Selection And Recruitment Strategies For DataTech

Selection process overview

DataTech, which is one of the data management company have proposed some of the recruitment method for recruiting people with different job positions. The recruitment methods that are proposed by the company is quite helpful for analyzing the ability of the candidates to fit in the specific job position. However, it is identified that the selections methods does not provide appropriate indication about the efficiency of subsequent job. The paper reflects on selection tools that are quite significant for filtering various applicants with more potential for so that they can succeed within their job position.

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The report mainly focusses on the selection process for recruiting the candidates and reviews the validity as well as reliability of various selection tools. The paper also proposed timeline as well as budget that is needed for completing the recruitment possible successfully. In addition to this, the paper evaluates various recruitment as well as selection strategies. 

Resume application and Forms review is one of the selection process with which the recruitment for the required job positions can be conducted. It is identified that implementation of various recruitment methods are very much helpful in generating high number of applications. The resume applications that are submitted are generally reviewed properly in order to identify the right applicants for the needed job position. It is very much important to follow some of the critical steps while reviewing the resume applications as well as forms reviews in order to ensure that right candidate for the job positions of DataTech is recruited. The critical steps that are needed includes focusing on keywords, ascertaining motives as well as extracting any type of quantifiable data by making sure that proper relevant information about the experiences are provided. It is argued by () that stepwise review of resume application as well as forms are necessary so that  the applicants resume will be reviewed successfully in order to select the right individuals for the required job positions.

Reference and background checks

The second method of selection process is reference or background check, which is mainly done in order to get proper insight on the applicants skill, abilities as well as knowledge in order to make sure that the information that is provided on the resume of the applicants are correct. It is opined by () that it is necessary to get proper benefit by using the method of reference checks and it is very much necessary to make proper questions with appropriate notes. The candidates are benefited with reference checks only in the last round of the interview so that it can be properly ensured that the candidate have proper experience as well as skills in that specific job roles.  Additionally, it is necessary to check the relative suitability of the candidates before the process of reference checks are generally conducted. 

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Resume application and forms review

While conducting the initial application as well as reference check, it is very much necessary to select appropriate tools as well as methods in order to minimize the chances of applicant pool. It is very much important to select the right tool for selecting employees for the required job roles. It is found that shortlisting the applicants is a process that will employ various tools in order to have a suitable list of applicants. The tools that are needed are mainly listed in the table below. It is identified that the table generally reflects on the various selection tools, their cost, reliability as well as validity.



Predict Validity


Data Entry Operator

Data Entry leader

Database Admin

Help Desk Operator

Senior librarian

Structured Interviews



$30 per interviewee






Assessment centers



$ 1300






Ability test



$ 750






Occupational Personality Questionnaire  test

0.85 to 0.95


$ 30 per each interviewee






According to () recruiting yield pyramid tool is mainly used by the mangers for calculating the number of applicants that is required to be generated for hiring the new employees. 

The Recruitment yield pyramid can be represented in ratios for hiring specific positions. The examples of recruiting yield Pyramid for various job positions are provided in the table above.

BBI or behavioral based interview is mainly undertaken for measuring various behavioral competencies by reviewing information from the past experiences of the applicants for determining if they are suitable for the job position or not. The main purpose of behavioral based Interview is review the applicants for checking their suitability for the job role.

It was opined by () that reliability of BBI is around 0.71 while its validity is around 0.54. It is analyzed that behavioral interviews generally have high validities when it is compared with various unstructured interviews. In addition to this, it is quite better for predicting various supervisory roles in context to job performance.

The Behavioral based interviews are mainly conducted in-house interviewers of the company who are very much trained as well as qualified. Therefore, DataTech Company mainly conducts BBI recruitment procedure so that they can easily analyze the behaviors of the applicants.

As with the help of behavioral based interviews, the past-experiences of the applicants are generally measured. The relevancy of the selection tool can be analyzed by the significant information that is determined about the candidates. In context to job, analysis, BBI generally suggests that it is very much advantageous in selecting candidates for the role of the data entry operator by measuring all the needed competencies. Some of the competencies that are generally measured include leadership capabilities, supervisory behavioral as well as other core competencies for the job roles.

