Social Supermarkets: Preventing Food Waste And Poverty
Objective of a SSM and How it Differs from Reverse Logistics
1. The social supermarkets are mainly for preventing the food waste and poverty, where the main aim is to prevent the consumable food and the household products from turning into the waste. SSM helps the markets who are financially at risks or in poverty with supporting their re-integration of the unemployment of people into the society. The traditional of these are considered to be helpful where they are able to sell the foods and the consumer products with providing similar in-store services. They are important for handling the delivery of unwanted food and then sell it on heavy discounted prices (Holweg, Teller & Kotzab, 2016). This allows the people who are receiving the means tested benefits for shopping at a store for one year, will give them a short-term boost as well to be back on track. The heavy discounted food items helps SSM to offer a better cooking class for helping the members to make the most of what they buy. The standards are set where the food re-distribution is mainly in some of the major member states like France, Germany and Australia. The project is setup with the ongoing operations and the good practices in these particular areas, very effectively. They are non-charitable initiatives to sell food surplus to people on a lower income with heavy discounted prices and then providing social support as well (Gruchmann & Seuring, 2018). The challenges are related to handle the increased forms where there are intense media and political attention on food amount that goes to waste, in the countries like Britain. The SSM market has been mainly identified for the parent initiatives where several branches and the franchises are describing themselves as the social supermarkets. They are primarily for the stock food surplus with non-food goods. The products are for the sale in the mainstream market which tends to become unsaleable. They also include the products which are closer to or past their selling with damaged or old packaging. This includes the use of excess stock pricing from the supplying of errors with changes in customer demands with changes in weather and the stock that is for the other promotional offers (Holweg, Lienbacher & Zinn, 2010). SSM is also for the offering of wraparound services for the members and then supporting the skill development, training and the debt or the welfare advices. The reconnection of people with food will help in building relationship and break barriers. The offerings are for social eating space and then focusing on social enterprises with multiple goas. There are standards set for economic goals for selling and providing a complete access to the lower costs of the food with enabling users for saving money and supporting the people who need the most of it. There are environmental goals to reduce waste of food with facilitating re-distribution for the food surplus (Tran & Luc, 2018).
The reverse logistics is to handle the operations with the reuse of the products and materials. The process involves the moving of goods from the destination with the purpose to capture value and disposal. The remanufacturing and the refurbishing of activities includes growing green concerns and the advancements of green supply chain management. There are different factors related to reverse logistics trends and practices that are for managing and handling the sale of surplus with returning equipment and machines from the hardware leasing (Kumar, 2008). There are manufacturers who allow the product to handle the supply chain network, where one tends to reach the distributor or customer as well. The processes and management are important for proper product delivery which involves the reverse logistics. If the product is found to be defective, then the customer can return it and then the manufacturing firm would get it repaired, recycled or dispose it depending upon the requirement. In the market place, there are retailers who treat the merchandise returns as individuals with certain disjointed transactions. The return management best practices include forms and activities where there are activities related to cross-functional aspects. The firm planning for returns need to focus on how to recover the value. There are certain industries and the goods which are distributed through downstream members with understanding that the goods are returned for credit, if they are not to be sold (Dias, Junior & Martinez, 2016). The examples for this are the newspapers. The act of incentive is to carry out stock with certain risk of obsolescence which is by the upstream supply chain members. The downstream members need to also focus on how the suppliers are able to effectively finance the inventory for them.
Causes of SSMs
2. Social Supermarkets are considered to be for the people with the aim to prevent the food waste and the poverty. There are 16% of the European Union population which is below the line of money and their monthly resources are not allowing them basic goods as well. This includes amount of nutritious foods, where Australian government is considered to be defining national poverty thresholds with monthly net income of 900 pounds for a single household. There are 13% of it where the population is belonging to that group (Bouzon, Govindan, Rodriguez, C.M.T. and Campos, 2016) . Here, the development is considered to address the different issues of good like the social supermarkets where the objective is to prevent the consumable foods and household products from turning to waste. SSM concept is mainly a result of inefficiencies by Government inefficiencies as the idea will be to provide limited food assortment and the household goods like the cosmetics or the products for cleaning. There are offering of merchandise which is of surplus products and is given free by the food producers, processors and the other retailers. There are products which are consumable and are no longer merchantable till they are closer to the date of expiry. Hence, card holds only have to purchase the maximum of 30 euros over a maximum of three visits in a week (Pacheco et al., 2018). SSM needs to focus on the products which are still consumable, but they are not merchantable as they have a closer expiry date with wrong labelling. There are damages in packaging and problems are related to access to SSM which is limited for the people who are at risks of poverty. The access is controlled through identification of cards that is then issues for the official income standards.
There are social supermarkets which are for operating in the stationary outlets and are for the primary selling of food and the consumer products. The comparisons are done to the conventional forms which lies in a modified implementation with mix instruments that includes the limited assortment with lower consumer price. The target group needs to focus on financially handling access to stores which is controlled with identification cards that are issued for the income statements. The products are unsellable with different reasons that are closer to expiry date, surplus and the wrong packaging of products (Santos et al., 2014). The availability of the merchandise is limited to what is supplied. Here, the goals are for financially supporting the people and then preventing the food wastage with providing better job opportunities for the long-term unemployed people. Here, SSM works on European Commission with efficient solutions that are important for the stakeholders. The majority is run by the non-profitable organizations. There are concepts of social supermarkets, where the marketing standards are set to focus on the ability to purchase the range of cheap products that includes the fresh and frozen foods, with fruits and vegetables. The stocks are supplied through food charity Fareshare, where the organization will distribute products from mainstream supermarkets, suppliers and the manufacturers who are for charity. The customers also tend to agree on taking the part for the range of skill building programs that include the management of money and the cooking. The coordination with the food liberty is not a lifestyle choice but for the people who want to help themselves and address situations that they have themselves in. The social supermarkets are asked for completing the entry and the exit of the questionnaires with tracking the major project involvement impact, where the assessment is against any objective to help people for moving out of poverty.
Social Supermarkets are effectively able to bring a better response where the companies are selling surplus food to people who have a lower income, at a heavy discounted price. This is for enhancing social support and then bringing the change in poverty condition of Europe. It has been seen that the waste is generated at different times in food supply chain mainly by the producers and the wholesalers who need to work on austerity conditions (Beleya, Chelliah, and Abu Bakar, 2017). The social supermarket need to work on handling the damaging, old product packaging or mislabeled goods with spelling errors or wrong advertised weight. This can also include the stock from supplying errors or the changes as per the customer demands which results in the change of weather and the stock that is left from other promotional offers.
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