Short Report: Job Clusters And Personal Development

Introduction to Short Report

This assessment is a type of short report (see the Deakin Study Support service). A short report is a document that presents clear, focused, comprehensive information on a specific subject.

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A good way to start your work using a report format is to use one of the existing templates available in your word or document software.

To structure your report, make sure each section:

  • Uses suitable headings.
  • Provides a clear indication of purpose.
  • Provides accurate and objective information, demonstrating your research and analysis.
  • Write in the first person or second person.
  • Keep your writing focused on the topic. Short reports often have very tight word limits.
  • Use relevant graphics to support or illustrate or demonstrate your information. Graphics can include tables, graphs or diagrams but make sure they are your own work. Copied tables and diagrams detract from your work. 

Don’t forget to cite your sources correctly and list all your references in your references section at the end of the report.

Job clusters are the different avenues, which helps the individuals in progressing towards their career. According to the nature of jobs, the different job clusters are:

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  • The Generators
  • The artisans
  • The designers
  • The technologists
  • The carers
  • The informers
  • The coordinators

I think interest areas are extremely helpful for us in terms of selecting the appropriate career option. After the interest areas, comes my strength. Early career jobs help me in gaining experience from an advanced stage (Caldwell and Hayes 2016).

As the nature of business is changing rapidly, therefore, I need to include evaluation within my daily activities. This evaluation would make me aware whether I possess the skills needed for maintaining the pace with the current competitive business.

I affirm with the fact that portability is needed in most of the jobs. Here, I can relate the aspect of knowledge transfer. This is in terms of mitigating the instances of inappropriate knowledge skills from the employees (Cottrell  2015).

By completing the quiz, “can we guess your ideal job cluster”, based on the life choices, I found my job cluster to be a “coordinator” (Refer to appendix figure 3). This job cluster involves repetitive, administrative and back office jobs. Occupations under this cluster are-

  • bookkeepers
  • printer
  • cooks of fast food
  • bus drivers
  • removing furniture
  • Clerks
  • receptionists and
  • attendants for car parking

The industry, I would operate under this job cluster is Administrative Service and Logistics. Therefore, I need technical skills and database management skills for carrying out the business activities efficiently and effectively. Along with this, I also need to possess adequate social skills. I think social media is important in terms of enhancing the awareness regarding the prospective sources from where I can upgrade my current skills (Cunningham 2017). Evaluating the prospects of the current work would help me to assess its effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility in terms of the identified and the specified goals. 

The profession referred here is that of a coordinator. 








This is the most important skill in terms of presenting the viewpoints in the workplace.

Technical Skills



Technical skills are crucial in the present age of competition. Fluency in technological skills eases the process of getting recruited in the prestigious companies and organizations.




Teamwork is the most important aspect, which the managers look for in the candidates, while undertaking practical examinations for assessing their capability towards doing the allocated tasks.

Demands of the employees regarding graduates vary according to the requirements of the job. For getting employed in the industry, the essential skills needed are communication, technical and teamwork. The demand for positions varies from person to person. Therefore, tests and interviews are needed for selecting the right candidate (Serrat 2017). Planning is needed for executing the recruitment and selection activities in an efficient and effective manner. Within the planning, focus needs to be placed on the interest areas of the candidates along with their strengths and capabilities.

How to Structure a Report

The recent trends in Administrative Services and Logistics are based on smart and technical skills.  Technological is essential in this industry for enhancing the efficiency. Technology also helps in reducing the manual labors in supply chain. This technological advancement has enhanced the stability in the relationship between the personnel and the customers (Graduate Outlook 2014). This stability, in turn, has resulted in increasing the sales revenue and profit margin.

Artificial intelligence has eased the applications in the warehouse segment. An interesting point here is the introduction of gesture recognition, obliterating the use of keyboards in the procurement process. Apart from this, navigation of the vehicles is the latest attractions among the employees. Introduction of robotics and automation has expanded the scope and arena of Administrative Services and Logistics Industry (Stott et al. 2015).

