Social Strategy Forums For Engineering Project Development – Objectives, Baseline Requirements, And Marketing Plan

Problem Statement

Describe about the Social Strategy Forums for Engineering Project Development.

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The project saw its development after realization that there was need for students globally to have a platform where they could interact and share ideas. Engineering students globally undergo similar challenges with some failing to be addressed in some regions while in other regions solutions for the problems are found and may not be shared appropriately enough. Therefore, in creation of a platform where students could access solutions to preexisting problems would help in development of the field of study as well as students globally being able to share ideas which could lead to better engineering solutions to existing problems being come up with.

The software is geared at centralizing information to a centric area within an application where users can find solutions to problems encountered in the field of study. The software will enable students to find solutions to problems and have interactive discussion through conversation threads either within the application of via the mobile website. Progress and new solutions discussed on chat can be received via email in case a user logs off the site or application therefore enabling them to be posted of changes and updates regardless of them being online of offline. The application will act as a platform for exchange of ideas, improvement of existing ideas and as platform for coming up with solutions to existing problems within the field of engineering.

ADTC has developed an application called the Engineering or science or high school forum. This is mainly targeted at students who are currently doing or are interested in technology. The aim of the company in development of the different engineering applications is to bring together engineers in the different fields of engineering to a centralized learning and growth platform. The applications developed have had improvements which are bound to or at least expected to help speed up the learning process. They make use of a flashcard learning system which was introduced by Sebastian Leitner, a science journalist from Germany. It works on simply implementing the principle of spaced repetition which works in that cards are viewed at intervals which are increasing. The flashcards are grouped after sorting depending on how well a learner is familiar with the content included in the learning box. Learners then make attempts at recollection of what they saw on ether card where if successful, the card is set to the second group however if they cannot recall the card is returned to the first group. For groups where success levels are high, before the learner revisits the cards it usually takes a longer while (Matlock, et al., 2010).


A social media strategy is required to be developed so that the application can receive recognition and to reach the target audience. A social media marketing plan is a summary of steps and achievements for a business through using social media as a medium for reaching out to people. A social media marketing plan should comprise of audits on the company’s different departments such as accounts and to understand where they currently stand, future goals as well as tools, processes and strategies geared towards achievement of the goals. It should not be too broad so that it is attainable as well as it having certain limits to work within (Norman et al., 2000).

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A social media marketing plan has several steps within it with the initial one being creation of goals and objectives to be attained through using social media. For ADTC Technologies, they aim at increasing popularity levels of their engineering oriented application. In creation of goals to be achieved, there is a better chance of reactions in the event of the goals failing to be reached as compared to lacking goals. Also, goals act as a means of measuring success levels from using social media to create awareness of by proving the returns on investment from using social media as a tool. The achievable goals should be business centric with them being aligned with them eventually boosting a business forward. There is need for going beyond vanity metrics presented by Facebook shares, retweets and likes and the need for advancement to conversation rate, generated leads and web referrals. In goal setting, it is important to ensure that the objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant and time bound (Reinhardt, 1995).

A social media audit is the second step in creation of an online social marketing strategy. This is done prior to creation of the marketing plan and performs checks on the current channels on social media used and reflects on the effectiveness of their working. This entails inquiring and researching on social network connections, social platforms used by the market being targeted as well as comparisons between self and competitors use of social media and to find leverage to have an upper hand. After an audit has been created, a clear picture which is representative of the businesses’ social media accounts, their management and running as well as the purposes they serve. This information requires frequent updating so that scaling activities for the business can be catered for (Krutz et al,. 2010). After the audit and assessment of the target market and the platforms they are familiar and unfamiliar with then there are choices to be made such as which accounts to delete and for the selected for use, who to manage them. Also, there is need for reporting false or fraudulent accounts so as to prevent fraud of customers as well as other negative impact which may arise from such impersonation. For the profiles created, there is need for determination of a mission statement with the declarations helping in focusing on specific set goals for each social platform. If a social platform exists and there is no defined possible purpose then it would be best deleted (Reynolds, 2000).

Baseline Requirements Summary

After a social media audit has been completed, online presence needs to be honed. Social network goals should fall in line with the most common used social media platforms. If a company has no existing accounts, they need to create new ones however if they have existing accounts, they should take initiative and putting into practice steps which can help in their improvement for achievement of the best possible results. There is need to understand that different companies have different and unique audiences with different interests and likes therefore the need for diversity in treatment of audiences on the different platforms instead of generalization. Profiles can be optimized using Search Engine Optimization tools such as those provided for by Attracta, the world’s leader in Search Engine Optimization. Also, there is need for completeness of information on the social media profiles so that the public can get to be in the know (Akselrud, et al., 2003).

