Safety Traffic Co. Case Study: Employee Relations Proposal And Conflict Management


The purpose of this report is to resolve the issues that are being currently faced by the traffic controllers of Safety Traffic Co. Their pay is well below the industry standards and they are not being able to avail the rest and meal breaks that they are entitled to.

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This shall cover the allegations of the traffic controllers against the organization and shall arrive a solution regarding the management of the conflict by raising the pay and reducing the workload.

Since recently, the Operations Manager of Safety Traffic Co. has been receiving an increased number of complaints from traffic controllers about low wages and inadequate break hours. The dissatisfaction is especially acute among the frontline workers. The site supervisors have been reporting about traffic controllers collectively deciding to go for a strike if their situation is not alleviated soon enough. This report shall seek to address the current state of discontentment among the traffic controllers and devise better approach towards conflict management.


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The following terminologies need further definitions in order to make them context specific:

  1. Traffic Controllers: Individuals who are responsible for management of traffic on the sites for Safety Traffic Co.
  2. Site Supervisors: Supervisory staff assigned to each site in order to monitor the activities of the traffic controllers.
  3. Induction Process: The formal procedure through which workers shall be oriented with the standard methodologies in the work.


Currently, there exist no formal onsite agreement between the organization and the traffic controllers it hires. They are recruited on the basis of a verbal agreement according to the Building and Construction Onsite Award, 2010. However, in face of the rising complaints from the workers, because of the above-mentioned conditions, the company policy for traffic controllers have to be reviewed in context of the legislative framework. The union representatives of the traffic controllers have decided to take their grievance against the Fair Work Commission in order to resolve the matter. The Fair Work Act of 2009 indeed lays down payment standards for jobs on an hourly basis. And Safety Traffic Co.’s current level of payment is well below the industry standard. Therefore, the organization is violating the legislative provision.


A formal induction process has to be designed for traffic controllers that shall be hired and those existing currently. This can only be formulated conclusively after a bilateral discussion regarding the issues have been carried out. However, from the organization’s point of view, certain standards have to be maintained in order to ensure that the legislative framework is conformed to.

  • The induction process of the workers shall include a written agreement regarding the wages that shall be offered that the rest hours that each worker is entitled to according to the legislative provisions of the country.
  • There should be a training program conducted that shall make the prospective traffic controllers familiar with the standard methodologies regarding the handling of traffic and resolving problems on the road that might arise in their day to day work.
  • The training can take place through videos or else manuals can be handed over to them which they are expected to learn and follow.
  • A formal process through which traffic controllers can report their grievances directly to the management has to be devised.
  • Safety tools shall have to be handed to the controllers before they start work and they shall have to be provided with safety manuals.

The following checklist tool shall help in providing the required information and training in the induction process:

Serial No.

Items to Check



Has the formal agreement been made?



Have the helmet, boots and other safety equipment been provided?



Has the safety manual been provided?



Has the training procedure completed?



Have you been made familiar with the grievance procedure?


The organization has created many protocols in order to ensure the proper implementation of the procedure. The above checklist is used to maintain the organization within legislative parameters. The protocols have been created in accordance to the laws that safeguard the rights of the workers. Moreover, the HR department has been expanded in order to be receptive to the plight of the traffic controllers.


External details:

The Safety Traffic co. should abide by all the legislative means and industry standards in order to carry with their further operation and implement the safety plans and others. The company should make proper arrangements for breaks and rewards and taking safety steps as per the guidelines of Fair Works Act of 2009 and review the Building and Construction Onsite Award, 2010. Proper official documentation has to be maintained for hiring staffs and workplace safety has to be ensured as per Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth), Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) and the Work Health and Safety Regulations Act 2011 (NSW).


This document has been issued by the Human Resource Manager of Safety Traffic Co. in the interest of the traffic controllers.

 Formal Report to the Operational Manager, Ashley

This part mainly deals with the writing of a report to the operational manager in order to develop a plan for managing the grievances that have come up in the current scenario. They need to be addressed keeping in line with the organization policies and procedures. Further, a collective agreement shall be negotiated and implemented in accordance to the details which shall also be mentioned in the report.

The disputes and relevant actions:

The organization is suffering from a complex situation. Disputes have arisen due to uneven and low payments made to the traffic controllers. It has been complained by many of the traffic controllers that they are extremely low paid and the payments are often no match to the scale of payments maintained by the other companies in the following industry.  In reference to the notes you have kept, most of the traffic controllers have to work more than 40 hours a week, including the day shifts and the weekend shifts. A total of 1 hours 10 minutes’ break (10 minutes break in the morning, 30 minutes’ lunch break and 30 minutes for break on overtime shifts) is allotted for the Traffic controllers as per the Building and Construction General On-site Award, 2010.

