Soccer Team Management: Objectives, Outcomes, And Innovations

Background of the project

The soccer team management is the effective managing of team members. This is to organise practices and games. It is also helpful to prepare lineup and formation, storing an analysing the status. Further, it helps the team members to share an individual passion and then communicate with team members.

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In this study, various primary hypothesis and objectives of the project are considered. Next, multiple changes made in the project are analysed. This includes theoretical and practical values. Moreover, the primary target groups of the findings from the project are discussed. Lastly, various recommendations are suggested for the soccer team management.

The current soccer team management is a practical mobile application. It has been concentrating on controlling the team. Various activities of the app include players to download the app from play store to the mobile phone. Here the coach has needed to register to an application through paying standard fee (Heldman 2018.). Furthermore, coaches can select players of the team and control the ratings and scores for players and notify about matches, classes and events. Moreover, the goals of the project are to develop mobile applications to manage a soccer team in Australia.

It is seen that the usage of mobile has been rousingly popular throughout the world. Presently usage of mobiles has been overcoming the usages of a computer for the public. These services are found to be capitalising markets in every field. These mobile applications can be developed focusing on various organisations. The organisation of soccer team management has witnessed multiple issues in managing their teams. This the use is found to be sustaining a keen approach towards achieving the team (Walraven et al. 2016).  Further, the organisation has been searching for proper management of soccer players in their clubs.

The main benefits for the company are that they are quick and effective and developing regarding popularity with numerous cost-effective advertisements. However, there has been poor team management and lack of exposures. Besides, there is the recruitment of the latest soccer players and rise in popularity of footballs. Apart from this, different clubs have been providing competitions and security problems for that mobile applications.

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Here, the objectives of the current project are as follows:

  • Firstly, there is a need for the development of an active mobile app. This must give support to every coach in managing players and make communications with them. Apart from this, the application can be made lighter and quicker.
  • Next, there is a need for involvement of functions in that app. This can provide the platform of players to register the team at online.
  • Further, there should be including of functions helping to upgrade the team with further events. This also involves supporting players that can be done by providing tips for attaining that success.
  • Lastly, there is a necessity to create that app to help coaches in bringing talented players. Besides, various soccer clubs can also be attracted to the application.

Project outputs: 

The project output is intended to be a well-established for the soccer club present in Australia. Here, the football company has been able to control different players in different manners. The various outputs of the current project include the following.

Signing off specifications by clients

 The clients ate ultimately liable to specify the requirements.

Selecting prototype

 To categorise training sets used, information must be provided in the training set. This is helpful to discard irrelevant prototypes. With the help of this prototype selection training set size can be decreased. This must allow the reducing the runtime in training stages and various stages of classifiers (O’Donoghue, Holmes and Robinson 2017).

Signing off of clients for the prototype

 Sign-offs are indications that the stakeholders have been agreeing with and approving perquisites that are documented and elicited. The stakeholders must be continuously communicated for easing the process of sign-off. It is vital, to begin with, how critical the project has been for stakeholders (Bosch and Pinto-Garay 2018). Making escalations to higher authorities as everything falls, this encourages the intended behaviour.

Part payment from clients

 This is helpful to merely the invoicing of clients, developing cash flows and calculate the contract profitability. This includes support to analyse, execution and planning.

Insertion of mobile page content

 The project managers must present their materials and technologies to be used by vendors. This should be through improving and maintaining primary performance indicators (Sie et al. 2015).

The functionality of applications wholly tested

 This is helpful for project managers in organising and planning processes by project managers. Here the supporting team communications and different team collaborations are to be made.

Delivering ultimate products

 This includes financing and organising designs, maintenance of services operations for facility and structure through entering legal agreements with various parties and entities.

Final payments

 It includes the overall cost for every stage of the project.

Objectives and central hypothesis of the project

Figure 1: Understanding the primary outputs of the project”

Source: (Sie et al. 201)

Under this professional football team project, tactical-technical innovation is seen as the process of prediction process and organisational change. This has been representing the ways to deploy players with innovative models for making a competitive benefit over various competitors. It shows how the difference has been developing values for the football team. The project is intended to generate solutions for the companies to continue to become successful in the market and become ahead of developments in that segments (Shaikh, Raza and Ahsan 2016). Through using laboratories in sports research centre regarding the innovative development of products, the companies can strengthen the opportunities of growth.

