Self-Management In Human Resource Management: A Personal Development Plan
Self-Management in Human Resource Management
The method in effectively managing the various aspects of oneself and do the daily task properly in the right time and complete them effectively without hampering other tasks can be termed as self management (Lent et al. 2016). Self-management is necessary for properly going ahead in terms of personal life and career, while achieving the desired goals. The most important aspect of Human Resource management is managing people. The art of managing people can be properly achieved only when a person knows the art of perfect self-management (Lent et al. 2017).
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In every aspect of humanity today, it is very important for leaders to manage people. In business the art of managing people and utilising their full potential in order to achieve maximum productivity is known as Human Resource Management or HRM (Tyson 2014). A business is either successful or unsuccessful depending on the people who run the business. The business leaders are designated the task of managing the employees, who in turn perform the tasks required for successful operation of the business (Beardwell and Thompson 2014). Any flaw in the management of people would hamper the growth of the business. However, it is very important for the Human Resource Managers to know the art of self-management, which will enable him to perform his duties precisely in time (Snell, Morris and Bohlander 2015).
In the following report, detailed analysis about the concepts of self-management in the Human resource process will be discussed and then I will be doing a SWOT analysis of myself by considering my personal skills. Depending on the personal skill and SWOT analysis a Personal Development Plan or PDP will be prepared.
The continuous process of taking up various efforts and activities that result in the growth of career is known as “career development strategy”. This can happen both in intra organisation that is within one organisation or it can happen on an inter organisation level or among number of organisations (Livingstone 2018). “Career development strategy” includes acquiring new skills and technical knowledge, taking up job responsibilities that are different and higher than the existing ones (The Guardian 2018). This can include moving to different organisations in search of better career option, or starting one’s own business and trying the path of entrepreneurship. Career development is to a large extent dependant on the self-goal set by the person himself and the plan taken up by him or her in order to achieve such goals. The goals have to chosen first, then it has to be examined that what skills are required to reach such goals. Those skills have to be acquired by the individual in the next stage, then the endeavour to apply those skills on ground to achieve the goals have to be done, all these steps constitute a perfect “career development strategy” and can be achieved realistically by developing a PDP or “Personal Development Plan”. Five stages can be identified as a common career of a person, these are “growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance and decline” (Patton and McMahon 2014). This is the traditional view of career development. However, in the postmodern approach it is stated that this whole process can be repeated several times in one’s lifetime. The concepts of career development includes the personal skill analysis to understands in what areas the individual is already skilled in and has to work less, the SWOT analysis of the individual will also enable him or her to understand the weaknesses on which more work has to be done. Depending upon these factors the Personal Development plan can be developed.
Career Development Strategy
As a student of management, and having special interest on “human resource management” I have the necessity to understand what skills I already have depending on which a complete SWOT analysis, or the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat analysis of myself can be done.
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I have a special skill in interacting with people and developing bond fast, which I have seen many of friends cannot do such proficiently. Having interpersonal skills is very necessary for the students of management and this skill cannot be overlooked for the people who are dealing with human resource. Most of the postmodern approach to management deals with the team work structure replacing the traditional individual work window. The team work structure needs the interpersonal skills of a person to be blended in the team properly and not be aloof from team bondage and activities. Work today is not only limited to the workplace, but it is beyond work relationship and more at a human interaction level. In the fields of social work, business, governance and others wherever there is a need of dealing with people, interpersonal skills work (Koprowska 2014).
One of the skills that have helped me in my academic life as well is to complete assigned tasks at the designated time without any delay. I do not procrastinate about work and finish my tasks in the proper time. Every individual has this tendency to not work today and push it for the next day or sometime later (Korkki 2018). This affects the organisation one is working for as well as the individual himself as the works are accumulated. This often leads to a situation where there is too much work and each work gets lesser attention hence the work quality is not good enough. The following is a table of my present skill analysis, which includes skills apart from the already mentioned, and the markings are given out of five.
Transferable Skill
Your Current Level
Level required for study
Level required for future work
Higher level of skill required
Action needed
I do my work on my own and do not require other people to push me
I need to sharpen my skills and give better directions to myself.
