Significance Of Ethical Decision Making In Effective Management

Relationship between Ethical Decision Making and Managerial Practices

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The general statement regarding ethical decision making is ‘Do the right thing’ that is considered as a moral duty. Ethical issue is related with the moral judgement of an individual to conduct the right or wrong things. Decisions taken at the workplace may be made by groups or person but it is highly persuaded by the organisational culture. The decision of behaving ethically is moral duty as workforces should decide what they perceive is the right course of action. It may entail the rejecting of route and leads to generate maximum short-term return. There is relationship between ethical decision making and managerial practices (Hartman, DesJardins, MacDonald, 2014).  In this way, it is evaluated that ethical behaviour and corporate social responsibility can bring significant advantages to corporation. For instance, managers attract the customers towards the product of company and enhance the profit and sales. Ethical behaviour of manager leads the employees to stay with the business, decline labour turnover and gain productivity. Ethical behaviour of manager influences large number of workforces who wants to work for the business; decline cost of recruitment and enables the company for selecting the talented workforces. Ethical conduct of manager also persuaded the investors and maintains the high share price of company as it would protect the business from takeover (Dane and Sonenshein, 2015).  It is evaluated that the unethical behaviour and lack of CSR may ruin the goodwill of an organisation and makes it less appealing to stakeholders. As a result, profit could be attained. 

This essay demonstrates the literature about the significance of ethical decision making in effective management. There are different techniques would be used by me to assess my particular skills as well as personality factors such as Big five inventory, The Belbin test for assessing team roles and emotionally intelligent (Lehnert, Park, and Singh, 2015).  This essay will also indicate the evaluation of own capabilities by using different techniques. I need team building skills and emotional intelligence skills to improve my managerial competencies. This essay also developed a thorough plan for making further development of skills and competencies as an effective and ethical manager (Shapiro and Stefkovich, 2016).

According to Lehnert, Craft, Singh, and Park, (2016) an ethical decision could produce trust that demonstrates accountability, equality and caring for a person. With respect to the ethics, one has to show the liability and respect. Ethical decision making entails a review of diverse views of experts and chose best alternative methods as it could be effective to obtain a reliable outcome. In addition, the ethical decision making consists of the procedure of examination and selecting the best alternatives in a way consistent with ethical values. In order to make an ethical decision, it is obligatory to perceive and eradicate unethical options and chose effective ethical alternatives.

Benefits of Ethical Behaviour and Corporate Social Responsibility

Vitell, Singhapakdi, and Nishihara, (2015) stated that the procedure of making ethical decisions could consider three different factors like commitment, consciousness, and competency. In commitment stage, an individual desire to perform appropriate activity regardless to cost. Moreover, the consciousness of an individual is to perform consistently and implement moral beliefs to daily behavior. In last, the capability to obtain and examine data, create alternatives and predict the potential risks and consequences. In addition, it is also found that people are often required to make an effective decision in the business atmosphere. In the current business environment, ethical model and framework could support to sustain the image of the organization in the marketplace.

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In support of this,Griffith, Zeni, and Johnson, (2015) explained that business ethics could support to make an outlineabout suitable behavior in the organization for their workforces. There are different factors that could be considered in the ethical standard like fairness or justice, utilitarian, virtue and the common good. It is also stated that utilitarian ethics is the standards that attempt to perform well at the working place and the limited harm activity for each employee. A suitable method could support to respect and protest moral rights of employees by effective decision. In addition, it is also found that fair behavior could support to make equal behavior among individuals as it could support to make better society as a whole.

Lewis and SIU, (2015) explained that business ethics is a technique that executes to ensure directors, executive officers, and managers to act correctly in many business occurrences. In addition, it is also found that the ethical decision making is used to promote the organization as a whole as compared to let one person advantage from a business decision. In addition, it is also found that an employee who continually makes a decision in the context of the personal advantages as it may create legal capabilities for the organization that could lead to bankruptcy.     

According to Zeni, Buckley, Mumford, and Griffith, (2016) capabilities and skills are imperative for making a reliable decision with respect to the current matter. In addition, it is also analyzed that work ethics and essential skills of employees could be accomplished by considering the motivation and training method. Some workforces might be capable to create robust work ethics with attractive incentives and monetary rewards by completing the specified task of organization.  