After creation of social media accounts, it can be a challenge to identify what the market would love to be attracted to your company specifically. Therefore it is important that the companies research and inquire from their competitors, leaders in the industry they are in as well as improving accounts through client feedback information. They should also strive to be different and better as compared to the other companies currently in the market by showing differences in approaches to incorporate better ad interesting ones. Social media listening through observation of how competitors as well as consumers tailor their messages and mimicking their style for better recognition and market share is a means of gaining social media inspiration. Also, the responsible parties need to focus on the material shared, why it was shared and from this data they can successfully create a social media marketing plan. There is also need for studying patterns and traits of social media giants without restrictions to their field of work or service delivery. From trends observed, it then becomes easier in identification of steps to be used as well as coming up with strategies on how to better them (Aghion & Bronfin, 2000).

There is importance of creation of a content plan and an editorial calendar for purposes of having control over the platforms so as to ensure success in social media campaigns. The plan should be inclusive of a content marketing plan, and an editorial calendar. The plan for content marketing needs to address issues such as the type of content purposed for positing, frequency of posting, target audiences, creators of the content and means of promotion of the content. The editorial calendar makes listings of content intended for publishing online during campaigns by having a calendar created in advance as opposed to having content created during the day. This creates for opportunities of improvements in grammar and language formatting as compared to when messages are written on the fly. Spontaneity is encouraged in customer service engagements as opposed to with content of social media updates. The social media rule of thirds can be used in allocation of resources.

Social Media Strategy for ADTC Technologies

After the marketing plan has been put in place, then the strategy can be evaluated and observed on what changes are required to be made. For sites such as blogs built on platforms such as WordPress, one could keep count of clicks recorded, visits, referrals as well as new and existing users who logged in to view content as well as those who gave feedback. Also, features included in application such as Hootsuite which help in analysis and tracking of the success levels of social campaigns as well as using tools offered by Google Analytics where one can keep track of views on certain pages. Surveys can also be carried out to determine performance on social media where the can from customer feedback be able to determine the return on investments for the business (Zeng et al., 2006).

A forum is a discussion held online on a website where people are given an interaction platform through posted messages where users can reply to each other. However, they are different from chats since the messages are longer and are at archived temporarily. However, in some cases there are challenges in who can respond to who within the forums since there are differences in access levels of users. Therefore, due to differences in user levels, some comments are held for moderation before publishing (Roether, et al., 2002). Forums like other platforms have their own jargon associated with them such as threads where a single lengthy conversation where users have interacted. Some forums also have settings where they can be active participants in a discussion and remain anonymous while some require for users to register before posting a comment or engaging in the discussion. Most platforms allow for users to log in via social media channels (Bohanon-Edmonson, 2004).

Positioning by definition is the processes and strategies used by marketers in attempt for creation of distinct impressions achievable in the mind of the customer. Most are in concurrence that positioning is an activity which occurs mostly in the target market’s minds. This is the aggregate perception which is held by the market with respect to the company as well as the goods or products they provide to the consumers as well as their quality. Positioning is also dependent on the comparisons between companies as well as how they are viewed by the consumers with them ranking companies differently. Positioning is also an uncontrollable phenomena which occurs without the company’s involvement. Regardless of them being proactive, passive or active in the processes entailed in position evolution, the positioning continues to occur. However, a company can have influence either positive or negative depending on their strategic actions by how they create and change perceptions. The process of product positioning is involving of definitions of the competiveness of the product or service, attributes which are defining to the product, correction of attributes pertaining to a service of product with action being taken from customer feedback, determination of the location and the attributes about the product they prefer combined and those they wish to be excluded therefore determining the fitness of the product or service to the market or whether there would be need to change markets (Kojima, 2000).

Steps in Creating a Social Media Marketing Plan

Data was collected by carrying out online surveys, sending out questionnaires to different parties who were involved with the system so as to get their opinion on the importance of integration of the systems. Also, questionnaires were used in collection of data and carrying out of interviews in person. After the data was collected, there were activities carried out to clean the data so that only relevant information only was maintained and the remaining information was used in drawing conclusions. From the results of the surveys it was concluded that there was need for creation of a system since it was noted that there lacked a common ground for integration and sharing of resources.

