Social Equity And Aged Care Policy In Australia

The National Health Reform Agreement

Discuss about the Australian Defence Force Policy on Mmaternal.

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Social equity is rooted in the notion that everyone is equivalent as well as has absolute privileges because the Australian government uniquely integrates social, spiritual, financial, and political individuality. Simultaneously the realization of the impossibility of the equality and inequality produced.  Recent changes in Australian health care systems include the federal government’s commitment to major funding for health services and organizational reforms that have been incorporated into the National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) and accepted by all countries and regions in 2011 and give equal heal care opportunities to everyone. Health care and public policies are comprehensive and understandable, and cross-disciplinary explanations of health care policy (medical, social, economic) goals and government policy tools (cost-benefit analysis, entry barriers, competition) that can be used to ensure scarcity are not wasted resources moreover do not require poor social groups that are deprived from basic and affordable medical services (Gama Colombo, 2010).

The Aged Care policy is the framework for the aged health care in Australia. This policy allows the public as well as government to provide financial help to elderly citizens who need medical care and need health care service providers, in order to make that all the Australians who need health care are capable to easily access it. This policy provides a sustainable framework of aged health care for the aging population of Australia, meet the upcoming future need for services and also give older individuals people choice to improve to health care options (Palmer & Short, 2010).

Ideologies & assumptions shape public spending on wellbeing & on aged care policy development. When anyone analyzes health care policy of Australia then Australia’s health policy is also explored by using a novel, problem-oriented approach. It shows the problem-solving techniques used in policy formulation and shows the techniques for analysis and decision-making. Australia is close to the end of the decade of the national plan for the elderly care policy and the phased reform. Although the motivation for action is economical, and in particular the need to control growth at a high cost, Commonwealth-funded accommodation care ends, but reforms are based on widely recognized dissatisfaction with residential and community care provisions (Marmot, Friel, Bell, Houweling& Taylor, 2008).

The Pensions Act for aged people as well as empowerment legislations of 1997 which includes principles and decisions for elderly medical care provide regulatory frameworks for the Australian management fund aged care provider moreover provide the protection for the elderly care recipient. Legislative frameworks stipulate the needs of Australian government-sponsored providers of age care approval, distribution of elderly care facilities, approval or the classification of the care recipient, certification of the services, furthermore subsidies also paid by the government of Australian. Framework stipulates provider’s responsibility in the quality and compliance of aged care. Based on the different social and economic capabilities that provide community care, the problem of inequality between different regions and in disadvantaged groups has not yet received the full attention of the central government and it is not possible to care about “constituted” communities rather than “concerned” communities (Baillie, 2013). The related national financial responsibility is reduced because the same capital, administration, housekeeping and care resources required to provide individuals with residential care are not usually transferred to the individual or community care sector, which is considered as the abolition of national responsibility and the shift in economic efficiency towards more Cost-effective service type. Both direct and indirect spending also provides the federal government with means to provide universally popular social ambitions or goals for public wellbeing, public education, social welfare and income security. However, choice of the finance social projects through indirect and direct expenditures is related to income distribution, social benefit goals, and the relationship between government and market forces (M. Garrett & M. Baillie, 2010).

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The Aged Care Policy Framework

A relationship between politics as well as power in the construction of Aged Care Act 1997 for aged care is comprehensive. People are increasingly aware that growth of the evidence-inform wellbeing policies is not a technical issue of understanding exchange and translation nevertheless political challenges. However, a political group are strongly believed that nature of the political system, the role of the institutional structure, as well as political debate on policy problems,  are central to knowing policy decision, these problems are still unsuccessful by the scholars through evidence-based policymaking. Explore. Outside the public health field, policy research disciplines have extensively explored decision-making processes; illustrate how various political system influence government’s ability to formulate effective policy. The political system elements also include the geographical structure of country – whether they are single and abandoned country level of the democracy and bureaucracy (J. Mason, K. Leavitt & W. Chaffee, 2012). A centralized political system may have fewer acceptances of research findings than a decentralized system. Finding the concentration of power prevents multiple debates and therefore requires proof to hold up competing perspectives. In contrast, they have been arguing that in nations that formulate policies through specific issues, specific problem coalitions moreover federal systems that formulate policies at the provincial stage, “it is necessary to study as legalization and ammunition” to defend policy decision. And protect them from criticism from opponents. Australia’s senior citizens show the same diversity in terms of race, religion, language, gender, health status, economic status, and geographic location as compared to the wider Australian population (KerridgeI, M & C, 2018).