Communication skills are the most important soft skills for an employee. The capability to converse with the spoken and written discussion is a necessity in each industry and every organization. In addition, communication skills could be learned and enchased with the appropriate training method. It could consume the time of organization inlearning effective communication skills if they have not effective skills to attain the aim and objectives of the organization. In addition, it is also analyzed that this method could support to effectively communicate with others and make a reliable relationship with them. Consequently, the organization would be capable to obtain the valid and reliable result (Chell, Spence, Perrini, and Harris, 2016).

Evaluation of Capabilities and Skills using Different Techniques

From the above discussion, it can be summarized that the ethical decision making could enable the organization to conduct good behavior at the working place. It could aid the employees and manager to complete their specified goal without harming others. In addition, it is also found that capabilities and appropriate skills required promoting good ethical decision making as it could be possible by considering training and development method.

There are three questionnaires will be used to assess the skill and proficiency. These questionnaires are Big five inventory, the Belbin test for assessing team roles and emotionallyintelligent.

Big five inventory is used to measures the big five personality factor in person. Each of the factors could be further categorized into different personality aspects such as Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness (Thome, Ferrell, 2015). From the test of Big five inventory, it is observed that I got 26 marks in Extraversion that indicates that I am sociable, forceful, energetic, adventurous, enthusiastic, and outgoing.  It also shows that I have different extraversion personality factors such as Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity, Excitement-seeking, Positive emotions, and Warmth. This test also demonstrates that I have obtained 37 marks in Agreeableness personality factor. It shows that I have different personality due to Agreeableness personality factor such as Trust (forgiving), Straightforwardness (not demanding), Altruism (warm), Compliance (not stubborn), Modesty (not show-off) and Tender-mindedness (sympathetic) personality (Iphofen, 2016). Under this test, I have also obtained 33 marks in Conscientiousness that is third factor of personality. It assesses the Competence, Order, Dutifulness, Achievement striving, Self-discipline and Deliberation. From the obtained score, I have assessed that I am efficient, organized, not careless, thorough, not lazy, and not impulsive. In this test, I got 18 marks in Neuroticism that shows my lack of personality regarding Anxiety, Angry Hostility, Depression, Self-consciousness, Impulsiveness and Vulnerability. It also indicates that I am less tense, irritable, not contented; shy, moody and not self-confident. In the Openness factor, I got 33 marks which indicate that I have lack of different personality factor such as Ideas, Fantasy, Aesthetics, Actions, Feelings and Values. It also shows that I am less curious, imaginative, artistic, wide interests, excitable and unconventional (Pohling, Bzdok, Eigenstetter, Stumpf, and Strobel, 2016).

The Belbin self-perception inventory is another tool that was used by me. This technique considers behaviour based questionnaire. I have analyzed my responses through self-perception inventory of Belbin Team Role system (Valentine, Nam, Hollingworth, and Hall, 2014).  It generated the feedback in both graphical as well as scripted manner. There are eight role analyzed by me such as (SH) Shaper, (PL) Plant, (CO) Coordinator, (ME) Monitor Evaluator, (RI) Resource Investigator, (IMP) Implementer, (TW) Team Worker, and (CF) Completer-Finisher. Under this test, I got 6 marks in (SH) Shaper that indicates that I offer the necessary drive in order to make sure that the team keeps moving and does not lose focus. It also shows my different strength such as challenging, active, and thrives on demand. I have obtained 11 marks in (PL) Plant which illustrates that I am highly innovative and superior to solve the problem in an unconventional manner. It also shows my different strength such as imaginative, creative, and free-thinking, produces ideas, as well as solves the complex issue (Singhapakdi, Vitell, Rao, C. and Kurtz, 2015). Under this test, I have obtained 6 marks in (CO) Coordinator which demonstrates thatI need to emphasize on objective of test, draw out the members of team and allocate the task feasible. I got 7 marks in (ME) Monitor Evaluator which shows that I have certain strength such as clear-headed, planned, and judicious skills. I can also see all options and judges appropriately. I have also obtained 5 marks in (RI) Resource Investigator which exhibits my outgoing, and enthusiastic skills. I can also discover opportunities and develops contacts. I got 15 marks in (IMP) Implementer, which depicts that I need to draw out a plan for workable strategy and perform it efficiently as possible. I have also obtained 12 marks in (TW) Team Worker that shows my co-operative, diplomatic, and perceptive skills. I also listen and prevents from the friction (Wisler, 2018).  In the last, I got 8 marks in (CF) Completer-Finisher that illustrates my different strength such as Painstaking, careful, and anxious. I also address the errors for effectively complete the projects.