In the process of data collection however there were challenges faced such as some of the interviewees who picked questionnaires failing to return them or some retuning half-filled forms. This led to a problem of failing to get complete information therefore the information collected was to a point useless. This therefore led to increased expenditure in printing out new questionnaires for sending out to different samples of students. Resending questionnaires led to there being more time spent on carrying out research as had been planned for before.

The research was carried out extensively and data collection was collected on an all-round basis since al affiliated parties were interviewed during the process. The affected members were students mainly as well as their tutors who would also gain from the application’s running in that there would be ease in achievement of solutions to problems.

Collected data was analyzed through data analysis tools where the responses were filtered as well as questionnaires analyzed. Data was collected and set to reflect against a criteria of whether they were in favor, unsure or undecided about the anticipated effect and whether they were in opposition to the software being implemented.

Most were in favor of development and implementation of the software with them being in favor due to the advantages it posed to the students and the teachers. The software was seen to provide even teachers with a portal where they could interact freely to communicate and learn. It acted as a digital library which was responsive and students could get questions answered online without the need for them having to go to class.

The application would be able to incorporate data sets and formulas usually used in engineering algorithms and calculations. The incorporation of the data sets and formulas within the application would help in the ease of understanding and flow of knowledge as students refer to previously answered questions as well as them having the ability to structure questions in a manner which was easily understandable.

Importance of a Content Plan and Editorial Calendar

The application would be coded in languages which would be cross platform so that there would be ease of access around all mobile platforms since it was targeted at mobile operating systems. The most common market for development was the Android market with the first version being intended for rolling out to the Android market with Beta versions released for the other platforms.

A press release can be used as a sales and remarketing tool where using the media as a communication channel to reach masses, there can be a larger customer base reached as well as increment in levels of the product’s reviews. By having a newsworthy story which enables communication to be achieved through the publication released via the press there are increased chances of popularity with the application as well as building anticipation for release of the application to the market. For coverage, there is need to keep in touch with members of the editorial board and committees and giving them frequent periodic updates and specifications of the application so that users can know beforehand what they will be expecting. Building anticipation is also a tactic which can help in increasing popularity even before the release date (Bergman,, 2001).

The documents which are supporting should contain information detailed in research processes involved as well as means of acquisition of the data. The public is required to be educated on the benefits of making use of free open source software for improvement and enhancement of day to day activities. Companies can contract organizations such as Schedules Direct, a non-profit organization working with a mission of enlightening the public regarding open source software. They also offer support activities as well as them funding and facilitation for improvement of existing freeware on the internet and beyond (Schumann & Friedrich, 2004).

There is need for identification of the need of embarking on the project before any work is started on it so that the company does not regret starting up midway along the process of development. The project should address an unfulfilled need within the organization and in the documentation there is need for detailed explanations to be reached as to why it is important to fulfil the need within the organization. Also, there is importance in explanation of the solution to the identified problem as well as a detailed explanation of how the project gives a solution to the identified problem within the organization (Koch, 1997). Sequential steps which lead to coming up of a solution need to be broken down and explained with them comprising of short summaries as compared to lengthy discussions. The project manager should ensure that the documentation comprises of short and concise explanations which are easy to understand. Predicted output should also be defined from the detailed definitions as well as expectations of the project upon delivery. Important dates need to be defined such as when the project will be completed and other milestones within the project. Also, there is need for explanation of the benefits which the organization will get from the project as well as how it will make improvements to current situations (Splitt, 2002).

Evaluating the Social Media Marketing Plan

The project schedule is the tool used for communication purposes so that involved parties can know what needs will require to be performed within the project from beginning to its completion. It also defines resources to be used within the organization as well as definition of budgets and time frames. The schedule needs to revolve around the operational components associated with delivery of the project on a timely basis. Lack of a full schedule for the project would lead to possible chances in delaying of the project as well as chances of over expenditure (Simpson, 2001).

Supporting data plays the role of provision of a data set which is standardized to offer support for managed resources, commissioning as well as performance of analysis of national policies (Weiss et al,. 2010).

All the changes in the research should be stated and reasons why the changes occurred. The project should also entail possible reasons why the changes could have not been avoided. The person entitled to review the changes should be named and should be authorized to do so.

It is notable that development and improvement of the system can help in bringing together students in different fields of engineering and the software is aimed at haring resources so that students worldwide can learn through their phones and other personal devices supporting the software. The application should be developed so that it can work on cross platforms since the mobile market has different platforms such as Android, Apple’s iOS, Windows Mobile and BlackBerry OS. This will hlp in students being able to acess the application regardless of the platform they are in therefore it will not be limiting for use to them. 


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