However, in practical action, no adherence to the mentioned awards are being taken upon. The health conditions of many of the traffic controllers have also deteriorated due to this. The payments are also made in accordance to the Building and Construction General On-site Award, 2010. In the current scenario, no formal work agreements exist between that of the traffic controllers and the company. The new members are hired on verbal basis and paid in accordance to the payments that are mentioned in the award.


The crude and informal method of hiring the traffic controllers, absence of their job security, inadequate breaks given and less payments made to them have all ignited turmoil among the traffic controllers. They have also decided to declare a strike if revisions are made to their payments. The case of payments, breaks, work hours and work safety and security comes under the vicinity of Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth), Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) and the Work Health and Safety Regulations Act 2011 (NSW).

The key parties involved in the dispute are the three site supervisors and the traffic controllers whom he overheard talking about declaring a strike if the payments and working conditions were not reviewed by the company.  Another character is Jo, a disgruntled traffic controller from whom you (Ashley) got a mail regarding the fact that the controller had discussed about the case with the Union Representative and is fully ready to put forth his grievance before the Fair Work Commission so that payments and other conditions of the work gets improved somehow.

It can be said that positive actions have to be taken in order to avoid the strike and potential industrial action. The payments have to be revised and they have to be made as per the industry median. More traffic controllers have to be hired on formal basis in order to reduce the workload on the existing traffic controllers. In order to stop the Jo from taking actions and the possible strike, the legislations and the aforementioned acts have to be checked in order to know about the award and payments that have to be made to the traffic controllers and the safety measures that have to be taken in order to make the work environment healthy and satisfactory. This can be done after verifying about the reliability of disputes from the trusted supervisors of the company. Addition, some agents have to be hired who shall visit the sites and gather data regarding grievances from the traffic controllers.

Communication has to be established with traffic controllers (by calling Jo for a meeting with you and then, sharing them with the direct contact number of the Operation and HR Manager and) in order to inform them about convocation and negotiate with them about the revised payments that shall be made henceforth. A meeting has to be called inviting over representatives of the fair work commissions and other employer associations in order to legally revise the payments and give formal confirmation regarding their proper follow up in the company.  Their advices have to be taken and legal paperwork has to be made in order to make formal agreements with all the traffic controllers. The payments shall be revised keeping in mind both welfare of company and the employees.

External Details


The collective agreement shall be implemented by calling a formal meeting and convocation programme. Further, in order to ensure adherence to the agreed actions and to avoid non-compliance, weekly feedback has to be taken from the traffic controllers by directly calling them over phones. This shall ensure proper follow up of the collective agreement.

Role play with transcript part

Me (Ashley, Operation Manager): “After reading the report it has become clear to me that communication has to be established with the traffic controllers in order to know about the actual issues and the inconvenience that they are facing at work. Apart from the traffic controllers, training should also be imparted upon the site supervisors as they are in direct association with the traffic controllers. They should be adroit enough to handle conflicts that might arise on site.

Further, I would also like to say that the wages should be set only after proper consultation with the workers and the HR department has to be made more active so that they can engage with employee issues more thoroughly. It is only hoped that procedure devised be successful in resolving all the problems that have arisen with respect to the traffic controllers.”  

Joe (Employee): “I would also like to say that the Traffic supervisors are pretty harsh on us. They do not properly listen to or complaints and try to subdue us when we try to demand our agreed upon awards.  I think you should take steps against them and take a step in order to monitor their actions and demeanor towards us. We should be able to report you directly to your phone number (as many of the traffic controllers are not highly educated and they are not capable of writing formal mails every time to you when they face any issue) and report our grievances regarding work and the supervisors and it should be deemed that all the responses shall be made timely and grievances shall get resolved properly.

I would consider that these thing will be followed in future, our payments will be revised each year and there will be terms for our gratuity and PPF. Further, extra payments will be made on overtimes. I would also like to see new traffic controllers being hired for sharing our job load. Or else, surely this time, I am going to lodge a formal complaint to the Fair Work Commission regarding this matter.

Kay (HR Manager): “Yes, agreed. It has to be made into a formal agreement and harmony of the organization restored.”  

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