Significance Of Communication In Workplace: Improving Profitability And Health Of Employees

Workplace Communication Problems and Their Impact on Businesses

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The main aim of this paper is to explain and outline the significance of communication. Furthermore, it describes that how communication enhances and increases profitability and revenue of the firm.

The article discusses about workplace communication problems that are occurred at the workplace while working in the firm. The article discusses that how communication serves as an important tool in supplying raw materials, manufacturing goods and services and interacting on other industry related matters. It is suggested by Drucker that planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling are the five management functions that are completely dependent on communication. The paper implies that how bad communication can make the business suffer from various problems and issues. The article suggests the ways how technology can be used to promote communication between businesses and clients using emails, video calls, websites, etc. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the readers to manage better communication between the members or its employees. It shall be stated that leaders is person who is responsible for managing and controlling business activities and operations. In the article, communication is said to be the lifeblood of the company. A good communication can either manage the growth of business or can even ruin its reputation. People should understand what they want to say some other persons. It should not be complicated and one should also listen to the opinion of others. In this way, communication plays a vital role in each and every organization.

The paper focuses on how communication can improve the health of the employees working in the organization and also changes the environment of the company. The article aims at exploring communication mainly at Swedish health care organizations. The communication between the workers takes place on the topics like how to manage harmony at the place so that patients can feel comfortable, amount of time taken while operation and cleanliness. A good communication between the people helps in building trust, improving the climate of the organization and healthy working zone. According to the author, it is stated that the meetings that are hold for the welfare of the business are generally viewed as an opportunity to communicate better with the employees and the workers. The article provides the complete information of how good communication can be helpful in creating discipline at the workplace and avoids conflicts.  The article explores how communication is seen at the workplace. It depends on the employee whether to work in the atmosphere provided by the company or not. In order to keep its employees working in the company, the organization must have better communication at the workplace.

Ways to Promote Better Communication Among Employees

The article stated about the significance of the communication at the workplace. It talks about how communication is one of the most valued skills in the organization. It shows the importance of communication and suggests the ways to have proper communication between the firms and the employees. According to the author it has been stated that communication maintains a link between employee and employer as well. Many times the skills of communication are overlooked by the engineers as their technical nature comes inherent to their discipline. A developed communication skill in employees opens up various career opportunities for them and helps them in increasing their personal growth. The article provides various ways to improve the communication skills that can show the way to various opportunities that employees strive for it. It will not only benefit the users but also becomes beneficial for the company’s dividends. The better the communication skills employees will possess they can achieve his goals in a better way. The paper stated that how communication is important for an individual to attain long term success and growth.

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The article stated that cross cultural communication Barriers in the Workplace” which talks about the problems and issues that are raised at the workplace due to cross cultural communication. Most of the employees working in the company come from other far places. The chance of understanding the language therefore becomes difficult and hence communication becomes a barrier for them to work in an effective manner. The article highlights the areas where the problems related to communication occur and provides solution to those problems. Many companies state in their policy of English being the second language, but large firms tying up with firms of other countries such as Japan or China may find it difficult to deal in English. In such cases they need a translator to make a deal for which extra amount is paid. The communication process takes place in various languages, this result in frequent misunderstandings in among businesses.  Also, the chance of risk and error becomes too high and hence the option left with the workers is to do nothing then doing it in a wrong manner. The article provides a clear view of how communication can become a barrier in the lives of companies working with employees from all over the world. Communication is an effective tool for the company, but it can also become a barrier if it is not followed by the management in a proper manner.

Open Communication: A Key to Overcoming Cross-Cultural Communication Barriers

The article talks about the verbal and nonverbal communication at the workplace which may influence the profitability and success of the firm. It suggests how the scholars of management have been unable to understand the importance of communication. The article focuses on the nonverbal behavior of the employees towards the company which causes risks and errors as the work done by the employees is not up to the expectations of the company. Nonverbal behavior of the employees also makes it uneasy for the company to interact with the society. The paper shows that company must communicate with its employees time to time so that they can get to know about what is troubling the employee while working. Knowing the problem of the employee and taking out solution of it motivates the employee to work effectively and efficiently for the company. It opens the employees and teaches them to how make proper and impactful communication with others. It therefore becomes easy for the employees to give good amount of outputs and better results in the business. The paper is a medium to show the disadvantages that company faces due to the nonverbal behavior of its employees.