Factors in Ethical Standard

Emotional intelligence is a nation wider organized buzzword that is recognized by Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence is explained as a set of capabilities that an individual use to organize their relationships with emotions. There are different perspectives include emotional intelligence such as ability, personality, and mixed model. Personality modal identifies emotional intelligence as a trait and disposition. Moreover, ability models address the emotional intelligence as skills. Mixed model includes the element of both factors. Emotional intelligence is the competencies for addressing and managing the own emotions and address the emotions of others (Erkan, Temel, and Moeinizadeh, 2017). From conducting the emotionally intelligent test, I had obtained scores between 56-75 that shows I am emotional intelligent person and I have great relationship and I can also find the people approach for advice. I have different skills such as emotional awareness, emotional harnessing, and emotional management (Tsalikis and Peralta, 2014).  In this way, emotional awareness is the competency for addressing the own emotions and those of others. Emotional harnessing is the capabilities to connect the emotions and apply them to tasks such as problem solving and thinking. Emotional management is the competencies of managing the emotions such as ability for regulating the own emotions and cheer up or calm down another individual (Shepherd, Williams, and Patzelt, 2015).

Following are two SMART goals that would be used by me to improve my capabilities in specified plan and schedule:

  • To enhance ethical decision-making skill by 2 Months
  • To build innovative ethical ideas and views by 8 months

Thorough plan for improving emotional intelligence  

S. No.

Notions, models, interpersonal skills, and concepts for enhancing the intelligence of emotion

Time Frame

Evaluation: Ways to enhance the emotional intelligence


Self-awareness via mixed model

Week 1-3

I would be competent to address my gut, sentiment, and feelings.


Understanding via Ability Model

Week 4-6

I would build my comprehension regarding behavioural modification and emotions. 


Self-Control through Trait Model

Week 7-9

I will organize my skills and impulsive reactions and move for resolving the thought procedure.


Empathy via Mixed Model

Week 10-12

I will develop my emotional association in the predetermined time period. It would provide the ability for connecting the people as per the emotional attachment.


Social Skills through Mixed Model

Week 13-15

I will be efficient to develop the liaison and make emotional like as I am able to make a decision with emotional intelligence. 

S. No.

Notions, models, interpersonal skills, and concepts for enhancing the intelligence of emotion 

Time Frame

Evaluation: Ways to enhance the emotional intelligence


Action-oriented roles

·  Shaper

·  Implementer

·  Completer Finisher

Week 14

Confront to the team for making improvement

Implement ideas into practices

Make sure thoroughly and  completing the task on time


People-oriented roles

·  Co-coordinator

·  Team worker

·  Resource investigator

Week 15-18

Act as a leader

Leads collaboration

Discover external opportunities


Thought oriented roles

·     Plant

·     Monitor evaluator

·     Specialist

Week 19-21

Demonstrate innovative ideas and strategies

Evaluates the option

Facilitates particular skills

After assessing the two skills issue, I develop an action plan in order to improve my skills. I have different current capabilities such as Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness, outgoing, and enthusiastic skills. But, I will focus on two skills that I want to improve such as emotional intelligence and team role skills. I will learn these skills by adopting different models (Shepherd, and Williams, Patzelt, 2015).  For example, I will use mixed model, trait model, and ability model to improve emotional intelligence. I will focus on action, people and thought oriented roles to improve the team building roles. I will apply these practices to the organization in terms of making an ethical decision and become a good ethical manager in future (Cianci, Hannah, Roberts, and Tsakumis, 2014).


With respect to the above discussion, it can be summarized that I have used three evaluation techniques to assess my capabilities, skills, and knowledge. These techniques are Belbin test, Big five inventory, and emotional intelligence. It can also be summarized that these methods support me to critically evaluate my characteristics. This analysis enables to understand the ethical decision making and its contribution to the managerial practices. It could also support to examine competencies and skills required to promote good ethical decision making. The information is gathering by considering the literature review that enables to collect theoretical information about research issue. From utilizing the evaluation technique, I understood that I have lack of team building skills that could decline the chance tobecome a good leader in future. I shocked to understand my skills because I was not aware of it. It can also be concluded that the main purpose of this essay is to understand the effectiveness of ethical decision making in the organization or managerial practices. Through this, I was capable to understand my weakness as it would provide me an opportunity to improve my skills by considering my weaknesses.

Assessment of Skills and Proficiency using Questionnaires


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