The initial project goals for the soccer team management is to develop employee retention and decrease the turnover. Managers from all departments and expertise of efficient human resource sector are needed to cooperate. To meet the goals strengthening relationships with employees, proper guidance should be provided who might engage employees and implement smart leadership techniques (Gonell, Romero and Soler 2015). The goals are simple as there is enough support from different departmental managers, executive leadership and HR departments. Regarding team skills, employees working in teams are members of specific reams, from abilities, interests, qualifications and abilities. The managers of the HR team has needed a breadth of knowledge necessary to lead their employees specialised in employee benefits along with recruiting new staffs. The initial goals of the sorcerer’s team are to contribute towards expertise levels are necessary to minimise the entire rate of turnover.

The project milestones are used for finding the goal of the team that must never be generated haphazardly. A function of every team member is to be considered here, which is an efficient approach to decide regarding the amount of effort and work people have been contributing to the team goals. Moreover, using that HR scenario every team member of the HR department has focused on different talents for sustaining and creating HR departments meetings the necessities of employees they have been serving. In the same way, executive leadership has comprised of executives where expertise has included marketing, finance and operations or information technology (Lloret et al. 2016). Every executive team member is liable to deliver the system for soccer team management to understanding the turnover decrease goals. This is done by exemplifying the mission and philosophy of the organisation. Here, both of them are important to sustain a steady workforce.

Innovative outcomes of the project

Notable differences are made in the task of project managers in the field of game management. Here, many elements of project efforts are there. This is for planning, tracking and monitoring. Here the efforts are overwhelming. With forty hours in one week and sixty worked by the project management. It has been complicated to stay over top of everything that is needed to be done. Here, the advice for success has been included highly on stating to select and establish the team management. This has included technical leads. They are all involved in the process of planning and creating accountability for every-one of them (Ukkonen and Hamari 2017). Depending on the technical leads and technical leads to direct the offence is a speciality. Clear control points are to be built and different short-term goals are there to track for assuring that they are on target. However, the soccer team management has focused more of their time on special teams and defences. Here a minute of the glamour of direct involvement to complete the technical deliverables are included. However, as one gain more in the roars of success to finish on time, under budget and high client satisfaction.

The theoretical value of this project has consisted of various measurable and observable behaviours. The theoretical models that have focused on multiple behaviours functioning to regulate the performance of team behaviours and members. Here these elements have been focusing on two respective processes that are broadly identified as the “father of group dynamics”. This is proposed by every group that is to be included for maintenance and locomotion (Abyat, Iranmanesh and Rastegar 2015).

Besides, the practical value of the performance analysis is the indicator performances that are well-chosen. This is highlighted by various good and bad techniques and team performances.

Here, they have been helping to further research on different types of good and poor performances of players and facilitating comparative analysis of players and teams. For example, biometric has been helpful to recognise different kinds of injurious techniques. On the other hand, notational analysis can be used in future to examine psychological demands in soccer team management.

To identify the principal target groups, “my team manager” is the application deployed to offer the support to coaches. This is to manage soccer team effectively. This would help the coaches to communicate with players of the team and retain and attract the talented players (Mourao 2017). Besides, another target group is the customers for whom an innovation plan is generated. This is to speed up the functioning of applications to attract the customers.

Understanding initial project goals compared to real time, scope, cost information, problems faced, lessons learnt and primary products produced

Planned and actual data comparison: 

The planned data is more effective than actual data in the soccer project management. There is a quick reaction towards the change because of the application of decision that is already existing beforehand (Pielichaty et al. 2016). Moreover, the planned data has a higher efficacy of the actions of project managers. It has been releasing from various operational details. This is helpful to concentrate on the overview of the project to be controlled. Before starting to get any doubts, the risks are derived from the authority through the automatisms of decision-making.

The change requests are within the scopes including few corrections for the current requirements. Here, they consist of least effect over the budget and the rest of the team. Apart from this, the change requests are external the scope of the project having a notable quantity of time for deploying and having more effect over the budget (Aldag and Kuzuhara 2015).

