Security And Privacy In Cloud Computing: Challenges And Solutions

Challenges and problems in cloud computing.

What Is The Security And Privacy In Cloud Computing?

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What Are The Possible Security Challenges In Cloud Computing?

What Are The Measures Taken To Control The Security Issues In Cloud Computing?

The cloud computing is a field of technology where the users are enabled to have access to various computing resources which includes the computers in a network, servers ,devices for storing data, application programs and the various services.

The cloud computing enables the users to access those facilities very conveniently and less effort is required to manage them since they are only accessible remotely through the internet connections only.

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Through this technology the user is able to perform some computing work where he is given privileges of storing and doing the data processing as well where they do it if they either have private clouds services or even in other servers belonging to the third parties which are situated in the various data centers and therefore this improves the efficiency and reliability in terms of the data accessibility.

Therefore the cloud computing mainly enhances the ability to share the computer resources in order to made the computing activity more economical and improve the resources utilities.

Therefore through cloud computing the users are able to minimize the operation cost and makes the entrepreneurs to achieve their core goals since they don’t spend more money to setup computer infrastructures nor do they spend on the costs of maintenance

The cloud computing is highly affected by the insecurity issues in the services delivery ,however the privacy is another major issue that is related to clouds computing ,below are some of the challenges of the cloud computing.

The users of the cloud computing has little control over their data ,especially when the users transfers their data to the remote cloud based servers, therefore the data remains unprotected since the cloud server vendors do not give the clients privileges of controlling their data directly .

The loss of the data by the clients is among the worst threat in the field of cloud computing ,there are various instances that the clients end up losing their data and this affects highly their business processes where the most sensitive information happen to be stolen  while in the cloud servers.

The cloud server has an infrastructure which is mainly in distributed form and thus the data of the clients might end up being stored in various servers in different locations geographically and thus it becomes an issue to the users due to the set regulation rules set for them locally concerning their storage of data since the laws set locally might end up being violated because of the nature of the cloud servers which is dynamic.

Relevant Technologies

The cloud computing technology has a challenge with the data security ,this is because the details of the servers storing the clients data is not disclosed to the clients and no prove or facts that are provided to assure the clients on the safety of their data.

The cloud computing provide the data abstraction of the data provided by the users using the physical constraints, this virtualization is however done in computing resources like the operating system, network, memories and storage devices.

This is a situation where the cloud vendors store the data of various users in the same hard drives to cut on cost, therefore many resources in computation end up being shared by many users and client which could lead to interference of the client’s data integrity.

However using this multi-tenants storage they have common security measures and this can cause the clients data being compromised.

In the cloud computing the management is a big challenge, this is because there are chances of the vendors having a team of employees who are malicious insiders and they might end up violating the clients data.

In most instances the challenge of management are not much technical and this prevents management of the technical issues together.

Using the cloud technology however requires the managers to be skilled enough but not having general operations and this end up making the management more complicated and risky in organizations using the cloud technology.

However the managers are also restricted from having the direct access to the computational data and the other types of resources stored in the cloud servers.

The information technology is currently growing very fast where many technology are being introduced among them is cloud technology which is set to use the internet which is highly being adopted by many companies and businesses (Thomas, 2015).

The cloud computing however utilizes the ability to do computer facilities outsourcing; therefore it enables the clients to make use of applications which are stored in remote cloud servers.

The cloud server provides the services to the users and the clients do not require caring for things like the storage space power sources and other resources required.

The cloud computing is however implemented using the various technologies as below.

This is a technology used by the cloud computing and it is used in the hosting of infrastructures which entails the hardware ,programs, the server and storage media ,however it provided the clients with the data back-ups ,maintain data security and ensure the system is maintained.

Applications of the Cloud computing

This is a technology where the cloud computing provides the users with access of the programs which includes the browsers and the clients are able to use them very easily.

This is another cloud computing technology that through it the users are able to do the development, running, and management of the application programs where the clients don’t have to labor much in program codes writing, finding the storage space and other hardware as well, however some of the paas are managed by the vendors while some are hosted in servers which are private and are managed by the clients themselves.

