Social Movements Against HIV: Fighting For The Social And Civil Rights Of Minorities
Understanding the plight of minority groups
In this modern scenario, society is becoming concerned about the minority groups and their issues. This, in turn, needs a very special concern because life for the minor tribes and the minority classes has been covered with a very dark cloud of despairs since ages. The concerns of the minority groups have been kept as social taboos. It is for this reason that the issues of these minority people have been avoided. There are many minorities and backward groups spread around in the society. As per the opinion of Makunyane, Moodley, and Titus, (2017) the minority group are spread around in different strata of the society. It is for this reading that the dominating sections of the society have been able to exert their pressure over these minority groups. However, Deegan, (2018) has also argued that the negligence of the Government is also t be blamed for that issue. For many centuries the Government has not given much attention to the people of these backward cases.
Some of the people belonging to the minority classes are the gay, lesbians, poverty-stricken people and people belonging from the other backward classes. Deega, (2018) has suggested that among all these minority classes the one class that needs a very special attention is the class o people suffering from HIV AIDS. The society has always looked down upon these people and abandoned them. Simmons et al., (2015) has suggested that people with HIV AIDS have often been the victim of discrimination in availing the important facilities like health care, education, food, and others. With the passage of time, people were made aware amount this stigmatization of these HIV people. Thus, people started looking for ways of helping these HIV victims.
Mosier and Skitka, (2018) are of the opinion that no social movement takes place without any proper cause. Openness, unity, and trust are some of the key factors that act as the key to the success of these social movements. One of the main reasons behind the rise of the social movement against HIV patients is the large-scale discrimination that has been faced by them at each and every level. There is also the need for including these minority group people in the mainstream activities. The main aim of the social movement is to make sure that they are fighting for the social and civil rights of these people.
The social rights would help these people to get the right to education and health. As per the opinion of Ghazal, Cokely, and Garcia-Retamero, (2014), people suffering from this disease are subjected to a huge amount of mental tortured as they are marginalized. So, it can be said that they suffer much from psychological disorders than what they suffer from their physical condition. Poddar et al., (2015) has said in this context that people suffering from AIDS are denied the rights of availing a popper medical treatment for getting rid of their condition. In order to make p[people knew about the evils of stigmatizing HIV affected people, the social media has to come into play. Media is one of the most popular means through which society can be made aware. It is through social media like television programs, movies, internet posts, and other such media releases.
The special need for attention towards HIV AIDS patients
Civil disobedience- Though this might sound like a crime but at the same time, this is also essential for the purpose of gaining recognition among the society As part of the social movement, the AIDS victims have taken several steps in order o talk or narrate about their grievances to the world. In order to do this, they started conducting various strikes or road blockages in order to pinpoint their pain and grief. As per the opinion of Simon, (2017) there were many exercises like all-out ‘our bodies are on the line’ exercise. As a part of this social movement exercise, the HIV AIDS affected people showed their protests by laying down straight on the ground or by leaning their bodies against the walls of the Hospitals. As per the opinion of Mosier and Skitka, (2018), the majority of the AIDS victims are diagnosed at the last or the final stage of their disease. This is really very unfortunate. It is evident from this scenario that the HIV AIDS victims have to face a huge amount of indiscrimination even for getting the minimum medical rights. It is for this reason that there was a need for some urgent social movement.
This is also one of the major problems that are faced by the victims of the HIV AIDS patients. For centuries this has remained a social taboo. Hatzakis et al., (2015) has stated that people who suffer from this disease are not aware of the fact that they must get medical treatment immediately. Endale Gurmu, Teni, and Tadesse, (2017) is of the opinion that this is mainly because of the fact that there is a lack of proper social awareness among people. They are unaware that immediate treatment can help them deal with this disease. People are usually unwilling for taking the tests of HIV AIDS because they are unaware and also they know that they will be denied the access to avail the minimum medical facility.
A number of people taking part in the, the movement don’t matter. The most important thing is the agenda of the social movement. People taking part in the social movement must make sure that they have been able to discuss the theme of their movement to all the people. Richards and Bergin, (2014) have suggested that people taking part in the movement must know the cause that they are fighting for.
The problem of HIV AIDS was also much prevalent in Greece. In order to help people deal with this stigma of HIV AIDS, there was the emergence of many social innovations. The social movements were, mainly the result of the long periods of discrimination and injustice that the people had to face. It has to be noted that it is because of social inequality, social exclusion, and gender biases that people become abandoned. It is because of all these reasons that they develop a higher chance of getting the sexually transmitted diseases like HIV AIDS. As per the opinion of Deegan, (2018), the same is the scenario is Greece, There is a large scale discrimination among people. As more people are categorized in the minority group, they get abandoned and have a chance of developing diseases like AIDS. There is a lack of proper awareness among people.
The role of social movements in fighting discrimination
One of the major causes behind the rapid growth of this disease is because of the lack of proper awareness and understanding on the part of the common people. In order to make sure that these people are being able to come back to the limelight it is the duty of the social movements to take up their responsibility. One of their prime duties is to make sure that they are including a large number of people within their movement. One of the most prominent results of the social movements in the formation of the social group that help in supporting these minority groups of people, One such social group is the UNAIDS.
