Should Australian Companies Give Priority To Female Job Applicant To Rectify Gender Imbalance?

Importance of Gender Equality in Workplace

Should Australian Companies give priority to Female Job Applicant to Rectify Gender Imbalance?

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Gender inequality is a huge problem, which is being faced in everywhere around the world. Gender inequality can be notice in friends, family as well as in society. These can also be seen in another place namely in jobs, in career as well as in workplace. The males are given more priority in terms of job or career building or in workplace and this stereotype need to be break by giving preference to the female applicant so that a balance can be maintain in the process (MacNeil and Ghosh 2017). The Australian companies have taken the initiative by providing jobs as well as career growth to the females who are applying for the job or are working in any company. It is important to provide equal opportunity to the females as they are also a part of the society. These will automatically help the females to stand in the society and in their career too (Sczesny, Formanowicz and Moser 2016).

In these essay, it will be discuss whether or not females should be given preference in the job sector so that the company can put an end in the gender inequality. These need to be look after as the males where provided with more opportunities in comparison to the females (Corkery, Taylor and Hayden 2018). The society need to break this stereotype so that the females can make their own career in the society. The female should be given importance by the organization to provide preference to the female applicant, who are there in the market. These will automatically benefit them to build their own career and stand on their feet so that they can achieve great heights in the near future (Shen et al. 2017).

It is important for the development of the country as well as the development of the society if female were treated equal as male. It is unfair if the female applicants are not provided with the proper chance to achieve their dreams (Kaine 2016). The company also need to provide equal growth opportunity to the females along with the salary structure that is being provided to the males. The Australian companies took initiative to provide equal job opportunity to the female along with that equal salary and chance to grow in the organization (Bender and Pigeyre 2016).

From the study, it can be seen that the males earn more than that of the females, which is unethical in nature and that is the reason the females should be provided with the equal opportunities as well as scope to grow and build their career (Ellemers 2018). This report will focus on how the Australian company can adopt different sort of ideology and techniques to provide equal chance as well as opportunity to the female applicant who are applying for the job. These will help them to become successful in life and also help the organization to eliminate the imbalance that are there inside the organization (Sealy et al. 2017).

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Various Ethical Theories to Support Gender Equality

Utilitarianism is referred to the moral action that is being taken by the organization to spread equality along with the happiness between the employees as well as in the workplace environment. These is somewhat important for the companies all around the world to follow so that there is no gender discrimination within the healthy workplace environment (Corkery, Taylor and Hayden 2018). If the organization can remove the discrimination within the workplace or between the employees then the company along with employees irrespective of gender can achieve great success in the process (Taylor, Corkery and Heyden 2018).

These can only be done if the females are provided with equal chance along with the equal remuneration as that of provided to the males. These will motivate the female to work hard and showcase their efficiency as well as talent in the organization. The Australian company have taken the initiative to eliminate the gender imbalance in the organization so that they can hire the talented individual in their company (Aras and Aluchna 2018).

If they provide equal opportunity along with the salary, these will motivate them to work hard in the organization as well as helps them to grow in the organization. As per the Utilitarian theory, ethics should be maintain by the organization which will help the organization to showcase the morality of their action, this can only be possible if the company provides the female candidates as well as employee equal opportunity to showcase their talent as well as their hard work to achieve the target set by the organization (Alexander 2016).

Therefore, it is important for the organization to retain the talented employees or hire the talented employees irrespective of gender. These will help the organization to grow and also enable them to provide equal chance to the employees (McKie, Singer and Richardson 2016). These is an important initiative taken by the organization to some extent as it will help the organization to display their sense of equality in their workplace.

As per the Kantian theory, the rightness or the wrongness of the actions is not dependent on the consequences of the action. These is totally depend on the fulfilment of the duty. Kant believes that the goodness as well as the badness of the action depends on the motive of the person. According to the theory morality should be given importance while following this type of theory (Chike-Anamdi 2017).

The women should be provided with the equal job opportunity so that they can build their own career. These will help the society to grow in the process and also provide chances to the female and will also eliminate the discrimination that are there inside the organization (Blackmore and Kenway 2017). It is important as males were given priority in every sphere and as the society all around the world is changing. Therefore, it is important to provide equal opportunity along with the rights to the female to encourage them to grow in their life (Sen 2017).

Utilitarianism Theory

The Australian company have taken initiative as per the Kantian theory, to provide equal opportunities to the female applicant so that they can eliminate the imbalance that prevails in the organization. These is important for the organization to balance out the ratio of males as well as females in the organization. These imbalance should be eliminate in all aspect namely, providing equal opportunities, gender discrimination, career building as well as promotion and giving out responsibilities along with that providing equivalent salary to both males and females (Alzola 2018).

These will automatically motivate the females to work efficiently as they are given equal chance to showcase their talent and skill in the organization. These will help them to get promotion as well (Clarke, Michielsens and Snijders 2017). Therefore, it is quite a bold initiative that have been taken by the Australian company to rectify the gender imbalance that prevails in the workplace as well as in the society.

There are two other theories which can be used in eliminating the gender imbalance in the workplace and they are namely, right theory and virtue theory. This theories are equally important to follow by the organization so that they can grow as well as they can help the females to establish themselves in their career as well as in the society (Lucas, Van Wee and Maat 2016).

In the right theory, it has been pointed out that equal rights should be provided to the males as well as females in every aspect. These will uplift the position as well as importance of the female who are lacking behind in the society. These will also help the organization to eliminate the imbalance that prevails in the workplace as well as in the society and equal rights can be provided to both the genders to fulfil their dreams and enable them to grow in their career (Amer 2019).

On the other hand, as per the virtue theory, the person irrespective of male and female the person is being judged based on their characteristics. If any sort of unusual behaviour is noticed then their motivation, morale as well as their reputation is taken into account to make judgement. These helps the organization to judge as per their virtue and not according to their gender (Pritchard and Englehardt 2016). These will help the organization to evaluate the person as per their performance and not as per their gender.

These also provide an opportunity for the females to grow in the organization and showcase their talent as well as their skills to acquire promotion and climb the organizational ladder to become successful in their career. The company need to follow this theory so that equality can be maintain within the workplace and opportunities can be provided to both the males as well as to the females (Loreggia, Rossi and Venable 2017). Therefore, this theory can be considered as an important factor to look after so that equal rights along with the equal opportunity can be provided to the females along with the males.

Kantian Theory


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