Six-Stage Model For Taking A Reservation Over Phone At A Motel – SOP


Purpose: The main purpose is to implement a workflow diagram for taking the reservation over the phone for a Motel.

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Scope: The preparation of this SOP model will be able to identify and assess the processes for constructing a six-stage model for assessment of taking a reservation over phone for planning and achieving the maximum efficiency in booking of a Motel room.

Responsibilities: The main responsibilities include attending the calls, greeting the customers, placing the request for reservation and finalizing the booking process.

Physical Resources Required: The main physical resource requirement includes land and building. In addition to this, some of the various types of other physical resource requirements are discerned with computer, network connection, Motel maintenance equipment etc. in case the Motel is willing to provide pick up or drop service to the guests then it needs to bear the cost of adequate number of vacancies required to take the guests to the (Motel Moin et al. 2018).

Human Resources Required: The staff requirement is discerned with the need for the recruitment of front desk personnel’s who would be responsible for attending the phone calls of the guests. Some of the other candidates used to be shortlisted for attending the guests on arrival at the motel. There would be also requirement for other staffs who would be responsible for cleaning and maintaining the motel facility. The human resource requirement needs to be also based on the selection of managerial level personnel who would be responsible for supervising the day to day activities (Lux et al.  2016).

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Nature of a good job: As per job dynamics, people are grateful to have any job. However, some of the main characteristics of a good job includes having the flexibility to work from home at times and needed are on a daily basis. It is to be noted that autonomy factor also enables an individual to work on their own without harming their creativity, initiative and hard work. The company culture is also an important factor for determining whether a job is good or bad. If an individual is able to like what they do and feel appreciated by the right people then they have incredible future opportunities to explore, which is a characteristic of a good job. The existing people in the organization and opportunities also determines the nature of a particular job (Tsaur et al. 2014).

 How many or how much is needed-In total there is a requirement for four front desk officers, six staffs responsible for maintenance, cleanliness and assignment of room keys to the guests. The total number of personnel requirement in the managerial level is seen with two, among which one would be responsible for managing the operations and another would take care of the financial transactions on a daily basis. There needs to be also adequate provision of personnel made for managing the marketing and promotion aspect of the Motel. These personnel will be mainly responsible for finding new ways of advertising the services provided by the motel Wu, C.T. and (Tsai 2015).


Time taken to complete the work: In order to proceed with the entire workflow analysis and standard operations procedure, it would need a minimum time of 15 minutes. In order to put time for various types of other operational activities there needs to be a total of five years this would r imply a holistic change to the infrastructure and other facilities provided by the motel (McNally, Ameranth Wireless Inc 2014).

Time when the results are needed: The main requirement of the results is based on the scenario when there needs to be comparison made of this particular motel to other hotels/ motels.

How accurate or how good is acceptable: The individual needs to be proficient in greeting the guests, assigning of rooms and maintenance of registers. It is important that the motel facility is able to sufficiently keep records of the room availability and maintain account information for the guests.

Budget considerations: The total amount of what it is seen to be ranging from $40000 to $50000. This particular session is made with after reviewing the standard rates in the market.

Safety considerations: The important aspects of safety consideration need to be maintained with ensuring the privacy of the users of the service. It is essential that the information collected via telephonic conversation from the clients should not be misused by passing them on to some other users of the service who may send spam emails and calls. (Lure et al.2017).

Legislative or regulatory requirements that require strict adherence- This particular consideration is ensured by able to adhere to legal and moral obligations should be able to ensure a healthy and safe working condition at the Motel. The management cannot force the staffs working an environment where the health and safety of the employees are at stake. The legal requirement is about to ensure a record of injuries in the motel by maintaining an accident book. In addition to this, incidences of accidents at work is considered as a legal requirement as per reporting of injuries (Miller 2017).

Behaviours that are expected in the department to promote teamwork, leadership, creativity, customer service

Results that would be considered satisfactory: The front desk staff at the Motel should be able to greet, and in registers and assigned rooms to the guests. The front desk staffs should be able to answer the queries pertaining to registration of guest and assisting them in knowing about services such as shopping, dining, entertainment, travel guide actions and type of rooms availability. This would be also able to issue room keys and escort instructions to Bellhop. Some of the other factor that should be considered satisfactory includes maintaining racks for incoming mail, messages and ensuring date stamps. In addition to this, they should be able to compute the total bill amount, collect the payment and make the necessary changes for the guests (Policy et al.  2014)..


Condition which will exist when the duty is well performed: At the time of conduction of duties it is important that the review of documentation, interview of the stops and observation by the audit team is done beforehand. Based on these assertions and auditor’s ability to review the document, learning interviews with staff and other observations made by the audit team. In case of good performance management, the organization and feedback discerned to be quite normal. However, the main aspect of the debatable subject needs to be ensured with maintaining relationships with Finn team, individual, boss and for the company was they are working for (TO and PRINTED 2014).