The concept that the interest groups exert power as well as influence in the area of the formulation of Aged Care Act 1997 is wide. Interest groups are associations based on one or more individuals or organizations of common concern, usually by lobbying government members to attempt to influence public policies. The influences of interest groups on decision-making are not itself a corrupt moreover illegal activity, however key elements in decision-making processes. But, disproportionate or opaque interest groups influences can lead to inappropriate influence, administrative corruption, as well as national capture, biasing exacting interest group at expense of the public interests. The influences of interest groups on decision-making are not itself the corrupt and illegal activity, but a key factor in the decision-making process(Maddison &Denniss, 2013). However, the advantages and disadvantages of the impact of interest groups depend on how much interest is it and how much power has been divided. For example, due to illicit effects of business groups, there may be an inappropriate influence and national captures. In this case, the relationship between policymakers and interest groups adopts the good moral code that distinguishes community democracy from inappropriate influence (E. Morrison & Furlong, 2014). There is some evidence that interest groups can take concrete advantage to make a decision. Generally, interest groups can improve their decision-making methods by providing valuable knowledge and insights on special issues. They also represent interests, which may be influenced by poor public policy review(Buse, Mays & Walt, 2012). If the illicit and harmful interest group influences can be affected, administrative bribe, political corruption, wrong impression and the state can be captured (Wilkinson & Marmot, 2003).

Ideologies and Assumptions in Public Spending on Aged Care

Historical, structural as well as environmental factors affects Aged Care Act 1997 health and aged care policy development moreover translation in a broad way. In the summary, the impact of health and social and cultural events (the timing of life processes, the impact of the cumulative expression and the place (many exposure levels). The context in which social and cultural variables affect health outcomes is usually called social and cultural environments. Certain cultural symbols related to the exclusion of history and social marginalization make individuals and groups structurally vulnerable to economic security and health care. Most research on the health and health related uses of Mexican descent includes the control of cultural adaptation or interview language to uncover the most significant aspects of cultural and structural assimilation (Althaus, Bridgman & Davis, 2013). In developed countries, the level of poverty and their effect on health have been significantly worse than the health effects of poverty, which are unique to developing countries. However, this does not make inequality less important, nor does it mean that the affluent countries have defeated the health effects of inequality. Although all the social groups in the United States have relatively higher access to health care, yet there is serious health inequality on the basis of race and wealth. Poverty and incomplete medical care spoil the entire community. The lack of adequate insurance is mainly due to the increased risk of cancer death and serious illness due to delayed diagnosis and treatment. Public health careknowledge practice is well known. It also highlights the importance of using different types of evidence to promote effective health promotion. Despite this, in practice, interventions are often on short-term occasions, the lack of the most effective methods, thus limiting the effect of health promotion strategies. It analyzes obstacles and resolves the factors achieved by most parties and analyzes the background of each country’s policy. The lack of local useful and convincing evidence, lack of evidence and lack of general understanding are typical obstacles; the characteristics of a user and the role played by the media are also assigned as factors affecting (Althaus, Bridgman & Davis, 2013). Focusing on personal and social factors within the policy can be the key to improving the use of permanent evidence. It is recommended to develop and evaluate the customized methods affecting the combined production of networking, personal relationships, support and evidence (“The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion”, 1986). In addition, the features of network decision-makers and organizational backgrounds, such as role managers ignore policy decisions. In addition, in the policy development report in the stakeholder, it is difficult to find out the use of evidence in the policy process, or the process closes itself very much (Reymond, Israel & Charles, 2011).

The Pensions Act and Empowerment Legislations

The global development of Aged Care Act 1997 and the organizational patterns of Aged Care Act 1997 services are related to the WHO commitment to the primary health care. Aged Care Act 1997 became the core policy of the WHO 1978 “Alma Declaration” and the in 1997; the World Health Assembly extended its commitment to the global health improvement, especially to the disadvantaged people. This also led to “Health for everyone in the 21st Century” healthcare policy and plan, which reiterated its commitment to the development of primary health care (Barraclough & Gardner, 2008) Although the history of the development of this policy within WHO shows a clear continuity, due to the epidemiology, macroeconomic and structural changes in countries and related organizations, the current review work has begun. In specific health problems and health conditions continue to transform rapidly, new health issues for example HIV/AIDS have emerged, and non-communicable diseases in the developed, as well as developing countries, have reached an epidemic proportion, chronic diseases are now facing challenges, and most health systems do not have the equipment.  As the ages of developed and developing countries in the world have grown, the demand for long-term care services has increased dramatically. Older people with some physical disabilities have become an important issue in Australia (Paolucci, Paolucci&Ergas, 2011). 1-3 Australia is recognized as an aging society by the World Health Organization, 1997 the forecasted proportion of people over the age of 65 in Australia will double in 2017. The rapid growth of the elderly population has brought about its own complicated influence and impact and has caused challenging problems in the long-term care system in Australia. Certification nurses who form the majority of direct care providers in most facilities require adequate training to strengthen the direct care team (Reay, 1991).

