the infrastructure of actor-network their formation is quite because of the falling apart of the contrasting statement with domestication theory. Since the principle is generalized as symmetric holding to the grasp over non-human and human position, it reflects on the features of the conceptual integration of agent activities in the overall assigned framework. Thus, a detailed description to spot the concrete mechanism holds the altogether network of treating the way in impartial for actors is attributed here. There is also an argument to the application of deficiency model and their insights to consequential analysis as with the technology and their ineffective power relation. The research has a primary highlights over necessary assumption as per the type of technology in future and its focus on the self-evidence form and appearance. This is the unproblematic and natural which shows a vivid interpretation to freeze the irrational and social conditions over the other side[12]. This shows the corporate vision which setting the domestic behaviour of technology in the upcoming future seen through people’s daily lives.


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