In view of the above additions, the job vacancies have changed. Now, the criteria is masters in Applied science and computers. Here, the latest addition is the consideration of robotics for carrying out the navigation tasks in an efficient and efficient manner.

On-time deliveries, damage free shipping and accurate documentation are the new plans of Administrative Services and Logistics Industry. Therefore, there can be job vacancies for delivery agents Here, one of the criterias would be flexible in Barcode, RFID and IoT for achieving customer satisfaction(Graduate Outlook 2014).

This deals with catering to the specific needs and demands of the customers. Market fluctuations are one of an important aspect in elastic logistics. Therefore, in the next five years, the criteria for getting recruited in this post would be at least 5 years experience as a market analyst. Along with this, experience as customer care executive can also be one of the criterias for recruiting candidates in this regards. Third party dealers would also be one of the requirements in the job profile. Moreover, fluency in outsourcing and navigation would also be one of the requirements for enhancing the productivity of Administrative Services and Logistic Industry (Graduate Outlook 2014). 

When I visited the companies for giving interview, the most common question is “So tell me about yourself?” At the initial stage, I was confused as what to say to impress the interviewer. Then I started with my, educational qualifications and other whereabouts. Unfortunately, I did not get selected. I wondered where I went wrong. Referring to various sites regarding how to give good interviews, I found that the interviewers look for something which is not there in the CV. Therefore, I started writing answers for the question. I erased the answers, which I did not like. This process helped me to reach to the appropriate answer. I can say the persistent efforts towards self-awareness helped me to create positive image in the minds of the interviewers. 

Job Clusters and Required Skills

According to the results of the 16 personality test, I am 28% extraverted and 72% introvert. Herein I can relate my hesitations while communicating with others. This reflects my mental instability in terms of dealing with personal issues in an efficient and effective manner. I think this is not right, as it is compelling me to lag behind others. The score shows that I am 81% intuitive and 19% observant towards the events taking place in my surroundings. However, I think that I need to increase the score of observation in terms of enhancing the skills of critical analysis. My nature tells that I devote 32% of my thought process and 68% feeling while taking decisions. This reflects my kind and compassionate feeling towards the sentiments of others while taking the decisions. High score for the feelings reflect my inability to overcome thoughts, feelings and emotions. I feel proud of my tactics. The major drive behind this is the score, which reflects 57% for prospecting and 43% judging. This is because I feel myself capable of assessing the prospect of the sources, which I refer for reaching to the identified goals and objectives. Apart from this, I am hardworking and expose a dedicated approach towards the tasks, which I am allocated.

Personal Styles and Effective Performance highlights the differing and varying behavioural construct of the individuals. Using the shapes tool, I can say that while analyzing, I am critical, serious, orderly and picky. Practicality, strong will power, independent drives me towards my emotions. Supportive, respectful, agreeable are my attributes in the segment of amiability. I am too ambitious, which I love to express to people. This compels me to achieve numerous reactions. Some of the reactions are flexible enough to hurt my ego. However, I try to reveal friendly attitude towards my friends. This approach helps me to maintain my position in the society.

The shapes analytical tool has four directions- controlling emotions, voicing out the expressions and asking the appropriateness and effectiveness. I think analysis of the emotions and expressions proves effective in terms of assessing the progress towards development. This analysis forms crucial in terms of measuring the social status. On the contrary, if I am determined in my approach towards executing the tasks, then I am liable to get praises and appreciation from my friends, peers and relatives. Exposing severe happiness on this success would act as a deviation for me in terms of the identified and specified goals.

