Social Networking And Its Implications For Recruiting The Change Management
Describe about the Social Networking and its Implications for Recruiting the Change Management.
Internet is one of the most important inventions of the genius of mankind. It has been a single facet that has touched and changed the quality and standard of living of men. In current times just as life happens to be unthinkable without electricity, similarly human existence can become really parched in the absence of the internet. In fact we see that internet is one such facility that happens to be touching the various aspects of the human life. It is that facility that helps to keep man just a button press away from the various events and news that is taking place on a worldwide basis. The internet is that power that has revolutionized the various walks and the facets of life. It is the power that has brought the global market into the sitting room of common man and has also bridged the distance between different parts of the world (Boyd & Spekman, 2015). One of the most significant products of the services of internet is the emergence of the social networking sites (Castells, 2015 ). These sites are the places where people establish contacts with others who are based in different parts of the world. In the beginning what happened to be a just a medium of establishing contact and of entertainment has become one of the major platforms of opinion expression and establishment of contact for business and education amongst the global citizen of our planet (Salimi, Shojaei, & Raissi, 2015).
In the following part of the essay we shall take a closer look at the phenomenon of social networking that has merged not more than a couple of decades back and has actually taken the entire world by an unmistakable storm.
Social networking is a concept that happens to be fairly new. This was an idea that did emerge in the late 1990s and soon gained a lot of importance and prevalence amongst the youth all over the world. Soon there came and emerged various sites and platform of social networking sites. These sites can be of varied nature and can be used by the people for different purposes. Some of the most common names that happen to be associated with the concept of social media are that of Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest etc. These are the platforms or the different types of social media where we see that the users happens o be frequenting for reasons either personal or professional. For example Facebook is a social networking site where people generally create profiles and gets in touch with each other to establish personal contacts (Duggan, Ellison, Lampe, Lenhart, & Madden, 2014).
Here again professional people do establish contacts, yet the primary type of nature of contact happens to be personal. People happen to be sharing their photographs and also their opinions with each and other and can also share their views and other forms of expressions. The Facebook is yet again another very important and effective channel through which people from distant parts of the world can establish very quick and easy communication with each other. In fact we see that the Facebook has become one of the best methods through which the essence of distance can be negated (Kaše, King, & Minbaeva, 2013).
People residing in two different continents can be in touch with each other on a regular basis. Gain this communication happen to be absolutely hassle free, cheap and very much convenient. In the current times when internet is just a touch away with the help of the smart phones, Facebook has become probably the most convenient means through which the people are in steady contact with each other. No longer people needs to make lengthy calls that are expensive or has to rely on the postal system. The new methods of communication happen to be much more effective and fast. It is actually as simple and as convenient as messaging another person who is in the same city. The Facebook is yet again another very significant platform where people can share their experiences and the nice photographs that they have taken with their near and dear ones. This is an excellent platform where people can enlarge their social network and start developing new circles of friends (Soltis, 2013).
Such social media or networking channels can also be a pertinent medium through which the companies across the world can carry out their recruitment procedures. The social media sites are the places where the youth of the world happens to be frequenting on a regular basis. This is why the HR happens to be targeting these sites regularly ion the current times. These sites are the places where the companies are releasing advertisements and intimation regarding the vacancies that exists with the companies and the kind of candidates that the management is looking for. This is a process that is being used by the commercial enterprises of all levels and classes irrespective of their industry genre. This is one of the fastest methods through which the recruiter can tap the market of candidates and can reach them in the most time and cost effective manner.
Apart from Facebook that is undoubtedly one of the most used social networking sites there are many other important names that are used by the people of the world. In initial state it was seen that social networking sites were places that were frequented mainly by the young and the youth of the world (Bakshy, Messing, & Adamic, 2015). However in recent times the various researches that have taken it have been seen that this is quite a myth. It has been found out in the recent times that use of Facebook and the other social media channels is not really restricted to any particular group that can be defined in terms of gender or in terms of age. People of all ages and of both the genders are making a unanimous use of the social networking channels. This is why the social networking channels have become the most effective way of reaching out to a large number of people in the current times (Davenport, Bergman, Bergman, & Fearrington, 2014).
This is a facet or is a feature that has been understood by the leaders of the society. Whether it happens to be the business group or the entertainment people or the political fraternity each of the segments in order to reach out to the common people of the world and to create an awareness are making an increased use of the social media channels. This is seen through the increased marketing endeavors that are taking place in the various social media sites across the world (Dijck, ‘You have one identity’: performing the self on Facebook and LinkedIn, 2013).
As mentioned in the earlier part of the essay, there are various types of social media channels. These channels can be used to create personal profiles or even professional profiles. In this context we see that people happens to be using the social networking sites to create super professional networks that can help to get new and more promising opportunities in the career sphere (Dijck, Media, Culture & Society,, 2013). Here websites like LinkedIn comes into the scenario. These are the sites that are used by the professionals so that they can enhance their professional circuit and get to know people from other companies along with which the HRs of different companies also gets to know many more profiles that they can tap and contact for their own requirements. In fact it has been seen that many senior profiles in the current times are being filled up in this process.
The social networking sites and the channels can have a large impact on the growth o the global economy and the global society. The social networking medias although did emerge initially as a way of creating contact with new people and the old acquaintances who have drifted away, soon became one of the most important elements and the catalysts that did fuel the international economy. In fact we see that the social media channels have become a great place for the corporate entities to do their marketing. The software analysis companies are well aware of the fact that a huge number of people happens to be visiting these social networking sites (Tufekci & Wilson, 2012).