The difference between good and poor performance: By the definition, it would performance has three levels especially which is maintained between the boss, the individual and their team. Bad performance on the contrary is completed dissimilar than the former. In this case organizations aren’t bothered or did he lay on very complex systems to be of use to anybody. In addition to this, the managing of day-to-day operations in case of a good performance is easier while compared to a bad performance, it is a challenging task to meet the demands of the individual staffs and the internal customers (Brand et al. 2015).

Procedure: The procedure of carrying out the SOP is segregated into six stages. The first stage begins with attending the call, followed by greeting the guest at the motel and responding to the requests. In case the client agrees to respond to the front desk personnel, then the next step involves asking for reservation request (Dobbins et al. 2016). In case the guests are not willing to get a reservation then the call is placed for other process or is the call is disconnected with a thank you message. The next stage involves confirming the availability of the guests. In case they are seen to be available then only the date of stay is fixed or the phone. In case the client is not available then they are offered other dates in which the motel can accommodate certain number of guests. In a situation when alternate date options are also not available then such a client may be referred for some other service or added to the waiting list. In the third stage the specific activity related to reshooting of the dates is done. In addition to this, as a customer is returning one then the system recognizes the previous history and emphasizes on consideration of upsell. In case the customer is new the tariff rates are explained from the beginning. Some of the main services offered as per the benefit of customizations include the low-cost, grab and go services and overall experience afford. The fifth stage identifies the returning customer and the matching is done as per identification of system name which was stored in the last visit. In this stage the motel also sees whether there is any opportunity to upsell a service. The six stage involves the bidding procedure along with preparation of purchase order. In this stage, the data is stored in the ERP system and linking of the data is done with other management systems. The last step in this stage involves knowing about any other service requirement (Qureshi, S. and Shen 2015).

Physical Resources Required

The significant benefits in the efficiency is observed with knowing about the new customers and returning customers. The procedure has an enabled customization of the needs for the returning customers by knowing about the exact preferences and offering options to upsell motel services. Similarly, understanding of a new customer, the motel is able to discuss about the different types of services along with the tariff rates for the same. The workflow process has been also able to contribute to the storing of the data with ERP system and linking of the same into other systems (Parker Soomro and Hayward 2015).

In the recent times, the SOP is ardently followed in various hotels which is able to provide a set of instructions on a specific routine or repetitive activities. This helps in mandating the quality and consistency of the standard of the services provided by the hotel (Kaushik et al. 2016).

The use and development of SOP is considered as an integral part and the quality is maintained with cross checking the fulfilment of a specific task which was scheduled to be done as per SOP (Sandria and Ibrahim 2017).

The main issue which may arise due to incomplete and disorganized documentation is considered with failing to meet the legal requirements then opting for bank credit in future. The absence of “Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA)” program and have future detrimental impact on highly liquor consumption of an individual which may be draw additional ethical constraint for the motel. It is also discerned that the cashier balances were not in balance, this may lead to significant entering mismatching of books of accounts and thereby depending on the amount of mismatch though to experience big loss. The declining trend of bar takings have significant guns on the issues on the sales of alcoholic beverages and extra service charges which were evident on such offerings. The increasing rate of customer complains may have a detrimental impact on reputation of the hotel which may affect the future booking of the room. The non-maintenance of punctuality is seen to be dependent on the nature of decorum followed by the newly employed staff at “Holmes Hotel” (Barnell et al. 2018).

In the beginning hotel should look forward to of resolving the issue, there had been several problems with documentation, RSA signage, cashier balances, customer complaints, staff uniform and bar takings.

Yes, Harry involved other people in making any of these decisions. This particular position needs to be maintained by Harry himself without relying on anyone else. In case, Harry is involved in the decision-making process the higher apportionment, then he needs to ensure that the decisions are carried out on his own and it is not required to involve the assistance of some other individual.

Human Resources Required

The different types of documents needed to support the food and beverage section involves, significant number of steps this would make the document pertaining to the changes more for sufficient in nature. Some of the main document types needed to implement the changes involved require a fought identity proof along with address and date of Birth.

The steps which needed to follow the implementation of successful delegation should involve consideration of the various types of financial risk, managing of staffs, customer service and maintaining adequate menu. The financial aspect instrument in with purchasing F&B stocks, visiting vehicles receiving, storage control, stock control, planning and getting out of the food and beverage budgets. In addition to this, Jake needs to contribute to the design and update the menus by working with the chef and assisting with appropriate menu planning. It is also important to keep up with the food trends and server types of changing trends of customer references. Jake will be further involved in reporting the key constraints of the delegation process with the general manager and financial manager. Gerry needs to be assessed based on his entities of written and verbal communication skills. The next step in the delegation process involves forecasting and matching of the budget skills. Proactive participation from Jake is expected to have a decent understanding of inventor management systems and delegation of authority (Lencucha et al. 2018).


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