I am often not very disciplined about the way I conduct myself in terms of dress, neatness and cleanliness of work desk.
I need to take care of my dressing, workplace and home neatness.
Management of time and resources
I am always on time and utilize my resources to the fullest
At rare occasions, I sometimes do mistake in time management, which I will correct.
Gathering, organizing and deploying evidence, data and information
I am efficient in searching required information and organizing them.
Sometimes I produce excess information, which needs to be corrected.
Identifying and solving problems
I can solve problem on my own but require help in identifying them.
I need to work on identifying problems myself.
Analyzing and evaluating information
If I am given ready information, I can very efficiently analyze them.
There are rare occasions when I need help of superiors, which I need to minimize.
Thinking creatively
I can think creatively if given enough time.
The excess time I require to do creative thinking has to be minimized.
Thinking independently
When it is about my own decisions I can think independently but often I need guidance when I am dealing with my work
I need to work on independence of thought even in my work related matters.
Critical reflection
I can write about myself and my thought processes in detail.
There are parts of me, which I think I still need to understand.
Presenting material orally in a clear and effective way
I am quite good at my oratory skills and can explain about matters in details to people.
Certain technical terms I get confused with, I need to work on them.
Presenting written material clearly and effectively
My oral skills are better than my writing skills, because while writing I often make complex sentences.
I need to simplify my writing style and make it more vivid and descriptive.
Interacting on a one-to-one basis
I consider my interpersonal skills to be one of my best and often my friends and colleagues are amused of the same.
There is room for improving in terms of people who are difficult to communicate with.
Working creatively and flexibly with others
My interpersonal skills help me work efficiently in teams
There are certain people who become wary of my extrovert nature. I need to balance that in order to work better.
Formulating and meeting team objectives
Though I am a good team player but leadership qualities like formulating team objectives are yet to be properly acquired
Leadership is the area I need to work most upon. I am a good team player but not a great team leader.
Using websites and libraries
As already mentioned I can easily search information and organize them. I like to read a lot which helps me in my library surfing.
Sometimes I lack precision and provide excess information, which needs to be corrected.
Observational skills
Because I myself have good interpersonal skills, I can observe people well and understand them.
Sometimes I feel that I judge people wrong. I need to be more precise.
Practical skills
My practical skills are sharpened because of my timely response to activities.
I need to take advice from my teachers and superiors to increase my practical proficiency.
My strength includes as already stated my interpersonal skills which have helped me a lot in my academic life and I am sure it will help in my professional life as well. People can connect with me easily and I am a great team player. Apart from that, my enthusiasm in completing tasks keeps me ahead of my competitors. Often people procrastinate and I complete my tasks at time. I can analyze information given to me very intricately and in details.
My main weakness is my lack of leadership qualities. I am independent and decide for myself, but when it comes to leading a team, I become dependent and I am not confident about myself as a leader. Apart from that, I am not very disciplined and often my work area is very unorganized and shabby. Formulating objectives is difficult for me, but I can easily complete objectives, which are already formulated.
Various opportunities that lie ahead of me are the areas where I can improve. I can improve on my skills to think creatively and independently and be a leader by becoming independent in my thought. I have good oratory kills but my writing skills are not as sharpened on which I can work. My quality about being independent on myself can be utilised to be independent about others and being a leader in the course.
My lack of leadership qualities can be utilized by my competitors to go ahead of me and endeavor in becoming leaders. I need to cultivate leadership as a quality as soon as possible. That apart I need to constantly improve my writing skills and practical knowledge about situations, the lack of which will create major hurdles.
The goals, which are needed to be achieved, are-
- To improve my leadership qualities
- To become a more disciplined person
- To increase written efficiency
- To inculcate practical knowledge
- To become a creative thinker
What is to be done– To become assistant of a team leader, and to understand and learn the process of leading.
What is required—A lot of study on leadership is the requirement.
What is to be done– To become leader of a small team with a supervisor over me who can support me when necessary.
What is required—Knowledge of leading team from an experienced person.
What is to be done—To become the assistant team leader of a big and versatile team.
