Self Awareness For Career Strategy: Personality, Values, Emotional Intelligence & Leadership

Big Five Personality Model

Discuss about the Self Awareness for Career Strategy.

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To have a planned career strategy is very vital. It shall help one to properly manage and work towards the direction of the goal fulfillment, and help to achieve whatever is expected or planned in a better and economical plus timely manner (International Limited, 2001). Strong fundamentals related to the career planning are what the great strategies are made upon. The absolute excellent results are due to strong fundamentals and complete follow-up in the each assignment. These are required to be very structured, or one may need just a few of the notes in each of the areas – like skills, knowledge and the qualities, what we like to do and the kind of jobs which interest us. The Self-assessment assists us carefully understand the personal as well as the career goals, preferences, our interests, weaknesses, and strengths.

The case where the personality of a person who is concerned and connected to that task do not match the job, in such a kind of situations everyone, loses out. The main Big 5 Personality Traits Model is supposed to assist, as a manner to measure the most advanced dimensions of the personality. After complete understanding of the dimensions, one shall be able to understand all kinds of roles which is expected to fulfil completely and in a comprehensive manner. 

According to Psychology David Buss, the evolutionary explanation for the 5 core personality traits shall carefully represent the most significant qualities which shape the social landscape.
The Big 5 Personality Traits Model that calculates the 5 main key dimensions of the personality’s development for me are as follows:
Complete Openness: Through this personality trait will develop the imagination or the intellect. Refer this measures the level of the creativity, and also the desire for the knowledge plus the new and innovative experiences (Neal et al., 2011).
Conscientiousness – It looks at each and every level which refers to the care one is required to take in life and work. If in case one scores very high in the conscientiousness, one is required to be organized, and we are to know how to formulate plans and thus follow them carefully. If we score less/low, we are likely to be disorganized and lax.
Introversion/Extraversion – Such dimension comprehensively measures the level of sociability. Are we quiet or outgoing? Do we draw proper energy out from a crowd, or do we find it complex and hard to work and be in and around others.
Agreeableness – It looks at the level of kindness and friendliness which we do possess for others. Do we have the sense of empathy? Can we sympathize and have faith and politeness for/with others.
Natural Reactions – It calculates the level of emotions. Do we react in a negative manner to the bad news and also do we yell at our colleagues, or do we react under such circumstances calmly? Do we worry a lot about all kinds of small details, or do we feel relaxed under some kinds of the stressful situations (Neal et al., 2011). 

Values and Motivators

The values are the basic qualities which are considered as the most significant guiding principles which assist in setting up the priorities in our life and career. These are the highly personal as well as the well-defined ones which are purposeful plus the meaningful to us. Such values may alter in response to the change in life’s situation and circumstances. These are generally thought to be the enduring one and also provide a comprehensive compass in order to set up goals and also for the decisions making. In the context of a career, where the alterations occur very fast and also the decisions refer the opportunities in the present work role or the new job opportunities may present themselves under many unexpected situations, it is considered as most critical to mute and also reflect on the significant values which are essential to us. (Silvia and Phillips, 2013)
Intrinsic Values: It refers to the specific thing which motivates me to comprehensively and completely love my job/work? Among the list of such values are the Giving to Community, Achievement, Independence, Status, and the Power.
Work Environment Values: It refers to what working situations/conditions provide an optimum and complete environment in which we can do our best job? The Work Environment and its Values do include the learning, Fast-Paced, Benefits, Structure, Comfortable Income and much more.
Work Content Values: Fact which makes the job activities the most engaging and also most satisfying to me? Among the all eighteen values refer this area are the values like the Problem Solving, Public Contact, Organizing, Creative and the Detailed.
Work Relationship Values: Which characteristics of the interaction with other people in the job place/workplace are considered as the most significant to me? The work Relationship Values does have in it the Diversity, Open Communication, Teamwork, Leadership, Trust and the Competition (Silvia, 2002).
Main 4 elements which make up the sense of motivation:
Complete personal drive so as to achieve, the acute desire to further improve or also to meet the various companies standards;
Comprehensive commitment to the personal and also the organizational goals and aims;
The Initiative, which has been defined as ‘the readiness or the eagerness to act on the available opportunities’; and
Optimism, the capability or the ability to always keep going plus to pursue the goals in the face of all kinds of the setbacks which come in the way.

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Self-regulation, Self-awareness or the Self-management and the Motivation.The term Self-motivation includes the personal drive so as to achieve and also improve the commitment towards the set goals, readiness and willingness to act upon the opportunities, initiative, and the optimism plus the resilience (Silvia, 2002).
The Self-awareness is considered as the basic skill of being totally aware regarding the understanding of the self-emotions as these happen and as they also does evolve. The effective self-assessment refers the feelings and the complete emotions shall assist to comprehensively improve the self-esteem and the confidence. When it is learned to be completely aware of our emotions, the concerned skill of the self-regulation shall for sure relate to the managing of them very proportionately and very appropriately (Fernández-Berrocal and Checa, 2016).
The self-management skills do relate with the emotions we do feeling at a given time or also in the case of any given situations/circumstance and it also concerns that in what better manner we deem and manage them. The self-control has been the fundamental part which concerns this, but the other aspects do relate to the activity or the outcome which we show at that time: If we behave in a way that is considered as ‘good’ or not. (Herbst, Maree and Sibanda, 2008)

Emotional Intelligence

All aspiration is the ultimate desires to take on the challenges, responsibilities and the rewards which are typically demonstrated by the management people in the top roles.
In order to demonstrate the aspiration,  I will proactively get connected to the  manager and may ask to think about to take on a latest assignment which is much more challenging than all the concerned those she has typically worked on, or one which requires much more personal kinds of the accountability, responsibility or the decision making. What’s main and important here is that Iwill take the first initiative and also do identifies herself to the immediate manager as the one who is willing and also ready for much more kinds of difficult and complex challenges?
The ability is basically the combination of the innate characteristics plus the learned skills
Emily has got an easy-going personality which makes her a very natural kind of person when it refers to the dealing with clients. Over the last few years, she’s has been totally augmenting this as the innate characteristic with complete and also the learned skills, thus she’s become habitual at alone managing the complex or the tough conversations with the clients (Scott, 2008). In the present situation will carefully handle clients queries and complaints in a responsive and calm manner, and also deliver some very exceptional customer facilities and services.