Reference or background check

Critical reasoning test is mainly undertaken in order to check the cognitive ability of the individual. According to (), cognitive ability tests are generally considered as the predictors of job performance. Moreover, critical reasoning helps in reflecting that it helps the organizational in cutting the cost that is associated with labor by enhancing the overall workforce productivity.

Acer Test of Abstract reasoning is one of the selection tool that is proposed by Data Tech. This tool is found to be very much useful as it helps in decision-making, solving problems, reasoning ability as well as analytical thinking. The reliability of the Acer Test of Abstract reasoning is round 0.84 whereas validity is around 0.76. 

TAR-60 assists in assessing abstract reasoning by making it very much suitable for selection of Database Administrator, It helpdesk Operator as well as Specialist librarian. This tool is used for recruiting specialist librarian.

Data checking tests as well as data entry test are generally undertaken for testing clerical skills of the candidates who have applied for clerical level. The test is mainly undertaken in order to analyze their productivity. It is stated by () that candidates who will score better in the test will be considered more suitable for the job as it is ensured that that they can perform the operations quite effectively. It is identified that clerical tests are considered as a predictive approach that is used for predicting the performance of the candidates in context to clerical roles.

The work test validity is around 0.54 as per the analysis for all job roles. It is reflected by one of the Meta analysis that typing skills generally have operational validity of 0.45 while predicting the performance of the job.

Saville Holdworth clerical skill test is mainly used as a selection tool for data entry and data checking tests. This test is mainly designed for determining the basic skills of the candidates who have applied for various job roles. In addition to this, the applicants can also be tested ass per their speed as well as accuracy in entering various alphanumeric data. A test is also required to be conducted for measuring the validity as well as reliability of Saville Holdsworth clerical skill test in order to reveal the various respective values.

The data entry operators are generally selected as per the data entry and data checking tests. This selection tools is very much useful and thus it is mainly employed for measuring the competencies of various applicants in context to job roles.

Appropriate tools in selection process

 It is very much important to analyze the influence of personality on the performance of an applicant. As per the Big five model, conscientiousness is found to be one of the best predictor that helps in predicting job performance quite effectively. As per lock 2011, it is identified that individuals that have proper level of emotional stability can perform quite better as compared to applicants that have low level of emotional stability. In addition to this, it is identified that extraversion must have a positive correlation in context to performance for different programming job roles. Therefore, a personality test will be quite helpful in determining the suitability of the applicants for their job roles.

Occupational personality Questionnaire is considered as one of the selection tool that helps in checking the personality of an individual. It is identified that testing the validity as well as reliability with the help of Big Five personality helps in reflecting that occupational personality questionnaire have reliability within the range of 0.85 to 0.95 and operational validity within the range of 0.32 to 0.55. 

In spite of the test versatility for all job positions, it is identified that personality tests must be conducted for the database administrator, specialist librarian as well as helpdesk operator. It is found that Conscientiousness is another trait, which can be accessed of the applicants for determining their alignment for the job role.

The budget for the selection as well as recruitment procedure is provided in the table below:


Cost in $

Reviewing job requirements and tasks


Developing person and job profiles for the jobs


Determining, based on evidence, the best advertising platforms


Asking for quotations from respective advertising platforms


Developing and refining the advert (copywriting)


Placing adverts (On print and electronic media)


Placing advert on LinkedIn


Searching through LinkedIn profiles and inviting people to apply


Period to receive applications


Reviewing office space and work stations


Seeking quotations for any fixtures and fittings for the offices and workstations


Renovation and purpose setting the workstations


receiving applications and starting shortlisting process


Shortlisting LinkedIn profiles


Closing the application phase and finishing shortlisting


Evaluating progress on renovations


Placing order for fixtures and fittings


Inviting shortlisted applicants for interviews and sending regret letters to those not shortlisted


Conducting Interviews


Evaluating candidates and deciding who to recruit


Sending messages to the selected candidates


Presenting candidates


Orientation of candidates


Evaluation of project Success


Total budget


One of the crucial, but often lacking skills among Human Resources (HR) competencies is project management skills, yet these are essential for the successful management of the recruitment process. The project management principles to be applied in the recruitment exercise are driven by  the need to effectively manage a suitable time-line, manage resources and people by ensure that all stakeholders are effectively managed and kept in the communication loop, as well as develop plans for change management and evaluate the success of the entire exercise. The time-line for the exercise will be managed strictly according to the constraints of time, scope, and budget; the table below shows how the exercise will be undertaken.



