Self-Managed Learning And Personal And Professional Development

Approaches to self-managed learning

LO1 Understand how self-managed learning can enhance lifelong development

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1.1 Evaluate approaches to self-managed learning

1.2 Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged

1.3 Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organisation

LO2 Be able to take responsibility for own personal and professional development

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2.1 Evaluate own current skills and competencies against professional standards and organisational objectives

2.2 Identify own development needs and the activities required to meet them

2.3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs

2.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs

LO3 Be able to implement and continually review own personal and professional development plan

3.1 Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan

3.2 Undertake and document development activities as planned

3.3 Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan

3.4 Update the development plan based on feedback and evaluation

LO4 Be able to demonstrate acquiredinterpersonal and transferable skills

4.1 Select solutions to work-based problems

4.2 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels

4.3 Evaluate and use effective time management strategies.

Self-managed learning represents a process of management. There are various benefits for individuals who get involved in the process of self-managed learning.

LO1: Understand how self- managed learning can enhance lifelong development

Evaluate Approaches to the Self Managed Learning

Meta learning: Self-managed learning helps give rise to Meta learning. Meta learning is being conscious and taking better control of one’s own learning. It can assist in bringing about an essential and required change. Attaining new information, expertise and proficiency will be immaterial if employees do not transform their mindsets. Learning to discover, consider and recognizing assets is as a result more significant than just have bookish knowledge or content which continuously alters. (Klosowski, 2015)

Strategic Learning: In all the time, multifaceted and swift moving business setting the employees are continually foreseeing, riding alternating and having an effect in the long term course of the organization. Self-managed learning coordinates administration and learning.

Collaborative learning: The association of every person in the learning of its peers is an essential constituent of self-managed learning.

Motivational Learning: By allowing learners to recognize their individual targets, assets and prospects, self-managed learning straightway meets up advanced wants and also fulfills the requirement of self-actualization described in a Maslow need hierarchy.

Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged

Ways to encourage lifelong learning

Read books and relevant material

Always prepare things to do list

Have intellectual company

Guide Others

Reduce Assumptions and negative thoughts

Follow tasks that encourage learning

These above mentioned different learning styles should be known to all the individuals and they should then recognize their own individual learning style and apply in their daily lives accordingly. My style of learning is learning by way of social interaction. People who are socially inclined should mingle with other people and make them learn and people who like to be alone should go for self-study. Through self-managed learning the employees can guide their own selves through learning to carry on to expand their inventory of expertise without being dependent on any other individual to direct the learning process.  (Garrow, 1998)

Learning to the individual

Through self-managed learning, the people can control and be aware about their learning

Employees can take the choice of what they wish to learn and in what way.

It can help in the advancement of the employees

The individual can master new expertise, knowledge and behaviors with the help of the organization. (Flatworldknowledge Team, 2014)

Benefits of Self-Directed Learning to the organization

Self-directed learning can aid in recognizing the key individuals of the organization. This process involves an idea. Individuals who take up their own Self development program are motivated, positive, innovative and self assured. Thereby, they substantiate enthusiasm, concentration and behaviors in their work like those of key players. (Kukreja, 2014)

Self-directed learning can be put into practice with negligible expenditure.

Many learning programs do not cost anything. The Project cost is almost negligible. For example, rather than spending on travelling, participation salaries, instructors’ fees the organization spends on very prudent costs like a book, a course fee etc. The cost is incurred on an individual basis rather than incurring the cost on a big group of participants.

2.1 Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organization 

Observation Skills

I don’t have great observation, but an effective leader has strong observation. He can sense and identify issues or problems which exist in the system or in the organization.


An effective performer should be mentally alert. We have to keep ourselves where we can make the greatest contribution to our organizations and communities. But, I feel I am not that alert.


Success and profits are never planned; they come when we are ready to accept opportunities. An effective manager should have the ability to see and access Company’s future while their staff members are only focused on their work and much narrower. A leader will view things differently and access opportunities to grow.  (Revenaugh, 2010)

Benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organization

The Power to face adversity

An effective manager should have the skills to face adversity or tough time a company faces. He should have the ability to take charge of any type of loss. I am really afraid to face such kind of adversity as it needs lots of courage and self-control.

Decision Making

An effective leader should have great decision making power as he needs to identify the right strengths and competencies a company should work in. With his good decision making power he can direct the organization towards success.


It is very important for a leader to prioritize his tasks as he needs to identify his strength and focus on it. Prioritize will help to complete and focus on the really important aspects first and then move on towards less important tasks.

Clear Vision

Understanding our real strengths and competitive advantage can be done only by a leader who has a clear vision of what to do.

2.2 Identify own development needs and the activities required to meet them

In order to meet the above listed all the time management strategies and good organization skills are required to be imbibed. I also need to be more assertive in both my one to one communication and communication at large.  (The University of Edinburgh , 2015)

All the above skills come when a person has faced awkward situations or have enough experience in his career. As this is beginning of my career, I feel I have a lot to learn further too.  And I would be ready to explore any opportunity that comes my way.  (Root, 2015)

2.3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs 

I would like to further develop my learning socially by doing group assignments, or any challenging assignments which I have never tried before.

By learning about self-development learning, I am motivated to work on the skills that I have in me and needs to be polished.  (Ferriman, 2013)

2.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs 

Managing Self – Anger, Jealousy, and Anxiety

I feel that I get irritated very easily because of small issues. When I compare myself with others, it creates jealousy and I lose my focus on work.

