Security Issues In Healthcare Networks: A Critical Review

The Significance of Network Devices and Architecture in Healthcare

Information is one most important part for any organization and business industry and it is observed that the security issue of computer networks is growing very fast. Healthcare is a big platform and it uses wireless technologies to communicate with their patients [1]. The main aim of this paper is to describe the concept of networks devices and architecture of healthcare network. Any health care system collect a large amount of data and it is not possible to control and monitor complete information of any patient for which many hospitals and medicals adopt internet of thing which can control electronic medical records. This report is explaining the significance of computer network and devices in the field of healthcare and potential threats and challenges faced by the network and wireless technologies. In many healthcare systems security is controlled by the firewall and robust technique because they reduce unauthenticated users and traffic signals from computer [2].

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A healthcare information system is defined as a process which can capture, store, and control information of any patient and nurses. They use wireless sensor networks and local area networks to interconnect two or more peripheral devices at a time. LAN is used to enable the use of internal information technology solution and it provides communication between various networks [3]. The architecture of healthcare network is defined as physical properties of any network that develop communication system between patients and hospitals and also implement various kinds of medical processes. Wireless technologies change the way of communication and it also improves electronic medical records and treatment systems [4]. Any healthcare network consists of different types of networks devices and components, for example, routers, hubs, switches, bridges, servers, and firewall [5].

It is defined as a computer network which is used to transfer data packets from one location to another with the help of connecting wires. The main function of this device is that it passes data sets from the computer device to the receiver circuit. One router is connected from two or more communication networks with the help of data lines and when any data packet comes in one of data link then it reads al information and identifies unwanted signals [5].

A network hub is defined as a process which is used to interconnect two or more computer networks hosts. It is also used to transfer data or information from one location to another [6]. The information is moved in terms of bundles on a PC arrange. So when a host sends an information bundle to a system center point, the centre point duplicates the information parcel to the majority of its ports associated with. Like this, every one of the ports thinks about the information and the port for whom the parcel is expected, claims the bundle.

Security Issues in Healthcare Networks

It also works at the layer of local area network and it is an advanced version of the hub which can improve the performance of communication system. There are many healthcare and hospital which are using this type of network devices because it can identify unwanted signals move from transmitter [6]. Therefore, for a small network it hubs can be used but for large computer network hubs are not suitable for which this type of equipment can be utilized. However, when any data packet is received at any location then a filtration process is used by which users can identify any unauthorized signals.

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It is the more interesting type of network devices and it is very important for daily life communication. Any computer system produces signals in the form of binary data and they are transferred from the transmitter to the receiver with the help of data links. The modem is a combination of modulation and demodulation which is used to improve the strength of an input signal and demodulate the signal at the receiver section [7].

It is a kind of software which is used as a protection process in healthcare networks and it has the capability to reduce cyber-attacks. There are many hackers they produce botnet and flooding process by which they can enter into personal servers of healthcare and reduce this type of problem information technology developed software which is called as firewall [8]. When any user installs this software in their computer and network devices then it checks complete communication process and if any unwanted traffic occurs into network then it gives a notification on desktop screen.

The server is a kind of method which provides a platform to share or receive any file from users and it is generally used in a computer system to deliver services. There are mainly two types of computing servers used in the healthcare network, for example, a file server and print server [9].

There are many advanced technologies adopted by health care networks such as the internet of thing, wireless technologies, and cloud-based services. They also provide various serves to their patients and customers like home automation, pocket wallet, control their operation with the help of smartphones. The ongoing advancement in the medicinal services is the utilization of square chain offices that aides in controlling the information [9]. Web of therapeutic things is the other improvement that helped social insurance IT frameworks to speak with one another [4]. A portion of the new gadgets are accessible that aides in following and sharing the information just by being associated through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. These advancements help in expanding the speed and offer remote checking that builds responsibility of patients by offering precise outcomes as opposed to depending upon the manual reports. The robotization additionally diminishes human endeavours and builds versatility by offering a total based on an input circle that patient results can be moved forward [10].

Proposed Solutions to Healthcare Network Security

Security of data is very important for all the social insurance arranges as it stores classified and private data of a patient which ought not to be spilled. On the off chance that security rupture happens patients may not feel secure in accepting the consideration they require [11]. It is imperative to keep up the security of the considerable number of information in the social insurance arrange as it might enable access to unapproved client and furthermore enable contenders to utilize the information [2]. Thus, it is vital for the social insurance experts to utilize shrewd techniques to avert information ruptures and keep patients data private [6].

Denial of service attack

It is the very serious problem for any computer networks because hackers attack in user personal server by which they can lose their data or information. In the year 2016, thousands of human computers are hacked by attacks and it is identified that they send spam emails and messages to users [8]. Many healthcare systems also received this type of unwanted signals in their network and websites by which data of any patient can be lost.

Ransomware attack

It is a significant issue that is looked at in social insurance organize. It is a malware that has caused major issues in the activities and administrations. They utilize the touchy data through some different doors. Getting to the data through unapproved implies causes security break [3]. They enter in the framework and access eth records with no learning. It refreshes the data with no notice that may make false data about the patient. Payoff product is one such assault that keeps the organization to get to the records of substantial clients [11]. This is an issue as the approved client can’t get to the data and programmers utilize the scrambled data.


The phishing assaults have expanded in the ongoing occasions as it hazards the general social insurance businesses. In the report, it was discovered that email connections are utilized to exchange medicinal services records to patients. Subsequently, these have expanded because of phishing as it catches all the individual data alongside login accreditations [4]. From the report, it was discovered that national wellbeing data sharing and investigation focus have expanded the danger of deceitful messages. Hence, these phishing assaults can be expelled with the goal that every user use proper configuration method and adopt authentic servers with valid license key [12].

There are flowing steps given by information and technologies by which any healthcare network can avoid the issue of ransom ware, DOS and other security threats.

  • For large network use number of routers and hosts
  • Use valid license key at the time of configuration
  • Reduce the use of a simple password system
  • Patients can use cloud-based services
  • Use proper intrusion systems and biometric recognition process
  • Limited login attempts
  • Produce monthly report and guide their employees to download antivirus in their computers [12].


Security is a very dangerous problem for any organization and community and it is observed that users use their private accounts and companies servers in another computer by which they lose their privacy. Any healthcare network uses various kinds of peripheral devices to communicate with patients and treatment equipment’s for example, routers, switches, hubs, and firewall which are described in this report. If any healthcare uses limited login attempts and adopts security plans by which they can reduce various cyber-crimes. Consumers should identify unwanted signals and fraud emails and take action immediately because hackers use the very complex algorithm due to which they can encrypt their private servers.


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