This is a social intervention group or anti-AIDS fighting group that helps in providing social protection to all the victims of AIDS. They mainly try to take the first step by supporting the social needs of people. They mainly try to work for a system called the HIV sensitive social protection. They want to make sure that people who are already affected or are at the verge of facing some they try to seek help from Government order to increase the range of facilities that they can actually provide to the patients belonging from this minority groups. Prejudice and discrimination are the most crucial element that causes this thought within the minds of the people. One of the major social evil is prejudice. Since ages, the society was prejudiced about the concept of AIDS. They were of the opinion that AIDS is one of the transmissible diseases.
Thus, if some people had this disease somehow, then he was treated as an untouchable by the rest of the society. This is really a very bad practice and had to be stopped somehow. This prejudiced feeling was spread among all the people. Thus, the social movements had to keep in mind that they are able o break this prejudiced feeling or the biased thought from the minds of the people. Fanning, (2018).) is of the opinion that people can get the proper result only after using the methods in a proper and organized manner.
Violence is often not the right way for getting the desired results. However, people who were the victim of AIDS and were denied the basic rights had to use some of the violent methods as well. As for instance in order to show the violence, the AIDS victims often used methods like laying their bodies on the street and throwing the contraception materials on the walls of the hospitals or the other social setups. This was a means to show that society is not giving them proper importance that they deserve. Though this type of protest might seem to be improper at the same time, it is also justified from the viewpoint of the AIDS victims who have been denied all the social rights.
The importance of social and civil rights for minority groups
The media, however, plays a huge role in making sure that people are able to get over this prejudiced idea and the social ideas about AIDS. It is through the help of media that people have been able to conduct and telecast many programs in through television and also other such programs. One good example is of the time when AIDS first broke out and people did not know that what was the treatment and how to take care of or support those who are getting affected by this disease. As per the opinion, of Santino, (2016), it was in the year 1991 that Princess Diana wanted to take a very bold decision and visit an HIV hospital. This was very useful as it helped in making people understand that HIV AIDS is nothing to be afraid of.
There was a photograph that became viral on the medial sites and on the other media channels like television programs, this acted as one of the very important media steps in order to help these people having the HIV AIDS. Media had a positive influence on the public during this point in time. There was a photograph of Diana shaking her hands with an HIV patient in order to show that physical contact will not make this disease spread or transferred. This method marked the beginning of the change in the thought of the people of society. After seeing this picture on different media sites, people became aware of the fact that they must try and accept the people. They have to realize that people suffering from HIV AIDS must be brought back within the mainstream.
Salt-N-Pepa is one of the famous hip-hop groups that worked actively for the support of the minority group. This was also one of the most important steps taken by media as it helped in spreading the awareness among all the people of the society. One f their famous song let’s talk about sex was changed to let’s talk about AIDS. This was one of the most essential steps to check the growing taboo about AIDS. They tried to convey people about the safe sex habits and the other methods through which people can actually try to break their prejudices.
This can be said that the media has been playing a very important role in order to help the people suffering from AIDS. One of the major and direct consequences of type economic crisis in Greece is the spread of the disease AIDS. It is for this reason that social movements like UNAIDS have been actively working in order to give social justice. However, Huber, (2015) is of the opinion that the problem lies at the grass root level. There are many people who live below the poverty line and have resorted to the usage of drugs.
The use of media in raising awareness and breaking societal taboos
They have the habit of injecting drugs with syringes. There is a chance that the syringes might be infected and can be the cause for the spread of this disease-causing germ. It is the duty of media to cover these events and telecast it so that people from all over the world can get to know about this rising problem. These social media have been trying their level best to help and support these people by granting them a scope of getting educated.
One of the major roles that have been played by the media and the other social movements in Greece is the arrangement of sex education. Sex education is also one of the most important roles that have been taken up by social media. They are trying to conduct many classes in schools and among the teenagers. This will be really helpful because teenagers usually have a good exposure to the media. Therefore, they will be able to know about the tasks of having unprotected sex. Apart from this, they will also get to know about the treatment measures of this disease. In a nutshell, the social movements will help in bringing the marginalized or the minority people to the limelight.
Thus, it can be said that people in Greece must be educated so that they can actually know about the facts of AIDS. In other words, the Government and the society itself must be responsible enough so that people are not misled in any way. It has been seen that HIV is one of the direct effects of the economic crisis that happened in Greece. So, people have to be taught that HIV can be cured by giving the proper treatment and it is not a disease that will spread by contamination. It is a huge responsibility on the shoulders of the social communities and the Government as a whole to make sure that they are being able to create a proper awareness among the people. They have to develop many training and sessions that will help the individuals’ in knowing that they must get proper training and education to develop a positive and open-mindedness towards the people who are the victims of HIV AIDS.
The society has always looked down upon these people and abandoned them. People with HIV AIDS have often been the victim of discrimination in availing the important facilities like health care, education, food, and others. Therefore, it can be said that education and awareness is one of the key aspects that will be needed in order to make fight this disease. People who have been marginalized for ages must be given proper support so that they can actually come into the mainstream.
The UNAIDS: A social intervention group for supporting HIV patients
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