“Communication problems in management” is one of the significant issues in the organization that could affect the profitability and revenue of the firm. The article focuses on the problems of communication due to which management has to suffer. It says that management does not take the communication seriously and effectively therefore; it also affects the success of the firm. They hire employees for their own benefit. Thus, communication is become one of the significant concerns in the workplace. They just focus on their target but do not improve growth of the employees. Problem in communication gives rise to conflicts in the organization which creates disharmony and conflicts in the employees. It reduces the morale of the organization as well as of the employees. They do not gain anything by working on same matters in a same way. Managers of the company also fail to access their communication skills and knowledge within the organization. Communication problems in management make it difficult to read the minds of the people. Employees therefore have to deal with several problems and issues alone which also impacts on the growth of the business. According to Nicole Selley ““If a department suffers from high turnover, this can be a sign of poor communication between the supervisor and the team,”. Low motivation also takes birth because of poor and ineffective communication. It has been noted that top management should focus on the communication t maximize the profitability at the workplace.

The articles explain the significance and openness of the communication at the workplace. The openness in communication makes the environment a comfortable place to live and work smoothly. Their effective communication helps them to upgrade their performance and lower the chances of risk that can harm the business reputation. The communication in these matters is free flow and reduces the chances of conflicts. Each and every employee is asked to give his opinion and can also object on the opinions of others. Communication helps in knowing the employees better and it provides many platforms for them. The openness in communication allows the workers to know the problems that others have while performing a task and duties. This enables them to help other employees to get out of the problems and issues. The article talks about the openness employees of other states possess. It says that American employees are more open than the employees working in China. The article provides the reader to know how openness of employees can be beneficial for the company also.

In the article “A new approach to communication training in the workplace” published in Journal of vocational education and training the new ways of promoting communication in an organization is discussed. It states that communication is a very important tool used in an organization which should need training. Communication is a skill that each and every employee who works for the welfare of the organization should possess. The article mainly focuses on the skills of Australia. It suggests that the communication skills of Australian employees are generic competencies. It also highlights those training programs that do not develop the communication skills of the people to that extent which company wants. The article is prepared in order to show how communication skills of the employees can be developed by conducting various training programs. Communication is considered as the vital tool for the success of organization. The company trains the employees by giving them training in the field of communications. This makes the employees to work as a professional in coming future. The article shows how important it is to train the employees in order to increase the amount of profits.

The article “importance of communication during change” investigates that how effective a proper communication should be to work in the environment. A proper communication at the workplace maintains the healthy environment of the business. It manages the effectiveness and efficiency of the employees. It is necessary for the company to make the employees aware about the changes that goes in the company. The paper therefore is one of the major examples showing how effective change in communication can change the environment of the company from disharmony to harmony among employees. This will also become profitable for the company. The article talks about the influence of communication that is seen on an individual. The company takes various measures to get effective changes over communication in the management. These changes can either be positive or can also turn out to be negative for the company’s future. It has been analyzed communication helps the people of the organization to achieve their desired goal in an effective manner. After the various researchers, it has been noted that companies should conduct organizational communicational audit in which it trains the employees to work for the betterment of the company.

The importance of communicating is also seen in having a good leadership. The paper is suggested that a leader can effectively run its business if he is able to communicate with its employees in an appropriate manner. The article shows that interacting within a team than can find better solutions of the problems than working as an individual. A leader is the one who is responsible for keeping the firm intact. The leader is responsible for making the employees work in a team. For an effective leader, it is necessary to possess great communication skills. One should know how to communicate so that they can easily catch up with the employees. The article says that “effective and accurate communication act as an important factor to grow as an efficient and successful leader of the company”. Leader must know the ways to carry out the solutions of the problems easily with the help of team members. They must teach the benefits of doing teamwork to its employees. This motivates the employees and keeps them interested for working in the business. The article implies that leader is the one who manages most functions of the business.

On the above mentioned analysis, it has been stated that communication plays a vital role in each and every organization in order to meet the long term goals and objectives of the firm. Also, it will boost and develop the confidence and morale among the workers.


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