Self-Awareness And Organizational Behavior: A Psychological Analysis

Personality and Its Models

The aim of this report is to discuss self-awareness factors under the light of many theories and models which are associated with formation of organizational couture. This report has effectively analyzed all the psychological dimensions which build the mentality of the person for working in a current organization. Personality, Values and Motivators, Emotional intelligence, Leadership, Power and Politics have been discussed effectively and these are all connected with ideal organizational behavior. In this referred personal experience of decision making and planning with the support of the problem solving and decision-making theories have also been discussed. These factors have mainly focused on the organizational behavior and make the individuals ready to cope up with the factors of the organizational behavior (Blewitt et al. 2018). These are the basic psychological aspects of the individuals which are important to be judged so that they can overcome the weaknesses of their own personalities and properly utilize their strengths. Based on different models and theories, the report will be discussing various facets of managerial actions and decision-making process.

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Thesis statement: Individual’s psychological aspect directly connects their efficiency in their workplace.

This report will discuss different aspects od self of an individual which will be supported by relevant theories and models. This report will conclude with the discussion of decisions making and planning aspect and all of these will have link with personal career choice. 


Personality is a combination of the characteristics as well as qualities which form the character of the distinctive person. This psychology of personality attempts to study the differences and similarities of the individuals and groups (Blewitt et al. 2018).  It is combination of emotion, behavior, motivation and thinking pattern which define the personality of the persons. In this regard two distinctive models namely, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Big Five Personality Model help the individuals to identify the features of their personalities. From the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator I have identified some of the major factors of my own personality which manipulate my behaviors with others, thinking process and actions. This particular model has four pairs based on which I have identified my personal traits. In the Extrovert vs. Introvert factor I have shown inclination to the extroverts which means I gain energy and knowledge from the people and things around me through proper communication and understanding. In the Sensing vs Intuition factors, I have showed inclination towards the sensing dimension which reveals that I pay attention to my own experience and depend on what my senses tell me to do (Iosup et al. 2017). In the Thinking vs Feeling dimension I have score high in the thinking factor which means I prefer to make decisions only after thinking logically and rationally. Finally, in the Judging vs Perception dimension I have scored more in the judgment features which has made me quite organized about everything. Being influenced by this feature I prefer to plan in detail before any making any decision and action.  

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Effectiveness of Individual’s Psychological Aspects

Values and Motivators:

The effectiveness of the individuals largely depends upon the personality, attitudes and values and motivation. This is due to the fact that these factors directly connect the motivation of his or her success (Dierdorff et al. 2018). These factors also help the management to understand the characteristics of the employees which is a very crucial factor for the successful operation of the organizations. The values of motivators help the management to mitigate any type of conflicts among the employees regarding any issues (Caldwell and Hayes 2016). Through proper recognition as well as appreciation of one another’s characteristics as well as constraints, both the employees and organizations can form a highly beneficial connection to mitigate any type of organizational issues.

Values of an individual are the basic conventions based on which a specific mode of conduct is shown to the opposite one. These values vary by cohort and provides great understanding of the cultural attitudes, behaviors and motivating factors (Wang et al. 2016). These influence the perception of the people around us and represent good or bad about the opposite conduct. In case of career option selection process, I found importance of managerial job to be higher as this incur respect of people around us due to its intense responsibility factors and seriousness.

Emotional intelligence:

Emotional intelligence refers to the capability of the individuals for recognizing their persona emotions as well as those of the others around them. Under this concept, the individuals, discern between the different feelings as well as label them accurately. These factors are granted to be the guiding factors for thinking and behavior and manage as well as adjust the emotions for adopting with the external environment to achieve personal and professional goals.    According to the ability model of Salovey and Mayer, the conception of emotional intelligence is a cognitive ability which is associated with the general intelligence. This specific model is consisted of four different abilities which includes perception of the emotion, emotional facilitation, unsettling of emotions and managing the emotions. These abilities are ordered from the basic to higher order abilities that develop as people matures. The emotional intelligence had two opposite effects both negative and positive. The positive effects are associated with the expansion of the thinking process, generation of newer ideas and encouragement to consider different possibilities.

In my case, strategic emotions work better than that of experiential one. In this aspect I understand emotions and able to manage these to get the best of any decision and actions. I sue my emotions to motivate me to manage anger, fear, sadness, disgust and joy so that my personal as well as professional life do not get affected by the over display of emotions. In choosing my career options, I have never ignored my emotions but tried to amalgamate emotion with the desire to become a manager of a reputed company. 

Values of an Individual


In this current business setting the leadership quality in the mangers is a mandatory matter. In this regard I need to judge the qualities of the leaders to match the requirement of the jobs. First of all, it is to be understood that the managers completely depend upon the employees of the companies. This is the reason why I feel that the leaders must be responsible to the employees as they are related directly in the production of the firms. Therefore, two most important style of leadership have gained importance. One is the transactional leadership model and another is the transformational leadership model (Wang et al. 2016). From the efficiency dimension, transformational leadership is much more efficient than that of transactional leadership model. The later model largely depends upon the contingent rewards to motivate the employees rather than inspire them through intellectual simulation and idealized influence. However, I prefer the transformational leadership style as I think is quite difficult but gives a far-reaching effect on the employees. I am a good communicator which is one of the most important factors of applying leadership styles. I prefer to apply the authentic leadership upon the subordinates as I respect their values and understanding and make decisions ethically but not ignoring their own interests. I possess the capabilities to change the attitudes and behaviors of the employees so that the workforce can be utilized effectively. I prefer to give personal attention to my subordinates and treat the employees individually. I can effectively communicate high expectations and use symbols for focusing efforts to express important purposes in the simplest ways. I am capable to foresee the result of what will be there with in the limited period of time. I am willing to take risks to overcome any problems in the present. I am sensitive to the followers’ needs as well as environmental issues so that I can make decisions based on the requirement of the situations. Therefore, it can be said that I can become an effective leader to perform my duty as the manager of the firms.