Increasing Observation Skills – I feel that I have a low observation and I can’t sense or identify issues or problems at the right time. This quality is very much important for a leader. (University of Bath, 2016)

Evaluating own skills and competencies

Boosting Decision Making Power – I feel that I don’t have confidence to make decisions. Wise decision comes with experience and practice.

Time Management Skills – I feel that I lag in prioritizing work which leads to delay in deadline of an assignment

3.1 Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan

3.2 Undertake and document development activities as planned

To understand deeply that there are unexpected situations which will always come so not become irritated or anxious. Every person has their own qualities and process of learning so never to compare your colleagues. I shall discuss feelings with a reliable or stable person and take guidance from them whenever required. Follow relaxation techniques.

Train your brain, as I am not in the habit of searching or exploring each and everything in detail. But when I will practice to analyze things in detail I will explore new and unexpected issues

Challenge to pay attention to new things will boost my observation skills. I will make sure I closely watch new things and take advice from learned people.

Practice arithmetic problems on observation and patterns.

Reading a newspaper regularly

Talk to an expert before taking any decision. Research on its facts and figures effectively.

Won’t delay too much before taking a decision, but will devote minimum required time

Before the start of the day, I will make a list of tasks which are utmost important and which are to be first

All list of tasks would be noted in a notebook and its status against it would be noted

Will Start Early will help to finish my tasks on time

My focus on work will increase.

I will start feeling more content and satisfied

I will become more creative

I will be able to explore new issues and my area of thinking and knowledge will increase

I will feel more confident while taking decisions

I Will become ready to face the consequences of my decision whether it is positive or negative

All my tasks will be finished on time

Work will be finished with efficiency and productivity

Stress will reduce.

I will make sure that I update my strategies based on outputs and my improvement. Feedbacks would be taken from my intellectual friends, teachers and my seniors. By proper guidance I will update my PDP regularly after 1 month.

4.1 Select solutions to work-based problems 

British Airways also primarily had work related issues but since 1983 self-management learning principles are used in their in-house training programs. Every manager has his own areas which help in having a say in the key results which help in achieving their targets. There is a British airline young professional program which is made to facilitate the airline top graduate entry to: –

Identifying own development needs and activities

Identify their key results

Find out how to achieve these

Review their performance while working on the results

There was a problem residential care for older age in social service department. The manager is very autocratic. There are strict rules and regulations which were to be abided by. The people are therefore not happy and are always seen complaining. The solution to this problem is that management course for self-learning should be initiated which would provide: –

The autonomy of heads of homes

The excellence of the self-esteem will be experienced by the elderly in the house. (Mossman, 2013)

The role of communication is of paramount importance in the business environment. The three types of communication i.e. verbal, written and non-verbal should be wisely used at all levels in a business environment.

Verbal Communication

Verbal communications are oral communications. An important form of communication is storytelling. It helps to create common meaning for all employees.

Written Communication

Written communications can be in the form of a memorandum, application, e-mails, correspondence, training manuals, and guidelines. They can be either in print or may appear on the screen.

Nonverbal Communication

The gestures, interaction time, which the employees take and dress of the individual states which individual is generally doing well in the job.

Example: Posture, eye contact, space, facial expression. (Notesdesk Team, 2012)

Apart from communication Time Management Strategies, help individuals in performing efficiently in their jobs

Preparing beforehand: The task at hand, which, when planned one day before it gives good results as the subconscious mind works over the goals and plans overnight and insightful ideas are produced the next day.

Time Scheduling: Scheduling and organizing the time properly increases productivity of the individual and helps in increasing self-esteem.

Starting Early: The time one takes to think and plan will help in improving the productivity of the individual at the later stage. All successful persons have good organizational skills.

Increasing Productivity at the ones most important Time: There should be the best utilization of one’s prime time, when the individual is most alert and productive. (Chapman & Michael Rupured, 2008)

Chapman, S. W. & Michael Rupured, 2008. Time Management, US: s.n.

Ferriman, J., 2013. Major Learning Styles – Which One are You?. Major Learning Styles, 17 May.

Flatworldknowledge Team, 2014. Different Types of Communication and Channels. [Online]
Available at:

Garrow, V., 1998. Self Managed Learning: Development for the 21st Century, s.l.: mbsportal.

Klosowski, T., 2015. How to Boost Your Observation Skills and Learn to Pay Attention. How to Boost Your Observation Skills and Learn to Pay Attention, 01 August.

Kukreja, R., 2014. 10 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills. 10 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills.

Mossman, A., 2013. Self Managed Learning in Organisations, s.l.: s.n.

Notesdesk Team, 2012. Types of Communication. [Online]
Available at:

Revenaugh, K., 2010. 10 ways to improve your observation skills (and your career), part III. 10 ways to improve your observation skills , 08 April.

Root, G. N., 2015. Examples of Employee Development Activities. [Online]
Available at:

Skiff, D., 2009. Benefits of Self-Directed Learning: Organization. Benefits of Self-Directed Learning:, 29 June.

The University of Edinburgh , 2015. Identifying learning and development activities. Identifying learning and development activities, 21 March.

University of Bath, 2016. Personal Development Planning (PDP). [Online]
Available at:

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