There is lack of awareness of ethical as well as legal dilemmas and constraints included in formulating furthermore enacting Aged Care Act 1997 aged care policy. The current policy agenda and the developing healthcare culture increasingly encourage exposure and debate on ethical and legal issues (Avkiran&McCrystal, 2013). The development of ethics review mechanisms within the clinical governance mechanism and changes in professional ethics governance have highlighted the importance of ethical issues and contributed to a more open discussion of culture. In an increasingly litigious culture, the interface between health care and the law has also become more and more important. Professional practitioners need to be able to participate in these issues in a consistent and confident manner (Burkett, McNamee &Potthast, 2011).

Politics and Power in the Construction of the Aged Care Act

Most of the challenges facing healthcare system in a coming future will be associated to the general challenge of the quality and the balance between safety and efficiency. Although most of the ACA has not been accepted by the seizures, there is still a need to pay attention to the issue of basic medical services for everyone. Another challenge faced by policymakers in genomics and policy is R&D. Sources of funding, whether private or public or both, can affect the affordability and availability of research results and their relevance to local needs. There is currently a large amount of private investment in the area of genome research and development, mainly due to the high costs involved. Universities and other non-profit organizations also participate in the basic research of genomics and even engage in the commercialization of their products and services. It is very important to formulate national policies that encourage interaction among different actors(Salomon, 2012). It encourages innovation and strong research that ultimately helps solve social-related health needs. This interaction is part of a complex system that depends on several factors, including the technical capabilities that exist within each department (Resnik, 2007).

The impact of Aged Care Act 1997 is more on disadvantaged groups in society because a large proportion of disadvantaged group’s elderly care is managed by the family: In 1994, 60% of families took care of elderly family members, and 70% of family members took care of the elderly in 2000 (McDonald, 2010). Although this seems ideal, older people will not be dragged into the clinic. This will necessarily mean better care for the elderly and physical frailty, and the family may not be able to provide them. In addition, experts from multiple fields have to work jointly to start training and education to more professionals to study and better assist the health of the elderly population because of social conditions, diet, and exercise in disadvantaged groups. And technology changes are needed. This multidisciplinary approach to elder care is called geriatrics. The Australian government provided 15.2 billion Australian dollars for the aged care industry in 2014-15, and 16.2 billion U.S. dollars for 2015-16. The Australian government funded aged care services to help the infirm Elderly, and elderly caregivers to stay in homes and residential aged health care services (Montalban, 2017).

There are several workplace practices that are bound by the Aged Care Act 1997 policy. There are more than 350,000 elderly care workers, including nurses, personal care workers, paramedics, and allied health professionals. Labor training and education are common responsibilities between the government and the industry. Providers are obliged under this law to ensure that there are a sufficient number of appropriate technicians to meet the personal care needs of residents. Volunteer workers also make significant contributions throughout the industry. The policy document also provides guidance for all corporate activities and provides criteria for measuring and evaluating efficiency. If the employer lacks the necessary rules and regulations to regulate the behavior of employees and other roles, then if these people misbehave and use this situation, then they will not have any sympathy. Health policy formulation is a work carried out by the academic community. It is appropriately reviewed by different stakeholder groups and is endorsed by the legislature for implementation by the executive branch. Based on the stated clarity, the biggest challenge is implementation. This is why; there is no clear policy that is the policy of many governments. This may be due to the lack of commitment and decisiveness of the ruling party to its declaration and the lack of adequate enforcement resources or conflicts between stakeholders (Bryson, Duclos & Jolly, 2010). This was previously unanticipated. The incompleteness of policy is another most important challenge. Although the goal is comprehensive, it may have completely missed some of the socially relevant groups or issues that were later noticed by the critics. Conflicts with other policies and maintaining inclusivity are another challenge (Baldwin, Chenoweth & Dela Rama, 2015).

The Role of Interest Groups in Decision-Making


The Australian government aged care services effectively provided to indigenous residents and Torres Strait Islanders. The aging of the Australian population and the increasing diversification of elderly care needs, socioeconomic status is putting pressure on the flexibility of Australia’s aged care system. There are also overlapping between other public policies such as education policies, tribal policies, drug policies, and hospital policies. Achieving the right degree of talent orientation is another challenge. There is no single acid test to assess the philanthropy of the policy. This can be done through social auditing mechanisms. Developing a suitable interpretation model for school health policy analysis is a challenge. A model explains the relationship between the system and the elements of the health system and defines them in a broader way, including all the institutions and institutional mechanisms involved in improving the health of the community.


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