Individual’s Personality Traits and Styles

Currently, I am attending personality development courses to upgrade my current skills, expertise and knowledge. Here, I am getting training on communication and behavior. This is appropriate in terms of adjusting within the workplace environment in future life. These courses have inculcated within me self-organizational skills. I have created action plans for completing the tasks within the stipulated time. Now, I regularly evaluate the created plans in terms of assessing their effectiveness and appropriateness. Along with this, I am referring to various external sources for broadening the scope and arena of my knowledge, skills and expertise. I also indulge in-group discussions with friends and family for testing my knowledge on the events, which are happening around me. Sometimes, I am feeling discouraged towards following the developing action plans. This is my weakness in terms of organizing the tasks according to their priorities. However, I think the short-term goals reflect the measurability of my progression towards personal development. As I am sticking to the goals, I think I would be able to fulfill my goals. Undertaking challenging and enduring tasks have enhanced my confidence. I am giving presentations in various platforms for overcoming stage frights. I am maintaining eye contact with the people for gaining an insight into the approach of the people towards my propositions.

I lack self-confidence when I am allotted many tasks at the same time. This makes me puzzled and I commit mistakes. I become nervous, which compels me to suffer from dilemmas and hesitation while executing the easiest tasks. Along with this, I also experience fear when I am amidst lot of people. In this situation, many kinds of thoughts hover around my mind. I think they are mocking my performance. I become depressed and feel that I would be incapable of carrying out the tasks, which has been allotted to me.

I can also point out that I lack the technological skills. I can access the various sites, although not as fast as my friends.  It takes a lot of time for me to access the sites for getting information on the research topics.

I lack patience when I am continuously getting negative results. Then I lose my temper and shout on the person in front of me. I think being short-tempered is not at all good for me in terms of adjusting with the environment I am placed in.  


I think hardworking, dedication and commitment are my greatest strengths in terms of reaching to my identified and specified goals. Along with this, sociability makes me easily approachable, which is assistance for me in terms of enhancing my knowledge regarding the prospective avenues for me.


· Lack of self-confidence

· Poor grasping skills in technology

· Lack of patience


Capability towards working under pressure acts as an opportunity for me in terms of adjusting with any type of workplace environment I am placed in. My curiosity in new subjects can help me to get better placement in prestigious companies. This would enhance my professionalism.  


· Negligence towards improving the technical skills

· Gaining confidence regarding the undertaken activities


From the assignment, it can be concluded that I need to improve on the aspects of confidence, presentation appearance. This is as a result of the personality test, which I have undertaken for the assessment of my skills, abilities and competencies. SWOT analysis proves effective in terms of gaining awareness regarding the strengths and capabilities, which I possess for getting recruited in the selected job cluster. Evaluation is necessary in terms of excavating the drawbacks in the exposed performance. Taking into consideration assessment tools and reflective cycles would prove efficient in terms of measuring the effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility in terms of the identified and the specified goals. Maintaining consistency in the execution of evaluation would help me to upgrade the standards and quality of my current performance. 


Caldwell, C. and Hayes, L.A., 2016. Self-efficacy and self-awareness: moral insights to increased leader effectiveness. Journal of Management Development, 35(9), pp.1163-1173. Carson, K.D., Carson, P.P. and Birkenmeier, B.J., 2016. Measuring emotional intelligence: Development and validation of an instrument. Journal of Behavioral and applied Management, 2(1).

Cottrell, S. 2015. Skills for Success. Personal Development and Employability. Palgrave. (ISBN 9781137426529)

Cunningham, I., 2017. The wisdom of strategic learning: The self managed learning solution. Routledge.

Graduate Careers Australia Publication: Graduate Outlook 2014, Employers’ Perspective on Graduate Recruitment in Australia

Serrat, O., 2017. Understanding and developing emotional intelligence. In Knowledge Solutions (pp. 329-339). Springer, Singapore.

Stott, T., Allison, P., Felter, J. and Beames, S., 2015. Personal development on youth expeditions: A literature review and thematic analysis. Leisure Studies, 34(2), pp.197-229.

Tattum, D. and Tattum, E., 2017. Social education and personal development. Routledge.

Whitehall, A.P., Hill, L.G., Yost, D.M. and Kidwell, K.K., 2018. Being Smart Is Not Enough to Ensure Success: Integrating Personal Development into a General Education Course. The Journal of General Education, 65(3-4), pp.241-263.

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