The cloud computing is one of the fields which are termed to be the best in the field of computing where it is effective way of cutting on costs ,improved flexibilities and optimization in terms of  utilizing the computing resources .

Below are some of the applications of the cloud computing:

The cloud computing is used to do the development of the applications and also their testing which will cut on the budget for development since there is no extra resources needed by the clients .

This reduces  need to do installations or further configuration of  the development environment which provides the resources which are virtual by nature.

The cloud computing has a great ability to hold and do analysis of  large amount of data which are in various forms ,therefore the technology gives the clients ability to extract some meaningful information obtained from a very huge set of the data  (Rajkumar, 2014).

The cloud computing technology had the ability to do the storage of file and allows the clients to access them as well where they access the stored file by help of the web based applications.

These website interfaces have various qualities since they are highly available, of high speed ,scalable ,and provides the required security in the clients environments.

However while using the cloud computing the clients do not have worry since the only expense incurred is only for the files storage space and no any other expenditure like the maintenance costs and so on.

The cloud computing is also used in the discovery of the system disasters that may arise to the institutions local systems this ensures that the organizations recover their assets with ease where few steps are involved and low cost is incurred.

The cloud computing had simplified the backing up of data since the tradition times the process was costly, time consuming and very tedious where the clients used to buy the backup media which was quite expensive, however the cloud computing enables the clients to backup the data automatically for the clients, this data will be used in case the clients looses their data.

The discussion concerning  the cloud computing security issues  was vital since the cloud computing is a major technology and uses major standards ,however the main issues discussed is the various technologies used in the implementation of the cloud computing where we found they are three like the Iaas,saas and paas technologies.

However we noted there are various limitations that faces the success of the cloud computing which included chances of loss of data ,lack of control and the breaching of the clients data by some malicious users.

Then it is clear that the cloud technologies are also involved with various applications which includes the easy backup ,ease in storage of files and enable clients to recover from disasters with ease.

According to the research that I conducted the information provided by the peers is fully accurate since my contribution as also about the same issues which were as follows.

The cloud computing mainly used technologies are the Iaas,saas and paas ,however there were number of challenges faced in the cloud computing which were  loss of data ,lack of control and the breaching of the clients data by some malicious users (John, 2014).

The cloud computing also has a number of applications which were the easy backup, ease in storage of files and enabling the clients to recover from disasters with ease.

Important issue that was not addressed.

The issue of cloud computing which is not discussed is the issue relating to the measures to be taken to control the security issues in the cloud computing which is very important.

The issues relating to the control measure taken to control the security issues is very vitals since it enables the  clients and the vendors how to cater for various aspects like :

  1. How to enforce the privacy in the user’s data storages.
  2. How to enforce security to the user’s data during the runtime.
  3. How to enforce data privacies during its transmission through the networks.
  4. The type of the authentications and authorizations required for data access.

The cloud security and privacy is one of the major roles in the field of computing however the issue of control of the issues of insecurity has various impacts which includes the following:

  1. Maintenance of the data integrity. This is where the data due to the security instilled is not interfered with and thus the data maintains its originality.
  2. Prevent data loss. Through the data security measures the chance of losing the data is very low and thus the business owners do not need to in cure more expense in data recovery .
  3. Control of the breach of the data and information. This is where the security measures taken will eventually hider the malicious people from interfering with data of the clients or causing any alterations (Judith , 2016)..

From the research conducted about the cloud computing there are various observations and lessons that I learnt, these lessons can be summarized as below point.

  1. The cloud computing technology is one of the best technologies since it is used to offer services to the clients at a relatively low cost where no extra expense is incurred.
  2. The cloud computing is associated with various challenges since it have some limitations to the clients since they lack full control of their data, there are chance of breach of the data and also the clients are at risk of losing their data.
  3. The cloud computing can be improved by improving the data security and also giving the clients more privileges to access the data


Judith ,H.(2016).Cloud Computing For Dummies, Australia:

John Wiley & Sons.

John,R.(2014).Cloud Computing Explained, U.K:

Recursive the Limited.

Rajkumar ,B.(2014).Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms

 (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing),Australia: Wiley-Blackwell.

Thomas,E.(2015).Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture,

U.S: Prentice Hall

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