 Timeline for selection and recruitment process in DataTech

 10 weeks

Reviewing job requirements and tasks

 Week 1

Developing person and job profiles for the jobs

Week 2

Determining, based on evidence, the best advertising platforms


Asking for quotations from respective advertising platforms

Week 2

Developing and refining the advert (copywriting)

Week 3

Placing adverts (On print and electronic media)

Week 3

Placing advert on LinkedIn

Week 3

Searching through LinkedIn profiles and inviting people to apply

Week 3

Period to receive applications

Week  3 and  week 4

Reviewing office space and work stations

Week 4

Seeking quotations for any fixtures and fittings for the offices and workstations

Week 4

Renovation and purpose setting the workstations

Week 4

Receiving applications and starting shortlisting process

Week 5

Shortlisting LinkedIn profiles

Week 5

Closing the application phase and finishing shortlisting

Week 6

Evaluating progress on renovations

Week 6

Placing order for fixtures and fittings

Week 7

Inviting shortlisted applicants for interviews and sending regret letters to those not shortlisted

Week 7

Conducting Interviews

Week 8

Evaluating candidates and deciding who to recruit

Week 9

Sending messages to the selected candidates

Week 9

Presenting candidates

Week 9

Orientation of candidates

Week 9

Evaluation of project Success

Week 10

While hiring employees, application numbers are not considered as the most important.  It is stated by () that more applicants helps in providing proper opportunity to the organization to select candidates from large number of applicants however, this method is considered costlier as the organization have to administer more selection as well as recruitment tests.

Recruiting yield pyramid

 Therefore, it is very much necessary for the organizations to balance of cost quite effectively by ensuring that the right individual is hired within the organization. It is found that in order to facilitate evaluation, a seven-step framework is mainly developed for assisting organizations. 

In order to elaborate the recruitment practices much more, Data Tech generally analyze the response rates to the different methods of recruitment. The applicants that are generally generated from different recruitment method helps in analyzing the response rate. In addition to this, Data Tech also helpful in observing resume of the applicants by focusing on the method of recruitment.

The method that is used for evaluating the selection process must be considered during the hired of recruitment. As there are different dates of commencement, the time that is needed for hiring each of the job can be properly scored in context to resume of the applicants.  While considering the internet recruitment method one need to consider the speed of applicant’s response. This data are generally collected can be successfully analyzed further in order to reflect the effectiveness of internet based recruitment procedure.

 By utilizing the selection contribution model, the productivity model in context to data entry operator is properly illustrated. It is provided that Data Tech needs millions documents that is required to be digitized in 2 years however the company is mainly engaged in hiring only 65 data entry operators. Therefore, it is analyzed that the applicant who can be able to perform more than average will be generally recruited. In addition to this, if also the company decides to hire more number of applicants for processing at least 120 number of forms then it will generally helpful in reducing the number of operators which would be financially advantageous for the organization.


Data Tech, having been given a contract to digitize records, employed our firm to fill various positions for the job, expected to take two years. In recruiting the staff, a robust strategy that would ensure the right candidates are reached is to be adopted. This starts with the recruitment strategy, which will be external recruiting, and the methods involving advertising using print media, using job placement agencies, and using LinkedIn for the leadership positions. The strategy used will entail evidence based recruiting, especially when using LinkedIn. To ensure the process flows smoothly, project management principles are to be used, with a project time-line of ten weeks, and with a budget of $ 48120 that is within the limit of $ 50000. The exercse will be evaluated for success using metrics and project evaluation methods involving quantitative and qualitative analyses.

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