Power and Politics:

The power and politics of the organization is possessed by one chief group which operates in the center of the organizations. There are five sources of power which includes Legitimate power which is also referred to as positional power, Expert Power, Coercive Power, Referent power and the Reward Power. Based on these powers the leaders of the organizations manipulate the employees effectively so that the employees can be influenced and utilized effectively. in each of the organizations has hierarchy either formal or informal (Wambugu 2014). The employees when see accumulation of power in the managers respect and obey them. In some cases, the senior employee possess power who use them to share knowledge and build community within the organizations. Organizational politics is the informal approaches for gaining power through means other than merit. The influence on the other hand, resembles power bur tends to be subtler as well as indirect.

Emotional Intelligence

To me the power and politics of the organization are two unavoidable factors which no manager can effectively avoid (Hibbert and Cunliffe 2015). As an effective manager of a firm one need to effectively use their power to employee the organizational politics inn a positive way so that the employees not only get the best resources but also feel attached with the operations of the organizations. 

Each of the persons in this world come across different types of problems for which they need to make decisions and overcome the situation. The pressing situation makes the people overwhelmed with the problem, stressed and anxious thus make wrong decisions (Trujillo 2014). However, in the organizations making there is no place for mistake because one wrong decision can harm the operation of the company hugely. In this respect, decision theory is important to understand for the managers so that they do not make any wrong decision based on bias or misunderstanding. Decision theory refers to the process of determining and measuring the decisions choices among the available alternatives (Iosup et al. 2017). This determines the optimal decision. Two important theories of decision making and planning can be discussed which include the rational decision theory and behavioral decision theory. This rational decision theory is also known as rational choice theory. It is mainly based on the maximization of the own benefits in one hand and minimizing those factors which can affect them. Under this theory, the decision maker makes choices in relating to both their objectives as well as the means for attaining those goals. This theory holds that the individuals need to anticipate the results of the alternative courses of actions then calculate which one is the best fit of themselves as demonstrated by Caldwell and Hayes (2016). The people who prefer for the rational choice theory, mainly choose those alternatives which give the greatest satisfaction. Some of the socialists often argue that the social change takes place only when the member of the society makes some rational choices. The assumptions of the rational decision-making process include problem clarity, known options, clear references, constant preferences, constant preferences, maximum pay and cost constraints.

On the other hand, consensus decision making model refers to a creative and dynamic method of reaching agreement between all the members of one particular group. According to Caldwell and Hayes (2016), this theory the group develop and agree in support of one particular decision which will be the best for the interest of all. The feature of this theory has a collaborative, cooperative, egalitarian. Inclusive and participatory nature (Sendjaya et al. 2016). This theory ensures that all the ideas, opinions and concerns will be considered as this decision is mainly made in the groups. Under this particular theory, no decision is made against the will of any individual. In case he significant concerns remain unsettled; the proposal is then blocked as well as prevented from processing. According to this theory therefore, each and every team member are to be present in the decision-making process and work hard to find the solution of any type of problems (Hibbert and Cunliffe 2015). Thus, they reach one decision by addressing everyone’s concerns rather than ignoring and overruling the minority concerns.


Individual problem-solving factors:

For utilizing the decision making and planning theories it is important to understand the personal background as well as needs based on which the individuals can plan, solve issues and make decisions. These factors change with the changes of attitude of solving problems. The individuals make their decisions (Rodríguez et al. 2016). though the process of constructing some simplified models which actually extract the most important factors from the problems but do not capture all their complexities. There are some common biases which constraint the process of smooth problem solving. However, in this regard the consensus decision making model is more important as this helps the individuals to think from different perspectives (Sendjaya et al. 2016). This also helps to share power overcoming all types of bias and take a collective control over the decisions. as this theory build proper connection among the communities, the problem of biasness on the basis of religion, culture and gender cannot create constraints in the smooth operation of the businesses. In detailing the personally relevant factor, I have seen that this also helps the management to reduce the conflict among the employees as this encourage all the people in an organization to take active part in the decision-making process thus protect the minority needs and opinions. Despite the fact that through this model, a formal hierarchical organization or society can never be possible but in this informal hierarchy, the power distance is reduced which leads to abolition of control and dominance. The communities of the group members work at their will and be honest in their action as well as practices. 

Career problem solving: 

In choosing career, the geographic location, paid or unpaid nature, opportunity for training and development, opportunity for ongoing employment created issues for me (Rodríguez et al. 2016). I resided in the remote area of the country from where choosing right occupation was not possible. This is the reason why I made decision on the basis of the discussion of my family members and friends who have early expertise in such case. This was successful I wanted to judge every aspect of my career and decide which way I should go. I also consulted about the opportunity for ongoing employment in the region where I resided but I did not find any job satisfactory to my will and interests. As it was my focus to enter the management profession, I discussed with the members about opportunity for training and development so that I could peruse the career I always wanted. As a result of this detailed discussion I was able to decide the university for management studies and followed this path. This is how consensus decision making model could help m e in my personal life in decision making but choosing one path from variety of options.

Power and Politics


Therefore, it can be concluded that the insights about the self is one of the most important factors for becoming successful in life. This include the psychological factors like Personality, Values and Motivators, Emotional intelligence, Leadership, Power and Politics which are important in operating successfully in an organizational setting. With proper knowledge of these factors, the individuals can effectively grow talents to effective decision making as well as planning. These help the employees to cope up with the issues commonly faced in the business and transform their weaknesses to their strengths. 


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