Sales And Marketing: Realm Of Tourism Industry

Discuss about the Sales and Marketing for Realm of Tourism Industry.

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William Blue Resort has already created an impression in the realm of tourism industry. The student staffs of William Blue Resort like to provide an effective customer service by making a strong communication with the service users of various cultural backgrounds. This particular organization provides live training to the students in this particular industry. Quality service with affordable price range is the primary mission of this particular organization. People from different geographical area can use the service process of this particular organization. The service providers are comfortable enough to interact with the people of various attitudes. As a result, people from different attitudes and religious backgrounds feel comfortable to stay in this resort. The effective customer service system of William Blue Resort has made this organization distinct from other resorts. 

William Blue Resort, located in Airlie Beach, primarily aims to reach the level of 85% occupancy for satisfying the demands of target customers. In order to spread the image of William Blue Resort in different corners of World, the marketing professionals of William Blue Resort have decided to focus on 4ps of marketing mix primarily such as product, place, price and promotion in order to reach their name to the doorstep of the target customers. This particular part has focused to prepare a marketing plan of William Blue Resort to create a demand of their products and services (, 2016). Customer satisfaction is the primary vision of this organization. Thus, with the upgrading demands and needs of the customers William Blue likes to change their organizational strategy and policy for drawing the attention of customers in the current market.


Calculation Method

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Distribution Channels

Travel Agents: 

William Blue has made an effective contract with some of the renowned travel agents such as 2 Travel Pvt Ltd, M travel, 2UK, 303 World Cruises and so on.

 2nd  August 2016

The primary responsibility of those travel agencies is to recommend their customers for using the service process of William Blue. In return, those agencies get a certain amount of commission from William Blue.

Tour Operators: 

Tourism operators like CIT Holidays, Infinity Holidays, AOT Holidays and have made a contract with William Blue (Turnbull & Valla, 2013).

5th August

Based on the contract, these tourism operators tend to refer their customers to William Blue for using the effective service process of this particular organization (Wilson & Gilligan, 2012). In return, the operators get necessary facilities and benefits from William Blue.   

Online Intermediaries: 

Some of the popular intermediaries such as, webjet Australia, flight centre,, decide to make a contract with William Blue. 

8th august

Those online intermediaries play major responsibilities in order to promote the facilities and benefits of William Blue.

William Blue Website: 

The official website of William Blue promotes the service and products of this organization. As a result, people before using the service of William Blue, can get the scope to acquire an in-depth knowledge about the service procedure of this organization (Glanz, Bader & Iyer, 2012).    

10th August

The responsibility of the official website of William Blue is to provide a clear knowledge and information about the service benefits of William Blue.


Apart from those factors mentioned above, William Blue has made a deal with numerous travel operators of Asian country in order to expand their entire business process effectively.

15th August

Those tourism operators of Asia have made an effective promotion of William Blue for promoting the business policies and strategies of this particular organization.  William Blue has made a business partnership with those organizations for making a business expansion effectively.  







(What are you doing? How will it work? Who’s the target? When will it run? Who’s responsible?)

Sales Promotion

The organization intends to provide discount price for the local residents. For an example family package: 2 adults with 2 children

September to January

Marketing sales executives are the responsible persons

Personal Selling

Sales represent visiting inbound tour operators from most of the Asian Countries. The market executives should target countries of Asia such a China, Malaysia, Indonesia in order to provide maintain their personal selling process.



Marketing sales executives are the responsible persons

Public Relations

The public relation executives prepare press release in order to circulate those in the Asian newspaper. Journalists can be requested to publish editorial features on the budget of resort that trains the students while providing quality services.


Public relation managers are the responsible persons


Using the popularity of media is one of the most effective tools of promoting the business process. The areas that should be selected for making effective promotional activities are Sidney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

April to June

Advertising department of William Blue are responsible



Official website has been created for providing upcoming offers and package facilities. In the website, a detailed information regarding the resort pictures, videos and documents have been provided. In the website of William Blue, the conference page, wedding pages are available in order to get an in-depth knowledge for the clients about the service process of William Blue. Online wedding co-ordinators can communicate with the service providers of this particular resort through online.