What is required—Applying for the post, and learning from case studies.
What is to be done—Becoming a full time team leader of a responsible and big team.
What is required—The performance quality as the team leader will make sure that this can be achieved.
What is to be done—To start becoming conscious about the small areas where I can bring changes.
What is needed—Feedback from my near and dear ones of the areas to improve.
What is to be done—Start working on my presentation, dressing and the way people perceive me.
What is required—An updated knowledge about present and trending styles. Preferably, a professional grooming expert can help.
What is to be done—To keep my work place, my room, my immediate surrounding clean and organized.
What is required—Motivation to take the initiative of keeping the workplace and surroundings clean and healthy.
What is to be done—To become an ideally disciplined person whom people will look up to.
What is required—Fulfillment of all the previously mentioned criterions and keeping constantly motivated about being highly disciplined.
What is to be done—To remove the mental barrier of being apprehensive about writing.
What is required—Starting the exercise of writing and understanding the art of writing.
What is to be done—After removing the mental barrier about writing, now it is needed to start writing a lot, so that it becomes a practice.
What is required—Taking up more works which require writing from my academic or professional organization.
What is to be done—Writing quality content in high amount and in high volume.
What is required—The main requirement remains the same to pick up more writing tasks.
What is to be done—Becoming a professional and expert in the art of writing and presenting materials in a written format.
What is required—Creative writing needs to be taken up along with writing for professional purpose.
What is to be done—To understand the difference between theoretical and practical approach.
What is required—Online coarse about practical approach to tasks.
What is to be done—Start planning tasks theoretically then performing them practically.
What is required—A digital format to record daily practical tasks achieved.
What is to be done—Being proficient in practicality in life and preferring practical tasks over theoretical.
What is required—Requirement will remain same as the previous one.
What is to be done—A clear understanding of practical work. Practically going to the field and working will be better preferred than planning and strategizing.
What is required—The main requirement is to balance the theoretical and practical work and not becoming obsessed about one.
What is to be done— Watching films. Reading creative write-ups and novels.
What is required— Films and books.
What is to be done— Trying to start creating creative content by myself. Writing a script or short stories.
What is required— Learning the art of creativity from online sources.
What is to be done— Starting a blog of myself to post creative content.
What is required— An online blog site is needed to be created.
What is to be done— Being expert in the art of creativity and applying that in my studies, work, or leisure activities.
What is required— Consultation from people of the creative field.
The above report on self-management has systematically made a clear plan for me to develop myself as an individual and to upgrade my career substantially. It is important for human resource managers to understand oneself to improve the skills of managing others. The personal skill analysis, then the personal SWOT analysis, and ultimately the Personal Development Plan (PDP) made depending on the former two will help me to understand myself as a person and a professional in a better way. This will provide clear direction to me regarding my immediate and future plans.
Beardwell, J. and Thompson, A., 2014. Human resource management: a contemporary approach. Pearson Education.
Koprowska, J., 2014. Communication and interpersonal skills in social work. Learning Matters.
Korkki, Phyllis. 2018. “Procrastinating At Work? Maybe You’Re Overwhelmed”. Nytimes.Com.
Lent, R.W., Ezeofor, I., Morrison, M.A., Penn, L.T. and Ireland, G.W., 2016. Applying the social cognitive model of career self-management to career exploration and decision-making. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 93, pp.47-57.
Lent, Robert W., Glenn W. Ireland, Lee T. Penn, Taylor R. Morris, and Ryan Sappington. “Sources of self-efficacy and outcome expectations for career exploration and decision-making: A test of the social cognitive model of career self-management.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 99 (2017): 107-117.
Livingstone, Rob. 2018. “Build Career Resilience”. The Sydney Morning Herald.
Patton, W. and McMahon, M., 2014. Career development and systems theory: Connecting theory and practice (Vol. 2). Springer.
Snell, S.A., Morris, S. and Bohlander, G.W., 2015. Managing human resources. Nelson Education.
The Guardian. 2018. “Keeping Your Professional Development Continuous”. The Guardian.
Tyson, S., 2014. Essentials of human resource management. Routledge.
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