The engagement is considered as the employee’s rational and the emotional commitment, intent to stay and the discretionary effort.
Leadership shall help me to become a very high performer. It shall ensure that we do provide much advanced and better facilities to the clients we deal into, we shall also opt for a change of role after working in an single particular field for around two years and the change shall help us learn more and work for the organisation in a better manner and explore the professional qualities that we have. We are required to inform our immediate boss that we need to shift to another sphere of job work and the manager if feels convinced shall transfer us to another job segment which shall help us gain more knowledge and be a better worker in all the spheres of the task (Sculfor, 2015).

Power has always been considered as the ability or the potential to influence the making of the decisions and also to properly control the resources of each and every segment. The organizational politics has been defined as the informal approaches so as to gain the power by means other than just the luck or the merit. Influence resembles the power, but on the other hand, it also tends to be much more indirect and subtle.
Power — the use of the power is in order to achieve the constructive ends refer the sake of all kinds of the personal gains and the aggrandizement. It is increased by the establishing of the procedures and the policies which enhance the scope of the position’s control (Fleming and Spicer, 2008).


This is also to be noted that the excessive politics plus the influence tactics may certainly harm the organization and also its members. The basic manners to control such activities do rely on the objective measures of the performance which is tied to the significant goals of the organization.

The proper decision-making is considered as the act of making a choice between the 2 or even more courses of action plans.
The decisions are required to be capable of implemented, though on some organizational or personal level. We do, therefore, require being totally committed so as to take decision personally.

Refer the career planning shall apply the below stated/following 2 theories :

The Holland’s Theory — Most of the employees and the work environments are capable of being categorized by the 6 types–  Aims and targets of the instrument like the Interest profiler plus the Self-Directed Search, is looking to be defined as the individual’s Holland Code. This  theory is basically the underlying  of the foundation refer the interpretation and the assessment guidelines, some examples of the assessment that are based on the Holland’s Theory are the Campbell Interest, the Interest Profiler and also the Career Liftoff, the Skill Survey, Exploration, Interest Determination and the Assessment system (Jiang, 2014).
The Super’s Theory — The career development of an individual is in a true sense divided into so many of the development stages, and each of the stages has a big list of the specific works which are required to be accomplished during that particular stage. At the time when the works of the given stage are completed, the individual is mature and completely and developmentally on the schedule thus, it is much more likely to be completed by the tasks of next life’s stage (Lee and Paradowski, 2007). Though, individuals are developmentally off the immature or the schedule and also may have complexities in the stages of life to follow. 


Refer the discussion which has been explained above this is evident that the proper planning, strategy making and carefully implementation and follow-up of those plans are significant and these targets shall for sure achieved if proper control is also administered. All of the 5 personality models, the values, and the motivators are all significant; the leadership quality is also required to be properly input so as to make the targets look easy and achievable. The power and the politics approaches are also to be handled with due diligence and control. At last the planning is to be tracked at regular interval and the decision making is to be given proper importance. The leadership qualities and applying the personality traits, the decision making with the help of the decision making theories also in a great way help in the achievement of the career growth and to overcome the weaknesses which are faced by me during the self assessment of the job. 


Fernández-Berrocal, P. and Checa, P. (2016). Editorial: Emotional Intelligence and Cognitive Abilities.Frontiers in Psychology, 7.

Fleming, P. and Spicer, A. (2008). Beyond Power and Resistance: New Approaches to Organizational Politics. Management Communication Quarterly, 21(3), pp.301-309.

Herbst, H., Maree, J. and Sibanda, E. (2008). Emotional intelligence and leadership abilities. South African Journal of Higher Education, 20(5).

International Limited, L. (2001). Developing Your Career: A Condensed Selfâ€Âstudy Learning System20015 Developing Your Career: A Condensed Selfâ€Âstudy Learning System . Aldershot: Gower 1999. 188 pp., ISBN: ISBN 0 566 08267 5 (looseleaf – ringbound) £80.00. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 22(2), pp.88-92.

Jiang, Z. (2014). Emotional Intelligence and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy: National and Gender Differences. Journal of Employment Counseling, 51(3), pp.112-124.

Lee, M. and Paradowski, M. (2007). Group Decision-Making on an Optimal Stopping Problem. The Journal of Problem Solving, 1(2).

Neal, A., Yeo, G., Koy, A. and Xiao, T. (2011). Predicting the form and direction of work role performance from the Big 5 model of personality traits. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(2), pp.175-192.

Scott, J. (2008). Visual representations in problem solving and decision-making. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 9(3), p.266.

Sculfor, V. (2015). Developing your career in information. Business Information Review, 32(4), pp.231-234.

Silvia, P. (2002). Self-Awareness and the Regulation of Emotional Intensity. Self and Identity, 1(1), pp.3-10.

Silvia, P. and Phillips, A. (2013). Self-awareness Without Awareness? Implicit Self-focused Attention and Behavioral Self-regulation. Self and Identity, 12(2), pp.114-127.

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