Website designers are the responsible person

Emerging Technology

Social media, Surveillance technology are the emerging technology for making the products and services more popular. Various social media sites have been used such as facebook, twitter, intagram, youtube and numerous mobile app

June to September

IT experts of William Blue are the responsible persons




Sales promotion



Personal selling



Public relations






Website (including photography)



Emerging technology










Promotional Tools


Method of evaluation success

Sales Promotion

William Blue has decided to increase 500 rooms for night accommodation within one year.

Sales promotion can be evaluated by conducting an effective market survey (Griskevicius, Cantú & Vugt, 2012). 







Personal Selling

Personal selling can also be increased 20% within one year

Personal selling process can be increased by enhancing the target customers from different geographical areas.




Public Relations

PR relation of William Blue is undoubtedly good and recognizable. Still the organization can enhance their enhance PR activities 10% within one year.

The service provides and student staffs should entertain the customers from various cultural attitudes and backgrounds (Papadopoulos & Heslop, 2014).


The advertising should be enhanced more than 50% in order to spread the business in the international market.

Advertising can be evaluated by utilizing the popularity of media. This organization should follow the platforms of digital media to make the business more popular in various multinational countries.


The website availability should be increased 20% more for making the business expansion.

The technological department of William Blue has decided to launch more websites to provide detailed information about the service process of this particular organization.

Social Media / Emerging Technologies

The Utilization of the effectiveness of social media or various other advanced technologies can be increased 30% within one year.

By using various social media sites such as facebook, twitter, intagram, youtube and numerous mobile app, the managers of William Blue can reach the doorstep of international customers.

Research Objectives and Strategy


Customer Satisfaction

The objective of customer satisfaction is to determine the areas of improvement. Customer satisfaction is the only way to render the success of an organization. Therefore, the student staffs should provide an effective service to the customers in order to fulfil their needs and demands (Rondinelli, 2013).

Student Staff Satisfaction

Reserarch objectives of staff satisfaction are to determine whether training provided to the staff students meets the business expectation. In order to get the best services and efforts, student staff satisfaction is highly important (Sah & Fugh‐Berman, 2013). Providing necessary facilities to the students are the ways of satisfying student staffs. 

Target Markets

Research objective of selecting target market is to identify the area of customer origin. Organization like William Blue has to set a target market to segregate the demands of the customers (Taken Smith, 2012). As per their demands, the organizational has to plan business strategy and policy.








Increasing booking group from Asia

Need to maintain an effective relationship with the Asian market with the help of Public relation


For Marketing Department use Only:

This Marketing Action Plan has been reviewed and approved in accordance with William Blue Resort’s operational policy.





Director of Sales & Marketing

William Blue Resort



Reference List:

Cairns, G., Angus, K., Hastings, G., & Caraher, M. (2013). Systematic reviews of the evidence on the nature, extent and effects of food marketing to children. A retrospective summary. Appetite, 62, 209-215.

David, F., & David, F. R. (2016). Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases.

Glanz, K., Bader, M. D., & Iyer, S. (2012). Retail grocery store marketing strategies and obesity: an integrative review. American journal of preventive medicine, 42(5), 503-512.

Griskevicius, V., Cantú, S. M., & Vugt, M. V. (2012). The evolutionary bases for sustainable behavior: Implications for marketing, policy, and social entrepreneurship. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 31(1), 115-128.

Papadopoulos, N., & Heslop, L. A. (2014). Product-country images: Impact and role in international marketing. Routledge.

Rondinelli, D. A. (2013). Development projects as policy experiments: An adaptive approach to development administration. Routledge.

Sah, S., & Fugh‐Berman, A. (2013). Physicians under the influence: social psychology and industry marketing strategies. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 41(3), 665-672.

Taken Smith, K. (2012). Longitudinal study of digital marketing strategies targeting Millennials. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(2), 86-92.

Turnbull, P. W., & Valla, J. P. (Eds.). (2013). Strategies for international industrial marketing. Routledge.

Wilson, R. M., & Gilligan, C. (2012). Strategic marketing management. Routledge. (2016). Test d, ‘William Blue | Courses In Sydney, Brisbane & Online’ (William Blue, 2016) <> accessed 19 August 2016

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