In fact a check and a tab on the cookies and other privacy tools do happen to corroborate the same fact. Hence we see that the social media channels have become the easiest and the lucrative place where the commercial entities are flashing their requirements and are also doing a number of other marketing gimmicks. In this context we see that the companies are not juts flashing their product promotion gimmicks but at the same time often do also release the news of the vacancies that do lie with them (Stepanashvili, 2015). The people who have created their profiles on Facebook often use the channels as an effective medium of giving an increased exposure to their business entrepreneurs. The social media sites are the places that have become a common place of interest for the marketing team and also the HR department of the company.
The online shopping commonages who have reached the common people through the internet services have also been using theses social media channel to give a larger exposure to their products and also to attract a larger number of customers. Social networking sites such as LinkedIn are actually a site where people do create their professional profiles. This is one of the most semi corporate and formal ways through which people happens to gain larger contact in the professional field and also those who are on the lookout for matching profiles to fill up vacancies also use these types of sites for their professional work (Casler, Bickel, & Hackett, 2013). In fact in the current times we see that the HR and the recruitment services agencies are making a sure shot usage of these types of professional social networking sites so that they can get hold of fresh and more relevant profiles.
The social networking sites also have a tremendous social and educational influence. There are so many students and so many universities who are making a serious use of the various social networking sites. To elaborate further we see that there are various universities and educational institutions across the world that are trying to reach out to a larger gamut of students across the world and are using the social media channels to create a profile of their known. Through these profiles the universities are successfully giving the probable students and their families an insight into the various courses that they are offering to the students and the bright future that the student can have though taking an admission with them. This is one of the most common ways of educational marketing that is increasingly gaining a prominence in the current times (Tess, The role of social media in higher education classes (real and virtual)–A literature review, 2013 ). Here we see also see that the students are also able to make contact with the concerned authorities of the universities in case they are interested to take up course with them. Through the social media channels that the students are extending their queries to the authorities of the universities and they are eve naturally successfully enrolling with the universities (DeAndrea, Ellison, LaRose, Steinfield, & Fiore, 2012). The education industry globally is being very fairly influenced and affected by the usage of the social media channels. In addition to the same we see that talented teachers from various parts of the world are being sourced through the help of the social networking sites. The university managements across the world are getting very able professors and instructors through the channels of the social media.
On the social and the psychological front as well the social media channeled are having a profound influence. In this context we see that the social media sites are the places where e sees that the people of one place are getting and exposure of the ways of life and also thinking of people who are from a different part of the world. Here people do gain an insight into the ethics and the beliefs and also the culture of people from the other parts of the world. This is a process that can seriously affect the thinking process and the belief system of people across the globe. This is in fact one of the trends that have been increasingly diagnosed in the current times. Many people say that this is an essentially catalyst that is affecting the youth of the world and are revolutionizing them and again there is another set of people who believes that this is a phenomenon that shall have a very negative impact on the mind of the youth and eventually the roots of the country.
To elaborate the above point of view we see that there are many parts of the world where traditional and its ways happens to be held very dear to the people, at least the people of the yesteryears. Likewise we see that the old also lies to leave its legacy for the new age. Likewise the elders of such traditional societies want the youth to take up the essential heritage of the yesteryear o the country. This is a process that often gets challenged by the use of the social media sites. Through the social media channels the youth of the country gets exposed to the liberal ideas of the not so traditional and conservative worlds of the planet. The influenced is hence a mixed one. Just as on one hand the social taboos and the negativity of tradition is done away with, the youth of the nation definitely gets imported away from their ethnicity and roots by some degree. Hence often scholars and the experts have stated that too much of exposure to the social networking sites can help to drive away the youth from the national and traditional roots (Dewan & Ramaprasad, 2014). This can take them away to the foreign places where they can take up careers and hence settle down. In the long run this is a process that shall weaken the roots of the country both socially and also economically.
Behavioralist and the psychoanalysts have also propounded a new and a novel negative aspect of too much exposure to the social networking sites. In this context we see that the behaviorists and the scholars have opined that too much exposure to the arena of social networking can actually make a person averse to the real society, People who are getting more and more used to the virtual world are showing signs of getting withdrawn to the real world. This real world can consist of the real society of the person and often the arena increases to the family of the person as well. This is a tendency that has been seen amongst the youth and the adolescents of the current world (Schultz & Schultz, 2016).
The kids are getting involved and engrossed in the virtual society that they are often turning out to be recluses in terms of the real society. They are getting withdrawn from their parents as well. In the long run this is a dynamics that is affecting the balance and the dynamism of the family as well. In addition to the same it has been seen that kids who are too much on the social networking sites are also getting lower in their performance in their studies. They happens to be spending too much time on the virtual world which is taking away their precious time that should have been ideally invested in education and its preparations. However one of the most dangerous outcomes of over exposure to the networking sites is that the parents are often unaware of the kind of circle that the kid is mixing with in the social media (Berger, 2013 ).
This is one of the reasons why the kid often gets attracted to the company of the wrong sort of people. This is an event that can adversely affect the child in his growing years and can adversely influence him. In the long run this event can also affect the over reasonability of the child.
The social networking sites are terrific and revolutionary phenomenon of the current times. These networking sites are channels that has helped to make the world are much smaller place where distance can be bridged very easily, They are the most effective platforms that can facilitate the inter exchange of opinions and also view points. It is the best place where people can establish contact with others from the distant land in the most convenient and cheap manner. Communication was never this simple even across continents.
However just as all boons even this one can have very serious adverse effects if not used in the prudent and responsible manner. Parents and the guardians must keep a guarded watch over their kid’s activities over the social networking sites and should constantly educate them of the various perils that lurk in the world of the internet. The world is to see many more changes and dynamism that shall flow out of the use of such social networking media sites, with a more responsible global population taking control of it.
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