Problem solving records

Here stratification is used. This is to divide and analyse a stream of data into various homogeneous strata or groups. This is collected about events and problems representing multiple sources needed to be treated separately. This has also included looking to process data and then splitting that to numerous layers and performing analysis to see various probable processes (Wilson and Piekarz 2015).

Figure 2: “Stratifying risks in soccer team management”

Source: (Wilson and Piekarz 2015)

Issue #

Issue Description

Impact on Project

Date Reported

Reported By

Assigned To

Priority (H/M/L)

Due Date




Log Issues

Minor change in the team management





Assuring that people know who can log problems and what they can do.


Monitoring progress.

Huge changes in project management





Searching whether the people has been following the action items.


Lack of impact analysis

Small modifications in project management.





Defining escalations scales and assuring actions to taken onto be calculated.


It is true that a lot of things can be learnt from sports. IT is a high example of people using physical skills earnestly that is assimilated to physiological focus for achieving that goal. Similar to soccer, the projects are the team game and the study shows that any successful project manager requires to have a successful team. As a manager, one is not a spectator. This is dedicated to sharpening the focus and skills. This is helpful to keep an eye on the happenings. This has expertly guided and intervened with the team. The project managers have requires a clear vision as shown in the report. It must be reminded that the marketing strategy of any client can never be defined through only one project. Various projects are madding up strategies and balancing the individuals working over with proactive look over the future. This is helpful to keep the clients under budget. Moreover, it is true that one can finish the project under any specific budget, time and can meet every project requirements. Here, a vital goal for project managers is to place their customers in the first place and assure that the project can deliver value to the people.

Deploying GoalLine:

Here, the pricing is available on requests. There is a demo available on applications and free trial available. There is a free trial available. The goalLine has been helpful to host soccer on their platform. Its features include player communication, live score tracking online registration as scheduled games.

Implementing Owlwise:

There are pay for various innovative features and different payments for advanced features. It is a sports team management application for school admins, parents, members, instructors and coaches. Here, the features have included quick messaging, capability of sharing videos and images, organisation and calendar tools and online billings.  

Moving offside:

Whole management things of the projects getting entirely out of bound, it has not been deliberate. It can also occur promptly. As any client request anything as a part of exact scope or change in minds in the final session, anything can go offside and the play can get stopped.

Starting with a productive meeting:

As the meeting goes in various things are to be assured. This includes the overarching aims of the project. The smaller tasks are to be falling in this umbrella. The owners of the assignments and responsibilities are to be determined. Next, the projected schedule for the complete project with the dates of milestones of smaller tasks is to be determined. Besides, the additional tools and information for completing the project are needed to be resolved.

Ways in which the project was innovative:

The above scheme is helpful to differentiate project managers under PMO or project management office. It is also beneficial to advance careers quickly, as intended. Further, the project managers are in the line for a promotion as can move to executive leadership.

Here the six-step method is helpful for the project group. It has assured consistency and all the people has understood the approach to be used. Through using the data, it has been helpful to eradicate preconceptions and bias that has led to higher objectivity. It also halts the project groups to various issues. It has also eliminated the confusion created as people use different problem solving tools over similar items. Moreover, it has made the decision making the process simpler and providing justifiable solutions.

Apart from the approaches, demonstrated above, other knowledge has conducted surveys of different project management experts for ascertaining the opinions for particular PM practices. The price knowledge for calculating the PM value has included various kinds of analysis of PM performances. It can be helpful in comparing any project success. This is to provide the measurement of project management value.

The overall knowledge gap among various project activities is done relatively. This has been helpful to focus on reducing most of the logistical and technological knowledge gaps as needed.

The elements have included the development of shared understanding, fostering commitments, and enhancing trust between participants. The elements have impeded the efforts to assure that the deadline is being respected and reducing mistrust with improving project performances.

The questions of the project have prompted to create, plan, propose, compose, invent, design and integrate. The collaboration has exposed various viewpoints and leading to more varies and diverse concepts. It has been helpful to facilitate ideas and debate respectfully and free, with ideas cross-pollinating and producing more original thinking.


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