Significance Of Strategic Human Resource Management And High Performance Work System: A Case Study Of Nestle
Challenges faced by Nestle
Discuss about the Significance Of The Strategic Human Resource Management In Nestle.
It is the continuation of assignment one. The main aim of this task is to outline and depicts the significance of the strategic human resource management and high performance work system in the workplace. Furthermore, the paper explains that how Nestle manages and handles the HRM and employees issues within the organization after making effective policies and strategies within the organization. Nestle is a food company which produces food products in the global market (Nestle, 2018). It shall be noted that suggestions for organizational and individual performance have been explained in the paper. It discusses that how CEO and upper management perform roles, duties and responsibilities effectively. Along with this, the paper explains that how Nestle is maximizing its profitability by eliminating the issues related to the employees performance and productivity. Strong and heave organizational culture is maintained by Nestle to satisfy the needs, requirements and wants of the employees and consumers as well. More detail of the task has been detailed below.
There are various challenges faced by Nestle in assignment 1. One of the significant challenges that faced by the company is underpinning values across the world. Due to underpinning values, Nestle has failed to attract and retain their consumers to increase the sale their products. It also affects the success and growth of the firm. Nestle produces wide range of products in the marketplace therefore; the company has not been able to set clear vision for long time period. Furthermore, the organization is unable to focus and analyze all the business units and divisions. Moreover, it shall be noted that Nestle is unable to motivate and inspire the employees due to poor leadership. In addition, effective and dynamic is not available to maintain coordination and cooperation among the different departments (Dickmann and Baruch, 2011).
It shall be noted that ample of issues and challenges are encountered by Nestle while operating and managing the business activities and operations in the international market. The company needs to focus on the motivation and job satisfaction of the workers. It is recommended that nestle should provide performance appraisal, benefits and incentives to the employees to motivate and inspire the workers. The top management should maintain favorable working environment to build and develop confidence and morale among the employees. The leaders should provide training and development coaching to the workforce in order to improve the level of satisfaction of the workers. In addition, rewards and recognition shall be provided to the employees to increase and enhance the performance of the workers (Carleton, 2011).
Recommendations for Nestle
It has been analyzed that the company should maintain positive culture at the workplace to carry out the business activities and operations successfully and effectively. Apart from this, the company should develop and build sustainable human resource management to make effective policies and strategies within the organization. It will help to make a dynamic image in the minds of the customers (Nigam et al, 2011).
To maintain a work life balance, the employees should understand and analyze the value of pace in the workplace. It will help to reduce and eliminate the tension and stress of the firm. If an employee is working overtime then additional benefits must be provided to the employee to encourage the workers for performing tasks and duties effectively. Along with this, the firm should analyze and identify the skills and talents of the potential candidates at the workplace (Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman, 2011).
It shall be analyzed that employees should maintain reciprocal relationship with leaders and top management to maintain work life balance between home and work. In addition, top management should find out the issues and hurdles that are faced by the employees at the workplace. The company should also promote the work of the unions in the competitive market. The leaders must share the advantages of the organizing model with employees. Furthermore, training and development sessions shall be held by the company to teach the employees successfully (Bagga and Srivastava, 2014).
The top management should educate and inspire the managers for performing roles and responsibilities in a hassle free manner. For this purpose, the company should conduct learning and training sessions, seminars and programs within the organization. The employees do not perform well because they are unable to know and understand the significance of strategic human resource management. The top management and HR professional should tell and teach workers about the significance of human resource management. Nestle should provide practically knowledge related to the sustainable human resource management (Van den Broeck et al, 2013).
It shall be noted that Nestle should uses balanced score card method and technique to asses and analyze the performance of the organization as well as employees. Furthermore, total quality management and talent management must be initiated by Nestle improve and enhance the performance of the employees. Effective and dynamic policies and strategies should be made by the firm to measure the performance and effectiveness of the organization. Favorable and strong working environment shall be provided to the employees in order to increase and enhance the profitability (Rummler and Brache, 2012).
There should be various roles performed by CEO and upper management. The CEO should make unique and dynamic strategies towards the achievement of long term goals and objectives. CEO is responsible to make effective strategies and policies within the organization attract and retain the talented and skilled employees. On the other hand, it has been noted that upper management should guide and assist the workers to perform tasks and duties successfully. They should maintain good communication and cooperation with employees in the marketplace. It will help to boost and enhance the values and competencies among the employees.
It is stated that interest alignment shall be done by the company to ensure the interest among the stakeholders and clients. Co-investment, clients and shareholders participate in investcorp’s investment products. Competing interest is not good for the employees because it creates hurdles and issues among the employees. In this way, the company should make effective strategies to protect the rights and interest of the shareholders in the rivalries market (Talukder, 2013).
To evaluate and analyze the performance, the company should focus and check the quality of work that is performed by the employees. For this purpose regular feedback and reviews must be collected by the top management and leaders to enhance and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the workers. The company should take advice of the employees while making unique and dynamic decisions at the workplace. The top management should provide training to the workers to execute the tasks and duties of the firm carefully (Saha et al, 2016).
It has been noted that we have learned plenty of things from this unit. This unit provides information about the business activities and operations of Nestle. It explains the significance of human resource management and high performance work system. It analyzes that how HRM plays a significant role to increase and improve the efficiency and performance of the workers at the workplace. Along with this, high performance work system is used by Nestle to gain competitive advantages in the international market. It has been revealed that there is a close relationship between strategic human resource management and high performance work system. Besides this, the paper explains the roles of trade union within the organization. It has been learned from this unit that no company can survive and grow its business without using strategic human resource management. In addition, high performance work system also helps the employees to maintain a balance between work and home (Chadwick, Super and Kwon, 2015). It is noted that SHRM also plays an effective role in to attract and encourage the maximum number of the employees in the workplace. SHRM also helps in eliminating and reducing the issues, hurdles and obstacles of the workers. It also helps in maintaining a dynamic culture within the organization to enhance and improve the efficiency and potential of the workers. Strategic human resource management also motivates and encourages the employees for attaining the long term goals and objectives of Nestle. Resistance to change can be reduced by using unique and sustainable human resource management within the organization. Moreover, it has been studied that performance management system is used by Nestle to review and analyze the performance and outcomes of the workers. It is revealed that SHRM uses dynamic recruitment and selection methods to enlist the talented and skilled workers to initiate the business activities effectively (Quick et al, 2013).
From this above mentioned analysis, it has been concluded that Nestle is one of the significant brands in the world. However, various issues and challenges are handled by the company while exploring the business globally. It is the second part of the assignment in which issues and recommendations have been explained. Along with this, the paper explains that how the firm overcomes and handles the issues and challenges related to the employees and employment. The analysis shows that how the company evaluate and analyze the performance of the group members. It is analyzed that SHRM and high performance work system play a vital role to determine the roles and responsibilities of the workers. The company cannot explore and flourish its business activities without using unique and effective SHRM within the organization. SHRM is considered the backbone of the each and every company to run the business in a hassle free manner.
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